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1. Can you please tell me a bit about yourself, including your age, occupation, and general media
consumption habits?

Understanding OTT Platforms:

1. Can you describe your typical media consumption habits, including the platforms you use and the
types of content you prefer?
2. How have your media consumption habits changed over the past few years?
3. How familiar are you with over-the-top (OTT) platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.?
4. What are the primary reasons you use OTT platforms for content consumption?
5. Describe your typical usage pattern on OTT platforms (frequency, duration, preferred genres, etc.)?

Comparison with Traditional Media:

1. How often do you consume content from traditional media sources such as television and cinema?
2. In what ways do you perceive OTT platforms to be different from traditional media formats?
3. Are there specific types of content that you prefer to watch on traditional media platforms compared
to OTT platforms? If so, what are they and why?
4. How has the rise of OTT platforms influenced your movie-watching habits, especially in comparison
to going to the cinema?

Changing Consumption Patterns:

1. Have you noticed any changes in your media consumption habits over the past few years? If yes, can
you describe them?
2. Do you think OTT platforms have influenced your consumption patterns regarding traditional media
formats? If yes, how?
3. How do you think the rise of OTT platforms has impacted the overall media landscape in terms of
content diversity and accessibility?
4. Are there specific genres or formats that you feel are better suited to one platform over the other?
5. What types of content do you prefer to watch on OTT platforms compared to traditional media?

Societal Implications:
1. In your opinion, what role do OTT platforms play in shaping societal trends and cultural norms?
2. How do you think the availability of content on OTT platforms has affected societal discussions on
topics like diversity, representation, and censorship?
3. Do you believe OTT platforms have contributed to the democratization of media content?
4. Do you believe there is a difference in production values between content on OTT platforms and
traditional television or cinema?

Subscription Models:
1. How do you feel about the subscription model of OTT platforms compared to traditional cable or
satellite TV subscriptions?
2. Do you think the cost & convenience of OTT subscriptions impact your media consumption choices?
3. Describe your positive/negative experience (if any) with subscription-based OTT platforms.

Future Outlook:
1. Where do you see the future of media consumption heading, considering the growing prominence of
OTT platforms?
2. What changes or improvements would you like to see in OTT platforms or traditional media formats
to better cater to audience needs and preferences?
3. How do you think traditional media companies can adapt to the changing landscape influenced by
OTT platforms?
4. Is there anything else you would like to add or any other insights you think are important for us to
consider regarding the relationship between OTT platforms and traditional media?

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