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Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374

Creative Construction Conference 2017, CCC 2017, 19-22 June 2017, Primosten, Croati

Analysis of Delay Impact on Construction Project Based on RII and

Correlation Coefficient: Empirical Study
Tsegay Gebrehiweta, Hanbin Luob
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 1037, China

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 1037, China


The occurrence of a delay in the construction projects is common and significantly affects by enormous ways. This study investigates
the typical causes of delay at different stages of construction and its effect in the Ethiopian construction projects. Using a
questionnaire with 52 causes and 5 effects of delay, data were collected from 77 participants’ selected based on purposive sampling
from the different contracting organizations. The methodologies used in this research are relative important index (RII) and
correlation coefficient. Based on the comparison, the impact of delay is found as, construction stage, pre-construction stage, and
post-construction stage sequentially. The analysis of the relation in construction process shows; the average/overall is highly related,
construction stage is the second related, post-construction stage is the third related and pre-construction stage is far part of all stages.
As far as, overall/average causes of delay are comparable to all stages. So from the overall, the influential causes of delay
investigated are corruption, unavailability of utilities at site, inflation/price increases in materials, lack of quality materials, late
design and design documents, slow delivery of materials, late in approving and receiving of complete project work, poor site
management and performance, late release budget/funds, and ineffective project planning and scheduling successively as unique to
the Ethiopian construction project. The critical effects of delay investigated are cost overruns, time overrun, termination of contract,
arbitration, and litigation sequentially. Although, the research is conducted on the Ethiopian construction projects, but it can also
apply to other countries and further study.
Keywords: Causes and Effects of delay; Construction Project; Ethiopia

1. Introduction

A construction project is commonly admitted as successful when it complete on time, with budget, according the
specifications, and stakeholder satisfaction. However, most of the projects did not finish as the expected timetable.
Instead, they completed before or after the schedule due to uncertainties of events and its uniqueness [1]. Construction
projects experienced 70% of time overruns and 76% of contractors and 56% of consultants have indicated that they
have been facing average time overrun of 10 to 30% from the original duration that causes 50% cost overrun [2].
Elsewhere, 50% of the construction projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) encountered construction delay [3].
Therefore, delay considered as one of the most common problems causing a multitude negative effect on projects, and
its participating parties [5]. Ethiopia one of the fastest growing, developing country; uses construction industry as the
main input for growth, employment, and infrastructure expansion. Yet, not contributed to the development of the
country as desired due to it faces various problems, limitations, and drawbacks. Among those, impact of delay in
construction project is a common, and a predominant. Various researchers had been studying the causes and effects of
delays in construction projects all over the world and in domestic in numerous manners for decades. The problem
studied in different countries with different scholars; due to the reason that, it differs from one country to another; in
time variation or even one project to another. And to find the various factors and groups of factors that causing delay.
Some of those countries that investigated the problem of the causes and effects of delay include; China[12];
Thailand[11]; India[8]; Nigeria[6]; Ghana[7]; Egypt[4]; Saudi Arabia[2]; UAE[3] and Iran[5]. Among those

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Creative Construction Conference 2017
Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374 367

