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Philosophical Thoughts on Education

Activity – Let’s Read These

A. Read this conversation then answer the question in the ANALYSIS phase of this Lesson.
In a Grade 3 Science class:

Teacher : What is the function of the mouth?

Student : To break the food into smaller pieces.
Teacher : Very good! What about the stomach?
Student : To digest the food.
Teacher : Very good! Perfect! And the small intestines?
Student : To absorb the food nutrients.

Analysis – Let’s Analyze

What classroom scenario is/are being depicted by the comic strip and the teacher –
student question and answer.

Answer: The conversion shows a normal classroom scenario, where teacher asks low-level
questions and will be answered by students’ base on their knowledge or memorized a night
before. The facts that were deposited by the teacher a day before will be withdrawn by the next

Application – Let’s Apply

1. The modern explosion of knowledge has led to an age of specialization with this
concomitant quip:
A specialist knows more and more about less and less.
An expert knows more and more about less and less
until he or she knows everything about nothing.
A related joke cleverly twists this saying:
A generalist knows less and less about more and more until he or she knows nothing
about everything.

Should school produce generalist or specialist? Defend your answer.

Answer: A school should produce specialist student, though student will not be flexible enough
but they are experts in their specialty. They know the work inside and out, upside and down.
2. Spencer is convinced that he who is most fit survives and so encouraged individual
competition. Read this article about Singaporean education today and find out with whom
you agree
- Spencer individual competition or Singaporean education system where competition
is not encouraged.

Answer: I prefer Singaporean education system for it will not show any bias judgement, inferior
and superior level will not be taken into account, war between friends because ranking can be
avoided and I found nothing wrong with the Singaporean education system because belittling
between students can prevented.

3. The following is an expert of the keynote Address of Senator Shahani before the national
Academy of science and technology at its 15 th Annual scientific meeting, 7 July 1993,

Read it. Underline those parts that emphasize development in moral and ethical values as
most necessary to effect change. Do you agree with her thoughts there underlined

Answer: Yes, in way that the Moral Recovery Program is a movement aimed at mobilizing
Filipinos for nation-building through the practical application of human values in our daily lives
as citizens, as well as awakening us to the power of these values in achieving our personal and
national goals. Those values are free; we do not need to borrow them, nor do we need to beg for
them on a regular basis from the outside world; we simply need to look inward, internalize them
for our own self-transformation, and then externalize them for our individual lives and the
building of our nation.

4. “If you cannot bring the learners to the world, bring the world to the classroom.” Will this
go with john dewey’s philosophy of education: Explain your answer.

Answer: John Dewey's educational philosophy emphasizes preparing students to participate in

society by allowing them to experience real-world scenarios. Therefore, the statement “If you
cannot bring the learners to the world, bring the world to the classroom” will go with his
philosophy of education.

5. Considering DepEd mission statement “to protect and promote the right of every Filipino
to quality, equitable, cultured –based, and complete based education” can we say that
Philippines educational system is in a sense equitable? What action and what recent
legislations are proofs that the Philippines gives equal access to quality education to its
Answer: Yes, the Philippine educational system is working to ensure that all students receive an
equitable and high-quality education. Many programs are implemented to address the various
goals of our educational system, not only for the organization's benefit but also for the benefit of
the students. One example is the implementation of a K-12 program that aims to produce
globally competent learners while also providing various specializations or tracks to meet
individual needs. This is due to the fact that each learner has unique intelligences and areas in
which they excel.

6. Is free tertiary education really pro-poor in the sense that it is the poor who are indeed
benefited? Justify your answer.

Answer: Yes, because many poor families, particularly in our country, do not send their children
to college because of financial difficulties, which leads to unemployment. As a result, this free
tertiary education is extremely beneficial to poor families who are unable to meet their basic
needs. Their children will be able to attend college and complete their desired profession as a
result of these. Not only do they benefit, but so does the government, because as these students
advance in their careers, they improve our economic status and reduce the number of people who
are unemployed. They also serve as a source of pride for our country.

7. Freire opposed the banking method of education and favored critical pedagogy. Why?
The banking method of education is characterized as a vertical relationship while critical
pedagogy is characterized by a horizontal type of relationship. Be guided by the figure

Answer: Because the banking method is merely a student-teacher relationship in which the
teacher deposits information into the students' minds through memorization and then collects it
the next day, it demonstrates that there are no reflections, applications, or true learning in the
classroom. Students tend to critically think about what they learned, ponder for reflections, and it
is a relationship where students learn as well as the teacher, according to Friere's critical
pedagogy. This is also where each lesson's real-life context is incorporated.

Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these given
a. John Locke – the empiricist
 Because he believed that knowledge was founded in empirical observation
and experience.
b. Spencer – the utilitarianist
 Herbert Spencer is known as a utilitarianist because he promotes the utilitarian
theory of morality, which states that actions should promote happiness or
pleasure while opposing actions that cause unhappiness or harm.
c. John Dewey – experience
 Because he is an experience educator, John Dewey is associated with the word
experience. According to him, we make connections between what we do to
things and what happens to them or us as a result, and he believed in the
continuity of experience, or the connection between a student's future
decisions and behavior. In order to be effective, he also believed that
educational experiences required interaction between the student and their
d. George Counts – building a new social order
 Because he proposed that teachers build a new social order through a
complex, but definitely possible process, George Counts is associated with the
term. He explained that students could only be educated for a life in a world
transformed by massive changes in Science, Industry, and Technology if they
went to school.
e. Theodore Brameld – the Social Reconstructionist
 Because he believed that education had the responsibility of molding human
beings into a cohesive and compassionate society, Theodore Brameld is
known as a social reconstructionist.
f. Paulo Freire – Critical pedagogy vs. Banking method.
 Because he uses critical pedagogy and dialogue in contrast to the banking
system of education, Paulo Friere is associated with the term critical pedagogy
vs banking method.

