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Good Morning everyone, Welcome to Tiguib Elementary School Moving Up and Graduation

Ladies and gentlemen, parents, esteemed guests, co-teachers, completers, and graduating class
of 2023, a pleasant morning to all of you. Today, we gather here to celebrate the
accomplishments and hard work of our young completers and graduates and to celebrate our
young learners' remarkable journey, molded through a resilient educational foundation.
Without further ado, let us begin this momentous occasion.

[1. Processional]
To start, may I request everyone to rise as we witness the grand entrance of our exceptional
completers and graduates, distinguished guests, school administrators, Barangay Officials, and
PTA Officers.
Please give them a warm round of applause.
Today's Moving Up and Graduation carries a significant theme that resonates deeply with each
one of us: "K to 12 Graduates: Molded through a Resilient Educational Foundation." It
acknowledges the tremendous journey these learners have undertaken, shaped by a strong
educational foundation that has prepared them for the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.

[2. Philippine National Anthem and Sugbo Hymn]

To officially commence these ceremonies, may I request everyone to please rise, to pay homage
to our nation and our local heritage, we have Mrs. Sheila B. Caminero – Tiguib ES Grade 2
Adviser, conducting.

[3. Invocation/Doxology]
To seek guidance and blessings from God, may I invite the selected Grade 4 pupils to lead us in
a solemn invocation and doxology. Please bow your heads as we offer our prayers.
Today, we recognize the achievements, growth, and determination of these exceptional learners
who have spent years learning, exploring, and discovering. It is a testament to the power of
education and the unwavering support of our teachers, parents or family members, and other

[4. Welcome Address]

And now, We are honored to have some distinguished guests among us today. So, let's hear a
warm welcome address from Felix Jr. Chavez Alcosero, a student who has shown exemplary
dedication and excellence. Please give him a round of applause.
Thank you, Felix Jr., for those warm words of welcome.
[5. Presentation of Candidates for Completion and Graduation
Confirmation and Acceptance of Completers and Graduates]
At this juncture, I call upon our very dynamic School Head Mrs. Julieta A. Bulasa , Head Teacher
III of Tiguib Elementary School, to present the candidates for Completion and Graduation.
To affirm the completion of their academic journey, I would like to invite Mr. Walter Z. Relacion,
Principal 1 of Tabayag Elementary School, the authorized representative of Dr. Senen Priscilo P.
Paulin, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent, to confirm and accept the Completers and
Congratulations to each and every completer and graduate of the school year 2022-2023. You
have now crossed the threshold into a new chapter of your life. We hope that you will make us
proud in all your future endeavors.

[6. Pinning of Ribbon and Putting on of Lei to Completers and Graduates]

Will now give a special moment for our completers and graduates, and their parents, we will
now have the Pinning of Ribbon and Putting on of Lei to Completers and Graduates.
Parents, please join your child to pin the ribbon and put on the Lei as a symbol of your
unwavering support and love.

[7. Distribution of Certificates of Completion and Diplomas]

Now, is the time for the much-anticipated moment. It is now time for the distribution of
Certificates of Completion and Diplomas.
May I request to join here on-stage Mrs. Emilyn A. Regidor – Kindergarten Teacher and Mrs.
Christy Marie G. Gumapon – Grade Six Teacher-Adviser.
As a symbol of their academic completion and accomplishments, the Certificates and diplomas
will be presented to the completers and graduates by Mr. Walter Z. Relacion, Principal 1 –
Tabayag ES, the authorized representative of Dr. Senen Priscilo P. Paulin, Schools Division
Superintendent, assisted by Mrs. Julieta A. Bulasa, Head Teacher III - Tiguib ES and Hon. Marcial
O. Oyangoren, Tiguib Brgy. Captain.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I present to you the completers and
graduating class of 2023 of Tiguib Elementary School. Let us give them a round of applause!

[8. Graduation Message]

Ladies and gentlemen, let us give our utmost attention as Mr. Walter Z. Relacion delivers the
graduation message.
Thank you so much Sir, those words of wisdom and encouragement will surely resonate with our
completers and graduates.
Thank you so much Sir, for your enlightening and motivating message.
[9. Awarding of Performing Kindergarten Pupils]
It is with great pleasure and pride that we gather here today to celebrate the incredible
accomplishments of our young and talented performing kindergarten pupils. May I invite Mrs.
Emilyn A. Regidor, the dedicated kindergarten teacher on the stage to announce the awards.
May I request;
Mrs. Julieta A. Bulasa, Head Teacher III of Tiguib ES
Mrs. Maribeth A. Mier, Principal 2 of Lapay ES
Hon. Marcial O. Oyangoren, Tiguib Brgy. Captain
To assist in giving of awards.

