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Rapeseed is grown only in the rabi season.

Rapeseed is planted in late October to January and

harvested in March. (For more information, please contact

India Rice: Production Marginally Down from Previous Record

USDA estimates India rice production for marketing year (MY) 2023/24 at 134.0 million metric
tons (milled basis), up 2 percent from last month, but down 1 percent from last year. Harvested
area is estimated at a record 48.0 million hectares, up 2 percent from last month and slightly above
last year. Yield is estimated at 4.19 tons per hectare, down 2 percent from last year.

Rice production is expected to drop marginally from the MY 2022/23 record production. Poor
rainfall in July was followed by favorable August and September rainfall, which encouraged
planting. However, a premature end to the monsoon rainfall left the late-planted crop short of
moisture and lowered yield potential. Although the rabi crop is grown under both irrigated and
rainfed conditions, there have been pockets of drought-like conditions in Telangana, the largest
rabi producer. Consequently, crop vigor is below average in some areas of southeast Telangana,
as shown in the satellite-derived MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).

Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 4 March 2024

Global Market Analysis

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