researches, some of them focus on causes and effects, and the other only on cause or effect. The survey of Ghana
housing projects conducted to evaluate 37 causes with effects of delay. Then found six most critical factors of delay
as delay in payment to contractor/supplier, inflation/price fluctuation, price increases in materials, funding from the
sponsor/client, variation orders, and poor financial/capital market [7]. Mahamid [9] made an analysis of total of 52
causes of delay and find the most contribute factors as political situation, segmentation of the west bank and limited
movement between areas, award project to lowest bid price, progress payment delay by the owner, and shortages of
equipment. From the total 43 examined causes of delay categorized under seven main groups. The predominant were
investigated shortage of construction materials in market, fluctuations in cost/currency, late financing and payments
of completed work by the owner, effects of subsurface conditions, shortage of labors, inadequate experience of
consultant, difficulties in financing project by the contractor, low productivity level of labors, unqualified workforce,
and variation orders/changes of scope by the owner during construction [4]. The investigation of causes of delay in gas
pipeline construction projects that found ten most important causes of the project delay among 43 factors as imported
materials, unrealistic project duration, client-related materials, land expropriation, change orders, contractor selection
methods, payments to contractors, obtaining permits, late delivery of ordered materials by the suppliers, and
contractors’ cash flows[5]. The evaluation of the effect of 26 factors on time, cost, and quality in public construction
projects and identified five main causes of delay as unsettled or lack of the project funding, delay or long process times
caused by other authorities, unsettled or lack of project planning, errors or omissions in construction work, and lack of
identification of needs [10]. From this brief review of the literature, the problem studied in different countries with
different scholars; resulted in all with different causes and effects of delay. Most researches focus on the general causes
of delay, whereas; this study focuses on the objectives of; (1) The causes of delay in construction process, which
comprises pre-construction, construction, and post-construction. (2) There has not been any study that investigated the
tie between the main stockholders responsibility, resource, contract and external in relate to the construction process
at different type of contracting organizations (general contractor, building contractor, road contractor, water work
construction contractor, pile foundation work contractor, electro mechanical contractor, consulting and architecture).
(3) There has not been any study, investigate the causes and effects of construction project delay in the case of Ethiopia.

2. Research methodology

The research methodology presents processes and techniques that used in this research.

2.1. Data collection and sampling design

The processes of data collection and the design of the questionnaire start with the development of sample
questionnaire with an intensive review of literature. A pilot study conducting on 14 contracting organizations with an
interview and questioner to select the significant causes and effects of delay. Finally, six higher experts conducted the
validity of the questionnaire. As a result; the clarity, completeness, and applicability of the questionnaire are confirmed.
Based on the design a list of 52 causes under four main categories with different sub category and 5 critical effects of
delay in the Ethiopian construction projects were established. The data were collected from 77 experienced
participants. The analysis of causes and effects of delay in construction project using relative important index (RII)
and correlation coefficient. The major steps of the research methodology include; (1) selecting significant causes and
effects, (2) selection of participants using purposive sampling, (3) assessing using a questionnaire survey, (4)
comparing using correlation coefficient, and (5) analysis of the causes and effects of delay using relative importance
index (RII).

2.2. Ranking and computation of relative importance index (RII)

Relative Importance Index (RII): used to determine the relative importance of the various causes and effects of
delay using five-point Likert scale. The higher value of the relative important index (RII) represents the important
cause or effect of delay and vise verse [1]. Computed by Equation (1);
 ൌ  σ ‹ ‹Τ ‫  כ‬ൌ  ͳ ͳ ൅ ʹ ʹ ൅ ͵ ͵ ൅ Ͷ Ͷ ൅ ͷ ͷΤͷ (1)
Where: i - response category index, Wi - is the weight given by respondents, Fi - is the frequency of respondent
for each weight, A - is the highest weight and N - is the total number of respondents. The relative important index (RII)
ranges from 0 to 1 (0 not inclusive).
368 Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374

2.3. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient: - used to assess the relationship between two variables. The value of Rs
ranged from -1 to 1and indicated as if -1 or 1 perfect negative or positive correlation, between -1 to -0.5 or 1 to 0.5,
strong negative or positive correlation, between -0.5 to 0 or 0 to 0.5, weak negative or positive correlation and 0 no
correlation [5]. Computed using Equation (2);
• ൌ ͳ െ ሺ͸ σ †ʹሻΤሺ͵ െ ሻ (2)
Where: Rs is Spearman’s rank, d = rank difference, n = number of ranks.

3. Results and discussion

The data were collected from contracting organization of general contractors, building contractors, consulting and
architectural, road contractors, water work construction contractor, pile foundation work contractor and electro
mechanical contractor sequentially. The participants in this study sequentially identified as engineers, managers,
surveyors, architects and other concerned professionals. The analysis based on the survey data identified the causes of
delay, comparing the delay at different stage of construction, and investigate the significant effect of delay. The four
major classifications with their subgroups of the causes of delay allied to the construction process in Tables 1 rated by
the relative importance index (RII). The ranked causes of delay were divided into 5 zones according to the five-point
of Likert scale ranging from (1 = very small impact to cause) to (5 = very great impact to cause) and each division
consists minimum 10 causes at different zone ranging from very small impact to very great impact. As a result, at each
stage the first top ten causes of delay were identified as very great impact causes of delay. The analyses in each
construction stage are listed as;

