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1) Emily (work) __________ on a new project these days, and she (enjoy)

__________ it a lot.

2) Last night, while I (watch) __________ TV, the power suddenly (go) __________

3) We (not/ see) __________ each other for ages! I (miss) __________ you so

4) I (just/ finish) __________ my homework, so now I'm free to go out with you.

5) While I (clean) __________ the attic, I (find) __________ some old photographs.

6) Next year, I (visit) __________ Australia. I (always/ want) __________ to see the
Great Barrier Reef.
7) She (wait) __________ for the bus for half an hour when it finally (arrive)
8) Sarah usually (go) __________ to the gym three times a week, but today she
(stay) __________ home because she (feel) __________ tired.

9) At 2 PM tomorrow, I (meet) __________ my friend for lunch. We (plan)

__________ this last week.

10) Before I (move) __________ to this city, I (live) __________ in a small town. Life
there (be) __________ very different.

11) She (just/ finish) __________ her book, so now she (start) __________ reading
a new one.

12) They (travel) __________ to many countries, but they (never/ visit) __________
13) While I (study) __________ for my exam, my roommate (watch) __________ TV
in the living room now.

14) Every morning, I (have) __________ toast and coffee for breakfast, but today
I (eat) __________ cereal instead.

15) By the time she (arrive) __________ at the airport, the plane (already/leave)

16) Last night, I (read) __________ a book when the phone (ring) __________. It
(be) __________ my friend who (call) __________ to invite me to a party.

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