2. Make a table summary of the philosophies of education.

Philosopher Philosophy on Aim/s and Classroom/School

Method/s of education Application
John Locke - He considers education to - Field trip
have a basis. All -Experiment
knowledge comes from
firsthand experience with
the five senses.
- Actively interacting with
concrete experiences is one
of the educational methods.
- Inductive Method

Herbert spencer - He believes that practical, - Proper classroom

utilitarian, and scientific
subjects should be
emphasized in the
curriculum to help
individuals or humanity
master the environment.

- The classroom
environment should be
conducive to learning in
this method of education.
John Dewey - He believes that the ideal - Group activity
- Experimentation
learner is someone who not
only learns by doing but
also connects the past's
wisdom to the present.

- John Dewey’s method of

education is Project or
Problem Method.
George Counts - He believes that schools - social problem-based
and teachers should be activities
change agents, and that
schools should be used to
improve society.
- The method of education
is the problem solving.
Theodore Brameld - Examines current culture - debate
- problem-based activities
critically in order to
resolve inconsistencies,
controversies, and
- Problem solving method
Paulo Friere - Learners, he believes, are - critique papers
- reaction papers
not empty receptacles
waiting to be filled. He
uses critical pedagogy and
dialogue in his teaching.
- dialogue method

Let’s Reflect

Double Entry Journal

Two Things I Learned from this Chapter My Thought/s or Reaction/s

1. The six Education Philosophers - The six education philosophers have
different points of view on education, and
their viewpoints had also influenced how
education become more effective and
progressive. Their ideas and beliefs also
clarified various educational methods,
allowing the school to become more
resourceful in its application of various
applications to improve the effectiveness of
the school. The importance of the community,
society, and school in the educational system
is also emphasized in their philosophy.
2. Philosophy on Education - The philosophies of education have is
somewhat similar on the topic discussed in
the previous discussion under the Teaching
Profession which includes the essentialism,
perennialism, behaviourism, etc.

LET Clinchers

Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is NOT TRUE of social reconstructionists?

A. Use of problem-solving
B. Study of the Great Books
C. School as an agent of change
D. Introduce a new society
Answer: B.
2. Which teaching practice goes with the “banking system” of education which was contrary
to Paulo Freire’s educational thought?
A. Rote memorization
B. Project-based learning
C. Problem-based learning
D. Community of inquiry
Answer: A.
3. For which teaching will social reconstructionists be?
A. Stress on isolationism
B. Inequality and inequity as normal for an international society
C. Building of an interdependent world that is international in scope
D. Narrow concept of nationalism
Answer: C.
4. Why is Spencer’s educational thought described as utilitarian?
A. He emphasized vocational and professional education based on scientific and
B. He stressed on general educational goals associated with humanistic and classical
C. He stressed a balance of specialized and general education in the curriculum.
D. He eliminated the vocational and professional education component of the
Answer: A.
5. For which educational practice was John Dewey?
A. Problem-solving
B. Banking method
C. Emphasis on the Humanities
D. Teaching of the Classics
Answer: A.

Historical Foundation of Education

Activity – Let’s Read These

Read the quote from the famous John Dewey then answer the following questions:

Analysis – Let’s Analyze

Answer the following questions;

1. What is the function of schools according to John Dewey’s statement?

- The function of the school according to Dewey, is to provide a simplified
environment that selects fairly basic features that are easy to learn by young people.
Because of society's complexity, the school can establish a progressive order to aid
understanding of our social lives.
2. Who creates schools?
- Society.
3. What is the relationship between schools and society?
- Education is a societal function that arises from the nature and character of society.
As society seeks to preserve itself, it maintains its functions and institutions, one of which
is education, in order to ensure its survival, stability, and convenience.

Application – Let’s Apply

1. Why was the focus of education different for different groups of people in different
places and at different periods in world history? What does this point to regarding
relationship of schools and society?
- Different groups of people have different educational goals in different places and at
different times in history. Because the establishment of schools is primarily motivated by
society, each of which has its own environment, beliefs, and religion. Education creates
an environment that is suitable for people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and religions, or to
put it another way, education was created to meet the needs of society.
2. Given the different characteristics of the different period in Philippine History,
what were the goals of education / schools during the:
a. Pre – colonial - Their goal is to instill survival skills in the group and to foster group
cohesion. Hunting, fishing, food gathering, stories, poems, and dances are just a few
b. Spanish period - Their mission is to spread Christianity throughout the world.
c. American regime - Their goal is to encourage people to live in a democratic manner.
d. Japanese regime - Their goal is to instill a love of work in people.
e. Post – colonial period - Their goal is to see democratic ideals and a way of life fully

2. Was equal access to quality education met during the:

a. Pre – colonial - Their education was informal; their parents served as their teachers
or tribal tutors, teaching survival skills such as hunting, cooking, and fishing.
b. Spanish period - Beginning with formal education, students attend school with
missionaries as teachers, with separate schools for boys and girls that are religiously
c. American regime - The Malolos Constitution established a system of free and
compulsory elementary education. The first teachers sent to the Philippines were
Thomasites, who were American soldiers.
d. Japanese regime - Promotion of vocation education and the dissemination of
elementary education.
e. Post – colonial period up to the present - Nationalism are thought as compulsory.

