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JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 238:109–141 (1998)

Correlations of Cranial Morphology, Ecology, and Evolution

in Australian Suctorial Tadpoles of the Genera Litoria and
Nyctimystes (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae: Pelodryadinae)
für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie, Friedrich-Schiller-
Universität Jena, D-07743 Jena, Germany
2Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and

Management, and Department of Zoology and Tropical Ecology, James

Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia

ABSTRACT Suctorial anuran larvae are highly specialized for living in

fast-flowing waters, using their oral disks as adhesive organs to attach to the
substrate. The cranial musculoskeletal structure of suctorial larvae of Litoria
nannotis, L. rheocola, and Nyctimystes dayi (Hylidae: Pelodryadinae) were
compared with congenerics with pond-type larvae (L. caerulea, L. genimacu-
lata, L. xanthomera). Data from two other neobatrachian species with sucto-
rial larvae (Boophis sp., Hyla armata) as well as published descriptions were
taken into account. Suctorial tadpoles evolved several times independently in
the Neobatrachia and share various features, irrespective of their phyloge-
netic position. These include the following. Cornua trabeculae are expanded
anteriorly and sometimes fused. The lower jaws are robust. The greatest
width of the skull is at the level of the jaw articulation. The upper jaw
cartilages are partially or fully fused. The palatoquadrate is robust and
connected to the skull by a wide commissura quadratocranialis anterior,
processus oticus, processus basalis (in some species), and processus ascendens
(vestigial or absent in some species). A processus ventralis quadrati provides
an extended area of origin for the m. orbitohyoideus. The m. rectus abdominis
inserts far anterior and acts on the cranium. The insertion of the epaxial
musculature is shifted anteriorly to the anterior parts of the otic capsule. The
mm. diaphragmatobranchialis and rectus cervicis cross at their origins. The
origin of the m. levator mandibulae anterior has shifted posteriorly. The
branchial basket is relatively small and the ceratohyal area is large. Multiple
convergent evolution of these features suggests that they may be causally
associated with the suctorial mode of larval life. Aside from these characters,
however, the suctorial and pond-type neobatrachian species are remarkably
similar in their jaw musculature and hyobranchial musculoskeletal composi-
tion. In some features, Ascaphus truei differs significantly from the neobatra-
chian suctorial species, indicating the influence of the historically distant
separation of the two taxa. A novel modification of the upper jaw abduction
mechanism has evolved in L. nannotis, L. rheocola, and N. dayi. It involves an
adrostral cartilage as a pushing-rod element. This mechanism and unique
structural similarities of the cartilago labialis superior gives support to the
preliminary assumption that the nannotis species group is more closely
related to the suctorial Nyctimystes dayi than it is to other Litoria species with

Contract grant sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Contract grant number: Ha 2323/2–1.

*Correspondence to: Alexander Haas, Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,
Erbertstr. 1, D-07743 Jena, Germany.



pond-type larvae. Suctorial larvae presumably were present in the most

recent common ancestor of the Litoria nannotis group and Nyctimystes dayi.
J. Morphol. 238:109–141, 1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
KEY WORDS: Amphibia; Anura; Hylidae; Pelodryadinae; Litoria; Nyctimystes; Hyla; Boophis;
cranial morphology; musculature; suctorial larvae; functional morphology; phylogeny

Most frog species have a biphasic life cycle morphic changes. Thus, although the cra-
in which aquatic larvae metamorphose into nial anatomy of some species of torrent-
froglets. Selective pressures in the larval dwelling suctorial tadpoles has been
and adult stages are quite independent, so described, there is no comparative analysis
ecological and morphological evolution in the of the significance of the cranial features in
two life stages is largely uncoupled. A broad suctorial larvae in general.
diversity of modes of life and body shapes In this paper, we investigate correlations
have evolved in both tadpoles and frogs, of suctorial habits with features of cranial
sometimes convergently in several lineages. musculoskeletal structure of suctorial lar-
Correlations of tadpole habitat choice and vae. To distinguish confidently derived fea-
feeding with body shape, features of the oral tures correlated with habits from persisting
disk, and buccal cavity are often obvious and plesiomorphic features, a sample of closely
have been used to define ‘‘ecomorphological related species was chosen from the genera
types’’ (Orton, ‘53; Duellman and Trueb, ‘86; Litoria and Nyctimystes. Larvae of some spe-
Altig and Johnston, ‘89). These types are, of cies live in fast streams and others live in
course, to some extent arbitrary delimita- slow-moving or stagnant aquatic habitats.
tions of a continuum. The so-called rheophi- Litoria and Nyctimystes are included in the
lous suctorial-type tadpoles (Altig and Johns- endemic Australopapuan hylid subfamily
ton, ‘89) live in fast-flowing streams or rivers, Pelodryadinae (Frost, ‘85; Duellman and
cascades, or at the bases of waterfalls. Their Trueb, ‘86) and are more closely related to
bodies are dorsoventrally flattened, the tail each other than to any of the other three
is strongly muscular, and the tail fin is low subgroups of the Hylidae, i.e., Phyllomedusi-
and often restricted to the posterior half of nae, Hylinae, and Hemiphractinae (Tyler,
the tail. The rostral region is conspicuously ‘71; Tyler and Davies, ‘78; Duellman and
expanded and bears a large ventral suctorial Trueb, ‘86; Hutchinson and Maxson, ‘87). In
oral disk (Altig and Johnston, ‘89; Richards, this phylogenetic context, one would expect
‘92), with which the tadpoles attach them- species to resemble one another morphologi-
selves to the substrate. cally as a result of their recent common
The literature on the interrelationships of ancestry. Therefore, structural differences
larval ecology and larval morphology fo- between closely related species with distinct
cuses mainly on external features, i.e., body habits may be interpreted to reflect features
shape, oral disk features, or epithelial struc- related to habits and ecology.
tures of the feeding apparatus (e.g., Orton, We examined six Australian pelodryadine
‘53; Wassersug and Rosenberg, ‘79; Wasser- species occupying a range of aquatic habi-
sug, ‘80; Wassersug and Duellman, ‘84; tats. Litoria caerulea occurs predominantly
Duellman and Trueb, ‘86; Viertel, ‘87; Wass- in large temporary ponds and small ephem-
ersug and Heyer, ‘88; Altig and Johnston, eral pools in monsoon savanna habitats
‘89). A few studies have considered correla- across northern Australia. Litoria xan-
tions of the skeletal structure with ecology thomera larvae live in temporary rainforest
(Pusey, ‘43; Wassersug and Hoff, ‘79; Ruibal pools and in rock holes adjacent to but sepa-
and Thomas, ‘88). Anatomical features of rate from rainforest streams. Litoria geni-
torrent-dwelling tadpoles were described in maculata occurs in rainforest streams, but
detail by Pusey (‘43)(Ascaphus truei), Ra- is restricted to slow-flowing areas of these
maswami (‘44)(Heleophryne purcelli, streams. These three species have typical
H. regis, and a ‘‘cystignathid’’ tadpole), van pond-type larvae. Although predominantly
Eeden (‘51)(Ascaphus truei), and van der benthic, they spend a considerable propor-
Westhuizen (‘61)(Heleophryne purcelli). tion of their time swimming in the water
However, the intention of each of these inves- column. The three remaining species (L. nan-
tigators was primarily to address either notis, L. rheocola, and Nyctimystes dayi) oc-
questions of homology or the process of meta- cur in sympatry with L. genimaculata in

