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In Spain in the late 18th century. Goya created “Los Caprichos' ' , a series of 80 etchings.

Goya’s “Disasters of war” and “black paintings' ' etchings showed face-melting visions in
dark oils and projected them onto plaster and encased hallways, staircases and living space.
Goya's horror show such as SAturn devouring his son can only draw in the viewer to look
into the mad eyes of the main figure - not evil but a shock at his own monstrousness. Goya’s
paintings have almost been overanalyzed but no one can fully understand. It. The mystery
makes them appealing but also very disturbing. Many of Goya's paintings focused on his
threatening illness that he suffered shortly before creating them - taking us by surprise they
include a never ending psychiatric and pathological abnormalities. The expressions of the
faces on “two old men eating soup” shows how each is a different personality. They’re not
real but both show Goya’s deep interest in human beings in what we do and why. - Learning
the worst about people and laughing about it in his work. In The Drowning Dog, it reminds
me of my own pet. Wonder how long we have left? It reminds me of our condition in general.
I'm the dog and you’re the dog, our heads held just about the dark, rising tide.

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