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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 9

- Describe the types of intentional injuries.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 define intentional injuries;
 discuss the types of intentional injuries; and
 recognize the importance of knowing the intentional injuries.

II. Subject Matter

 Topic: Types of Intentional Injuries
 Reference/s: Journey to Mapeh 9 Text Book pp. 388-400, and
 Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, and Laptop

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class!
Good morning, ma’am!
How is everybody?
We are doing great, ma’am!

- Opening Prayer
That’s good. Before we start, let’s have a
short prayer to be led by Myca. Our Father in heaven, holy be your name
your kingdom come your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our sins as we
forgive those who sinned against us do not
bring us to the test but deliver us from evil.
- Checking of Attendance Amen.
Thank you, Myca. Is everybody present
today, class?
Yes, ma’am!
That’s great!

- Virtual Classroom Management

Great! Listen carefully for I will explain the
virtual classroom rules.

(The teacher will enumerate the virtual

classroom rules.)

B. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
To begin with, let’s play a game entitled
“Guess the Emoji” wherein you will look at
the emojis that are given, and try to guess
what they are conveying. Once you have an
idea of what they answer might be, go down
and look at how many blank-spaces there are.
Are you ready, class?
Yes ma’am.

Okay class, so based on the emojis that

you’ve been guessed. What do you think is
our lesson for today? Yes, Kyla?
Types of intentional injuries ma’am.
Very good!

C. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Okay class when we say intentional injuries,
what comes to your mind? Yes, Dave?
Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from
violence ma’am.
Very good! The intentional injuries are
divided into two these are self-inflicted and
assault. Now, what is the difference
between the two? Yes, Kath?
Self-inflicted it happens when a person harms
himself/herself on purpose while assault
happens when person/persons harm another
individual on purpose ma’am.
Great! Now, let’s proceed to the types of
intentional injuries. I’m going to show you a
picture then you will analyze and provide the
missing letters to complete the word that
describes a picture. So class, what is the first
picture? Yes, Kyle? Suicide ma’am.

Terrific! How about the second picture? Yes.

Belle? Parasuicide ma’am.

Excellent! Now, what is the difference

between suicide and parasuicide? Yes,
Donny? Suicide is the intentional taking of one’s own
life while parasuicide is a suicide attempt in
which a person does not intend to die ma’am.
Precisely! How about in the next picture?
What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Domestic Violence ma’am.
Splendid! So, what is domestic violence? Yes,
Domestic violence is an act that includes
physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving,
etc.) sexual abuse unwanted or forced sexual
activity), and verbal abuse ma’am.
Very good! How about in the next picture,
what type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Paula? Bullying ma’am.

Great! Any idea what is bullying? Yes, Mia?

Bullying is an unwanted aggressive behavior
Terrific! Now we have classification of ma’am.
bullying. What is the difference between
verbal bullying and social bullying? Yes,
Verbal bullying is all about saying or writing
mean and nasty things while social bullying is
all about hurting someone’s reputation or
Precisely! How about physical bullying and relationships ma’am.
cyber bullying? What is the difference
between the two? Yes, Ryza?
Physical bullying is all about hurting a
person’s body or destroying his/her
possessions while cyber bullying is all about
verbal and social bullying that is done
through the use of technology and electronic
means ma’am.
Excellent! How about in the next picture?
What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Adrian? Stalking ma’am.

Splendid! So, what is stalking? Yes, Addi?

Stalking is a pattern of behavior that make
you feel afraid, nervous, harassed or in
danger ma’am.
Very good! How about in the next picture?
What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Joy? Extortion ma’am.

Great! What is extortion? Yes, Andrea?

Extortion is the act of using force or threats to
force people to hand over their money or
property on favors ma’am.
Precisely! How about in the next picture?
What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Michael? Gang and youth violence ma’am.

Excellent! When we say gang, what comes

into your mind? Yes, Venize?
Gang is defined as a relatively tough, mostly
street- based group of young people
who regard themselves and may be seen by
others as a group that engages in a range of
criminal activity and violence ma’am.
Terrific! How about in the next picture? What
type of intentional injuries it is? Yes, Bea?
Illegal fraternity-related violence ma’am.

Splendid! So, when we say fraternity what

comes to your mind? Yes, Dominic?
Fraternity is a group of people with similar
backgrounds, occupations, interests or tastes
Very good! How about in the next picture?
What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Bea? Kidnapping ma’am.
Great! How about in the next picture? What
type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Barbie? Abduction ma’am.