rainforest streams but have suctorial larvae

and are restricted largely to fast-flowing,
rocky sections and highly oxygenated pools
at the base of waterfalls. They graze on
algae on exposed rocks in riffles and tor-
rents, adhering almost continuously to rocks
with their suctorial mouths to avoid being
dislodged by the current. When not grazing,
these species seek shelter by moving be-
tween or under rocks, and do not appear to
use the water column at all. Both L. nanno-
tis and L. rheocola belong to the L. nannotis
species group of Tyler and Davies (‘78). Exter-
nal features of suctorial tadpoles of the
L. nannotis group and N. dayi have been
described earlier (Davies and Richards, ‘90;
Richards, ‘92). Larvae of Hyla armata (Hyli-
dae: Hylinae) and one unidentified species of
the genus Boophis (Ranoidea: Rhacophori-
dae) were compared with the pelodryadine
sample. A close phylogenetic relationship of
the latter two species to the pelodryadines
can be excluded (Duellman and Trueb, ‘86; Fig. 1. Hypothetical phylogenetic relationships of
the Anura. Adopted and simplified from Ford and Canna-
Ford and Cannatella, ‘93). The same applies tella (‘93) and modified according to Haas (‘97). Bold, the
to Ascaphus truei (Ascaphidae), Heleophryne groups sampled. Suctorial tadpoles evolved multiple
purcelli, and H. natalensis, for which data times in the Anura. Aside from the sampled taxa, sucto-
are considered from the literature (Pusey, rial tadpoles have been reported for the Bufonidae and
the Ranidae (Orton, ‘53; Mertens, ‘60; Altig and Johns-
‘43; Ramaswami, ‘44; van Eeden, ‘51; van ton, ‘89; Inger, ‘92).
der Westhuizen, ‘61; Reiss, ‘97; Haas, ‘97).
The phylogenetic framework for the species
considered is depicted in Figure 1. ates from that generally known for pond-
In the following comparative study on the type larvae (Davies and Richards, ‘90;
musculoskeletal structure of the larval cra- Nodzenski and Inger, ‘90).
nium, we will assess whether suctorial hab- Larvae were fixed in neutral-buffered for-
its correlate with specific structural features malin (4–10%). The larvae were used for
of the closely related pelodryadine larvae, either serial sectioning (n ⫽11), clearing and
and if there are differences and/or similari- staining (n ⫽31), or manual dissection
ties with suctorial larvae in distantly re- (n ⫽12) preparations. All three sources of
lated taxa. Within this context of close and information were used for each species. For
distant relationships, we will try to differen- serial sectioning, specimens were embedded
tiate convergently evolved versus phyloge- in paraffin, sectioned at 10 µm, and stained
netically informative characters and discuss with Azan trichrome (Romeis, ‘89). Clearing
their significance for phylogenetic hypoth- and double staining followed the protocol of
eses concerning the evolution of suctorial Dingerkus and Uhler (‘77). Specimens for
tadpoles in pelodryadine frogs. manual dissection were prepared by apply-
ing only the first staining step (Alcian blue)
of the Dingerkus and Uhler protocol. As Al-
The Appendix summarizes species, num- cian blue binds specifically to acid gly-
bers of specimens, stages, types of prepara- cosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix
tion, and localities. S.J.R. collected all larval of hyaline cartilage, this staining yields good
materials, except specimens of Litoria caeru- contrast between dark blue cartilaginous
lea that were obtained from a captive breed- structures and unstained, white muscles.
ing group (N. Meyer). The staging table of Dissections were done under an Olympus
Gosner (‘60) was applied to all specimens, SZH stereomicroscope using sharp watch-
although using it for the torrent-dwelling maker‘s forceps. After dissection, the clear-
species is somewhat misleading. The se- ing and staining protocol was resumed.
quence of larval differentiation and metamor- Drawings from cleared specimens were
phic events in torrent-dwelling larvae devi- made with a Zeiss SV 11 stereomicroscope