3.1. Pre-construction stage

In the pre-construction stage from Table 1, identifies the top ten most pivotal causes of delay. Then, sequentially
ranked as corruption, ineffective project planning and scheduling, inflation/price increases in materials, unavailability
of utilities at site, improper project feasibility study, late design and design documents, unclear and inadequate details
and specification of design, slow delivery of materials, and design mistakes and errors. The other critical issue needs
to scrutinize, causes of delay based on the major classification with the subgroup using the mean value of relative
important index (RII). Then, the major classification with subgroup from Table 1 spectacles and ranked as (1) External
related causes with the influential factor of corruption and unavailability of utilities at site. (2) Responsibility related
causes with the substantial subgroup factors sequenced as designer related causes, client related causes, consultant
related causes, and contractor related causes. (3) Resource related causes with momentous factors serially ranked as
construction material related causes, finance related causes, labor related causes, and equipment related causes. And
(4) Contract condition related causes with top contributors factor of insufficient details in contract documents and lack
of clear understanding of contract documents.

3.2. Construction stage

In the construction stage, the top ten substantial causes of delay identify in Table 1. As a result, the most important
are ranked as corruption, unavailability of utilities at site, lack of quality materials, inflation or price increases in
materials, slow delivery of materials, late release budget/funds, poor site management and performance, late design
and design documents, low efficiency and productivity of equipment’s, and insufficient or shortage of equipment.
Based on the average relative important index (RII) the major classification with the subgroup in Table 1 were
investigated and ranked. As a result, the first is external related cause that highly influence by the crucial factor of
corruption and unavailability of utilities at site. The second factor is responsibility related causes with influential
subgroup of (1) designer related causes, (2) contractor related causes, (3) consultant related causes, and (4) client
related causes. The third factor is resource related causes with the cogent subgroup of (1) construction material related
causes, (2) finance related causes, (3) equipment related causes, and (4) labor related causes. The last factor is a contract
condition related causes with the considerate factors of unrealistic contract durations, and cost and insufficient details
in contract documents.
Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374 369

3.3. Post-construction stage

In the post-construction from Table 1, investigates the top ten most crucial causes of delay. And orderly ranked as
corruption, unavailability of utilities at site, late in approving and receiving of complete project work, poor site
management and performance, inflation or price increases in materials, late release budget/funds, lack of quality
materials, government funding processes, slow delivery of materials, and subcontractors related problems. On the bases
of the average relative important index (RII), the major classification with the subgroup of causes of delay described
in Table 1, probed as (1) External related causes with the dominant factor of corruption and unavailability of utilities
at site. (2) Responsibility related causes with critical factor of subgroup ranked as (1) consultant related causes, (2)
contractor related causes, (3) designer related causes, and (4) client related causes. (3) Resource related causes with
the important subgroup factor rank of (1) finance related causes, (2) construction material related causes, (3) labor
related causes, and (4) equipment related causes. (4) Contract condition related causes with the dominant factor of
unrealistic contract durations and cost and inadequate delay penalties or poor incentives in contract.

