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1. What is your dream?

I have been asked numerous times by this question and I know for a fact that I was not the only one.
This entails subjective perspective to answer this and for me, mine would completely be different from
what we are used to hearing. My dream is to have a better future and by means of that, it denotes
having a profession I am passionate about, a happy and complete family with no sight of problems;
physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially, to have a spectacle of the community thriving with
affection and serenity, to live in a greener and prosperous nation, and have a lot of dignified and
determined children to help sustain or even, enrich what we have today.

2. What is the specific moment in your life that motivated you to become the model student you are

The past months have been awful for all of us; we have encountered a pandemic that altered every
aspect of our lives may it be academically, business, and our lifestyle. As a keen observer, I have noticed
how harsh people could be with their words and actions especially in social media and I know that they
are reflecting who they are behind the screens of their mobile phones and it urged me. It motivated me
to become the model student I am right now because I aspire for a change; a change wherein toxicity
and crab mentality is no longer existing. It made me realize that even though, I am still a student, I can
do so much more than what others deemed us to be. It sort of unleashing what is beneath in me and I
couldn't be more thankful for that instance in my life.

3. What is your advice to the youth of today?

We are all capable of change and I can attest that just by comparing the youth during the past
generations and of today but I know that today’s youth are more resilient for they experienced at such a
young age how cruel fate could be and it I believe that it will make them stronger. I would like to quote
the iconic line of Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray as my advice for the youth and them to reflect on it
which is "see situations with a silver lining". They must have an eye and brain that is full of positivity and
never let a hindrance hamper them from achieving what they have dreamed of. Youths are prone to
experiencing depression and I might as well say that it doesn't hurt to ask for help and I am more than
willing to lend my hand during the darkest junctures. not to the point that they will forget their purpose
and lose direction in life.

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