Adler An Jung

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Individual Psychology Introduction to Adlerian

Alfred Adler
1. The one dynamic force
Biography of Alfred behind people’s behavior
Adler is the striving for success
or superiority.
 2nd of 6 siblings
 Sibling rivalry with his 2. People’s subjective
older brother, perceptions shape their
Sigmund behavior and personality.
 1st president of 3. Personality is unified
Freud’s Analytic and self-consistent
4. Social Interest
 No deep religious
convictions 5. The personality
structure develops into a
Introduction to Adlerian
person’s style of life
6. Style of life is molded by
- People are born with
people’s creative power
weak and inferior bodies
that leads to feelings of Striving for Success or
inferiority and Superiority
dependence on other
people. - Psychologically
unhealthy individuals
- SOCIAL INTEREST strive for personal
superiority, whereas
 Feeling of unity with
psychologically healthy
people seek success for all
 Standard for
psychological health.
Striving for superiority - shape their behavior and
people who strive for create their own
personal superiority over personality.
others. May hide their
Subjective Perceptions
self-centeredness behind
the cloak of social - People strive for
concern. superiority or success to
compensate for feelings of
Striving for success -
inferiority, but the manner
actions of people who are
in which they strive is not
motivated by highly
shaped by reality but by
developed social interest.
their subjective
Social progress is more
perceptions of reality, that
is by their fictions, or
Final Goal expectations of the future.

 Regardless of the Fictions

motivation for
- Ideas that have no real
striving, each
existence, yet they
individual is guided by
influence people as if they
a final goal.
really existed.
 Has great significance
because it unifies Ex:
personality and
Belief in God
renders all behavior
comprehensible. Karma
 Product of the
Physical Inferiorities
creative power.
- Physical deficiencies
Creative Power →
alone do not cause a
people’s ability to freely
particular style of life.
They simply provide more clearly than words
present motivation for are able to do”.
reaching goals.
- Conscious thoughts are
- Some people those that are understood
compensate for these and regarded by the
feelings of inferiority by individual as helpful in
moving toward striving for success.
psychological health and
- Unconscious thoughts
as a useful style of life,
are those that are not
whereas others
overcompensate and are
motivated to subdue or Social Interest
retreat from other people.
Unity and Self- HL
consistency of Personality  Feeling of oneness
with all humanity
- Thoughts, feelings, and
actions are all directed  An attitude of
toward a single goal and relatedness with
serve as a single purpose. humanity as well as
empathy with each
- The mind and body are other.
one, as Adler proposed in  Sole criterion of
his concept of Organ human values
Style of Life
Organ Dialect → body’s
organs “speak a language - It includes a person’s
which is usually more goal, self-concept, feelings
expressive and discloses for others and attitude
the individual’s opinion toward the world.
- Psychologically healthy goal, and contributes to
people behave in diverse the development of social
and flexible ways with interest.
styles of life that are
Abnormal Development
complex, enriched, and
changing.  Underdeveloped
social interest.
Major problems of life:
 Set their goals too
 Neighborly love high.
 Sexual love  Live on their own
 Occupation private world.
 Have a rigid and
We solve problems
dogmatic style of life.
External Factors in
 Cooperation
 Personal courage
 Willingness to make  Exaggerated physical
contribution. deficiencies.
 Pampered style of life
Creative Power
 Neglected style of life
- Adler believed that each
Safeguarding Tendencies
person is empowered with
the freedom to create his  Enable people to
or her own style of life. hide their inflated
self-image and to
- Their creative power
maintain the
places them in control of
current style of
their own lives, is
responsible for their final
 Protection against
goal, determines their
method striving for that
 Conscious and shield a Self-accusation → marked
person’s fragile self- by self-torture and guilt.
esteem from public
- People escape life’s
problems by setting up a
 “Yes, but” distance between
 “If only” themselves and those
- These excuses protect a
weak but artificially Moving backward →
inflated sense of self- reverting to a more secure
worth and deceive people period of life.
into believing that they
Standing Still → avoiding
are superior more than
all responsibility
they really are.
Hesitating →
- To safeguard their
Constructing Obstacle
exaggerated superiority
→by overcoming the
obstacle, they protect
Depreciation → tendency their self-esteem and their
to undervalue other prestige.
people’s achievements
and to overvalue one’s
own. - In contrast to Freud,
Adler believed that the
Accusation → the
psychic life of women is
tendency to blame others
essentially the same as
for one’s failure.
that of men and that a
male dominated society is
not natural rather an
artificial product of
historical development.

- According to Adler,
cultural and social
practices influence many
men and women to
overemphasize the
importance of being
manly, a condition he
called the masculine

Applications of Individual

 Family Constellation.
 Early Recollections.