3.4. General causes of delay on construction process

The general ranking considers the average relative important index (RII) of the impact on pre-construction,
construction, and post-construction stage. So, the analysis from Table 1 shows the top ten overall key causes of delay
and sequentially described and listed as; (1) Corruption: - In overall and each stage of construction process corruption
investigated as most critical cause of delays in the Ethiopian construction projects. Corruption has not mostly identified
as a major cause of project delay in previous studies. Therefore, this factor considered as unique for the Ethiopia
construction projects. (2) Unavailability of utilities at site: - the respondents agreed absence of utilities at site such as
water, electricity, or telephone were the common major cause of project delay in the Ethiopian construction; especially
in large projects, which is not a common cause to other studies. The cause materializes due to expectancy of the
contractors to fulfill the utility and facility by government. (3) Inflation or price increases in materials: - Inflation or
price increases in materials also has been identified as a major cause of project delay in other studies, such as [13, 7,
2, 18, 14]. The researchers described inflation or price increases in materials occur due to exchange rate increases from
imports and recommends parties should explore construction materials from local sources. (4) Lack of quality
materials: - Previous studies have also determined the lack of quality materials as most important causes of project
delay among the major some of them are [15, 22, 13, 3, 18, 21]. According [20] investigates that in a very fast
developing country, often times demand exceeds the supply and this causes to increase prices and the contractors
postpone the purchase activities until the prices decrease as a result shortage of quality material occurs. (5) Late design
and design documents: - late design and design document was identified as the most significant cause of project delay
in the Ethiopian construction project. In addition, it has been identified as a major cause of project delay and
recommends solving by schedule to complete design documents by architecture and follow up by client [2]. (6) Slow
delivery of material: - Previous studies have been identified slow delivery of materials as a major cause of project
delay such as [5, 19, 16, 22, 13, 14, 20, 12]. The reason for this factor was due to transportation problem to the remote
construction sites with little or no transport infrastructure and complicated purchasing process; especially when most
of the materials required importing from overseas. (7) Late in approving and receiving of complete project work:-
approving and receiving of complete project work identified as the most domineer cause of project delay in the
Ethiopian construction project. The research by [3, 2] also identified as one cause of project delay. (8) Poor site
management and performance: - Poor site management and performance by contractors also has been identified as one
of the major causes of project delay in other studies, including [19, 17, 3, 22, 13, 16, 20]. According to [23] investigates
poor site management can cause not only delays, but also defects, disputes, and cost overruns. Also, recommended
that poor site management and performance overcome by recruiting qualified site managers, allocating an optimal
number of supervisors, and integration of knowledge management processes. (9) Late release budget/funds: - late
release budget/funds is one of the most important cause of project delay in the Ethiopian construction project. A study
by [2] recommend that the client needs to release payment on time unless contractors impairs ability to finance the
work. In addition, the contractor should manage his financial resources and plan cash flow utilizing progress payment.
(10) Ineffective project planning and scheduling - the research by [2, 20] has been also determined ineffective planning
and scheduling of projects by contractors as one of the most important causes of project delay. The researchers
described as, it is a continuing process during construction and needs to match with the resources and time to develop
the work to avoid cost overrun and disputes. In addition, improper planning at the initial stages of a project manifests
370 Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374

throughout the project and causes delays at various stages. Only a project that is well planned can be well executed.
The study analysis the major classification of causes of delay and investigate as external, responsibility, resource, and
contract related; for all stages except they influenced by different level and sub groups of cause of delay.

Table 1. Chance of occurrence causes of delay at all construction stages and average

Causes of delay Chance of occurrence on

Pre-construction Construction Post -construction Average
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
A) Responsibility Related Causes
I) Client related causes
Lack of on time finance and payments 0.5 26 0.63 22 0.59 26 0.60 29
Interference on execution of work 0.61 19 0.62 31 0.57 37 0.59 31
Slowness in decision making 0.63 12 0.59 41 0.54 45 0.58 35
Late in site delivery for construction work and design 0.61 17 0.62 29 0.58 30 0.60 28
Improper project feasibility study 0.67 5 0.59 42 0.57 35 0.61 24
Poor communication and coordination 0.55 40 0.58 44 0.52 49 0.55 45
II) Contractor related causes
Subcontractors related problems 0.57 36 0.64 20 0.64 10 0.61 18
Poor site management and performance 0.61 18 0.67 7 0.66 4 0.65 8
Ineffective project planning and scheduling 0.69 2 0.63 24 0.61 18 0.64 10
Inappropriate construction methods 0.55 42 0.65 15 0.55 40 0.59 34
Poor communication and coordination 0.55 43 0.58 40 0.56 38 0.57 41
Inadequate contractor experience 0.57 35 0.66 11 0.61 16 0.61 19
Rework for correcting unsatisfactory work 0.52 50 0.60 38 0.61 15 0.58 40
III) Consultant related causes
Inadequate experience of consultant 0.58 32 0.61 36 0.56 36 0.58 38
Late in approving and receiving of complete work 0.62 13 0.66 13 0.67 3 0.65 7
Poor supervision and late testing & inspection 0.58 29 0.63 27 0.61 14 0.61 25
Poor communication and coordination 0.59 24 0.65 17 0.60 21 0.61 21
IV) Designer related causes
Unclear and inadequate details and specification 0.66 7 0.66 12 0.58 29 0.63 11
Late design and design documents 0.67 6 0.67 8 0.62 12 0.65 5
Design mistakes and errors 0.64 10 0.65 16 0.60 24 0.63 13
Misunderstanding of client’s requirements 0.58 33 0.60 37 0.57 34 0.58 36
B) Resource Related Causes
I) Construction Material related causes
Lack of quality materials 0.63 11 0.69 3 0.64 7 0.65 4
Slow delivery of material 0.64 9 0.68 5 0.64 9 0.65 6
Changes in material types and specifications 0.62 16 0.64 21 0.59 23 0.61 20
Damage of materials 0.62 14 0.61 33 0.59 25 0.61 26
Inflation/price increases in materials 0.68 3 0.69 4 0.65 5 0.67 3
II) Finance related causes
Problem of process of financial claims 0.59 22 0.63 25 0.63 11 0.62 15
Government funding processes 0.6 20 0.63 28 0.64 8 0.62 14
Late release budget/ funds 0.62 15 0.68 6 0.64 6 0.65 9
Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374 371

