Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse (Drug Scenario)

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mapeh 9


A. Determine the risk and protective factors in substance use, and abuse.
B. Corrects myths and misconceptions about substance use and abuse.
C. Applies decision-making and resistance skills to prevent substance use and abuse.


Topic: Prevention of substance use and abuse (Drug Scenario)

Subtopic: Risk and protective factors for drug use, misuse, abuse and dependence
Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Health 9
Material: Teacher-made PowerPoint presentation and laptop.
Strategy: Cooperative Learning and Exploratory
Values Integration: Cooperation, Competitiveness and Awareness


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

May I request everyone to please stand and let us thank (Everyone will stand up)
God with a simple prayer.

2. Greetings

“Good Morning, Class” “Good Morning, Sir”

Before you sit down, kindly pick up those litters around (The students will pick up litters
you, and arrange your chairs properly. under their chairs and sit
3. Checking of Attendance

Class Secretary, is there any absentee for today?

Class Secretary:
That’s Great! You have a complete attendance for today. “There is no absent for today, sir.”

B. Developmental Activities
1. Review

Before we proceed to our lesson for today, let us have a

short recap about our discussion yesterday.

What did we talk about yesterday? Student 1:

“It is all about Drug Scenario in the
Philippines, sir”
’’Very good!”

Student 2:
“Describes the drug scenario in the Philippines” “In our country, drug use and
abuse is a social health concern.
Poverty has become an increasing
cause for involvement in the illegal
“Very Good, that’s correct!” drug trade”

“Another answer/Idea” Student 3:

“Also foreign drug syndicates take
advantage and exploit the poor
Filipinos to use and promise of
“easy money” to entice the people
to serve as couriers and runners.
“Excellent! Very well said!”
C. Motivation
Let us have a mini-game entitled “Cure Me!”

Class, are you willing to participate? “Yes, Sir”

-The goal of the game is to identify what kind of
COMMON ILLNESS is being shown on screen and guest
the right medicine for it.

First Picture
Student 1:
“ He is experiencing Fever, Sir and
he need to take Paracetamol drugs
like Biogesic ”


Second Picture
Student 2:
“He has Colds, Sir and he need to
intake Chlorphenamine Maleate
drug like Neozep”

“Very Good that’s correct!”

Third Picture
Student 3:
“He is having a stomach ache; Sir
and he need to take Loperamide
drugs such as Imodium to lessen the
frequency of diarhea.”

“Very well said1”

Fourth Picture Student 4:
“He is experiencing tooth ache, Sir,
he need to take pain reliever drugs
like mefenamic.”

Excellent! Let us now proceed to our topic for today.

D. Lesson Proper


-Are any substances or chemicals which when taken into
the body (Nasal, Oral, Transdermal) Have psychological,
emotional and behavioural effects on a person.

*Drugs of Abuse
-Drugs commonly abused by users
-Three drugs of abuse: Shabu, Marijuana and Inhalants

*Drug Dependence
-Physiological, Behavioral and Cognitive phenomena in
which the use of drugs take on a high priority.
-Strong desire to take the substance

“do you have a question before we proceed?” “none so far Sir”

“okay lets continue”

*Drug Misuse
-Use of a substance inconsistence with the prescribed
dosage or frequency of use.

*Drug Abuse
-Use of substance for Non-Medical purposes.

*Drug Tolerance
-Condition of the body to adapt to the effects of
substance to the body.

“do you have any question about common concepts in

drug education?” “None Sir”


*The use, misuse and abuse of drugs are the result of
various factors surrounding a person.
-These factors either Increase or Decrease the
possibility of a person to use drugs.
-Risk Factors are those influences which increase the
chances of using, misusing and abusing drugs
-Protective Factors are those influences which decrease
the chances of using, misusing and abusing drugs.

“Did you understand?” “Any Clarification?” “None so far sir”

“Okay, if you really understand I’ll ask some of you”
“What common concept in drug education focuses on the Student 1:
condition of the body to adapt the effects of substance “Drug Tolerance, Sir”
intake to the body?”

“Very Good!”

