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Reveal extensively Mellismatic chants in the Islamic music

Melisma is the singing of a single syllable of text while moving between several different notes in
succession. Music sung in this style is referred to as melismatic, as opposed to syllabic, in which each
syllable of text is matched to a single note. An informal term for melisma is a vocal run. One can only
play a chord for example

Keyboard diagram

when a keybolis is playing on a G sharp and he is maintaining it through out for all songs that is sang in
that particular place.

chant can be define a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd.
Their are so many chant in the Islamic music that are composed by some cleric and Islamic chanters. it is
believed that since Islam have been into existence in early 7th century chant have also grew with it.
Because this Islamic chant is used to invoke Allah in to the premises of praying ground whenever the
Muslims want to ask Allah for assistance. just as the traditional worshippers make use of chant to invoke
and praise their deity/gods.There are some Islamic chant whenever they are being chanted people will
be in trance because the more they say it the more they move closer and more deeper to God/Allah.
one of them went thus:

‫بسم هلل الرحمن ارحم‬

.‫سبحان هلل وبحده‬

‫سبحان هلل ان اعذم‬

Bismillah ar_rahaman ar_roheem

subuhana laha Wabi hamudihi. (transliteration)

subuhana laha ini azimi.

,‫عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه‬

‫و ز نت عرشه ومدد كلماته‬

adada kalkihi, waridoh nafsihi

wazinata arshihi, wamidada kelmotihi (transliteration)

This are two different chant and are opposed to syllabic,in which each syllable of text is matched to a
single note. Even if drum is going on when reciting this and then one jump to the second one it won't
scatter because they are on same note. And this is not the only example even the Muslim way of calling
for (As_salat)prayer, there is a chant for that too.

Allahu Akbar lahu Akbar

ashadu anlahilaha hila lah

ashaduhana muhamada rosululah



Allahu Akbar lahu Akbar

lahilaha ilala...

This can be done alone without the use of instrument. But get more garnished when drum is attached
to it. people will find themselves in another realm. the major instrument used for this is the BANDIRI,
and SANA..

usefulness of the BANDIRI to the chant

Bandiri is a musical instrument that has a snare stretched across its head thereby giving the tone a
buzzing quality when the drum is struck with the fingers or palm. It is played in a vertical position while
the frame drum is held in the left hand and beaten with the fingers of the right. Those who play Bandiri
can control the intensity of its sound by touching the back of the drum skin. They can also switch into
any tune of their choice without having to switch drums.

Bandiri is capable of creating unique tunes as well as recreate old ones. It basically gives the player the
opportunity to make whatever sound he loves while people display what is called the Sufi dance by
punching their arms back and forth to the music. No wonder many refer to Bandiri as the drum of the

Document Music (Songs, Musical Instrument e.t.c.) from your town of origin, Detailing the functional
essence of such music in your culture, unique Music of that origin, Including pictures that backs

Music can be define as the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and
in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity. Music is highly
functional in the African life. various African culture shared similarities in terms of their music style,
forms, techniques,features and musical instruments. this music plays various roles in the African social
and ritual life.

I am from kwara, from laduba precisely under the ASA local government. in laduba their several songs
compose and sang for different occasions although some are meant for whole kwara and this includes
the DADAKUADA it took it origin from ijàla, incantation etc. the instrument used when DADAKUADA is
going on include iya ilu,gan gan, and agogo.

the IJALA ODE it is a kind of oral literature it used by the hunters as a means of awaken their spirit and
their hunting expenditure or during a traditional ceremony. they also make use of agogo.
OWÈÈRÉ is also a traditional music commonly sang by the Muslim in kwara state during the holy month
of ramadan. the Muslim youth gather them selves together with broken plastic,sticks etc they will be
singing and dancing to wake people in the midnight (saari) so as to wake up and prepare food and do
any other things in the holy month.

Another one is EKUN IYAWO it is also common in kwara state it is a poetic performance to be performed
by the bride and her friends on the hip of her wedding they use instruments like akeregbe, and sekere

There is also KAKAKI this is common among the hausa Fulani it is inform of trumpet it is used in
traditional ceremony especially in the palace of the emir or king.

Example of song from IJÀLA ODE

ogun mama jari sonso

ogun mama jari sonso

enibawa sonso ari sonso

ogun mama jari sonso

Example to song from the OWÈÈRÈ

edide edide sarito

edide edide sarito

eje kajehun sarito

iya luku


edide ejehun

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