equipped with a camera lucida. Final finish suctorial species, Litoria nannotis and Nycti-
was done either with an airbrush technique mystes dayi, are characterized by a dorsoven-
and/or digitally with Adobe Photoshopt 3.0 trally flattened body, thick tail muscle, tail
software. Three-dimensional reconstructions fin originating posterior to the tail-body junc-
were made from serially sectioned speci- tion, undivided tooth rows (2/3), and a large,
mens on a Silicon Graphics Indigo2 Ex- ventrally located oral disc with an uninter-
tremey computer, using Alias Studioy 7.5 rupted outer row of oral papillae. Litoria
software (Haas and Fischer ‘97). genimaculata and L. xanthomera, which live
For morphometry, cleared and stained in slow-flowing stretches of streams and in
specimens were photographed electronically temporary rainforest pools respectively, have
with a JVC KY-F55 video camera mounted external features typical of pond-dwelling
on a Zeiss SV11 stereomicroscope. The cam- pelodryadine hylid tadpoles. These include a
era was connected to an Apple Power Macin- small, anteroventrally located oral disk, di-
toshy 8500 computer. Frame capturing was vided tooth rows (2(2)/3(1)), and a dorsomedi-
done with Avid Videoshopt 3.0 software. ally interrupted outer row of oral papillae.
Measurements were taken from electronic Apart from the differences in the musculo-
measurements with NIH Image 1.61 soft- skeletal structure of the head that will be
ware. We recorded several measurements described below, we found delayed lung de-
from cleared and stained hyobranchial skel- velopment in the pelodryadine suctorial spe-
eton to quantify observable shape differ- cies studied. Litoria nannotis (stage 39) and
ences. The planum hypobranchiale was ori- Nyctimystes dayi (stage 37) have lung and
ented parallel to the camera plane. Because laryngeal anlagen but the opening of the
some measurements depend on the orienta- glottis has not yet perforated in these larval
tion of the specimen, each specimen was stages. Even the advanced stage 41 larva of
reoriented twice, so that three different pho- L. rheocola has still no discernible glottis
tographs of the same specimen could be mea- opening, although the lung sacks were in a
sured. Both sides of the body were mea- more advanced stage than that of the
sured. The package Morphometrika (by J.A. L. nannotis specimen. Boophis sp. (stage 37)
Walker; and Hyla armata (stage 36) larvae differ
html) was used to perform a landmark- from the pelodryadine suctorial larvae in
based, geometric comparison (Thin Plate having relatively large lungs and an open
Spline; Bookstein, ‘91) of two species. glottis orifices. We assume that their lungs
Skeletal terminology follows that of Haas are functional and used throughout larval
(‘95, ‘96a, ‘97) and, with a few exceptions, life.
conforms to that of Sokol (‘81). The classifica- A full description of skeletal and muscular
tion of Edgeworth (‘35) is adopted for man- features of the head is given for Litoria geni-
dibular arch musculature, modified accord- maculata. Other species are described only
ing to the suggested terminology of Schlosser in those features that differ from L. geni-
and Roth (‘95). The recently proposed nomen- maculata.
clature of Haas (‘97) was applied for hyobran-
Anatomy of Litoria genimaculata
chial musculature. The expression ‘‘flexible
Neurocranium and first visceral arch (Figs.
cartilage’’ is used to describe a type of carti-
3, 4)
lage found in various intracartilage, i.e., syn-
chondrotic, articulations of the tadpole skull The cartilago labialis superior is com-
(Gaupp, 1894; de Jongh, ‘68; Gradwell, ‘72a), posed of a pars alaris (lateral wing) and a
for example, the pars reuniens. It is contigu- pars corporis (frontal bar). The distal ends of
ous with hyaline cartilage but differs from it the partes corpores fuse medially. The pars
in having smaller cells and in the extent and alaris is a smooth triangular plate that bears
composition of the extracellular matrix. Its a lateral process near its articulation with
acid staining reaction with Alcian blue is the cornu trabeculae. It is synchondrotically
weak or absent in cleared and stained speci- connected proximally (but not distally) with
mens. the pars corporis. The articulation of the
upper jaw with the cornua trabeculae is
mainly by the pars alaris. Viewed ventrally,
The general external and oral disk mor- the partes of the cartilago labialis superior
phologies of four species occupying a range form a simple arch (Fig. 4b). An adrostral
of habitat types in north Queensland rainfor- chondrification is absent. The cornua tra-
ests are illustrated in Figure 2. The two beculae are the anterior extensions of the

Fig. 2. Litoria nannotis, Nyctimystes dayi, L. xan- position of the large oral sucker, the broad snout, the
thomera, and L. genimaculata. Oral disks and body dorsoventrally compressed body, and reduced tail fin in
shapes in comparisons. Two suctorial (above) and two suctorial larvae.
pond-type pelodryadine larvae (below). Note the ventral

trabeculae cranii of the cranial floor. These oped in stages 36 and beyond. The cartilago
relatively slender, diverging bars possess a orbitalis is high even from as early as stages
lateral process near their proximal base and 30 on. The foramen trochleare is located
articulate distally with the cartilagines labia- dorsal and posterior to the center of the
les superiores. foramen opticum.
The cartilago meckeli has a sigmoid shape The processus muscularis quadrati rises
and is transversely oriented. It bears a dor- from the lateral margin of the palatoquad-
somedial, ventromedial, and retroarticular rate and ends with a blunt apex. The proces-
process. The medial part of its anterior face sus ethmoidalis is shorter than wide. The
forms a shallow fossa for articulation with processus pseudopterygoideus is a small pro-
the cartilago labialis inferior. The carti- tuberance in some specimens and absent in
lagines labiales inferiores form a U-shaped others. There is no commissura quadratoor-
arch in anterior view. They are connected
bitalis (i.e., a confluence between the tip of
medially by a synchondrotic symphysis. The
the processus muscularis and the proximal
cartilago meckeli and cartilago labialis infe-
rior are connected by the commissura intra- base of the commissura quadratocranialis
mandibularis and the ligamentum intraman- anterior), but a ligamentum tectum is found
dibularis. The ligamentum lies parallel and in the equivalent position (Fig. 4). The larval
anterior to the commissura. processus basalis between the palatoquad-
The roof of the braincase is incomplete rate and otic capsule is absent in this
and formed by the tectum synoticum and the species, but the larval processus oticus is
taeniae tecti transversalis, medialis, and present. The arcus subocularis of the palato-
marginalis. Fenestrae parietales are pres- quadrate is without prominent lateral projec-
ent at least until stage 41. The septum nasi tions. In cross section the arcus is oriented
and the taeniae ethmoidales develop well horizontally. The suspensorium is intermedi-
before metamorphosis. The crista parotica is ate (sensu Sokol, ‘81) in the position of its
almost absent except for a small but distinct attachment to the neurocranium. The maxi-
processus posterolateralis that is well devel- mum width of the neurocranium and palato-
Fig. 3. Litoria genimaculata (KU 224671, stage 31), ex, exoccipital; fbc, fenestra basicranialis; fca, foramen
Nyctimystes dayi (KU 224697, stage 30), L. xanthomera caroticum; fcp, foramen craniopalatinum; fj, foramen
(KU 224695, stage 37), and L. nannotis (KU 224678, jugulare; foc, foramen oculomotorium; fol, foramen olfac-
stage 25). Dorsal view of neurocranium and first visceral torium; fop, foramen opticum; fp, frontoparietal; fso,
arch. Litoria genimaculata and L. xanthomera (left) fenestra subocularis; lon, lamina orbitonasalis; pa, pars
have pond-type larvae; Nyctimystes dayi and L. nanno- alaris of cartilago labialis superior; pac, processus acces-
tis (right) have suctorial larvae. Drawings from cleared sorius; pao, processus antorbitalis; paq, processus ascen-
and stained specimens. Note the anteriorly expanded dens quadrati; pc, pars corporis of cartilago labialis
skulls, massive jaws, large adrostral cartilages, and superior; pe, processus ethmoidalis; plt, processus latera-
broad commissura quadratocranialis anterior of the suc- lis trabeculae; pm, processus muscularis; pot, processus
torial larvae. ad, adrostral; aso, arcus subocularis qua- oticus; pp, processus pseudopterygoideus; ppl, processus
drati; ca, capsula auditiva; cli, cartilago labialis inferior; posterolateralis; pq, palatoquadrate; ps, parasphenoid;
cls, cartilago labialis superior; cm, cartilago meckeli; co, sn, septum nasi; te, taenia ethmoidalis; ts, tectum synoti-
cartilago orbitalis; coc, condylus occipitalis; cqc, commis- cum; ttm, taenia tecti medialis; ttmg, taenia tecti margin-
sura quadratocranialis anterior; ct, cornu trabeculae; alis; ttt, taenia tecti transversalis.

