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Grade XI (2023-24)

Number of Paper: 1
Total number of Periods: 240 (35 Minutes Each)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80

No. Units No. of Marks

I Numbers, Quantification and 25 09
Numerical Applications
II Algebra 45 15
III Mathematical Reasoning 15 06
IV Calculus 35 10
V Probability 25 08
VI Descriptive Statistics 35 12
VII Basics of Financial Mathematics 45 15
VIII Coordinate Geometry 15 05
Total 240 80
Internal Assessment 20
Sl. Contents Learning Outcomes: Notes / Explanation
No. Students will be able to
Numbers & Quantification
1.2 Binary Numbers ● Express decimal numbers ● Definition of number system
in binary system (decimal and binary)
● Express binary numbers ● Conversion from decimal to
in decimal system binary system and vice - versa
1.4 Indices, ● Relate indices and ● Applications of rules of indices
Logarithm and logarithm /antilogarithm ● Introduction of logarithm and
Antilogarithm ● Find logarithm and antilogarithm
antilogarithms of given ● Common and Natural logarithm
1.5 Laws and ● Enlist the laws and ● Fundamental laws of logarithm
properties of properties of logarithms
logarithms ● Apply laws of logarithm
1.6 Simple ● Use logarithm in different ● Express the problem in the form
applications of applications of an equation and apply
logarithm and logarithm/ antilogarithm
Numerical Applications
1.7 Averages ● Determine average for a ● Definition and meaning
given data ● Problems on average, weighted
1.8 Clock ● Evaluate the angular ● Number of rotations of minute
value of a minute hand / hour hand of a clock in a
● Calculate the angle day
formed between two ● Number of times minute hand and
hands of clock at given hour hand coincides in a day
● Calculate the time for
which hands of clock
1.9 Calendar ● Determine Odd days in a ● Definition of odd days
month/ year/ century ● Odd days in a year/ century.
● Decode the day for the ● Day corresponding to a given
given date date
1.10 Time, Work and ● Establish the relationship ● Basic concept of time and work
Distance between work and time ● Problems on time taken / distance
● Compare the work done covered / work done
by the individual / group
w.r.t. time
● Calculate the time taken/
distance covered/ Work
done from the given data
1.11 Mensuration ● Solve problems based on ● Comparison between 2D and 3D
surface area and volume shapes
of 2D and 3D shapes ● Combination of solids
● Calculate the volume/ ● Transforming one solid shape to
surface area for solid another
formed using two or more
1.12 Seating ● Create suitable seating ● Linear and circular seating
arrangement plan/ draft as per given arrangement
conditions ● Position of a person in a seating
(Linear/circular) arrangement
● Locate the position of a
person in a seating
2.1 Introduction to ● Define set as well-defined ● Definition of a Set
sets – definition collection of objects ● Examples and Non-examples of
2.2 Representation ● Represent a set in Roster ● Write elements of a set in Set
of sets form and Set builder form Builder form and Roster Form
● Convert a set given in Roster
form into Set builder form and
2.3 Types of sets  Identify different types of  Types of Sets: Finite Set, Infinite
and their sets on the basis of Set, Empty Set, Singleton Set
notations number of elements in the
 Differentiate between
equal set and equivalence
2.4 Subsets  Enlist all subsets of a set  Subset of a given set
 Find number of subsets of  Familiarity with terms like
a given set Superset, Improper subset,
 Find number of elements Universal set, Power set
of a power set
2.5 Intervals  Express subset of real  Open interval, closed interval,
numbers as intervals semi open interval and semi
closed interval
2.6 Venn diagrams  Apply the concept of  Venn diagrams as the pictorial
Venn diagram to representation of relationship
understand the between sets
relationship between sets  Practical Problems based on
 Solve problems using Venn Diagrams
Venn diagram
2.7 Operations on  Perform operations on  Operations on sets include
sets sets to solve practical i) Union of sets
problems ii) Intersection of sets
iii) Difference of sets
iv) Complement of a set
v) De Morgan’s Laws
2.8 Ordered pairs  Explain the significance of  Ordered pair, order of elements in
specific arrangement of an ordered pair and equality of
Cartesian elements in a pair ordered pairs
product of two  Write Cartesian product of  Cartesian product of two non-
sets two sets empty sets
 Find the number of
elements in a Cartesian
product of two sets
2.9 Relations  Express relation as a  Definition of Relation, examples
subset of Cartesian pertaining to relations in the real
product number system
 Find domain and range of
a relation
Sequences and Series
2.11 Sequence and ● Differentiate between ● Sequence:𝑎1 , 𝑎2 , 𝑎3, … , 𝑎𝑛
Series sequence and series ● Series: 𝑎1 + 𝑎2 + 𝑎3 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛

2.12 Arithmetic ● Identify Arithmetic ● General term of AP:

Progression Progression (AP) 𝑡 𝑛 = 𝑎 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑑
● Establish the formulae of ● Sum of n terms of AP :
finding 𝑛𝑡ℎ term and sum Sn = 2 [2𝑎 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑑]
of n terms
● Solve application 𝑎+𝑏
AM of 𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏= 2
problems based on AP
● Find arithmetic mean
(AM) of two positive

2.13 Geometric  Identify Geometric ● General term of GP:

Progression Progression (GP) 𝑡𝑛 = 𝑎𝑟 𝑛−1
● Sum of n terms of a GP:
● Derive the 𝑛𝑡ℎ term and 𝑎(𝑟 𝑛 −1)
Sn =
sum of n terms of a given 𝑟−1
 Sum of infinite term of GP =
● Solve problems based on 1−𝑟
, where −1 < 𝑟 < 1
applications of GP
● Geometric mean of a and b = √𝑎𝑏
● Find geometric mean ● For two positive numbers a and b,
(GM) of two positive 𝑎+𝑏
AM ≥GM i.e., 2
≥ √𝑎𝑏
● Solve problems based on
relation between AM and

2.14 Applications of ● Apply appropriate Applications based on

AP and GP formulas of AP and GP to ● Economy Stimulation
solve application ● The Virus spread etc.

Permutations and Combinations

2.15 Factorial ● Define factorial of a ● Definition of factorial:
number n! = n(n-1)(n-2)…3.2.1
● Calculate factorial of a Usage of factorial in counting
number principles
2.16 Fundamental ● Appreciate how to count ● Fundamental Principle of Addition
Principle of without counting ● Fundamental Principle of
Counting Multiplication
2.17 Permutations ● Define permutation ● Permutation as arrangement of
objects in a definite order taken
● Apply the concept of some or all at a time
permutation to solve ● Theorems under different
simple problems 𝑛!
conditions resulting in nPr=(𝑛−𝑟)! or
𝑛𝑟 or
𝑛1 !𝑛2 !…𝑛𝑘 !

2.20 Combinations ● Define combination -The number of combinations of

n different objects taken r at a
● Differentiate between 𝑛!
time is given by nCr= 𝑟!.(𝑛−𝑟)!
permutation and
combination Some results on combinations:
● C0 = 1 = nCn
● Apply the formula of ●
Ca = nCb ⇒ a=b or a+ b=n
combination to solve the ●
Cr = nCn-r
related problems ●
Cr + nCr-1 = n+1Cr
3.2 Logical ● Solve logical problems ● Odd man out
reasoning involving odd man out, ● Syllogism
syllogism, blood relation ● Blood relations
and coding decoding ● Coding Decoding
4.1 Functions  Identify dependent and ● Dependent variable and
independent variables independent variable
 Define a function using ● Function as a rule or law that
dependent and defines a relationship between
independent variable one variable (the independent
variable) and another variable
(the dependent variable)
4.2 Domain and  Define domain, range ● Domain as a set of all values of
Range of a and co-domain of a given independent variable
function function ● Co-domain as a set of all values
of dependent variable
● Range of a function as set of all
possible resulting values of
dependent variable
4.3 Types of  Define various types of  Following types of functions with
functions functions definitions and characteristics
 Identify domain, co- Constant function, Identity
domain and range of the function, Polynomial function,
function Rational function, Composite
function, Logarithm function,
Exponential function, Modulus
function, Greatest integer
function, Signum function,
Algebraic function
4.4 Graphical ● Representation of ● Graph of some polynomial
representation function graphically functions, Logarithm function,
of functions Exponential Function, Modulus
function, Greatest integer
function, Signum function
4.5 Concepts of ● Define limit of a function ● Left hand limit, Right hand limit,
limits and ● Solve problems based on Limit of a function, Continuity of a
continuity of a the algebra of limits function
function ● Define continuity of a
4.6 Instantaneous ● Define instantaneous ∆𝑦 𝑓(𝑥+∆𝑥)−𝑓(𝑥)
● The ratio = as
rate of change rate of change ∆𝑥 ∆𝑥
instantaneous rate of change,
where ∆𝑦 is change in 𝑦 and ∆𝑥
is change in 𝑥 at any instant
4.7 Differentiation ● Find the derivative of the ● Derivatives of functions (non-
as a process of functions trigonometric only)
4.8 Derivatives of ● Find the derivative of ● If 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑢) where 𝑢 = 𝑔(𝑥) then
algebraic function of a function differential coefficient of 𝑦 w.r.t x
functions using 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑢
is = .
Chain Rule 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑢 𝑑𝑥

