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Nowadays, we all understand that language serves as a bridge that connects us to the rest of the
world. Recognizing the benefits and importance of English in each person's growth, most
Vietnamese universities have made it a primary subject; the most common example is ISBA
(International School of Banking Academy). Each student will be taught basic to intermediate
English skills, with a concentration on writing skills. Because writing abilities are useful not only
in contests such as the SAT, IELTS, VSTEP, and even school assessments, but also in the
workplace, particularly in an international context. The conversation below will help everyone
appreciate the importance and challenges that students face when acquiring writing skills, and we
will then provide ways to assist students improve their writing abilities.
II. Some difficulties that students face
We did a small survey in a class with high English entrance scores and got some interesting

Figure 1. Percentage of Students' Comprehension of Language Skills

We also surveyed 20 students studying at ISBA and found that writing is a difficult skill, with
45% agreeing. In addition, I also learned about the teaching work of ISBA from Ms. Linh. She is
very enthusiastic in her work, with high-quality courses and easy to accept. As a result, students'
grades have greatly improved. Besides, students also said that in writing skills, their ability to
write essays is also quite limited with 65% of people choosing that essays are quite difficult to
Figure 2. Percentage of difficulties in writting exam format

Learning English is beneficial not only to students’ studies but also their careers. Writing skill
plays an essential role in learning this language. There are several problems that ISBA students
often encounter during the process of learning writing skill. Following our survey, we got some
findings. In detail:

Figure 3. Percentage of difficulties in English writing

1. Grammar and punctuation

Out of five problems in acquiring writing skills, the percentage of student picking grammar was
the greatest (75%). It is obvious that knowledge of grammar about certain topics is one of the
most necessary things in writing. English grammar is a complex language with numerous rules,
exceptions, and irregularities, making it challenging for learners, especially beginners(Nordquist,
2019). Memorization is essential for internalizing these rules, which requires repetition and
practice. Applying these rules in spoken and written communication is also challenging, as it
requires understanding when to use certain tenses, prepositions, or sentence structures in real-life
situations. English pronunciation often doesn't align perfectly with grammar rules, leading to
confusion. Inconsistencies in grammar rules can be frustrating for learners. Understanding the
context in which certain grammar structures are used is crucial for mastery. Fear of making
mistakes can also hinder progress in grammar acquisition. English is full of idiomatic
expressions and phrasal verbs that may not follow conventional rules, making learning and
understanding them challenging.

2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is also one of the main difficulties that students often encounter in their writing
process. Limited vocabulary can hinder a writer's ability to express ideas effectively in writing.
Learners may struggle to choose appropriate words for different contexts, leading to awkward
phrasing and miscommunication. They may also have a weak understanding of word usage, as
English words have multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts. Additionally, they
may lack familiarity with idiomatic expressions, which can result in a lack of naturalness and
fluency in their writing. (Rohmatillah, 2023).

3. Idea and organizing thoughts

Another challenge is a lack of ideas. The most common reasons for learners' difficulties in
writing include lack of familiarity with the topic, limited vocabulary, cultural differences,
difficulty organizing thoughts, and overthinking. Lack of familiarity with the topic can hinder the
development of ideas, especially when writing about complex subjects. Limited vocabulary can
restrict the ability to articulate ideas effectively, while cultural differences can influence the
types of ideas generated. Additionally, learners may struggle to organize their thoughts
coherently into a written piece, leading to disjointed and difficult-to-follow writing. (Munir,

4. Lack of time
25% of students think that when writing, they often cannot manage their time. Limited
practice and time constraints can hinder the development of writing skills. This can lead to
hasty, poorly structured writing, which can result in errors and lower quality. Planning and
organizing are also challenging due to time constraints, resulting in disorganized and
unfocused writing. Revision and editing are essential stages of the writing process, but time
constraints may limit the opportunity for thorough editing. Seeking feedback from
instructors, peers, or tutors can be difficult due to time constraints, but learners may struggle
to effectively incorporate it. Additionally, time pressure can contribute to stress and anxiety,
hindering concentration, critical thinking, and effective writing expression. (Moses &
Mohamad, 2019).
III. Conclusion
Learning a new talent, such as writing, is never simple. Through the preceding discussion, we
have presented both obstacles and answers for improving writing abilities. Each approach has
advantages and disadvantages; let us discover a study plan that works for you and practice hard
so that your writing skills may be used effectively in school and at work.

Reference list

Moses, R.N. and Mohamad, M. (2019) Challenges faced by students and teachers on writing
skills in ESL contexts a literature review, SCIRP. Available at: (Accessed: 25 February

Munir, R. (2023) Unlock your creativity: Navigating writer’s block with expert tips, LinkedIn.
Available at:
block-expert-rimsha-munir-nin4f (Accessed: 25 February 2024).

Nordquist, R. (2019) A list of the principal parts of irregular verbs in English: H-S, ThoughtCo.
Available at:
%20as%20children. (Accessed: 25 February 2024).

Rohmatillah, R. (2023) A study on students’ difficulties in learning vocabulary, English

Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris. Available at: (Accessed: 25
February 2024).

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