quadrate is at the level of the processus too, as will be obvious below. The m. rectus
ascendens. abdominis of Litoria genimaculata is re-
stricted to the wall of the pleuroperitoneal
Hyobranchial skeleton (Fig. 5) cavity. It does not reach beyond the origin of
The basihyale (⫽ copula anterior) is pres- the m. rectus cervicis anteriorly; rather, the
ent and embedded in the ligamentum inter- latter muscle can be considered an anterior
hyoideum that spans the processus anteri- extension of the m. rectus abdominis. The
ores of the ceratohyal. The ceratohyalia epaxial muscles along the dorsolateral sides
articulate synchondrotically by the flexible of the vertebral column insert on the poste-
cartilage of the pars reuniens. The medial rior cupula and wall of the canalis semicircu-
part of the ceratohyal forms a horizontal laris posterior of the otic capsule. The ramus
plate. It possesses a well-developed proces- mandibularis (V) crosses between the mm.
sus anterior, anterolateralis, and posterior. levator mandibulae externus and subexter-
Flexible cartilage connects the basibran- nus.
chiale (⫽ copula posterior) to the pars reu-
niens anteriorly and the plana hypobranchia- Features in which the other species differ
les posteriorly. The basibranchiale is short from Litoria genimaculata
and does not separate the plana hypobran-
chiales (i.e., the plana hypobranchiales meet Litoria caerulea
in the median plane). The basibranchiale The differences from Litoria genimaculata
bears a processus urobranchialis posteroven- are few and subtle. The tectum parietale is
trally. The ceratobranchiale I has a proces- present in advanced stages (ⱖ38). It is the
sus anterior branchialis. The ceratobran- result of a complete fusion of all tectal tae-
chiale I is broadly fused to the anterior part niae to form a closed roof anterior to tectum
of the planum hypobranchiale. The proximal synoticum, i.e., without fenestrae parietales.
ends of the ceratobranchialia II and IV are The processus pseudopterygoideus is longer
synchondrotically connected to the planum than wide. The crista parotica and its proces-
hypobranchiale. All four ceratobranchialia sus posterolateralis are well developed. The
are bridged distally by commissurae termi- proximal ends of ceratobrachialia II and III
nales. Proximal connections between the touch the planum hypobranchiale but do not
ceratobranchialia, i.e. commissurae proxi- fuse to it. The rakerlike projections of the
males, are lacking. The proximal end of cera- ceratobranchialia are more conspicuous. The
tobranchiale III closely approaches the pla- commissura proximalis II is present; in some
num hypobranchiale, but does not fuse to it. individuals a vestigial commissura proxima-
Ceratobranchialia II and III each have a lis III is present as well. The m. subarcualis
processus branchialis ventrally. The cerato- rectus II–IV extends to ceratobranchiale I.
branchialia bear rakerlike projections along
the gill slits (inconspicuous or absent in Litoria xanthomera (Figs. 3, 5, 7)
young, but well developed in full grown lar- Litoria xanthomera is most similar to
vae). The spicula I–IV are present and long. L. caerulea and differs slightly from L. geni-
They originate as slender rods from the maculata. The processus pseudopterygoi-
proximal ends of the ceratobranchialia and deus is approximately as long as wide. The
extend into the velum ventrale. ceratobranchialia II and III are proximally
bridged by the commissura proximalis II.
Musculature The proximal ends of ceratobrachialia II and
The cranial musculature of Litoria geni- III touch the planum hypobranchiale but do
maculata is summarized in Table 1. Gradwell not fuse to it. Rakerlike projections are more
(‘72b) used electromyography to study the conspicuous along the ceratobranchialia than
function of the largest most accessible cra- in L. genimaculata. In some individuals, the
nial muscles of Rana catesbeiana larvae. m. subarcualis rectus II–IV reaches to cera-
Although the function of the other cranial tobranchiale I with a few fibers.
muscles remains to some extent uncertain
and speculative, we include some informa- Litoria nannotis and L. rheocola
tion about their suggested function in (Figs. 3, 5, 7–9, 11)
Table 1. Both species are very similar and differ
The m. rectus abdominis and the epaxial from L. genimaculata in many features. The
musculature do not belong to the cranial partes corpores of the cartilago labialis supe-
musculature but need to be considered here rior are broadly fused into a large plate. The
le cli pc
mlmps ct
mlmpp pa
mlmal cm
lt pe
a cc

1 mm
pc cli msm
pa mmls
cm lcq


b moh

mgh mim
cqc mmli mqa mha
sn lt
ct mlme

cm mha
pa lcq mlmal
c pc cli

Figure 4

Fig. 4. Litoria genimaculata (KU 224676, stage 37). hyoangularis; mim, m. intermandibularis; mlmaa, m.
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the rostral region levator mandibulae anterior articularis; mlmal, m. leva-
in dorsal (a), ventral (b), and frontal (c,d) views. Liga- tor mandibulae anterior lateralis; mlme, m. levator man-
ments and musculature were reconstructed on only one dibulae externus; mlmpp, m. levator mandibulae poste-
side of the body. The fiber bundles of the m. mandibulola- rior profundus; mlmps, m. levator mandibulae posterior
bialis have been cut. The muscular and skeletal composi- superficialis; mlmse, m. levator mandibulae subexter-
tion, geometry, and structural interrelationships de- nus; mmli, mandibulolabialis inferior; mmls, m. man-
picted here for L. genimaculata are typical for many dibulolabialis superior; moh, m. orbitohyoideus; mqa, m.
pond-type, neobatrachian tadpoles. cc, cavum cranii; cli, quadratoangularis; msa, m. suspensorioangularis; msm,
cartilago labialis inferior; cls, cartilago labialis superior; m. submentalis; pa, pars alaris of cartilago labialis supe-
cm, cartilago meckeli; cqc, commissura quadratocrania- rior; pc, pars corporis of cartilago labialis superior; pe,
lis anterior; ct, cornu trabeculae; fol, foramen olfacto- processus ethmoidalis; pm, processus muscularis; pq,
rium; lcq, ligamentum cornuquadratum; le, ligamentum palatoquadrate; pra, processus retroarticularis; sn, sep-
ethmoidale; lms, ligamentum mandibulosuprarostrale; tum nasi.
lt, ligamentum tectum; mgh, m. geniohyoideus; mha, m.