3. DepEd’s mission is “to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality,
equitable, culture – based, and complete basic education.” Has the Philippine
educational system from pre – colonial to present given equal access to equality,
culture – based and complete basic education? Or was it a privilege of a few?
Explain your answer.
- No, I can say that the Philippine educational system, from pre-colonial times to
the present, has not provided equal access to quality, culture-based, and comprehensive
basic education; rather, it has been a privilege of a select few because there was no
formal education during the pre-colonial period; formal education only began during the
Spanish regime, but it was only during the American regime that free education for
children was made available.
4. Read the article below, what does job – skills mismatch imply about the relevance of
schools to present society? Are school’s effective agents of socialization in preparing
Filipino graduates for their job roles?
- According to the article I read in my own understanding, there is a mismatch of job
skills, which is why our country needs to change its educational system in order to catch
up to other countries' standards, which is already happening. Since I am one of the first
batch in the K to 12 Program, which consists of six years of elementary school, four years
of junior high school, two years of senior high school, and four years of college, I have
the necessary preparation for a job opportunity in another country. So I can say that
schools are an effective agent for socialization in preparing Filipino graduates for job
roles because, as a result of the changes in our country's education system, we are now
able to meet the standards set by other countries because the learners' skills have been
fully developed due to the additional two years in high school that prepares students for

5. Education is a function of society. Considering the positive and negative elements of

21st Century society:
 state the educational goals that 21 Century schools should pursue;
 describe the ideal 21 Century graduate; and
 describe the education delivery mode

Will the survival skills taught in primitive societies suffice for the citizens of a 21"
Century world?

Let's Check for Understanding

1. In not more than two sentences, state the relationship of society and schools.
- Schools are intertwined with life, and a child's school experiences are carried over
into adulthood because schools are a part of society. The school is a reflection of society.
Schools are unique institutions that work to ensure that society has a line of action for

2. What is meant by socialization as a function of schools?

- Individuals acquire a personal identity and learn the knowledge, language, and
social skills necessary to interact with others through the process of socialization.
3. Can school change the socializing effect of family, the primary agent of
socialization? Can an excellent school undo the socializing effect of an extremely
deprived home?
- Yes, I believe that school can influence a family's socializing effect; if the school is
able to impart good socializing abilities, the child can influence the entire family, and the
family will have sufficient knowledge of how to socialize properly and how socializing
will become a part of their daily lives.
4. In the Philippines, was education a privilege enjoyed by all Filipinos Since the pre-
colonial period? Why or why not?
- Education in the Philippines has not been a privilege enjoyed by Filipinos since the
pre-colonial period because the system of education was informal at the time, and parents
served as their teachers.
5. Was the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) in support of equal access
to quality education? why was it abolished when it did exactly what Filipinos then
- The NCEE was abolished in 1994 by then-Education Secretary Raul Roco, who
wanted all high school students to be able to go to college and have a better future career.

Let's Reflect

1. Should college education be for all? Or should it be given only to those who are
intellectually capable of college education? Those who are not should be directed to
technical education. Isn’t giving access to college education for one who is not
intellectually capable a waste of time and resources?

Was that not the very purpose of the National College Entrance
Examination then to redirect to techvoc courses those who were not capable of a
college course?

Write your reflections.

- Education is for all of us regardless of their learning differences and all of us has the
right to attend college. Education is not solely for the intellectually gifted. It is the responsibility
of the school to mold a student into a capable individual. The purpose of the National College
Entrance Exam is not to discriminate against those who are struggling, but to assess how far they
have progressed in previous years and to identify those who require additional support.

2. Should we bring back the NCEE? Why or why not?

- Yes, it should be brought back because it is a tool that assists us in determining
which courses are appropriate for our abilities and knowledge, as well as which courses
we will take, as well as with renditions.
3. Of the developments in Philippine education in the post- colonial period, which to
you is most important?

Taking it to the Net

1. In the Philippines, education from elementary to secondary education is free. What

law made tertiary education free? Research on the tertiary education of other
countries. Is it also free, or "only in the Philippines?” Share your findings in class.
- “An act promoting universal access to quality tertiary education by providing free
tuition and other school fees in State Universities and Colleges, Local Universities and
Colleges, and State-Run Technical-Vocational Institutions, establishing the Tertiary
Education Subsidy and Student Loan Privilege,” according to Republic Act (RA) No.

2. Life skills were taught to primitive society. Are these, life skills for primitive society the
same life skills for the 21st Century? Find out

Let Clinchers

1. Education is a function of society. What does this imply?

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and II
D III only

Answer: B

2. If education is a function of society then it has to be.

A. relevant
B. complete
C. for selected few
D. free

Answer: A

3. Complete the analogy. Athenian education: well – rounded development of individuals

Spartan education:
A. military training
B. religious formation
C. liberally educated
D. wholistically developed person

Answer: A

4. While the Japanese taught the Filipinos love for labor, the Americans taught the Filipino.
A. citizenship in a democratic country
B. survival skills
C. love for country
D. dignity of labor

Answer: A

5. Schools are tasked for socialization. Which is a CORRECT explanation of socializing?

A. Developing the young
B. Learning the roles, statuses and values necessary for participation in society
C. Developing speaking and relating skills
D. Developing the socialite to remain forever young

Answer: B

Social Science Theories and Their Implications to Education


2. a) Choose any object in the room to symbolize your care for someone. Keep the meaning
to yourself. Give that symbol to someone in class.

b) Ask that someone for the meaning he/she gave to your symbol. Is it the same meaning
that you originally gave?

Analysis – Let's Analyze the Song

1. According to the song what are connected?

2. What do you expect if these bones are connected? Does malfunctioning of one bone
affect the other bone?
3. In Activity #2 was the meaning that you gave to your symbol the same with the meaning
that the receiver gave? If not, how did this affect you? Do you feel you were

Application – Let's Apply

1. The purposes of schooling according to the functionalist theory are:

1. Intellectual purposes – acquisition of cognitive skills, inquiry skill

2. Political purposes – educate future citizens; promote patriotism; promote
assimilation of immigrants, ensure order, public civility and conformity to
3. Economic purposes – prepare students for later work roles select and train the
labor force needed by society
4. Social purposes – promote a sense of social and moral responsibility; serve as
a site for the solution or resolution of social problems; supplement the efforts
of other institutions of socialization such as the family and the church

Cite how schools at present are working on the realization of these 4 purposes as cited by
the functionalists.

