2B2 Criteria Assessment 2023

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EVC Assessment Certificate criteria

The duration of the EVC conversation is 60 minutes

Who takes it away?

1 discussion leader who monitors the time and components to be covered. 2
examiners with guiding experience
1 art historian

What is the EVC principle?

The substantive EVC criteria are derived from the criteria of the Givak exam. The assessment conversation using
slides is a way to find out whether the existing knowledge is of a sufficient level. Enough to be able to call themselves
a certified guide. The candidate has already proven the guiding skills during the 7 years of practice.

The candidate must also take a foreign language exam of their choice.

Block 1 Substantive professional knowledge of cities.

This includes the most common cities where guided tours take place. In addition to Amsterdam, one can also
think of Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Haarlem, Delft, Leiden, Dordrecht,
Gouda. A candidate must be able to guide in multiple cities.
The candidate
• knows the historical and socio-economic developments of the relevant cities and their surroundings;

• is able to view buildings, monuments and sights in those cities

places in the aforementioned context;
• knows the origin and development history of the most important buildings and sights in those cities, including
their current function;
• can place these buildings in architectural history on the basis of characteristics that are typical of a particular
architectural movement; This applies to both classical architecture and modern architecture, where relevant
for the city in question;

• Knows the names of the architects and the approximate dates of parts of the century of buildings;

• Is able to provide information about the urban and planning developments of the various city centers and the
later expansions of city districts, and the future expectations in those areas;

Block 2 Content-specific professional knowledge, general,

Economy, population composition, macro economic topics such as minimum wage, social security, number of
unemployed, health insurance system, education system, rental problems, big city policy, etc.

The candidate

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• is able to understand general and current matters regarding the composition of the population,
explain the number of inhabitants, size of the cities, housing problems,
traffic problems;
• is able to discuss the topics of integration, natives and immigrants,
explain safety aspects in the various cities, drug problems, religions;

• is able to explain the political system, chamber, royal house;

• is capable of energy, livelihoods, employment, incomes, social
explain security and training system;
• is able to explain the healthcare system;

Block 3 Substantive professional knowledge in rural area

The candidate
• has knowledge of the physical, geographical and cultural-historical background of it
Dutch landscape and that of the West Netherlands in particular;
• can explain the water management of the western Netherlands. Key concepts
these include: polder type, NAP, reservoir level, polder level, water level control, water quality,
drinking water supply and water boards, •
can logically link items such as mills, dikes, use of areas, dune landscapes with previous items;
• can explain the planning and spatial
organization of the visited area
• can also indicate and explain agricultural, livestock farming, horticultural use of the area;

Block 4 Substantive professional knowledge Art

The candidate
• can explain the different art movements starting from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque • 19th century Impressionism
Expressionism up to and including De Stijl. • can explain the importance of
Amsterdam as an artist's city in the 16th and 17th centuries
• can explain the importance of Haarlem as an artist's city, Haarlem Artists at the end of the 16th century
century, • can indicate
the importance of Delft, Delft artists in relation to the art of that time • can indicate the importance of The Hague
in relation to the art of that time • can make an image analysis against a group of visitors of
any painting , On
using the pictures provided.
• can explain and explain the different techniques, working methods and use of paint in paintings
• can discover artists such as Rembrandt, Frans Hals, Vermeer, Van Gogh and their significance for art
in relation to the art of that time and place it in a broader context
• is able to describe the following specializations in the 17th century Northern Netherlands,
1. history painting
2. portraits, to be divided into individual and group portraits (military portraits,
regent pieces and anatomy pieces)
3. landscapes and seascapes
4. still lifes
5. genre painting
6. architectural painting;

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Block 5 Method of presenting the knowledge

The candidate
• can explain things in a coherent story;
• uses appropriate sentence structure and word choice;
• can tell a story in such a way that makes the group enthusiastic
is taken for what is shown.
• can use tools such as microphone, quietvox
• can deal with groups, demanding customers, safety requirements • can deal
with emergencies

Structure of the Oral Assessment conversation for the purpose of obtaining

the Guidor EVC certificate. The
conversation lasts one hour and can cover all areas mentioned in the
aforementioned criteria. Topics from all 4 blocks should be discussed.
Conversation can last approximately 10 minutes per block and takes place through questions.
The “guide skills form” provided by the candidate serves as a discussion guide. The
conversation and the associated questions are accompanied by slides

Possible course of an assessment Guidor EVC Certificate

Candidate enters and sits at a table in front of a committee of 3 people
Candidate introduces itself, Commission introduces itself.

Portfolio is placed on the table and the candidate presents himself using this portfolio.
What has he/she done, where does he/she guide now, how long has he been guiding, for whom does he/she guide,
what is attractive about the guiding profession, etc. This takes a maximum of 5 minutes

Committee presents the first set of images from block 1 Cities, duration 15 minutes
Commission presents the second set of images from block 2 Economy Social Relations,
duration 15 minutes
Committee presents the third set of images from block 3 Landscape, duration 15 minutes
Committee presents the fourth set of images from block 4 art, duration 15 minutes

Candidate leaves the room, committee deliberates and immediately comes up with a decision, which
is communicated to the candidate

Afterwards, the interviewer makes a short note of the points of interest that should be
communicated to the candidate.

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