lateral part of the pars corporis plate char- have a wide transversely oriented synchon-
acteristically curves posteriorly and lies drotic articulation with the cartilagines la-
parallel to the pars alaris (concentric ar- biales superiores. The adrostral cartilage is
rangement). Thus, posterior ends of the kera- large, and without cartilaginous connections
tinized jaw sheath are also located medial to to other elements. The anteroventral tip of
the pars alaris. The pars alaris is fused with the adrostral cartilage is connected to the
the lateral part of the pars corporis plate by lateral face of the cartilago labialis superior
a posterior and a anterior confluence (Fig. (pars alaris) by collagen fiber-rich tissue.
9a). A ligament connects the ventral side of The posterodorsal tip of the adrostral carti-
the distal cornu trabeculae to the dorsal lage is attached to the processus dorsomedia-
margin of the pars corporis. The cornua tra- lis of the cartilago meckeli by dense collagen
beculae are extremely wide anteriorly and fibers.
Figure 5

The cartilago meckeli is large and stout. muscle inserts in a tissue sheath rich in
The maximum width of the chondrocranium collagen fibers that stretches between the
is at the level of the anterior base of the ceratohyal and the oral sucker and connects
processus muscularis. The arcus subocu- to the palatoquadrate.
laris is inclined; its lateral margin is below
Nyctimystes dayi (Figs. 3, 5, 7)
the level of the medial margin in cross sec-
tion. The apex of the processus muscularis There are marked differences to Litoria
bears a medial projection. A conspicuous pro- genimaculata. In Nyctimystes dayi, the
cessus ventralis projects from the anterolat- partes corpores of the cartilago labialis supe-
eral base of the processus muscularis (less rior are fused and form a broad plate. The
pronounced in early than in late larval lateral part of the pars corporis plate charac-
stages). The processus pseudopterygoideus teristically curves posteriorly and lies paral-
is absent and the commissura quadratocra- lel to the pars alaris (concentric arrange-
nialis anterior is very broad. The posterior ment). Thus, the posterior ends of the
palatoquadrate is fused to the floor of the keratinized jaw sheath are located medial to
otic capsule forming larval processus basalis the pars alaris. The pars alaris is broadly
in Litoria nannotis; it is close to the floor of fused to the pars corporis plate; a ventral
the otic capsule but not fused to it in sulcus (for the jaw sheath) indicates the
L. rheocola (serially sectioned specimen; Fig. position of the border between the fused
11). The basihyale is lacking in our speci- elements. The cornu trabeculae has a wide
mens of L. nannotis, but present in L. rheo- transverse synchondrotic articulation of flex-
cola. ible cartilage with the cartilago labialis supe-
The ramus mandibularis (V) crosses the rior. A large adrostral cartilage is present. It
m. levator mandibulae externus dorsally. The is attached to the posterior end of the carti-
m. levator mandibulae anterior lateralis in- lago labialis superior (pars alaris) by a rod of
serts in connective tissue close to the dorsal flexible cartilage.
end of the adrostral cartilage. Some fibers of The cartilago meckeli is robust and has an
the m. levator mandibulae posterior origi- accessory process projecting from its ante-
nate from the lateral wall of the braincase rior face. This process presumably guides
anterior to the attachment of the processus the movement of the adrostral cartilage dur-
ascendens. The epaxial musculature inserts ing jaw rotations. The cornua trabeculae are
on the anterior third of the otic capsule. The extremely wide anteriorly and fused medi-
m. rectus cervicis crosses the m. diaphragma- ally along most of their length.
tobranchialis dorsally near its origin. The The maximum width of the chondrocra-
m. rectus abdominis extends far anteriorly nium is at the level of the anterior base of
beyond the origin of the m. rectus cervicis. the processus muscularis. The arcus subocu-
Thus the m. rectus abdominis underlies the laris is inclined in cross section; its lateral
branchial basket up to the level of the gill margin lies below the level of the medial
slit between ceratobranchiale I and II. The margin. A conspicuous processus ventralis
projects from the anterolateral base of the
processus muscularis. There is no processus
pseudopterygoideus. The commissura quad-
ratocranialis anterior is very broad. The
Fig. 5. Litoria genimaculata, Nyctimystes dayi,
L. xanthomera, and L. nannotis. Larval hyobranchial
palatoquadrate forms a larval processus ba-
skeleton drawn from cleared and stained specimens in salis with the otic capsule.
dorsal view. Species with suctorial larvae right (N. dayi, The basihyale is lacking. The proximal
KU 224697, stage 30; L. nannotis; KU 224678, stage 25), ends of ceratobranchiale II and III are fused
pond-type larvae left (L. genimaculata, KU 224671, stage
31; L. xanthomera, KU 224694, stage 37). It is obvious
to the planum hypobranchiale. The commis-
that the suctorial species have relatively small bran- sura proximalis II is present. Parts of the
chial baskets and large ceratohyal areas (see also Fig. m. levator mandibulae posterior originate
13). Presence of well-developed spicula, a short basibran- from the cartilago orbitalis anterior to the
chial element, and plana hypobranchiales that meet in
the midline are common features of neobatrachian lar-
attachment of the processus ascendens. The
vae. bb, basibranchiale; bh, basihyale; con, condylus ramus mandibularis (V) crosses ventral to
articularis; cb, ceratobranchiale; cte, commissura termi- the m. levator mandibulae subexternus. The
nalis; pab, processus anterior branchialis; pah, proces- m. levator mandibulae anterior originates
sus anterior hyalis; pal, processus anterolateralis; pl,
processus lateralis of ceratohyal; plh, planum hypobran-
from posterior parts of the planum basale,
chiale; pph, processus posterior hyalis; pr, pars reu- some fibers even attaching to the ventral
niens; sp, spiculum. side of vertebra I. The m. subarcualis II–IV

