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First Semester: August – December 2018
Room: TDL
Class Schedule: Tuesday 1-4 PM
Consultation Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8AM-12 noon
Contact Number: Tel 049 536 0407
Mobile Numbers: 0917 548 7497; 0999 338 7405

COURSE Historical, conceptual and philosophical foundations and principles of

DESCRIPTION Community Development

OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Describe the concepts and the interdisciplinary and multifaceted

nature of Community Development (CD);

2. Discuss the components of the CD process and their


3. Explain how the components and principles of each component

can be applied in the CD process;

4. Explain the social, cultural, political, economic and environmental

dimensions of CD and their effects on the process; and

5. Appraise the various strategies of community development as to

their strengths and weaknesses.

TEACHING- A combination of structured and non-directive teaching and learning

LEARNING approaches will be utilized. To maximize learning, emphasis will be
APPROACH placed on active participation of the students in the teaching-learning

REQUIREMENTS 1. Class report (1) – Presentation of an individual report on an assigned

AND BASES FOR topic. A written report incorporating the comments and suggestions
GRADING of the class/professor should be submitted one week after the
presentation. Include complete citation of the materials used. (20%)

Due: Full report is due one week after reporting

2. Critique paper (2) - A written critique of a recent journal article

(January 2016 - present) on CD topics in the Course Outline;
indicate bibliographical citation of the journal and provide a hard
copy of the article. If references are used in writing the critique, the
list should be included. The maximum number of pages is 10, double
space using 11 font size arial. (10%)
Date due:
Critique paper 1 (Choose any topic from I, II, III and IV in the course
outline) – September 18, 2018
Critique paper 2 (Choose any topic from V in the course outline) –
November 6, 2018

3. Case study - A case analysis of a community development project

that will include a brief description of the following: (45%)
I. Introduction
II. Methodology
III. The Case
a. Historical antecedents of the case
b. Setting
c. Philosophy, goal/objectives and principles
1) Philosophy
2) Goals/objectives
3) Principles
d. Components of the project
e. People and agencies involved
f. Outcomes/impacts
g. Strengths and weaknesses of the program
1) Strengths
2) Weaknesses
h. Conclusions
i. Recommendations

The paper should be properly documented and a bibliography of

references should be included.
Date due: December 4, 2018

4. Class participation - Active participation in the discussion of topics


5. 5. One written final examination (20%) on November 20,


95.01 – 100 = 1.0
90.01 – 95 = 1.25
Mid semester and last day for dropping of subjects without
85.01 – 90 = 1.50
evaluation of student performance: 4 October 2018 (Wednesday)
80.01 – 85 = 1.75
Deadline for dropping of subjects with Pass” or “Fail” evaluation of
75.01 – 80 = 2.0
student performance: 7 November 2018 (Wednesday)
70.01 – 75 = 2.25
Last day of holding activities: 14 November 2018 (Wednesday)
65.01 – 70 = 2.50
Deadline for filing Leave of Absence (LOA): 21 November 2018,
60.01 – 65 = 2.75
60.00 = 3.0
End of classes: 5 December 2018 (Wednesday)
50.00 – 59.99 = 4
Final exam: 7 -13 December 2018 (Friday-Thursday)
0 – 49.99 = 5
Last day of submitting grades: 15 December 2018 (Tuesday)
Christmas vacation: 20 December 2018 (Thursday – 1 January
2019 (Tuesday) 2

Date Topic In-charge

August 14, 28 I. Introduction JT Dizon
A. Concepts of Community
B. Concepts of Community Development (CD)
C. Is CD an Art or a Science?
D. History of CD
II. Philosophy of CD JTDizon
September 4 III. Goals/Objectives of CD Jenny
IV. Theories and Principles of CD
A. Theories of CD Renalyn
September 11 B. Principles of CD Joey
V. The CD Process
A. Approaches of CD
1. CD Approaches and Methods Yahwe
September 18 2. Strategies in Effecting Change in Human Systems Judith
B. Major Components of the CD process
1. The CD worker: characteristics and roles in the CD Neri
September 25 Official trip
October 2 Official trip
October 9 2. Social Capital and CD Ana
3. Community Needs Assessment Sophia
October 16 4. Asset-Based Community Development Mark
5. Community Leadership Marc
October 23 CPAf Strategic Planning Workshop
October 30 6. Community Organizing Cheska
7. Community/people participation Jessie
November 6 8. Community/people empowerment Jaysi
9. Community Problem Solving and Decision-making Julie
November 13 VI. Social, Cultural, Economic, Political and Environmental Tupe
Aspects and their Implications to Sustainable CD Ka
November 20 VII. Sustainable Communities (Class exercise) JTDizon
VIII. Trends and Issues in CD JTDizon
Course evaluation
November 26 Final Exam
December 4 Submission of Case Study



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