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Questions for case 4:

Please prepare a list of questionnaires to describe his leadership style

 How would you describe your overall leadership style?

 What leadership qualities do you believe are your strengths?

 In what ways do you adapt your leadership style to different situations or team dynamics?

Are there important changes that have to be made to improve his style? What are those?


Communication Skills:
 Improvement Area: Lack of clarity in communication, ineffective listening.
 Recommendations: Enhance communication skills, actively listen to team members, and ensure
that instructions and expectations are clear.
 Improvement Area: Difficulty adapting to change or new situations.
 Recommendations: Develop a more flexible mindset, be open to change, and proactively seek
opportunities to learn and adapt.
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:
 Improvement Area: Insufficient consideration of team members' emotions and perspectives.
 Recommendations: Focus on understanding others' perspectives, practice empathy, and
demonstrate emotional intelligence in interactions.
 Improvement Area: Overreliance on micromanagement or under-delegation.
 Recommendations: Learn to trust team members, delegate tasks appropriately, and provide
necessary support and resources.
Conflict Resolution:
 Improvement Area: Difficulty addressing and resolving conflicts.
 Recommendations: Develop conflict resolution skills, create an open environment for
communication, and address conflicts promptly.
Recognition and Motivation:
 Improvement Area: Limited efforts in recognizing and motivating team members.
 Recommendations: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, provide positive feedback, and
understand what motivates individual team members.
Team Building:
 Improvement Area: Weak team cohesion and collaboration.
 Recommendations: Implement team-building activities, foster a positive team culture, and
encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Continuous Learning and Development:
 Improvement Area: Neglecting personal and team development.
 Recommendations: Prioritize ongoing learning, support professional development plans, and
invest in training for both oneself and the team.
Decision-Making Process:
 Improvement Area: Lack of transparency or involvement in decision-making.
 Recommendations: Involve the team in decision-making when appropriate, communicate the
rationale behind decisions, and consider diverse perspectives.
Ethical Leadership:
 Improvement Area: Lack of emphasis on ethical considerations.
 Recommendations: Prioritize ethical behavior, set an example for the team, and integrate
ethical considerations into decision-making processes.

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