Fig. 6. Litoria genimaculata (KU 224676, stage 37). (abduction). The fiber bundles of the m. mandibulolabia-
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the rostral region lis have been cut. cli, cartilago labialis inferior; cm,
with mandibular musculature in camera view (virtual cartilago meckeli; ct, cornu trabeculae; lcq, ligamentum
lens with 50-mm focal length). The view from a dorsolat- cornuquadratum; le, ligamentum ethmoidale; lms, liga-
eral position clearly shows the spatial interrelationships mentum mandibulosuprarostrale; mha, m. hyoangula-
of the jaw adductor muscles. Note the thin m. levator ris; mlmaa, m. levator mandibulae anterior articularis;
mandibulae anterior lateralis and the typical crossing mlmal, m. levator mandibulae anterior lateralis; mlme,
orientation of the m. levator mandibulae externus. Both m. levator mandibulae externus; mlmpp, m. levator
muscles are absent in larvae of some anurans (Haas, mandibulae posterior profundus; mlmps, m. levator man-
‘96a). Their function is unclear. Note also the ligamen- dibulae posterior superficialis; mlmse, m. levator man-
tous connection (lms) between the cartilago meckeli and dibulae subexternus; mmli, mandibulolabialis inferior;
the pars alaris of the cartilago labialis superior. The mmls, m. mandibulolabialis superior; mqa, m. quadra-
ligamentum mandibulosuprarostrale couples both carti- toangularis; msa, m. suspensorioangularis; pa, pars
lages mechanically. It pulls down the posterior tip of the alaris of cartilago labialis superior; pm, processus mus-
upper jaw when the cartilago meckeli rotates ventrad cularis; pq, palatoquadrate.

inserts on ceratobranchiale I. The epaxial Hyla armata

musculature reaches anteriorly onto the an- The partes corpores and alares are fully
terior third of the otic capsule. The m. rectus
fused and form a broad plate. The cornua
cervicis reaches the processus branchialis
trabeculae are broadly extended anteriorly
III on only one side of the body with less
than six fibers in the serially sectioned speci- and fused medially along their entire length.
men. In the manually dissected specimen, A wide transverse synchondrotic articula-
no attachment of this muscle to the proces- tion of flexible cartilage exists between the
sus branchialis III was found. The m. rectus cornu trabeculae and the cartilago labialis
cervicis crosses the m. diaphragmatobran- superior. The lower jaw is robust. A well-
chialis ventrally near its origin. The m. rec- developed processus ventralis quadrati is
tus abdominis extends far anteriorly beyond present, but the processus pseudopterygoi-
the origin of the m. rectus cervicis. The m. deus is absent. The commissura quadrato-
rectus abdominis underlies the branchial cranialis anterior is very broad. There is
basket up to the level of the posterior end of approximately the same width of the chon-
the processus lateralis hyalis. The muscle drocranium at the level of the anterior base
inserts in a tissue sheath rich in collagen of the processus muscularis and the level of
fibers that spans between ceratohyale and the arcus subocularis. The tectum parietale
oral sucker and that has connections to the is present; i.e., the fenestrae parietales are
palatoquadrate. closed. The nervus trochlearis leaves the-
TABLE 1. Larval cranial musculature of Litoria genimaculata1
Muscle Origin Insertion Comment
n. trigeminus (c.n. V)
m. submentalis Posteroventral side of carti- Median raphe Function unknown in
lago labialis inferior larvae; m. intermandibu-
laris anterior of Edge-
worth (’35)
m. intermandibularis Ventral side of cartilago Median raphe Broad, flat U-shaped band
meckeli of fibers, probably lifting
the floor of the anterior
buccal cavity; m. inter-
mandibularis posterior of
Edgeworth (’35)
m. levator mandibulae Ventral side of processus With long tendon on lateral Lower jaw adductor
anterior ascendens and anterior face of cartilago meckeli
cupula of otic capsule,
extending with few fibers
on anteriormost lateral
margin of planum basale
m. levator mandibulae Base of medial side of pro- Dorsolateral face of carti- Lower jaw adductor
anterior articularis cessus muscularis lago meckeli
m. levator mandibulae Anterolateral corner of pars Connective tissue sur- Very thin, cylindrical
anterior lateralis articularis quadrati rounding processus pos- bundle of fibers with
terodorsalis of pars alaris unknown function;
(cartilago labialis supe- absence in larval stages
rior) of some anuran taxa
(Haas, ’96a) may be the
primitive condition
m. levator mandibulae Anterior part of medial side Joining tendon of m. Thin muscle of unknown
externus of processus muscularis levator mandibulae pro- function; absent in some
quadrati fundus superficialis and anuran taxa (Haas, ’96a)
inserting on processus
dorsomedialis of cartilago
m. levator mandibulae Anterior part of medial side Posteroventral margin of Upper jaw adductor
subexternus of processus muscularis pars alaris (cartilago
quadrati labialis superior) by a
common tendon with m.
levator mandibulae pos-
terior profundus
m. levator mandibulae Posterior part of palato- Processus dorsomedialis of Lower jaw adductor
posterior superficialis quadrate and processus cartilago meckeli
m. levator mandibulae Posterior part of palato- Posteroventral margin of Upper jaw adductor
posterior profundus quadrate pars alaris (cartilago
labialis superior)
m. mandibulolabialis Ventromedial aspect of car- Two major streams (infe- Acting on base of kera-
tilago meckeli rior and superior) of loose todont rows and on orien-
fiber bundles invading tation of keratodonts
lower oral disk and lat- (Carr and Altig, ’91;
eral parts of upper oral Taylor et al., ’96); absent
disk, respectively in Ascaphus truei
n. facialis (c.n. VII)
m. interhyoideus Ventral margin of pro- Median raphe Elevates buccal floor;
cessus lateralis hyalis antagonistic to the m.
orbitohyoideus in the
buccal pump mechanism
m. interhyoideus poste- Soft tissue of operculum Soft tissue of operculum Layer of very loose fibers
rior immediately ventral to
the cavum peribran-
chiale and with more or
less transverse orienta-
tion, possibly able to
compress the cavum
(auxiliary force pump);
muscle missing in some
anuran species (Haas,
’96a, ’97); m. constrictor
colli of Edgeworth (’35)

