Advanced Level Statistics 604601 November 2022 Examiner Report

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This report is for A Level Statistics Paper 1 (6046/01) for the November 2022 session. The report captures the following:

 General performance by candidates

 Question by Question analysis highlighting
 Expected solutions
 Methods
 Common errors or misconceptions by candidates
 The report ends with a conclusion
Generally, candidates performed fairly well in this paper. It was pleasing to note that candidates did well in questions which involve workings and
laid down procedures.



1 (a) Uniform Distribution (a) Most candidates failed to correctly identify the distribution.
They wrongly identified the distribution as Geometric.
(b) i) Mean = 3 (b) (i)The mean was correctly calculated by most candidates or
correctly deduced from the distribution.
E(X2) = 11
ii)Variance = 11 -32 Candidates who failed to score all marks could not relate variance to
=2 standard deviation
Standard deviation= √2 Standard deviation = √𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
0 0 0
2. Town A: 198 ,72 90 respectively The question was fairly attempted with most candidates correctly
0 0 0
Town B : 90 ,54 , 216 respectively calculating the angles. The drawing of angles on the circles was
Drawn pie charts for town A and town B with accurately poorly done as most candidates seemed not to have the correct
measured angles in circles of equal radius instruments to draw the circles and accurately draw the angles.
3 P = 0.36 Candidates managed to find the value of p, q and the table value
q = 0.64 1.96. However, they encountered challenges in identifying the
p̴̴̴̴ ~ N(0.36 ; 0.0002304) distribution of p.
confidence interval The concept tested seemed unfamiliar to most candidates.
0.36 ± 1.96√ 1000

=(0,330249291 ; 0,389750708)
4 a)28 + 22 + 70 +30 = 150 (a) Most candidates added all four numbers. However, a few
failed to interpret the question with some only adding those
who run small businesses.
(b) (i)The majority of those who attempted the question did quite
28+70 49 well. Those who did it poorly were using the wrong answer
bi) = 75
they obtained in (a) through their methods of calculating the
probability were correct.
(ii) A small number of candidates did well in this part of the
question. Candidates failed to interpret the condition given and what
was supposed to be found.
This shows that the topic of probability was not dealt with properly
30 at most centres hence the poor performance.
’ 150
ii)P(B /F) = 100
= 0,3

5 A correct frequency polygon -The question was attempted by most candidates with the majority
Class 26 29.5 34 38.5 45.5 managing to obtain or calculate class centres but failing to calculate
centre frequency density correctly with some confusing the formula.
Frequency 1.67 4.25 3 2.5 0.3 The majority of candidates failed to label the axes correctly as they
density labelled the vertical axis as frequency instead of frequency density.
Quite a number of candidates did not draw the graph.
A correct Histogram with correct axes and frequency density
6 a) Trend- Long-term upward or downward movement of data over time (A general a) Candidates performed badly with most of them giving definitions showing neither movement nor
increase or decrease in time series) time.
b) Components b) Most candidates attempted the question and were able to recall the components. A few however
Seasonal; Cyclical; Trends ; Random/Irregular gave inappropriate answers like cycle, circular, season, regular
c) Forecasting is concerned with what the future looks like whereas Planning refers c) Most candidates defined planning correctly but could not define forecasting as they defined it as the
to the course of action to be taken same as planning.
7 i)Var(X) = 𝑝2 = 20 i) Most candidates failed to recall the formula for the variance of a
1−𝑝 Geometric distribution and hence failed to get the correct quadratic
= 20 equation.
20p2 + p – 1 = 0 After solving the equation, some candidates failed to identify the
P = 0.2 or -0.25 (take the positive value) appropriate answer between the two possible values of p since it was
P = 0.2 a probability and needed a positive value.
ii) P(X ≥ n ) = qn-1 ii) Candidates who attempted the question managed to recall the
P (X≥ 4) = (5)3 formula and substitute correctly got correct answer.

8 a) C5= 1287 a) Correctly done by most candidates. They managed to identify that
it was a combination, not a permutation
b) Candidates were able to identify that it was a product of two
b) C3× 7C2 = 420 c) Most candidates failed to identify the combinations which had
more men than women.

c) 7C5 + 7C4 × 6C1 + 7C3 × 6C2 = 756

9 (a) Population is an entire/whole group under a) Candidates struggled with these definitions as most limited the
consideration whereas definition of population to people and left out keywords like ‘list’
The sampling frame is a list of individuals/items from when defining a sampling frame.
a population b) Candidates performed fairly well. They were able to calculate the
mean and used the correct formula for calculating the unbiased
estimate of the population variance.
(b) 𝜇̂ = 20,516
1 205.16 2
(c) 𝜎̂̂ 2 = 9(4209.89− 10 )

10 40 39 Candidates performed well in the question.