[10. Awarding of Medals and Special Awards to the Graduates]

At this time, we would like to recognize the exceptional achievements of some of our graduates.
I invite Mrs. Christy Marie G. Gumapon, the remarkable Grade Six Teacher-Adviser on the stage
to announce the awards.
May I ask you to assist in presenting these honors to our deserving graduates:
Mr. Walter Z. Relacion, Principal 1 of Tabayag ES
Mr. Roel A. Mier, Principal 1 of Balisong-Casay ES
Mr. Jomarven Neri, Caretaker of Cansuje ES

Congratulations to all the Completers and Graduates! Your hard work and commitment have
earned you this well-deserved recognition.
We also acknowledge the proud parents who have supported their children throughout their
academic journey.

[11. Words of Gratitude]

The graduation ceremony is not complete without hearing from our remarkable completers and
graduates themselves. We have selected two outstanding learners to share their thoughts and
memories of their kinder days and elementary school journey.
To express her gratitude, let us hear from Andrea Jane O. Mahusay, Performance Awardee –
Kindergarten Pupil
To be followed by a graduate who has shown immense gratitude for this moment, Harleth
Shenn B. Caminero, with High Honors.
Let us give them a round of applause.
Thank you so much Andrea and Harleth for such a wonderful message.

[12. Pledge of Loyalty]

Now, May I call on Maria Fe Baquiran, a Graduate who has achieved with honors, to lead us in
the pledge of loyalty. Graduates, please stand and join her in this commitment.
[13. Tribute to Parents
At this moment, we take this opportunity to honor and celebrate the unwavering devotion of
these incredible individuals. Their love has served as a compass, guiding their children through
the storms of life, and teaching them resilience, compassion, and determination. They have
inspired their children to dream big, strive for excellence, and believe in their limitless potential.

So, let us join together in this tribute to parents—an opportunity to honor, acknowledge, and
express our heartfelt gratitude. May this moment serve as a reminder of the profound impact
parents have on the lives of their children, and may it inspire us all to cherish and nurture the
extraordinary bond between parents and their precious little ones.

To all the parents present here today, please know that your efforts do not go unnoticed. You
are the unsung heroes, the foundation upon which our community thrives. Your unwavering
support has allowed our students to flourish, embrace their passions, and become the
remarkable individuals we see before us.

On behalf of the entire Tiguib ES, we extend our deepest appreciation for your unconditional
love and unwavering dedication. You have given selflessly, and for that, we are forever grateful.

[14. Singing of the Completion and Graduation Song]

Through the power of melody and lyrics, this song becomes a vessel for their emotions—
celebrating triumphs, bidding farewell to cherished friends and mentors, and embracing the
exciting journey that lies ahead. It embodies the essence of their collective experiences, dreams,
and aspirations.
So, with great anticipation and excitement, let us now witness the culmination of their journey,
as our talented completers take the stage to serenade us with their Completion Song – Araw
Natin To!
Thank you, completers,….

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our extraordinary graduates as they share
their melodic tribute—the Graduation Song – Wherever I Go.
Thank you Graduates

[15. Closing Remarks]

Before we conclude this ceremonies, we have the honor of hearing the closing remarks from
Hon. Marcial O. Oyangoren, Tiguib Brgy. Captain.
Let us give him our attention.
Thank You so much Capt. Marcial for that remarkable ending.
And to the completers and graduates class of 2023, remember that this ceremony is not an end
but a new beginning. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and let your
dreams soar high. We have faith in your ability to make a positive difference in the world.

Congratulations once again to the graduates of class 2023. As you leave the familiar elementary
school, may you embark on a journey filled with joy, growth, and success. We wish you the very
best in all your future endeavors.

[16. Recessional]
As we come to the end of this memorable event, I request everyone to remain in their place
until our graduates, distinguished guests, and faculty members have exited.
Once again, please rise as we join the recessional.

Congratulations to the completers and graduates! May your future be filled with success,
happiness, and a continued love for learning.
Thank you, everyone, for being part of this significant celebration.

This is Mrs. Renes Cindy G. Manimog, your host saying Thank You and Good Morning

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