Excellent! What is the difference between

kidnapping and abduction? Yes, Diego? Kidnapping is taking away or forcefully
moving a person against his/her will and
holding him/her in unjust captivity while
abduction is the use of deceit or force in
order to take a person or a child away from
their home or relatives’ ma’am.

Terrific! How about in the next picture? What

type of intentional injuries it is? Yes, Alliana? Verbal abuse ma’am.

Splendid! Any idea what is verbal abuse? Verbal abuse is a form of cruelty that involves
Yes, Cj? the use of words ma’am.

Precisely! How about in the next picture?

What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes,
Jennie? Sexual abuse ma’am.

Great! What is sexual abuse? Yes, Heart? Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity,
with perpetrators using force, making
threats or taking advantage of victims not
able to give consent ma’am.

Excellent! We have three types of sexual

abuse which are incest, molestation and rape.
Now, what is the different between the three? Incest is sexual contact between persons
Yes, Lisa? who are so closely related that a marriage
between them is considered illegal,
molestation is the sexual abuse of a person
(whether a child or adult) by an adult for
sexual pleasure or for profit and rape is a
forced sexual intercourse ma’am.

Very good! How about in the next picture?

What type of intentional injuries it is? Yes, Acts of terror or terrorism ma’am.

Precisely! When we say acts of terror or Acts of terror or terrorism is the use of
terrorism, what comes into your mind? violence for political goals and putting the
public or a great number of
people in fear ma’am.

D. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Again class, what is intentional injuries? Yes,
Jisoo? Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from
violence ma’am.

You got it! What are the types of intentional

injuries? Yes, Paul?

Suicide and parasuicide, domestic violence,

stalking, bullying, extortion, gang and
youth violence, illegal fraternity-related
violence, kidnapping and abduction, verbal
abuse, sexual abuse and acts of terror or
Precisely! What is the importance of knowing terrorism ma’am.
the intentional injuries? Yes, Yassi?

Understanding emotional responses to

intentional injuries can help inform and
improve public health planning and
treatment efforts for individuals vulnerable
to poor
Very good! mental health after injury ma’am.

E. Application
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
You will create a poster with the title
“Message for a Violence – Free World”
wherein you’re going to promote a culture of
non-violence. Is that clear, class?
Yes ma’am!
Criteria for Judging:
Creativity/Originality - 20 pts
Content - 20 pts
Cleanliness - 10 pts
Total: 50 pts

IV. Evaluation
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.
1. Below are stalking behaviors. Which of them does not belong to the group?
A. Knowing your schedule C. Showing up at places you go to.
B. Calling or texting repeatedly D. Embarrassing someone in public
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about verbal abuse?
A. Verbal abuse is dangerous.
B. Verbal abuse is controlling.
C. Verbal abuse boosts self-confidence of a person.
D. Verbal abuse is hurtful and usually attacks the nature and abilities of the person.
3. It is a sexual contact between persons who are so closely related and that marriage
between them is considered illegal.
A. Incest B. Molestation C. Prostitution D. Rape
4. What Republic Act prohibits physical hazing or the “Anti -Hazing Law “?
A. Republic Act 4908 C. Republic Act 8049
B. Republic Act 4980 D. Republic Act 8094
5. When a person is taken away forcefully against his/her will, what type of
intentional injury is it?
A. Abduction B. Extortion C. Kidnapping D. Parasuicide
6. When bully is done through the use of technology, it is known as .
A. Cyber bullying C. Social Bullying
B. Physical bullying D. Verbal Bullying
7. Before a teenager can join in a fraternity, he will undergo initiation rites. What do
you call this initiation rites for a neophyte?
A. Blessing B. Commencement C. Enthronement D. Hazing
8. If a person commits suicide but does not intend to die, what intentional injury is
A. Bullying B. Hazing C. Homicide D. Parasuicide
9. If a person commits suicide but does not intend to die, what intentional injury is
A. Bullying B. Hazing C. Homicide D. Parasuicide
10. It is the act of using force or threats to force people to hand over their money
or properties for favors is known as .
A. Kidnapping B. Abduction C. Verbal Abuse D. Extortion

V. Assignment
Individual Activity: I Will Do, I Will Change, I Will Not Do
Directions: Complete the sentences regarding what you will do, what you will change,
and what will you stop doing, in relation to a violence-free world.

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