Global financial crisis 0.59 23 0.64 19 0.61 17 0.61 17

III) Labor related causes
Low productivity 0.59 27 0.61 35 0.55 42 0.58 37
Less motivation and morale 0.56 39 0.62 30 0.56 39 0.58 39
Unqualified/inexperienced workers 0.65 8 0.65 14 0.59 31 0.63 12
Discipline problem ( conflicts and Absenteeism) 0.49 52 0.53 52 0.52 48 0.51 52
Labor accidents and injuries 0.52 49 0.6 39 0.52 50 0.55 49
IV) Equipment related causes
Insufficient or shortage of equipment 0.58 31 0.66 10 0.59 22 0.61 22
Low efficiency and productivity of equipment 0.56 38 0.67 9 0.58 27 0.60 27
Failures of equipment and lack of spare parts 0.55 44 0.57 47 0.53 47 0.55 46
Equipment allocation or mobilization problem 0.53 47 0.58 45 0.52 51 0.54 50
Equipment out dated 0.51 51 0.54 51 0.49 52 0.52 51
C) Contract condition related causes
Absence of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 0.55 45 0.57 48 0.58 28 0.57 42
Mistakes & ambiguities in contract document 0.52 48 0.58 46 0.55 43 0.55 47
Unrealistic contract durations and cost 0.58 30 0.64 18 0.60 19 0.61 23
Inadequate delay penalties/poor incentives in contract 0.56 37 0.61 32 0.60 20 0.59 32
Insufficient details in contract documents, 0.59 25 0.63 23 0.58 32 0.60 30
Lack of clear understanding of contract documents 0.59 28 0.61 34 0.57 33 0.59 33
D) External Causes
Adverse weather condition 0.58 34 0.58 43 0.54 46 0.57 43
Force majeure (acts of God) 0.55 41 0.57 49 0.55 41 0.56 44
Corruption 0.73 1 0.78 1 0.76 1 0.75 1
Effect of social and cultural factors 0.54 46 0.56 50 0.55 44 0.55 48
Policy and commitment of government 0.60 21 0.63 26 0.62 13 0.62 16
Unavailability of utilities at site 0.68 4 0.74 2 0.67 2 0.70 2
Average of impact by delay 0.593 0.628 0.589 0.603

3.5. Comparison of causes of delay at each stage of construction

From the review of literature, all studies consider the general causes of delay, but this article recognized the typical
cause of delay in each stage of construction. From the average relative important index (RII) value of the total 52
causes of delay in Table 1 the impact of delay is investigated as construction stage is highly influenced following by
pre-construction and post-construction. The comparison of the top ten ranked causes delay from all stages of
construction and synchronizes them as shown in Table 2 have a total of eighteen items of causes of delay from each
stage of construction, instead of becoming ten causes of delay. Thus, in every stage cusses of delay there are eight
items difference, which is an average of 44.4% difference. This shows that the general causes of delay is not the same
at all stage, but it is important also to consider the typical causes of delay impacted at each stage of construction.