2. Adherents to the conflict theory claim that schools teach loyalty so that those in power
remain in power and those below will forever be at the bottom. Do you agree? Why or
why not?
3. Individual’s act based on meaning. This meaning is based on individuals’ experiences.
Meanings change. Give two implications of these symbolic interactionist thoughts to
Let's Check for Understanding

Which social science theory is referred to?

1. The overall health of society depends upon the healthy functioning of its institutions.
2. Meanings that individuals give to symbols change over time.
3. Faulty communication can result from differences in the perception of the same events
and symbols.
4. Schools teach humanitarian attitude, altruism, democracy, civil rights, and other positive
aspects of society to preserve society and social order.
5. When one institution fails to function another institution ought to come in to perform the
function for the stability of society.
6. A new society comes as a result of the resolution of clash between the powers that be and
the workers.
7. Two opposing sides are welcomed. This paves the way to change.
8. When one institution fails to perform its function, the other institutions showed come in
for the preservation of society.
9. One weakness of this theory is this is focused on small interactions.
10. Differences in meaning of symbols for both sender and receiver result to

Let's Reflect

1. Based on the lesson on symbolic-interactionist theory and the movie, The Little Prince,
what does this quote mean: “Words are a source of misunderstanding." Any personal
message? Write it down.

Taking it to the Net

Research on more school practices based on the functionalist theory, conflict theory and
symbolic interaction theory. Write them on a whole sheet of paper to be passed in class.

LET Clinchers

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is an application of the functionalist theory?

2. Who is associated with the conflict theory?
3. Which theory states that it is okay to have clashes in society?
4. According to the functionalist theory, what happens when one institution fails to do its
5. For an ideal interaction in the community what must be observed?

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino Character: A Socio - Cultural Issue

Analysis Let's Analyze

1. Do you agree with the findings? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
2. According to the report, one weakness of the Filipino character is lack of analysis and
emphasis on form (porma). The report states that this lack of analysis and emphasis on
form are reinforced by an educational system that is more form than substance.
 What is meant by an educational system that is more form than substance?
 Do you agree that the Philippine education system is more form than substance? If
yes, why? If not, why not?
3. Share your answers with your group.

Application - Let's Apply

1. Teacher observes that when students submit report, the more ornate and artistic the folder
is, the less substantial the report. Which weakness in the Filipino character is pointed to?
If you were the teacher how do you counteract such?
2. In line with the government's austerity program, DepEd reiterates the following policies:
a. Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful to encourage civil rights, a sense of
community, and personal responsibility. While these rites mark a milestone in the life
of the learners, these should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant
attire or extraordinary venue;
b. Moving Up or Completion Ceremonies should be simple, involving only the learners,
their parents and the school and
c. Non-academic projects such as attendance to field trips, film showing, Junior-Senior
promenade, and other school events should not be imposed as requirements for
graduation or completion. (D.O. # 02, s. 2019)

Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino does this DepEd Order wish to help eliminate?

3. In a post-observation conference, school head cites points for improvement for the
teacher observed. It happens that there are more points for improvement than positive
points. Teacher concludes the sch0ol head 1s biased against her.

Which Filipino weakness is revealed? What should be done?

4. What should be done in the Philippine basic education system so that it is more
Substance than form?
5. Cite instances where 1) extreme family centeredness, 2) lack of discipline, 3) passivity
and lack of initiative, 4) colonial mentality, 5) kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka
mentality, 6) lack of self-analysis and self-reflection are manifested in Philippine society.

Explain how schools can help counteract such negative traits.

6. Based on Sen. Shahani's Report, Chapter V as written by Patricia B. Licuanan, once

Chair of the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines, schools have
contributed to the development of Filipino passivity and lack of critical thinking: Aside
from the influences of the formal curriculum, there are the influences of the "hidden
curriculum, i.e., the values taught informally by the Philippine school system. Schools are
highly authoritarian with the teachers as central focus. The Filipino student is taught to be
dependent on the teacher, so he attempts to record verbatim what the teacher says and to
give this back in its original form with little processing during examination.

Teachers reward well-behaved and obedient students and are uncomfortable with those
who ask questions and express different viewpoints.... Critical thinking is not learned in

Does this picture still hold true today? Why or why not?

Let's Check for Understanding

1. List the weaknesses of the Filipino character. Explain each in a sentence.

2. List the strengths of the Filipino then in a phrase or clause; explain when that strength
becomes a weakness.

Strength It becomes a weakness when


Taking it to the Net

1. Research on the Curriculum Guide for Edukasyon sa Pagkakatao (ESP) from grades 1 to
10. Check on the pamantayan (standards) of EsP from Grades to 10. Does the teaching of
EsP in the grades help in eliminating the weaknesses of the Filipino character as given in
Sen. Shahani’s Report? Share your findings.

2. Research on the Senior High School Curriculum. Find out if there are subjects where the
following are intentionally taught. (1) a sense of patriotism and national pride; (2) a sense
of the common good; (3) a sense of integrity and accountability, (4) the values and habits
of discipline and hard work, (5) the value and habits of self-refection and analysis, the
internalization of spiritual values and the emphas1s on essence rather than on form.

3. Research on DepEd orders on value education and value integration. Can these DepEd
orders disprove that the Philippine educational system is more form than substance as
claimed in Sen. Shahani’s report?

4. The K to 10 Curriculum Guide for Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) and the Grade 11 -
12 Curriculum Guide for Philosophy of the Human Person and Personal Development
show that there is an intensive and purposive effort o the Philippine educational system to
eliminate the weaknesses of h the proofs Filipino character that is more substance than
form. Which proofs can you give?

Let's Reflect

Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino character applies to you? Have schools helped
you to counteract such weakness?

LET Clinchers

1. How can schools help fight the Filipino lock of analysis?

2. When does the Filipino’s faith and religiosity become a weakness?
3. What’s wrong with the Filipino sense of humor?
4. Which Filipino weakness is proven in his penchant for diploma?
5. What does teacher encourage when she looks at students’ questions in class as indicator
of inattentiveness?