TABLE 1. (continued)
Muscle Origin Insertion Comment
m. hyoangularis Ceratohyal lateral to con- Processus retroarticularis Jaw abductor (normal
dylus articularis of cartilago meckeli inspiration cycle); absent
in Ascaphus and Disco-
m. quadratoangularis Ventral surface of the pala- Processus retroarticularis Jaw abductor (normal
toquadrate anterior to of cartilago meckeli inspiration cycle)
ceratohyal articulation
m. suspensorioangularis Lateral side of processus Processus retroarticularis Jaw abductor (hyperinspi-
muscularis, along its pos- of cartilago meckeli ration); flat, fan-shaped
terior margin muscle lying medial to
the m. suspensoriohyoi-
deus and m. orbitohyoi-
m. orbitohyoideus Lateral side of processus Lateral face of processus Major muscle powering the
muscularis lateralis hyalis downward movement of
the buccal floor in the
buccal pump mechanism
(Gradwell, ’72b; Wass-
ersug and Hoff, ’79);
antagonist to the m.
m. suspensoriohyoideus Lateral side of processus Tip of processus lateralis Flat, fan-shaped muscle
muscularis, along its pos- hyalis, medial to m. orbi- lying medial to the m.
terior margin tohyoideus orbitohyoideus and lat-
eral to m. suspensorioan-
gularis; function uncer-
n. glossopharyngeus (c.n.
m. constrictor branchialis Absent Absent Among anurans, this
I muscle is exclusively
known from Ascaphus
truei, Alytes, Bombina,
and Discoglossus frogs
(Haas, ’97); function
m. levator arcuum bran- Lateral margin of arcus Distal ceratobranchiale I Broad, thin ribbon of fibers;
chialium I subocularis quadrati lifting the branchial
arch, thus, compressing
the branchial chamber
and pressing water into
the peribranchial cavity
m. subarcualis rectus I Lateral base of processus Dorsal bundle of fibers Links ceratohyal to bran-
posterior hyalis inserting on proximal chial basket; assists
part of ceratobranchiale, anteromediad movement
two ventral bundles of branchial basket
inserting on proximal during buccal floor eleva-
ceratobranchialia II and tion
III, respectively
n. vagus (c.n. X)
m. constrictor branchialis Processus branchialis II Commissura terminalis I Muscle in the soft tissue of
II the branchial septum,
regulates water flow
through the gill slit
m. constrictor branchialis Processus branchialis II Commissura terminalis II (See m. constrictor bran-
III chialis II)
m. constrictor branchialis Proximal ceratobranchiale Commissura terminalis III (See m. constrictor bran-
IV III chialis II)
m. diaphragmatobran- Wall of peritoneal cavity Dorsal extension of distal Antagonistic to the m.
chialis ceratobranchiale III levator arcuum branchi-
alium, lowering the bran-
chial basket
m. levator arcuum bran- Processus oticus Commissura terminalis I (See m. levator arcuum
chialium II branchialium I)
TABLE 1. (continued)
Muscle Origin Insertion Comment
m. levator arcuum bran- Lateral capsula auditiva Commissura terminalis II (See m. levator arcuum
chialium III (wall of canalis semicir- branchialium I)
cularis lateralis and
neighboring connective
m. levator arcuum bran- Posterolateral capsula Commissura terminalis III (See m. levator arcuum
chialium IV auditiva (wall of canalis and ceratobranchiale IV, branchialium I)
semicircularis lateralis) fibers extending into
posterior to m. levator septum branchiale IV,
arcuum branchialium III and pharyngeal tissue
medial to ceratobran-
chiale IV
m. subarcualis obliquus Fan-shaped origin from Processus urobranchialis Moves proximal ceratobra-
II both processus bran- chialia anteromesiad
chiales II and III during buccal floor eleva-
tion; m. transversus ven-
tralis II of Edgeworth
m. subarcualis obliquus Absent Absent Exclusively known for
IV Ascaphus truei
m. subarcualis rectus Ventromedial face of cera- Processus branchialis II Fibers of muscle reaching
II–IV tobranchiale IV ceratobranchiale I on one
side of the body in one
individual of Litoria geni-
maculata; function
uncertain but see m.
subarc. rectus I
m. tympanopharyngeus Absent Absent In Litoria genimaculata, no
bundle of fibers is clearly
separate from m. lev. arc.
branch. IV
m. dilatator laryngis Connective tissue below Cartilago arytaenoidea Fibers run from posterolat-
otic capsule and lateral eral to anteromedial in
to esophagus ventral view; opener of
the glottis
m. constrictor laryngis Connective tissue pos- Connective tissue antero- Muscle forming a loop
terodorsal to cartilago ventral to cartilago ary- around the cartilago ary-
arytaenoidea taenoidea taenoidea; closes glottis
n. hypoglossus (s.n. II)
m. geniohyoideus Ventral side of planum Ventral face of medial part Having insertion and origin
hypobranchiale of cartilago labialis infe-on two highly moveable
rior elements may cause pro-
found changes in func-
tion depending on syn-
chronous activity of other
muscles; it possibly has a
role in the jaw opening
mechanism (hyperinspi-
m. rectus cervicis Wall of peritoneal cavity Mainly on processus bran- Lowering and retracting
medial to m. diaphrag- chialis III, but some the branchial basket
matobranchialis fibers attaching to medial during buccal floor
side of proximal cerato- depression
branchiale IV and con-
nective tissue between
ceratobranchialia III and
c.n., cranial nerve; s.n., spinal nerve.
1Muscles were grouped according to their innervation, following the scheme of Schlosser and Roth (’95). The terminology of Edgeworth
(’35) was modified as suggested by Schlosser and Roth (’95) and Haas (’97). Some comments on function are provided, although there is
a dearth of information on muscular activation patterns (electromyography) in tadpoles. The most comprehensive experimental work
has been done by Gradwell (’68, ’72). His functional suggestions are adopted herein. The function of some muscles is speculative and
may change depending on synchronous activation of other muscles.
Figure 7