i) × 199 = 0.039195979
i) Candidates managed to identify that it was without
ii) Some candidates failed to come up with combinations
124 which gave different face values.
ii) 199 iii) Most candidates could identify that it was a complement
of (ii)

124 75
iii) 1- =
199 199

11 a) a) Candidates failed to locate class centres correctly and hence

Class 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 their answers were incorrect.
centres Some used cumulative frequencies instead of first calculating
Frequencies 87 19 17 15 13 13 individual class frequencies to calculate the mean.
Most candidates calculated the unbiased estimate of the population
Class 32.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 57.5 variance instead of the variance.
Frequencies 11 9 7 5 3 1

𝑥̅ = 14.65
𝜎 2 =210.6275
s.d =14.513 b) Some candidates failed to give the advantages and
b ) Advantages: uses all data disadvantages of the mean.
: a true and reliable measure of
central tendency
Disadvantage: affected by extreme values.
12 a) X~N(1000;32) a) (i)Most candidates performed very well. They were able to
i)P(X>1007) =P(Z>2.33) standardise and use table values correctly.
=1 – 0.9902 ii) Standardisation was correctly done. The interpretation of
= 0.0098 probabilities was well done leading to correct answers.
ii)P (995< X < 1005) =P(-1.667<Z<1.667)
=2∅(1.667) – 1
= 2(0.9522) – 1
= 0.9044
b) Some candidates were unable to identify the type of
distribution needed as the Binomial and hence failed to
(b)X~ Bin(5;0.9044) calculate the required probability.

P(X=4) =5C4 × O.90444 ×0.09561


13 a)Ps = 0.7 a) Wrong values of p and q were used by most candidates. Some
0.7×0.3 used p = 0.45 instead of 0.7.
Confidence interval= 0.7± 1.96 √
50 With incorrect values of p and q candidates failed to give the
appropriate parameters for the distribution.
= 0.573<P<0.827 Some candidates failed to apply continuity correction when
b)np =22.5 and npq = 12.375 approximating a Binomial by a Normal distribution and hence got
X~N(22.5; 12.375) incorrect Z value for comparison with the table value.
H0 :𝜇 = 22.5
H1 :𝜇 ≠ 22.5
Continuity correction
X = 35 t0 X = 34.5
Correct standardisation
Z= =3.4112
Correct Z value 1.96
Reject H 0 since 3.4112> 1.96
14 (a) Correct tree diagram showing branches with a) The question was poorly done as candidates failed to
probabilities showing without replacement. With the comprehend that the picking had no replacement. The
10 interpretation of the question was also poor hence some of
first branch of Red with a probability and the
9 the candidates failed to get the entries correctly.
second branch of Red with a probability of and
Non-Red being . The other branch of the first
branch with a probability of 10+𝑥 and second branches
10 𝑥−1
of 9+𝑥 for Red and 9+𝑥 for Non-Red
10 9 3
(b) × 9+𝑥 = 20 b) Candidates were able to use their entries to formulate a quadratic
equation. They used the quadratic formula/ factorisation to solve the
3x2+ 57x – 1530 = 0 equation. However, the wrong entries in the tree diagram resulted in
X = 15 or -34 them having an incorrect quadratic equation.
= 15 c)i) There was evidence of correct use of the tree diagram and correct
interpretation and the wrong answers obtained in part (b) resulted in
10 15 15 14 candidates losing the accuracy marks. The part was attempted by the
(c)(i) (15 ×24 ) + ( 25 × 24 ) = 0.6
majority of candidates.
10 15
25 24
ii) Most candidates could not identify the use of conditional
ii) P( Red/non-red) = 0.6 probability in the question.


15 (a) Correct graph with: (a) Some candidates failed to choose the correct uniform scale.
 Correct scale and labels
 All points correctly plotted
 Line of best fit
 Line passing through the (x ;y)
(b) Candidates correctly substituted into the formula for m and
(b) Regression equation then into the line of regression to get the equation of
Y = 1.06255x + 0.32415975 regression.
(c) Instead of using the graph to estimate as required by the
(c) Y = Any figure in the range 164 – 165 question, some candidates were substituted into the
regression equation.
(d)Correlation coefficient was correctly calculated (e) some
(d) r= 0.97327445 candidates failed the full comment for r.
(e) Comment: high/strong positive linear correlation.

The report highlighted the performance by candidates in the component Statistics Paper 1 (6046/01) November 2022 and also question-by-question
Topics listed below need special attention by teachers and candidates:
 Permutations and Combinations
 Regression and correlation(commenting)
 Hypothesis Testing(comparison)
 Topics related to Pure Mathematics such as:
 Integration
 Differentiation
 Sum of series
 Logarithms
 Geometric distribution
 Data presentation(graphs)

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