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Structuring and Delivering an Effective Lesson

Please use the headings and lesson plan template provided to create your own
Think about where you would like to teach and which age group you’d like to work
with. Then use that information, along with the examples provided, to create your
own class profile. You can also make use of the Planning Effective Lessons Checklist
to help with your lesson planning.

I) Planning a Lesson/Making a Plan


 This school is a private English medium institution in the Middle East and many
graduates go on to study abroad in English-speaking countries.
 English is taught as a subject every day for 75 minutes.
 The classroom is equipped with a chalkboard, overhead projector, screen, TV, DVD
player, and two computers.

Knowledge of the Students

 This class is a homogenous group of 40 grade 10 Arabic-speaking students.
 Most of the class is at a high intermediate level of English language proficiency.
 The students are enthusiastic learners because most are hoping to attend an English-
speaking college or university abroad and will be required to pass an English proficiency

Your Professional Passport to an International Dream Job

Knowledge of Syllabus

 Ms. Jones’ assignment is to teach English.
 She was given an English course book as a syllabus; however she is permitted to use
other resources to supplement her lessons as long as she covers the topics outlined in
the course book for grade 10 English.

Planning Decisions:

 Knowing that the majority of the students hope to attend an English-speaking college or university
abroad, Ms. Jones believes in employing current topics and events as part of her language program.
She also believes in using academic content to teach English language skills.
 She chooses threats to biodiversity as a topic.
 Knowing that English-speaking secondary schools as well as colleges and universities encourage
class discussions, critical-thinking skills, stating one’s own opinion, and identification of different
perspectives, Ms. Jones decides to incorporate these skills into her lessons.
 She has already taught the class note-taking skills and decides that the culminating task will be a
persuasive essay.
 She wants to keep the students engaged and motivated so she decides to use additional resources:
video clip, photographs, an inspirational story, and graphic organizers.

II) Delivering a Lesson: The Formal Lesson Plan

Class: This class is held at private institution located in Italy, which focuses on English
proficiency test. The class is equipped with one computer, a projector and a chalkboard.

Class Description: This class is a group of ten students from Italy, most of the class is
at a high intermediate level of proficiency and their goal is to pass an English
proficiency test to go abroad for their studies.

Topic: Students will be talking about their future. Brainstorming and organizing different ideas
into an essay with limited timeframe. Since students plan on going abroad for college or
university studies, this subject will probably be engaging and exciting to think about when

Time: 60 minutes

Content Objectives: having most students understand how to put their thougths into an organized
draft of a possible future essay. Students will ideally demonstrate confidence submitting their work
and, since time is important, have small drafts done in less than 30 seconds.

Your Professional Passport to an International Dream Job

Language Objectives: New vocabulary will be presented at the beginning of the class, and the
satisfactory outcome would include seeing that students are comfortable incorporating those words
into their future work, demonstrating ease when explaining their meaning during class, in an
expontaneous way.

Key Vocabulary: intellectual, thesis and outlining. Academic vocabulary preferred.

Materials Required: papers, pencils, chalkboard, computer and projector.

Lesson Sequence:
Activity, Materials Interaction Procedure Teacher Considerations
and Timing
Introduction to the guided by conversation with the class Introducing the topic, helping the
theme, attempting the about their goals and dreams. discussion flow into the desired
to involve students teacher, The idea is to engage class in path. Notice the students
with the topic. 10 however an exciting, yet guided, vocabulary range and overall
minutes. no mostly discussion about the theme participation.
materials required. between while exploring their
students. vocabulary range and
Explanation of the professor handing essays out to make sure that all students
next steps. 5 with class students while explaining understand the next steps
minutes. no that they will have limited
materials needed. time to do the reading,
outlining unknouwn words.
stting up timer on the
Reading and students students will individually observe if students are having
acknowledging with read the paper that was given trouble with the paper and help if
vocabulary range. themselve by the professor outlining needed and requested
10 minutes. papers s unknouwn words.
and markers.
discussion, class and discussing the paper's topic be prepared to address the
vocabulary teacher hearing students ideas and students needs on all topics. take
construction. 15 which words were not note on what the students need to
minutes. computer, known, explaining what the work on.
papers, pencils, words mean, with visual
chalkboard, resources from the computer,
projector. if necessary
preparing the next professor ask students to think about guided and short discussion
activity of the class. their future goal academically
5 minutes. no
material necessary.
explaining how to professor explain how a sketch is made this subject will be continued next
make a fast draft. 5 for a possible essay on the class and the goal is for students

Your Professional Passport to an International Dream Job

minutes. matter to start organizing their ideas to
chalkboard. be able to write about them
timed activity. 5 students time students while they analize if the activity is flowing as
minutes. papers, with make their own sketches - 30 desired and help students who
pencils, timer, themselve seconds each - will be find it too difficult.
computer, s continued next class
discussions. 5 students listen to the students take notes on what they learned,
minutes. no with thoughts of the class expections for next classes,
materials needed. professor address questions and unfinished
final considerations. 5 minutes summarize what was thaught include thoughts and
5 minutes. no in today's class observations
materials needed.
Formative (ongoing):
ongoing assessment through questions and feedback

students should be able to understand and learn the new vocabulary thaught in class and begin to
construct essays with a time limit.

Your Professional Passport to an International Dream Job

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