Or MCQ Final

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Self – Assessment Ques ons

Unit 1

1. The main objec ve of OR is to provide a __ Scien fic _____ __ basis ______ to the decision-makers.
2. OR employs a team of ____ Scien sts _____ from _____ different ____ disciplines
3. A government can thus use OR for framing future _ economic _____ and social
4. In hospital OR methods can solve wai ng problems in Outpa ent department of big hospitals and
administra ve problems of the hospital organisa ons.
5. OR Imbibes inter-disciplinary approach.
6. OR increases the effec veness of Decision making ability.
7. Ac on phase involves making recommenda ons for the decision process. (True/False)
8. One of the OR phases is judgement phase. (True/False)
9. Diagram belongs to physical models. (True/False)
10. Alloca on problems are represented by iconic models. (True/False)
11. OR methodology consists of defini on, solu on, and valida on only. (True/False)
12. The interac on between the OR team and management reaches peak level in the implementa on phase.
13. OR imbibes ______Inter disciplinary team approach.
14. Linear programming is tool of __OR_____.
15. The three phases of OR are Judgement phase, research phase, and ac on phase
16. To solve any problem through OR approach, the first step is Define the problem
17. _____ Model ____ represents a real life system.

18. Parameters represents the controlled variables of the system.

Unit 2
1. Both the objec ve func on and constraints are expressed in Linear forms.
2. LPP requires existence of Alternate course of ac on
3. Solu on of decision variables can also be _______ Frac ons _____.
4. One of the characteris cs of canonical form in the objec ve func on must be maximisa on. (True/False)
5. 2x – 3y ≤ 10 can be wri en as -2x + 3y ≥-10. (True/False)
6. Personnel planning problems can also be analysed with Linear programming
7. Linear programming is a powerful tool for selec ng alterna ves in a __ Decision problem _
8. Linear programming can be used to determine the Proper mix of media to use in an adver sing campaign.
9. Quite o en in the process industries, a given __ Raw material can be made into a wide variety of products.

Unit 3
1. The collec on of all feasible solu ons is known as the ___ Feasible _____ region.
2. A linear inequality in two variables is known as a __ - Half plane _______.
3. The feasible region is a convex set. (True/False)
4. The op mum value occurs anywhere in feasible region. (True/False)
5. An unbounded solu on means that there exist a finite number of solu ons to the given problem.
6. The feasible region has an important property which is called the convexity property of geometry
7. The boundaries of the feasible regions are lines or planes. (True/False)
8. If the op mal solu on is not unique, there are points other than corners that are op mal but in any case
at least one corner is op mal. (True)

Unit 4
1. We add surplus variable for “≤”constraint.
2. The right-hand side element of each constraint is non-nega ve in the standard form. (True/False)
3. A basic solu on is said to be a feasible solu on if it sa sfies all constraints. (True/False)
4. If one or more values of basic variable are zero then solu on is said to be degenerated. (True/False)
5. The element that lies both on key column and key row is called pivotal element. (True/False)
6. The element that lies both on key column and key row is called pivotal element (True/False)
7. Pivotal element lies on the crossing of key column and key row. (True/False)
8. In the simplex algorithm, the variable to be replaced is called the outgoing variable and the variable that
replaces it is called the incoming variable (True/False)
9. The value of ar ficial variable is “M”. (True/False)
10. Ar ficial variables are entered as basic variables. (True/False)

Unit 5
1. Dual linear programming problem always reduces the amount of computa on. (True/False)
2. It is possible to reverse the dual linear programming problem to primal linear programming problem.
3. The coefficients of decision variables in the objec ve func on become quan es on the right hand side of
____________ Dual _______.
4. “” constraints changes to ≥ type in dual linear programming.
5. For every linear programming problem, there exists a unique ___ Dual _____ problem.
6. Dual variables represent the worth or unit of a resource. (True/False)
7. Op mality is reached when the resources are not fully u lised. (True/False)
8. At op mum level, the rela onship holds as a strict equa on. (True/False)
9. Sensi vity analysis is carried out on ____ Final ___ simplex table.
10. Sensi vity analysis helps us to study the effect of changes in _ Resource levels in objec ve func on.
11. The results of sensi ve analysis establish Upper and lower bounce for input parameters value.