5.1 Introduction ● Appreciate the use of ● Probability as quantitative
probability in daily life measure of uncertainty
situations ● Use of probability in determining
the insurance premium, weather
forecasts etc.
5.2 Random ● Define random ● Sample space as set of all
experiment and experiment and sample possible outcomes
sample space space with suitable
5.3 Event  Define an event  Types of Event:
 Recognize and Impossible and sure event,
differentiate different Independent and dependent
types of events and find event, mutually exclusive and
their probabilities exhaustive event
5.4 Conditional  Define the concept of  Conditional Probability of event E
Probability conditional probability given that F has occurred is:
 Apply reasoning skills to 𝑃(𝐸|𝐹) =
, 𝑃(𝐹) ≠ 0
solve problems based on 𝑃(𝐹)

conditional probability
5.5 Total Probability  Interpret mathematical  Total Probability:
information and identify Let 𝐸1, 𝐸2 , …,𝐸𝑛 be a partition of the
situations when to apply sample space S, then probability of
total probability an event A associated with S is:
 Solve problems based on 𝑃(𝐴) = ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑃(𝐸𝑗 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐸𝐽 )
application of total
5.6 Bayes’  State Bayes’ theorem ● Bayes’ Theorem:
Theorem  Solve practical problems If 𝐸1 , 𝐸2 , … , 𝐸𝑛 be n non empty
based on Bayes’ events which constitute a partition
Theorem of a sample space 𝑆 and 𝐴 be any
event with non zero probability,
𝑃(𝐸𝑖 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐸𝑖 )
𝑃(𝐸𝑖 |𝐴) = ∑𝑛
𝑗=1 𝑃(𝐸𝑗 )𝑃(𝐴|𝐸𝑗 )
6.4 Data Interpretation
Measure of ● Understand meaning of ● Mean deviation around mean and
Dispersion dispersion in a data set median
● Differentiate between ● Standard deviation and variance
range, quartile deviation, ● Examples of different kinds of data
mean deviation and helping students to choose and
standard deviation compare different measures of
● Calculate range, quartile dispersion
deviation, mean deviation
and standard deviation for
ungrouped and grouped
data set
● Choose appropriate
measure of dispersion to
calculate spread of data
Skewness and ● Define Skewness and ● Examples of symmetrical and
Kurtosis Kurtosis using graphical asymmetrical data
representation of a data set ● Visualization of graphical
● Interpret Skewness and representation of data using Excel
Kurtosis of a frequency Spreadsheet or any other
distribution by plotting the computer assisted tool
● Calculate coefficient of
Skewness and interpret the
6.5 Percentile rank ● Define Percentile rank and ● Emphasis on visualizing, analysing
and Quartile Quartile rank and interpreting percentile and
rank ● Calculate and interpret quartile rank scores
Percentile and Quartile
rank of scores in a given
data set
6.6 Correlation ● Define correlation in values ● Emphasis on application, analysis
of two data sets and interpreting the results of
● Calculate Product moment coefficient of correlation using
correlation for ungrouped practical examples
and grouped data
● Calculate Karl Pearson’s
coefficient of correlation
● Calculate Spearman’s rank
● Interpret the coefficient of
7.1 Interest and ● Define the concept of ● Impact of high interest rates and
Interest Rates Interest Rates low interest rates on the business
● Compare the difference
between Nominal Interest
Rate, Effective Rate and
Real Interest Rate
● Solve Practical
applications of interest
7.2 Accumulation ● Interpret the concept of ● Meaning and significance of
with simple and simple and compound simple and compound interest
compound interest ● Compound interest rates
interest ● Calculate Simple Interest applications on various financial
and Compound Interest products