Global Issues that Concern Schools and Society

Activity – Let's Read These

1. Below are top 10 world issues from two sources. Compare them.
2. You are also given the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the period 2015-
2030. After comparing the top 10 world issues, match the 17 SDGs with the 10 world
issues to determine if these top 10 world issues correspond to the 17 SDGs of 2015-2030.
Use the Table for comparison.

List #1 Top 10 world issues List #2 Top 10 world issues 17SDGs 2015 – 2030
1. Climate change
2. Large scale conflict

Analysis- Let's Analyze

1. Are the current global issues in both lists similar?

2. Are the current global issues ranked similarly?
3. Do these top ten global issues correspond to the 17 SDGs 2015-2030?

Application-Let's Apply

1. Based on the top ten global 1SSues and the 17 SDGs choose one global Issue/ DG and
give Suggestions on what schools must do to address the issue.
2. What moves has the Philippine government taken to ensure equitable access to education
for all its citizens?
3. Poverty is ranked #4 among the top 10 1sSues cited by World Economic Forum's Global
Shapers Survey in 2017. Education is supposed to liberate people from poverty. The
Philippines has a comparatively higher literacy rate. Based on the Literacy Statistics,
Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (PLEMMS) of 2013, 96.5
percent of Filipinos were literate, an improvement from 95.6 percent in 2008. How come
the Philippines has one of the highest number of educated people and yet we remain to be
islands of affluence amidst a sea of poverty meaning poverty abounds?

Can this be traced to poor quality of Philippine education? Why or why not?

4. Go over the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Find out where these global issues and SDGs are
integrated. If you find one or more not integrated in the K to 12 Curriculum, identify
points of integration in the curriculum.

Global Issue / SDG In what subject and topic can it be

1. 1.
2. 2.

5. Some blame the Philippine's corruption problem on the merging of Filipino traditions
with American institutions, One Filipino political scientist told Smithsonian magazine,
"Americans taught us the idea of honesty and integrity in civil service but local culture
conflicts with the democratic model With no tradition of civil service and the prevalence
or Strong family and community ties, bribery and nepotism have seeped into the system.
(Source: sub5.6f/ entry-3906. html)
Do you agree?

Let's Check for Understanding

1. List down at least global 1Ssues most applicable to the Philippines. Research on
Philippine laws meant to address the problem.

Problem/ Issue Philippine Law meant to Specific Provision/s of the

address the problem Law

Let's Reflect

Do I contribute to any of the global issues? Am I part or ne problem? Can I be part of the

LET Clinchers

1. Which does NOT belong to the group?

2. Which form of violence occurs when someone uses threats and causes fear in an
individual to gain control?
3. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?
4. What does SDG 15 – 30 mean?
5. Which applies to Sustainable Development Goals, 2015 – 2030?

The Why and How of School and Community Partnership

Activity - Let's Do This

1. Based on your school experiences, list down ways by which a Community helps a school
and ways by which a school helps a community. Come up with an exhaustive list.
2. Group yourselves by 6. Compare your lists. Come up with a final list in which
communities help schools and in which schools help communities.

Analysis – Let's Analyze

Based on your group list, is there real partnership between School and community? Or do
you find one party (like the school) more favored because it gets more help than the other?
Defend your answer.

Application – Let's Apply

1. Illustrate with a cartoon or a diagram the partnership between school and community.
2. Develop a tool to evaluate the extent and quality of school and community partnership.
3. Pretend you are an Instructor /Professor in this professional course, The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership. Your lesson has this learning
outcome: To explain the sociological and legal bases of school and community
partnership. How will you proceed? Deliver your lecture.
4. School and community partnership enhances sense of ownership and sense of belonging.
What do these mean? How will these impacts on schools and communities?

Let's Check for Understanding

1. Can schools take the place of families in the rearing of children? Why or why not?
2. What sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world demand that schools partner
with the community (Church, mass media, business establishments, etc.) for the
education of children?
3. State the provisions of law that refer to school-community partnership.
4. Cite additional examples of school-community partnerships that benefit the young

Let's Reflect

In what way am I involved in school and community partnership? What good have I done
to school and community? What else can I do?

Taking it to the Net

Research on successful school and partnerships in high performing countries like Finland,
Singapore and Canada.

LET Clinchers

1. Which is TRUE of a school and community partnership?

2. Which program is a proof of school and community partnership where every month of
May education stakeholders contribute their time, talent and treasure to ensure that school
facilities are set in time for the school opening?
3. Which statement is TRUE of school and community partnership?
4. “It takes a village to educate a child.” Which does this statement imply?
5. Adopt – A – School Program allows private entities to assist which schools?

The Teacher and Community: Teacher's Ethical and Professional Behavior

Activity- Let's Read These

Activity 1- Think, Pair, Share

1. Think of your favorite teacher. Why was he/she your favorite? What qualities did he/she
possess? Is he/she your ideal teacher? What influence did he/she have in your life? Did
she act in accordance to the expectations of the community?
2. Group yourselves by5. Share your answers to #I with the group.

Take note of qualities common among your 1avorite teachers.

Activity 2

Here are quotes on teachers. Read and understand them. Do you agree with each of the

1. “Teachers change the world, one child at a time.”

2. “Teachers, I believe are the most responsible and most important members of society
because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.”
3. “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who
understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly
be.” -Rita Pierson
4. “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.”
5. “I am a teacher.
I am not in it for the income.
I am in it for the outcome.
I am a teacher.
It's who I am
It’s my passion, my calling, and my world.”

What is your favorite quote? Any message for you?

Share with your group.

