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Overall, harvest is approximately at the halfway mark of 47 percent in early March.

The fast
harvest pace early on has now slowed due to a combination of a staggered planting schedule and
heavy rainfall over the last month. Harvest progress is 82 percent complete in Mato Grosso, 52
percent in Goiás, 58 percent in Mato Grosso do Sul, and 64 percent in Paraná. The state of Rio
Grande do Sul harvests the crop later because of the later planting schedule. At the harvest mid-
point, reports indicate yields are below average in several states in contrast to the record yields of
MY 2022/23. The state with the worst outcome last season, Rio Grande do Sul, is one of the few
with more optimistic yield prospects. Satellite imagery indicates below-average yields for Mato
Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and Paraná, but above-average yields for Rio Grande do Sul.
State agency reports from Mato Grosso indicate yields reduced 10 percent from initial estimates
and in Paraná the reduction is 16 percent from initial projections. Recent rains in southern Brazil
aided recovery of the later planted crop in Rio Grande do Sul with 86 percent in critical
reproductive stages. Harvest began in January, and will continue through late May in the major
producing areas. (For more information, please contact

India Rapeseed: Record Production

USDA estimates rapeseed production for marketing year 2023/24 at a record 12.5 million metric
tons (mmt), up 4 percent from last month, and 11 percent from last year. Harvested area is
estimated at a record 9.3 million hectares, unchanged from last month and up 4 percent from last

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 2 March 2024

Global Market Analysis

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