Family Constellation
Early Recollections mother had a profound
impact to him.
- Adler insisted that early
recollections are always • Dream → archaeologist
consistent with people’s
• Occupation → Physician
present style of life and
and Psychiatrist
that their subjective
account of these • He specializes psychiatry
experiences yields clues to because it provided him to
understanding both their reconcile two important
final goal and their opposing tendencies with
present style of life. himself: an interest in
natural science and
Analytical Psychology
preoccupation with
Carl Jung religious and philosophical
Biography of Carl Jung
• The Psychology of
• Birth place: Kesswil, Dementia Praecox
• Freud saw Jung as his
• Date: July 26, 1875 successor
• Mother → Strict believer •Jung became
in Mysticism; insecure disenchanted with Freud’s
woman who treated his theories and broke with
family inconsistently. the International
• Father → idealistic Psychoanalytic Association
protestant minister, weak in 1913.

• His parents are •Carl Jung 1 loved his

constantly arguing and the wife, while Carl Jung 2
separation from his
loved his former patient, everyday activities of
Toni Wolfe. waking life.

•Jung’s neurotic episode – Unconscious

middle age
- Personal unconscious,
• Died in Zurich in 1961. Collective unconscious.

Nature and Structure of - Healthy individuals are in

Personality contact with their
conscious world, but they
also allow themselves to
- It is a construct to experience their
represent all of the unconscious self and thus
interacting systems within to achieve individuation.
human personality that re
Personal unconscious
needed to account for the
mental life and behavior - All repressed, forgotten,
of the person. or subliminally perceived
experiences of one
Levels of Psyche
particular individual.
- Our personal
- one’s conscious mind, unconscious is formed by
concerned in thinking, our individual experiences
feeling and perceiving, and is therefore unique to
center of consciousness. each of us.

- It is our awareness of -Some images in the

ourselves and is personal unconscious can
responsible for carrying be recalled easily, some
out all the normal remembered with
difficulty, and still others
are beyond the reach of Archetypes
- Ancient or archaic
Complexes images that derive from
the collective unconscious.
- Contents of the personal
unconscious - When activated, it
expresses itself through
- Complex is an
several modes, primarily
emotionally toned
dreams, fantasies, and
conglomeration of
associated ideas.
1. Persona
- Complexes are largely
personal, but they may - The public face or role a
also be partly derived person presents to others.
from humanity’s collective
- Although the persona
can be helpful, it can also
Collective Unconscious be harmful if we come to
believe that it reflects our
- The physical contents of
true nature. Inflation of
the collective unconscious
are inherited and pass
from one generation to 2. Anima and Animus
the next as psychic
Anima – The feminine side
- The collective
Animus – The masculine
unconscious is responsible
side of women
for people’s many myths,
legends, and religious
3. Shadow
- The dark side of the - Archetypes of all
personality; the archetype archetypes.
that contains primitive
- Represents the unity,
animal instincts.
integration, and harmony
-First test of courage. of the total personality.

- Also, the source of -Striving toward the

creativity, vitality, wholeness is the ultimate
spontaneity, and goal of life.
8. The Wise Old Man
- Must not be totally
- Derivative of Animus
- Part ng personality na
4. Great Mother
wise na tayo.
-Archetype for fertility and
- The mentor part of
Archetype. The part of us
5. Wise Old Man that are good at
mentoring other people.
-Archetype of wisdom and
meaning. Psychological Types

6. Hero - Classification of people

based on two-dimensional
- Unconscious image of a
scheme of attitudes and
person who conquers an
evil for who also has a
tragic flaw. - Two attitudes of
extraversion, and
introversion and the four
7. Self functions of thinking,
feeling, sensing, and
intuiting combine to - Irrational: Sensing and
produce eight possible Intuiting.
Sensing → reproduces an
Psychological Attitudes experience through the
- Source of psychic
energy. Intuiting → Relying on
hunches when dealing
- Predisposition to act or
with strange situations
react in a characteristic
that have no established
1. Extraversion

- characterized by an
Rational: Thinking and
orientation toward the
external world and other
people. Thinking →
understanding events
2. Introversion
through the use of reason
- Characterized by an and logic.
orientation toward one’s
Feeling → evaluation of
own thoughts and
events by judging whether
they are good or bad;
determines what thing is
worth to the individual.

Psychological Functions
Development of activities. Conservative
Personality Principle: to cling to
narrow consciousness of
1. Childhood
childhood, thus avoiding
- Birth until adolescence problems pertinent to the
present time of life.
- Libidinal energy is
expected in learning to 3. Middle life
walk, talk, and other skills
- 35 to 40 until old age
necessary for survival.
-The most important stage
2. Youth
- Extroversion to
- Puberty until middle life
-Libidinal energy is
-They must look forward
directed towards learning
to the future with hope
a vocation, getting
and anticipation,
married, raising a child,
surrender the lifestyle of
youth, and discover new
meaning in middle life.

4. Old age
- Time for psychological Dream Analysis – means
rebirth. of resolving current
- Self-realization and
preparation for death. - Active imagination -
visualizing one’s dream
-Acquisition of wisdom.
- Word Association Test.
- Condition of
- Painting Therapy.
psychological health
resulting from the
integration of all conscious
and unconscious facets of
the personality.

- All four functions highly


- Realizing one’s full


- Begins and achieved at

middle age.

Therapeutic Assessment

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