Analysis - Let's Analyze

1. Are the traits shared in your Small groups the same traits that schools and the larger
community expect of professional teachers?
2. Based on your observation, do all teachers embody the traits expected of professional

Application - Let's Apply

1. Here is what one Dean of a College of Education told her freshmen teacher education
students in her Welcome Address on Orientation Day:
Believing that you don't learn everything in the classroom, the College of Education,
which will be your home for four years has prepared a menu of annual co-curricular
activities for you. All of these are meant to help you become the true professional teacher
that this College and University have envisioned you to become…

a) What message do you get from the Dean's Welcome Address?

b) In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this statement "... do more, learn
more, and have more... (Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 1967) What message do
you get in relation to your pre-service education?

2. A professional teacher creates a conducive learning environment to facilitate learning.

Based on experiences, illustrate with a drawing or comic strip what a conducive learning
environment is. Display your work in class. Conduct a gallery walk for everyone to See
and comment/ask questions about the comic strips.

3. The Bible says: "You are the salt of the earth. Bus if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it
be made salty again? It is no longer good tor anything, except to be thrown out and
trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be
hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its
stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine
before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.
(Matthew 5:13-16)

Based on this Chapter on the teacher as a community leader, how do these biblical
passages apply to the professional teacher?

4. “I don’t hear what you are saying because who you are speaks louder than what you say”.
How does this quote apply to the professional teacher as a community leader? Discuss.
5. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to
salvation. As a result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for all justify
her proselyting? Why or Why not?
6. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the
community culture? Example.
7. Your mayor has a teacher candidate for a teaching position. Your ranking is over. Your
mayor's candidate was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a
professional teacher, what would you do?
8. Cite at least 3 specific ethical behaviors of a professional of a teacher based on Article
III of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Come up with a PowerPoint
presentation or a skit.

Let's Check for Understanding

1. Give at least 3 expectations that community has for teachers.

2. How should a professional teacher regard indigenous people’s culture?
Let’s Reflect

1. The mother of this author was once a public school teacher. When this author was in her
preschool age her mother in the remote barrios of the town and so where her mother was
assigned the family went along. This author vividly remembers how her mother was
dearly loved by the community. She was teacher, counselor and consultant to everyone
who came. She was indeed a missionary. Her transfer to another school was always an
emotional one, a mother crying, too. To top it all, the one most touching etched in my
memory was one community leader had a big rooster. So many wanted to buy that rooster
but refused to sell it. On the eve of our departure, he butchered it for that last evening
meal with them. This author will never forget such act of generosity. In their poverty,
these people can give all.

a) If given the opportunity, would you welcome teaching in the far flung schools? Why or
Why not?

b) If you say yes to the call to teach in a far flung school what should be doing more in your
pre-service education?

Taking It to the Net

1. One instance that proves that school-community partnership has been established is the
Brigada Eskwela of the Department of Education. Research on what Brigada Eskuwela is
and the good things it has brought to schools. Share your research findings in class.
2. In what other ways can parents and community leaders be involved in the school to
improve school performance?
3. a) Interview a school head and a member/members of the School Governing Council.

1) What they have accomplished as a School Governing Council

2) What difficulties they are facing

b) Share your findings with the class.

c) Based on your interview, are you in favor of schools having a SGC? Or is the PTA
enough? Defend your stand.

4. Assign four to read "The Power of Social and Emotional Skills" by OECD and ask them
to share at least 5 findings related to conducive learning atmosphere.

A 2015 publication from the Organization 1or DOLO Cooperation and Development
(OECD), The Power of Social and Emotional Skills, highlights a nine-country analysis that
found there is a common set of skills that seems to matter across cultures including self-esteem,
self-efficacy, and sociability. These Skills consistently affect outcomes like college completion,
job attainment, health, and civic engagement.

LET Clinchers
1. In her leadership in the community, a professional teacher shows no signs of
ethnocenricism? What does this mean?
2. The professional teacher is quite xencocentric. How is this manifested?
3. Which is a policy – making body composed of internal and external stakeholders with
whom school head and teachers relate?
4. Who is not a member of the Parent Teachers Association?
5. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning? What is expected of you?


Organizational Leadership

Activity- Let's Draw

Present or draw an object that symbolizes a leader of an organization. Explain your

symbol of leadership.

Analysis – Let's Analyze

Based on the symbols and drawings presented:

1. Who is an organizational leader?

2. What do organizational leaders do?
3. What qualities do they possess?

Application – Let's Apply

1. Based on this lesson and by means of an acrostic, give qualities or specific behaviors of
good leaders. See example.







S – Servant. He is servant first before a leader.

2. You are assigned as a school head in a low-performing school. Students are poorly
motivated, parents and community are not very cooperative, and teachers have low
morale. As a leader, what should you do? Outline your steps.
3. You are introducing an innovation in school. Sociologically, Filipinos are known for the
"ningas-cogon mentality. How does this mentality affect school innovation? As a leader,
how will you counteract it?

4. Two of your teachers are doing very well. Four strongly resist Continuing Professional
Development. Two are about to retire and are simply waiting to retire. Two make your
school perform, as a school head, what moves will you take? Explain.

5. Here are various methods that leaders employ:

 Model the way. Set the example.
 Share your vision. Enlist others.
 Challenge the process. Look for ways to grow.
 Enable others to act. Empower others.
 Set goals.
 Build trust.
 Give the direction.
 Encourage the heart. Give positive reinforcement.

Identity the leadership style employed in each method. Explain your answer.

6. In groups of five, develop a servant leadership assessment instrument.

Let's Check for Understanding

Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false, underline the word or words that
make the sentence false and supply the correct word/s to make statement true.

1. Leadership is interchangeable with management because they mean the same.

2. A leader cannot be a manager and manager cannot be leader at the same time.
3. In the laissez faire leadership style, the leader fully interferes in the decision-making of
his/her followers.
4. In the consultative style of leadership, members of the organization arrive at a decision
by way of consensus.
5. In the democratic style of leadership, the members of the organization are consulted in
decision making.
6. The autocratic leader consults his/her followers.
7. A transformational leader is content with status quo.
8. In situational leadership, if followers are unwilling and unable" to do the job, leader must
resort to delegating.
9. In situational leadership, if followers are "willing and able" to do the job, leader must
resort to telling.
10. Transformational leadership is focused on innovations.
11. Innovations when relevant do not need to be sustained.
Let's Reflect

What kind of a leader am I? What should I do to become an effective leader?