Unit 6
1. Transporta on problems are a special type of Linear programming problem
2. The number of rows and columns need not always be __ Equal _________.
3. If total demand is greater than total supply then there is No feasible _____ ____ solu on.
4. Basic feasible solu on In transporta on problem can be found using North-west corner rule. (True/False)
5. Transporta on problems can also be solved by simplex method. (True/False)
6. In matrix-minima method, you start alloca ng from the upper le hand (north-west) corner of the table.
7. In Vogel’s approxima on method, you first construct penalty and then start alloca ng. (True/False)
8. North-west corner rule gives op mum solu on. (True/False)
9. Vogel’s approxima on method gives solu on near to the op mum solu on. (True/False)
10. All the values of ij = Cij - ui - vj should be Zero or posi ve for the solu on to be op mum.
11. In unbalanced transporta on problem ai is Not equal ______ to bj.
12. If the number of alloca on is less than m + n – 1 then it is said to be a degenerate transporta on problem.

Unit 7

1. In an AP, the constraints are of equality type. (True/False)

2. The number of facili es should be equal to the number of resources. (True/False)
3. A balanced assignment problem is one where the number of rows ≠ the number of columns. (True/False)
4. In Hungarian method, you prepare row-reduced matrix. (True/False)
5. The number of assignments should be equal to the number of rows for an op mum solu on. (True/False)
6. There can be more than one alloca on in a row. (True/False)
7. In unbalanced AP, the number of rows ____≠ ____ to number of columns.
8. Hungarian method cannot be applied directly to Maximisa on problem problem.
9. If some jobs cannot be assigned to some machines, then it is called Infeasible assignment problem.
10. In travelling salesman problem, the objec ve is to visit each ci es Only once __________.
11. Salesman has (n-1) different sequences if n is the number of ci es to be visited.

Unit 9
1. Customers arrive at a bank at regular intervals. (True/False)
2. Queuing iden fies the op mal service facili es to be provided. (True/False)
3. Queuing theory is based on the determinis c model. (True/False)
4. Queue length represents number of customers wai ng in the queue.
5. Long wai ng ________ mes may indicate a need to adjust the service rate of the system or change the
arrival rate of customers
6. Collec ve u lisa on represents the percentage of me the facili es are busy.
7. Every queuing process has an arrival pa ern, a service facility and a queue discipline as its
cons tuents.(True/False)
8. If the arrivals are completely random, then it follows Poisson distribu on. (True/False)
9. Mul ple service channels may be arranged in Series or in parallel
10. The service me can be Constant or varying
11. When customers keep on switching over from one queue to another then it is called Jockeying
12. _____ . Balking, Collusion, reneging, jockeying ______ ______ are the types of customer behaviour.

Unit 10
1. E (m) refers to ________ _________ ________ _________. 2. Probability density func on of the me spent
by a customer in the system is denoted by _____________. 3. ___________ arrivals are allowed.
4. The expected number of customers in non-empty queue is given by ___________.
5. The probability that an arriving customer has to wait for receiving service is given by ___________.
6. Write the formula for calcula ng the expected number of customers in the system.
7. Write the formula for calcula ng the average wai ng me of the customer in the queue.
8. Write the formula for E (m) 9. Write the formula for E (w)

Unit 11
1. When the possible number of arrivals is limited, then we apply infinite queuing model. (True/False)
2. The queue discipline in a finite queuing process can be random. (True/False)

3. The efficiency factor for this model False

4. First Come - First Served (FCFS) principle states that customers are served one at a me and that the
customer that has been wai ng the longest is served first.
5. Priority discipline models give priority to rush jobs and important customers over others.

