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Analysis MAA102 - BX26

Tutorial XII.

Taylor Expansions

Exercise 1. Assume that the function f : R → R and the function g : R → R admit

at x = 0 the following Taylor expansions

f (x) = x + 2x2 + x3 + x3 η(x) and g(x) = −x3 + 3x4 + x4 θ(x).

for some functions η and θ satisfying

lim η(x) = 0 and lim θ(x) = 0.

x→0 x→0

Find, at x = 0, the Taylor expansions of the following functions at the highest possible

(i) f + g, (ii) f g, (iii) f ◦ g, (iv) g◦f and (v) g/f.

Exercise 2. Compute the Taylor expansion at order 2 at the point x = 0 for the following
x 7→ ex cos x and x 7→ ecos x−1 .

Exercise 3. Compute the Taylor expansion of the function x 7→ ln x at order 3, at x = 1

and x = 2. Deduce from this the Taylor expansion of the function x 7→ ln(x + 1), at
order 3 at x = 0 and x = 1.

Exercise 4. We give three different methods to obtain the Taylor expansion at order 5
of the function x 7→ arcsin x, at x = 0.

(i) Justify why the function x 7→ arcsin x admits a Taylor expansion at any order, at
x = 0.

(ii) Write

arcsin x = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + a4 x4 + a5 x5 + x5 η(x).

where the function η tends to 0 as x tends to 0. Prove without any computation that
a0 = a2 = a4 = 0.

(iii) Compute, for n = 1 to 5, the n-th derivative of the function x 7→ arcsin x. Using
this, find the Taylor expansion at order 5 of the function x 7→ arcsin x, at x = 0.
(iv) Compute the Taylor expansion of the function x 7→ √ at order 2, at x = 0.
Deduce from this the Taylor expansion of the function x 7→ arcsin x at order 5 at x = 0.
Hint: Compute the derivative of x 7→ arcsin x.

(v) Compute the Taylor’s expansion at order 5 of the function x 7→ sin x at x = 0. Using
the fact that arcsin(sin x) = x, deduce from this the Taylor’s expansion at order 5 of the
function x 7→ arcsin x at x = 0.

Exercise 5. Using the Taylor expansions of the ”classical” functions, compute the Tay-
lor expansions of:
(i) The function x 7→ at order 6, at x = 0.
1 + x2
(ii) The function x 7→ at order 4, at x = 0.
1 + x + x2
(iii) The function x 7→ sin x cos(2x) at order 6, at x = 0;
Å ã
sin x
(iv) The function x 7→ ln at order 5, at x = 0.
(v) The function x 7→ arccos x at order 4, at x = 0.

(vi) The function x 7→ ln x at order 4 at x = 1.

(vii) The function x 7→ exp(sin x) at order 4, at x = π/2.

Taylor’s Expansions and limits

Exercise 6. Compute (if they exist) the following limits:

2 √
ex − cos x cos x − 1 − x2
lim and lim .
x→0, x̸=0 x2 x→0, x̸=0 x4

Exercise 7. (i) Give the Taylor expansion at order 4 of the function x 7→ cos x +
(sin x)2 at the point 0.
(ii) Compute the limit
cos x + 12 (sin x)2 − 1
lim .
x→0, x̸=0 x4

Exercise 8. Compute (if it exists),

Å ã
1 1
lim − .
x→0, x̸=0 x2 sin2 x

Exercise 9. We consider the function f defined by

ln (1 + x)
f (x) := ,
for x > −1, x ̸= 0.

(i) Prove that the function f can be extended by continuity at x = 0 (the function
extended by continuity at x = 0 will still be denoted by f ).

(ii) Prove that the function

g : x 7→ (1 + x)1/x ,
defined for x > −1, x ̸= 0, can be extended by continuity at x = 0 and admits a Taylor
expansion at order 2 at x = 0.

(iii) Prove that

1 n
ÅÅ ã Å ãã
2 1
lim n 1+ −e 1− ,
n→∞ n 2n
exists and compute its value.

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