Taking It to the Net

1. What is meant by CQI? What is Kaizen? How are these related to transformational leadership?

LET Clinchers

Select the letter of the CORRECT answer.

1. Which is the essence of servant-leadership?

2. What is the message of situational leadership?
3. Who is most interested in improving the present status of an organization?
4. What must a leader do if wants an innovation to affect substantially and positively school
5. Is a manager also a good leader?


The School Head in School - Based Management (SBM)

Activity- Let's Read These

Mabuhay Elementary School had very low Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in the last
Grade b exit examination. Pupil tardiness and absences are rampant. Truancy is another problem
as some pupils cut Classes because they spend their time playing video games in the computer
shops nearby. Absences are also very rampant. Children claim they are told to absent by their
parents to do rice planting and harvesting. Feeling helpless, Ms. Ligaya called on teachers,
parents and leaders of the community for a meeting. In the meeting, she presented the problems
of the sch00l and asked for help to improve school performance. There were many suggestions
given. So these were written down in a simple matrix like the one below:
Analysis – Let's Analyze

Share your answers with your small group.

1. What problems did Mabuhay Elementary School have?

2. What did Ms. Ligaya, the school head, do to address the problem?
3. Could it have been better if she addressed the problem by herself? What could have
possibly happened if she did it alone?
4. What was the advantage of involving others in addressing the problems?
5. Wasn't a directive from the Office of the Superintendent or Regional Director the fastest
solution to the problems? Why or why not?

Application Let's Apply

1. Form 4 groups. Each group will do a PowerPoint presentation to explain one of the ff: 1)
meaning, 2) advantages, 3) disadvantages and 4) demands of SBM.
2. Divide the class into 2 groups. Each group will simulate a meeting called by the school
head to address the following problems: 1) litter in the sch00l grounds and classroom, 2)
bullying among students, 3) p0orly motivated students. Apply the principles of SBM.

After each simulation, point out which act was/was not in accordance with SBM

Let's Check for Understanding

I. Put a check () before the statement/s that apply/ies to SBM and an (X) before those that don't.

1. In SBM, only the school head matters.

2. In SBM, the Schools Division Superintendent is the leader.
3. Parents who have no children in the school cannot be consulted in SBM.
4. School empowerment is the essence of SBM.
5. Students cannot be consulted by the school head because they are not yet adults.
6. One advantage of SBM is the development of a sense of school ownership among
members of the academic and larger community.
7. SBM is aligned to the principle of subsidiary.
8. SBM succeeds even if school head is closed to ideas and suggestions. Anyway, he/she is
the head on whom the solution of the problem depends.
9. One weakness of SBM is delayed action because there must be consultation of
10. SBM has no weakness, only strengths.
11. SBM is in keeping with the decentralization move as encouraged by the Philippine
12. SBM is school empowerment.
13. An authoritarian atmosphere encourages empowerment.
14. In SBM, experimentation is welcome.
15. In SBM, schools just wait for approved budget that includes specific items to spend on.

II. Metaphoric Thinking

To which do you compare SBM? Write a metaphor.

SBM is

As a future teacher what did you find most meaningful in this lesson and why?

Let's Reflect

Do I welcome SEBM or do I see it as an additional work?

Taking it to the Net

Which countries apply SBM? Did SBM implementation help improve their schools?
Share your findings.

LET Clinchers

Multiple Choice: Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. Is SBM, if implemented the right way, an effective way to strengthen school and
community partnership?
2. Which is an advantage of SBM?
3. Which is the essence of SBM?
4. For SBM to succeed, which must be present?
5. With SBM in mind, which does NOT belong?
Chapter 10

Creating a Positive School Culture

Activity – Let's Read These

Here are twelve norms of school culture where people and programs improve. Study them.

1. Collegiality 7. Appreciation, recognition

2. Experimentation 8. Caring, celebration, humor
3. High Expectations 9. Involvement in decision making
4. Trust and confidence 10. Protection of what is important
5. Tangible support 11. Traditions
6. Reaching out to the knowledge 12. Honest, open communication

Analysis- Let's Analyze

1. Which of the twelve elements of a positive culture we illustrated by the given episodes
vignettes? Which element was illustrated by describing the opposite?
2. Is there any element left out? If there is can you as group supply an episode or a vignette?
A vignette is a short description of an episode in school like the 9 given above.

Application – Let's Apply

1. Based on your on your experiences, give at least 10 school practices that don't contribute
to positive culture.
2. Are the following items good tips in building positive culture? Defend your answer. It 1t
is not so good tip, replace it with good one.

a. "No Talking" as classroom rule #1 imposed by teacher

b. If some students say they need a quiet area to work in at times, they make a sign like,
"Quiet Area, Brains at Work."

c. "We talked about this yesterday. Did you forget? "You had this so well yesterday. I
know you can get it today"

d. Do you believe in your own ability to learn and grow? Do you believe it is your
obligation as a teacher to model learning and growing?

e. The teacher wrote, "nice job'" on a student's sketch of an orange.

f. Come up with a Question and Answer Wall. Here students post the academic question
they want answered within the month with their name on it. Anybody can give an answer
with his/ her name written.

3. Suggest 5 concrete ways to establish a positive school culture.

4. Choose a school. Determine the presence of any of the 12 practices of a positive school
culture in that school by noting down conversations, comments, activities that you
hear/observe in that school of your choice.