Unit 12
1. Simula on is useful to analyse problems where analy cal solu on is difficult. (True/False)
2. Simula on cannot be used where mathema cal techniques can be used. (True/False)
3. Simula on solu ons would be iden cal to those using mathema cal techniques. (True/False)
4. Simula on may be called experimenta on in the Management laboratory _______.
5. Random numbers have the property that any number is Equally likely to occur.
6. The totality of probability assigned to the variable should always be equal to ___1____.
7. In any simula on problem, ini al condi ons are stated. (True/False)
8. Random numbers are assigned for cumula ve probability values. (True/False)
9. Without iden fying any rela onship between variables, you can solve the simula on problem. (True/False)
10. A simula on model involves several variables making it impossible to determine the number of trials
required to obtain the desired accuracy at a specified confidence level. (True/False)
11. Large number of trails require a great deal of computa onal effort and the use of computer becomes
op onal. (True/False)
12. A prac cal indicator of when to stop simula on trials is when the results that violently fluctuate ini ally
tend to stabilise if the simula on is con nued. (True/False)
Unit 13
1. Which of the following is not correct?
a) Randomness is a key requirement of Monte-Carlo simula on.
b) Monte-Carlo simula on involves modelling a determinis c system.
c) Simula on is a sta s cal experiment as such its results are subject to sta s cal error.
d) In Monte-Carlo simula on, a problem is solved by simula ng the original data with random number
2. The technique of Monte-Carlo involves the selec on of Random observa ons within the Simula on model.
3. The Cri cal path and the project dura on can be found out with a randomly selected ac vity mes for
each ac vity.
4. The range of applica on of simula on in Business is extremely wide.
5. An advantage of simula on as opposed to op misa on is that:
a) Several op ons of measure of performance can be examined.
b) Complex reallife problems can be studied.
c) It is applicable in cases where there is an element of randomness in a system.
d) All the above.
6. Large complicated simula on models are appreciated because:
a) Their average costs are not well-defined.
b) It is difficult to create the appropriate events.
c) They may be expensive to write and use as an experimental device.
d) All of the above.

7. Simula on should not be applied in all the cases because it:

a) Requires considerable talent for model building and extensive computer programming efforts.
b) Consumes much computer me.
c) Provides at best approximate solu on to problem.
d) All of the above.
8. Analy cal results are taken into considera on before a simula on study so as to:
a) Iden fy suitable values of the system parameters.
b) Determine the op mal decision.
c) Iden fy suitable values of decision variables for the specific choices of system parameters.
d) All of the above.

Unit 14
1. Project consists of interrelated ac vi es. (True/False)
2. Project ac vi es are to be completed in a specified me according to a specified sequence. (True/False)
3. PERT and CPM iden fies non-cri cal ac vi es. (True/False)
4. PERT is an ac vity-oriented network. (True/False)
5. CPM is used for projects that are repe ve in nature.(True/False)
6. Events do not consume Time and resource
7. Arrow’s head number is Greater than than its tail number.
8. Dummy ac vity is introduced in a network to keep proper Precedence rela onship.
9. Cri cal path calcula on includes both Forward pass and backward pass
10. In a project network, a sequence of ac vi es may form a loop. (True/False)
11. A cri cal ac vity must have its total and free floats equal to zero. (True/False)
12. A non-cri cal ac vity cannot have zero total float. (True/False)
13. The cri cal path of project network represents the minimum dura on needed to complete the network.
14. The analysis in CPM does not take into account the cases where me es mates for the different ac vi es
are probabilis c. (True/False)

Unit 15
1. Compe ve situa ons arise when Two or ______more__ par es with conflic ng interest operate.
2. The number of players or compe tors is finite (True/False).
3. If the sum of the gains of the players in a game is 1, the game is called zero-sum game (True/False)
4. A zero-sum game with two players is called a Rectangular game.
5. During the game, if a player’s strategy is to adopt a specific course of ac on, irrespec ve of the opponent’s
strategy is called Pure strategy
6. If a player chooses his course of ac on according to pre-assigned probabili es, then the player’s strategy
is called Mixed strategy.
7. Saddle point occurs at row minimum and column maximum. (True/False)
8. If the value of the game is zero, then it is called zero-sum game.(True/False)
9. The pay off matrix represents the gain for top player.(True/False)
10. In the pay-off matrix, if each pay-off in rth row is greater than (or equal to) the corresponding pay-off
insth row the , Ar dominates As , hence As is Deleted
11. In the pay-off matrix, if each pay-off in pthcolumnis less than (or equal to) the corresponding pay-off in
qth column, Bp, dominates Bq, hence Bq is Deleted

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