Table 2. Comparison of causes of delay

Most top 10 influencing causes of delay Rank of Pre Rank of Rank of Post Rank of
construction Construction construction Average
Corruption 1 1 1 1
Unavailability of utilities in site 4 2 2 2
Inflation/price increases in materials 3 4 5 3
Lack of quality materials 11 3 7 4
372 Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374

Late design and design documents 6 8 12 5

Slow delivery of material 9 5 9 6
Late in approving and receiving of complete work 13 13 3 7
Poor site management and performance 18 7 4 8
Late release budget or funds 15 6 6 9
Ineffective project planning and scheduling 2 24 18 10
Improper project feasibility study 5 42 35 24
Unclear and inadequate details and specification of design 7 12 29 11
Design mistakes and errors 10 16 24 13
Low efficiency and productivity of equipment 38 9 27 27
Insufficient or shortage of equipment 31 10 22 22
Government funding processes 20 27 8 14
Subcontractors related problems 36 20 10 18
Unqualified/inexperienced workers 8 14 31 12

The Spearman correlation uses to determine the relationship among the stages of construction. In addition, the value
of Spearman correlation is imperative to show the difference of this research with the other researches. Table 3
determine the relation between the overall and each stage of construction and identified as the first highly related is
overall with 88-90% correlated and the second is the construction stage with 71-90% correlated; the next is post-
construction with 68-89% and the least is pre-construction with 68-88% correlated. This express overall cause of delay
is best comparable to others. However, the relation between each stage of construction is completely different. The
investigation of each stage relation identifies and ranked as the relation between pre-construction and post-construction
is far apart, the relation between pre-construction with construction is the second far apart and the best analogous
relation is between construction and post-construction. Therefore, the causes of delay at every construction stage have
difference or there is a typical cause of delay either in type or in the level of impact for every stage of construction.

Table 3. Value of spearman rank correlation coefficient

Post–construction (%) Construction (%) Pre-construction (%) Overall (%)

Over all 89 90 88 100

Pre-construction 68 71 100
Construction 81 100
Post-construction 100

The effect of delay from the questionnaire survey in Table 4, analyzed in general perspective. The rate of relative
important index (RII) and ranking the same as explained in case of causes of delay. This section shows the analysis
results of effect of delay. The influential effects of delay are investigated as cost overrun, time overrun, termination of
contract, arbitration, and litigation sequentially.

Table 4. Effects of delay in construction project

Effect of delay 1 2 3 4 5 RII Rank
Cost overrun 1 4 25 20 17 0.743 1
Time overrun 1 6 25 21 16 0.73 2
Tsegay Gebrehiwet and Hanbin Luo / Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 366 – 374 373

Termination of contract 4 12 31 11 9 0.627 3

Arbitration 6 15 36 7 3 0.558 4
Litigation 3 18 38 3 3 0.554 5

4. Conclusions

The analysis of the survey revealed the high degree of agreement among the respondents; that there is a significant
difference in impact of delay in construction process. The comparison between the three construction stages and overall
are resulted as the overall is highly similar with all stages of causes of delay. As a result, the top most important causes
of delay in the Ethiopian construction project identified from overall. And sequentially ranked as corruption,
unavailability of utilities at site, inflation or price increases in materials, lack of quality materials, late design and
design documents, slow delivery of materials, late in approving and receiving of complete project work, poor site
management and performance, late release budget/ funds, and ineffective project planning and scheduling. The results
of the analysis show as time overrun and cost overrun were the two most common effects of delays in Ethiopian
construction projects. Although this research conducted to identify the major causes and effects of delays in the
Ethiopia construction projects based on the construction process, but the research can apply in another country with
the same situation and further study.


First, it important to state that a research to be fruitful it needs the contribution of others. Thus; my deep grateful thanks
go to; National 12th Five-Year Plan Major Scientific and Technological Issues through grant 2015BAK33B04 and all
helpful organizations and participants in my research devoted to support me.


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