“Next question, fill in the blanks, are those

influences which INCREASE the chances of using, Student 2:
misusing and abusing drugs. “Risk Factors, Sir”

“Okay lets proceed to the discussion”

*These Factors are composed of influences in different

domains of life

(early aggressive behavior VS. self-control)
-Use of Drugs at an early age
-Risk taking behavior
-Poor social skills and interaction
-Childhood problems
-Feelings of isolation
-Self-control behaviour
-Good reasoning skills
-Excellent social skills
-Positive interaction with people
-Sense of belonging

(weak parental guidance VS. strong parental guidance)
-History and patterns of drug use
-Attitude toward drug use
-Poor parenting and child rearing
-Inconsistent family rules
-Poor family values
-Poor family ties
-Good communication with people
-Positive family relationship
-Clear and consistent family rules
-Strong family values
-Positive expectation to child’s success in family, school
and community
-Reliance on family for emotional support

“Do you any question or clarification before we proceed? “None Sir”

(substance abuse VS. academic excellence)
-Association with peers and friends known to use gateway
drug (cigarettes and alcohol)
-Preference to stay with peers and friends than with family
-Association with peers and friends who do not use
gateway drugs
-Formation of friendships
-Reliance on friends for emotional support
-Inviting friends at home to know the family

(availability of drugs VS. strong anti-drug policies)
-Poor Academic performance
-Lack of commitment to studies
-Poor attendance in school
-Involvement in fights and conflicts
-Good to excellent academic performance
-Joins extra-curricular activities and school organization
-Shows interest in attending classes

“Did you understand?” “Any “None Sir”

Clarification?” “Okay, I guess you
understand” Student 1:
“I have some question, In what factor the uses of drugs “Personal and that is risk factor,
at an early age belong and tell me if it’s risk or Sir”
protective factor?”
“Very Good”

“Another question, In what factor the positive expectation Student 2:

to child’s success in family, school and community belong “ Family factor and that is
and tell me if it’s risk or protective factor?” protective factor, Sir”

“Correct!” “Okay lets proceed”

(poverty VS. strong community relationship)
-Easy access to gateway drugs
-Poor community organization and neighborhood
-Poor implementation of community laws
-Negative attitude which favors drugs use
-Strong community relationships
-Active and positive community programs, projects and
activities for the youth
-Positive attitude which combat drug use
-Strong community advocacy against drugs

“Before we proceed to application, do you have any “None Sir, we can proceed to
question?” application”
E. Application
I will divide the class into four groups. Each group will be
given an envelope with a problem inside related to what
we have discussed earlier.
“Make a tableau portraying the scenario and then the
entire class will guess if its risk or protective factor.”
Group 1: Family
Risk Factors: Poor parenting and child rearing and Poor
family values “The whole class will participate”
Group 2: Personal
Risk Factors: Use of Drugs at an early age and Childhood
Group 3: School
Protective Factors: Joins extra-curricular activities and
school organization and Shows interest in attending
Group 4: Peers and Friends
Protective Factors: Inviting friends at home to know the
family and Reliance on friends for emotional support.
F. Generalization
Ask students to answer the following questions:
Student 1:
1. What is Drug Dependence? “It is physiological, behavioral and
cognitive phenomena in which the
use of drugs take on a high priority”
“Correct! Let’s give your classmate a 3 clap”

2. What is Drug Misuse? Student 2:

“it is the use of a substance
inconsistence with the prescribed
dosage or frequency of use”
“Very Good! Let’s give your classmate a 3 clap”

3. Fill in the blank, are those influences which Student 3:

decrease the chances of using, misusing and abusing “Protective Factors, Sir”
“Very Good! Let’s give your classmate a 3 clap”

4. What are the six factors that composed of influences Student 4:

in different domains of life? -Personal -School
-Family -Community
-Peer and friends
“Very Well said! Let’s give your classmate a 3 clap”


Answer the following question intelligently.

1. These are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body (Nasal,
Oral, Transdermal) Have psychological, emotional and behavioural effects on a
2. This is a condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substance to the body.
3. The use of substance for Non-Medical purposes.
4-5. What are the two factors we need to consider before we get involve in taking drugs.

Answer Key
1. Drugs
2. Drug Tolerance
3. Drug Abuse
4-5. Risk and protective factor

1. What are the Six Classification of Drugs?

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