7.3 Simple and ● Explain the meaning, ● Concept of Equivalency

compound nature and concept of ● Annual Equivalency Rate
interest rates equivalency
with ● Analyze various
equivalency examples for
understanding annual
equivalency rate
7.4 Effective rate of ● Define with examples the ● Effective Annual Interest Rate
interest concept of effective rate = (1 + i/n)n – 1
of interest where:
i = Nominal Interest Rate
n = No. of Periods
7.5 Present value,  Interpret the concept of  Formula for Present Value:
net present compounding and
value and future discounting along with PV = CF/(1 + r)n
value practical applications Where:
 Compute net present CF = Cash Flow in Future Period
value r = Periodic Rate of return or Interest
(also called the discount rate or the
 Apply net present value in required rate of return)
capital budgeting
n = no. of periods
 Use of PVAF, FVAF tables for
practical purposes
 Solve problems based on
Application of net present value
7.6 Annuities, ● Explain the concept of ● Definition, Formulae and
Calculating Immediate Annuity, Examples
value of Annuity due and Deferred
Regular Annuity Annuity
● Calculate General Annuity
7.7 Simple ● Calculate the future value ● Examples of regular annuity:
applications of of regular annuity, annuity Mortgage Payment, Car Loan
regular due Payments, Leases, Rent
annuities (upto ● Apply the concept of Payment, Insurance payouts etc.
3 period) Annuity in real life
7.8 Tax, calculation  Explain fundamentals of  Computation of income tax
of tax, simple taxation Add Income from
applications of  Differentiate between Salary, house property,
tax calculation Direct and indirect tax business or profession, capital
in Goods and  Define and explain GST gain, other sources, etc.
service tax, Less deductions
Income Tax
 Calculate GST
PF, PPF, LIC, Housing loan, FD,
 Explain rules under State NSC etc.
Goods and Services Tax  Assess the Individuals under
(SGST) Central Goods Income Tax Act
and Services Tax (CGST)  Formula for GST
and Union Territory Different Tax heads under GST
Goods and Services Tax
7.9 Bills, tariff rates,  Describe the meaning of  Tariff rates- its basis of
fixed charge, bills and its various types determination
surcharge,  Analyze the meaning and  Concept of fixed charge service
service charge rules determining tariff charge and their applications in
rates various sectors of Indian
 Explain the concept of economy
fixed charge
7.10 Calculation and  To interpret and analyze  Components of electricity
interpretation of electricity bills, water bills bill/water supply and other supply
electricity bill, and other supply bills bills:
water supply bill  Evaluate how to calculate i) overcharging of electricity
and other units consumed under ii) water supply bills
supply bills electricity bills/water bill iii) units consumed in electricity
8.1 Straight line ● Find the slope and ● Gradient of a line
equation of line in various ● Equation of line:
form Parallel to axes, point-slope form,
● Find angle between the two-points form, slope intercept
two lines form, intercept form
● Find the perpendicular ● Application of the straight line in
from a given point on a demand curve related to
line economics problems
● Find the distance between
two parallel lines
8.2 Circle ● Define a circle ● Circle as a locus of a point in a
● Find different form of plane
equations of a circle ● Equation of a circle in standard
● Solve problems based on form, central form, diameter form
applications of circle and general form

8.3 Parabola ● Define parabola and ● Parabola as a locus of a point in

related terms a plane.
● Define eccentricity of a ● Equation of a parabola in
parabola standard form:
● Derive the equation of ● Focus, Directrix, Axis, Latus
parabola rectum, Eccentricity
● Application in parabolic reflector,
beam supported by wires at the
end of the support, girder of a
railway bridge, etc.

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