Indicator Conversation/Comment Your Comments

Heard or Activities
1. Collegiality
2. Experimentation
3. High expectations
4. Trust and confidence
5. Tangible support
6. Reaching out of the
knowledge bases
7. Appreciation,
8. Caring, celebration,
9. Involvement in
decision making
10. Protection of what is
11. Traditions
12. Honest, open

Let’s Let's Check for Understanding

I. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is school culture?
2. Does school culture affect student learning? Explain.
3. Cite at least 3 ways by which you, as future teacher, can contribute to a positive school

Let's Reflect

I learned that

I realized that
I was pleased that

I was not aware that

Taking it to the Net

Is school culture also referred to as the hidden curriculum? Research on this and share
your findings in class.

LET Clinchers

1. Which is TRUE of school culture?

2. Which contributes to a positive school culture?
3. Which form part of school culture
4. School head respects academic time so she does not just call on teachers during class
hours. Which element of positive school culture is illustrated?
5. Complete the analogy. Positive culture: Growth mindset Toxic culture:


School Policies and Their Functions

Analysis Let's Analyze

For all Groups:

1. How do you feel about the policies? Are you happy about them?

Or are you happier without them? Why?

For Groups 1-3

2. What if schools had no policies on the grading system? What may happen? What are
possible consequences on teaching and learning?

For Groups 4-6

3. What if schools had no policies on the students tardiness and absences ? What may
happen? What are possible consequences? on school atmosphere ? on teaching and

For all Groups

4. Based on the DepEd Order on PTA collections, why are schools very strict with money
5. The policies given above come from DepEd Central Office. Should all school policies
come from DepEd Central Office? Can schools also formulate their own policies? If yes,
why? If no, why not?
6. If schools can formulate their own policies, what conditions must be met for these
policies to be surely implemented?
7. What is an advantage of a policy formulated by the school community over that policy
which comes from above?

Application – Let's Apply

A. Interview a school head on at least one school policy formulated under her leadership.
Ask the following:
1. Why was it formulated?
2. How was it formulated? Was it formulated with the representatives from the school and
community? Why or why not?
3. Does the implementation of policy address the problem for which it was created? If it
doesn't, what's next step is being planned?

Report your findings in class.

B. Do a Simulation. One of you plays the role of a school head. Three will be teacher
representatives, 4 will be officers of the Parent Teachers Association, 4 are barangay
officials, 4 are other members of the Community (alumni, NGO representative, Church
representative and 3 student leaders.

The problem in school is malnutrition. Many kids are sleepy, malnourished and are
underperforming. This is true most especially for kids who walk to school 1 hour from home.
They eat their baon upon arrival in school so no more to eat for lunch. As a result, they are
restless and inattentive and so poor performance.

You are the school head. Preside in the meeting. What policy will you formulate to address
the problem?

The other members of the class who are not involved in the simulation are observers and
evaluators. They will be asked to comment on the simulation at the end of the activity. Here are
the specific criteria:
1. Participation of the group - Was there an active participation of the group?
2. School head- How open was the school head, the presider, to ideas or suggestions shared?
What did she do to encourage everyone to participate?
3. Decision-making - Was the decision arrived at by a consensus?
4. Respect – Was respect of ideas and participants evident?

C. If you were to formulate a policy on food items sold at the Cooperative Store of your school,
which would you do as a school head? Why?

D. Read April 11, 2018, DM 066, s. 2018 2018 Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines.
Individually, present a policy that you read in the DedEd Memorandum. Explain what the policy
state and why this policy is necessary.

Let's Check for Understanding

1. Why are policies important in a school?

2. List down at least 2 school policies (one from Central Office and another from the school
level). Explain the purpose behind the policy,

Let's Reflect

What is my attitude towards school policies? Do I welcome them?

Taking it to the Net

Research on School Policies on attendance, tardiness, uniform, ID special examinations. Know

the why behind the policies.

LET Clinchers

1. What are PTAs prohibited from doing?

2. Which statement on School Policies is CORRECT?
3. Which is the most effective way of making policies?
4. Why is there a policy on grading?
5. “The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath.” What does this imply
regarding policies?

Roles and Competencies of School Head

Activity – Let's Read These

Chapter 1, Section 5, E of RA 9155 states that the school head is an administrative and an
instructional leader.

1. List down 2 things that the school head does as an instructional leader and 2 things as an
administrative leader.
2. Based on your observations of school heads, with which role is the school head more
occupied? Prove your answer.

Analysis – Let's Analyze

Answer the following questions:

1. Based on your lists (in the Activity Phase of this lesson) how does an administrative
leader differ from an instructional leader?
2. In your opinion, which between the two leadership roles administrative and instructional
should be given more time by the school head? Why?

Application-Let's Apply

1. By means of a Venn diagram, compare the domains of the NCBSSH and Southeast Asian
Competency Framework for School Heads.
2. What competencies for school heads are common to the NCBSSH and the Southeast
Asian Competencies for School Heads?
3. What is/are in the Southeast Asian Competencies for School Heads that is/are not in the
4. What is/are in the NCBSSH that is/are not in the Southeast Asian Competencies for
School Heads?
5. Do the competencies for both frameworks emphasize more on instructional leadership or
administrative leadership? Defend your answer.

Let's Check for Understanding

6. With the word SCHOOL HEAD, give the competencies of a school head based on the 2
competency Frameworks for schools heads you just studied.

Let’s Reflect

 Based on the NCBSSH and the Southeast Asian Competency Framework, do you have
the makings of a school head?
 Of the listed competencies 1or school heads in NCBSSH and the Southeast Asian
Competencies, which do you have most? least? what message does this give you as a
future candidate for the position of school head?

Taking It to the Net

Research on competencies of school heads/ school leaders of other high-performing

educational systems in the world. e.g. Finland, Singapore, Canada.

Will an effective teacher necessarily be an effective school head? What does research

LET Clinchers

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which competency/ies is/are practiced by a school head who demonstrates strategic

thinking and innovation?
2. Which does the school head do as an instructural leader?
3. To which domain in School Head’ Competency Framework is supervising and evaluating
teachers performance aligned?
4. How can a school head create a student – centered learning climate?
5. Based on the NCBSSH, what are expected of the school head as a school leader?

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