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Last summer Charlie went to visit his uncle John’s farm.

He had to got up early so he woke up at 7

am. He brushed teeth and took a shower. Then He put on clothes – he wore black jeans and white
Thsirt. He packed his suitcase and left the house. He forgot to eat breakfast so he bought delicious
snacks at the local shop. Yyyyuuumy. He caught the bus and got to his uncle farm two hours later.
Everyone was really happy to see him. His aunt made his favorite cake for him.

Do you wonder what he did on the farm?

Well he had lots of fun and was very busy. When the weather was sunny and warm he fed the
chickens every morning and he drove tractor. He even learnt how to ride a horse pppffferfd

In the afternoon he went fishing with his uncle. He also built a tree house with his cousin. He ate lots
of fresh fruits and vegetables. He played with a dog.

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