cavum cranii through the foramen opticum. spicuously extended dorsally. The plate of
The tip of the processus posterior hyalis the cartilago labialis superior possesses ven-
underlies the anterolateral part of the pla- trolateral projections that support the lat-
num hypobranchiale and is attached to it by eral parts of the keratinized jaw sheath. The
a ligament and a synchondrotic connection. cartilago labialis inferior is wide and has a
The commissura proximalis II is absent, but flat anterior edge. The cornua trabeculae
III is present. The ceratobranchialia II–IV are very wide anteriorly and are fused medi-
do not fuse to the planum hypobranchiale ally for approximately one-third to one-half
(syndesmotic connection). The origin of the their length.
m. levator mandibulae posterior superficia- A processus ventralis quadrati is present
lis extends medially to the very base of the but small. The anterolateral corner of palato-
processus ascendens. Fibers of the dorsal quadrate extends conspicuously anteriorly.
part of the m. mandibulolabialis invade the
The processus pseudopterygoideus is lack-
dorsal lip far medially. The ramus mandibu-
ing. The chondrocranium has approximately
laris (V) crosses dorsal to the mm. levator
mandibulae externus and subexternus. The the same width at the level of the anterior
insertion of the epaxial musculature spreads base of the processus muscularis and the
to the anterior third of the otic capsule. The level of the arcus subocularis. The palato-
m. rectus abdominis extends anteriorly be- quadrate is connected to the otic capsule
yond the origin of the m. rectus cervicis and floor by dense collagen fibers (ligamentum
underlies the branchial basket up to the oticum). A larval processus basalis is not
level of the posterior end of the processus formed. The commissura quadratocranialis
lateralis hyalis. The muscle inserts in a tis- anterior is very broad. The processus oticus
sue sheath rich in collagen fibers that has a small but distinct posterolateral protu-
stretches between the ceratohyale and the berance. The processus ascendens is thin
oral sucker. and, in the cleared and stained specimen,
does not attach to the pila antotica on one
Boophis sp. (Fig. 10) side of the body.
The Boophis specimens combine the most The development of the septum nasi is
deviating features compared with L. geni- delayed and this structure is lacking in the
maculata. The partes corpores and alares two large specimens studied. The taeniae
are fully fused and form a broad plate. The tecti transversalis is absent and the taenia
posterior process of the pars alaris is con- tecti medialis vestigial. The sidewalls of the
braincase are largely membranous (even at
stage 37), but a dorsal taenia tecti margin-
alis is present. The foramen opticum is large
Fig. 7. Schematic representations of the larval hyo- and the nervus trochlearis leaves the cavum
branchial structures (skeleton left, skeleton plus muscles
right for each species) of four pelodryadine species. Ven- cranii through the foramen opticum.
tral views of the right body side. Species with pond-type The commissurae proximales are lacking.
larvae are grouped to the left (Litoria genimaculata, The ceratobranchialia II and III are con-
L. xanthomera), species with suctorial larvae to the nected to the planum hypobranchiale by liga-
right (Nyctimystes dayi, L. nannotis). Muscles are repre-
sented by black lines; cartilages are drawn in gray. Only ments; the ceratobranchiale IV, however, is
topologic relations are depicted. Size differences, propor- fused to the planum. Spiculum I is absent,
tions, and muscle diameters are neglected. The m. inter- but spicula II–IV are present. Spiculum III
hyoideus posterior is not shown, because it is a diffuse
layer of fibers in the operculum underlying the bran- is separate from ceratobranchiale III and
chial basket. Note that despite their very different hab- originates instead from the lateral margin of
its and behavior, suctorial tadpoles differ consistently the planum hypobranchiale. Lateral projec-
from pond-type larvae in only one subtle feature in tions (rakers) of ceratobranchialia II–IV are
hyobranchial musculoskeletal topology: m. rectus cervi-
cis and m. diaphragmatobranchialis cross at their ori- tiny or missing. A filter epithelium on the
gins. In general, high conservatism of the patterns are branchial arches is absent.
evident. bb, basibranchiale; cb, ceratobranchiale; ch, The m. levator mandibulae anterior latera-
ceratohyal; cp, commissura proximalis; cte, commissura
terminalis; mcbr, m. constrictor branchialis; mdbr, m. lis is absent. The ramus mandibularis (V)
diaphragmatobranchialis; mgh, m. geniohyoideus; mih, crosses ventral to the m. levator mandibulae
m. interhyoideus; mlab, m. levator arcuum branchi- subexternus. The origin of the m. levator
alium; mrc, m. rectus cervicis; msao, m. subarcualis mandibulae anterior covers parts of the pla-
obliquus; msar, m. subarcualis rectus; plh, planum hypo-
branchiale; pbr, processus branchialis; pr, pars reu- num basale, parasphenoid, and floor of the
niens. otic capsule; some fibers originate as far
Figure 8

posteriorly as the occipital region. Boophis smaller and the relative ceratohyal area is
sp. is the only species in the sample that larger in suctorial larvae than in nonsucto-
possesses a m. tympanopharyngeus. It origi- rial larvae. Among the suctorial larvae, the
nates immediately medial to the m. levator values for Litoria rheocola are closest to the
arcuum branchialium IV, diverges from the nonsuctorial sample and those of Nyctimy-
latter medially, and closely approaches its stes dayi most different from them.
counterpart anterior to the glottis (not to be DISCUSSION
confused with the m. dilatator laryngis that
Structure of the cranium
is posterior to it). Both mm. tympanopharyn-
and its musculature
gei are connected by a sheath of dense colla-
gen fibers. These muscles are surprisingly The anteriorly expanded chondrocranium
well developed and composed of 8–10 layers is the internal structural support of the ex-
of thick fibers in cross section. panded rostral region. In most suctorial lar-
The epaxial musculature extends anteri- vae, the greatest width of the neurocranium
orly up to the anterior third of the otic cap- plus first visceral arch is at the level of the
sule. The m. rectus abdominis attaches far jaw articulation, whereas in pond-type lar-
anteriorly beyond the origin of the m. rectus vae the maximum width is at the level of the
cervicis. The m. rectus abdominis underlies posterior palatoquadrate (Sokol, ‘81; Fab-
the branchial basket to the level of the poste- rezi and Lavilla, ‘92; Haas, ‘95, ‘96a).
rior end of the processus lateralis hyalis. Heleophryne spp. and Boophis sp. larvae dif-
The muscle inserts in the tissue sheath rich fer from the pelodryadine suctorial larvae in
in collagen fibers that stretches between the that their palatoquadrate is as broad poste-
ceratohyale and the oral sucker and that has riorly as anteriorly, and the width of the
connections to the palatoquadrate. skull is about the same at the jaw articula-
tion and the posterior part of the palatoquad-
Morphometry rate (van der Westhuizen, ‘61). The cornua
Figure 12 shows the 17 landmarks that trabeculae of neobatrachian suctorial larvae
we used to define and record areas and angles are expanded distally (Figs. 3, 8, 10). In
of the hyobranchial skeleton. Partial areas some of the species they are fused medially
were transformed to relative values by divid- along most or all of their length (e.g.,
ing each by total area to make size-indepen- Heleophryne spp., Hyla armata, and Nycti-
dent comparisons among taxa. Mean values mystes dayi). The cornua do not reach the
of measurements are given in Table 2. The anterior tip of the animal; gelatinous (in
relative branchial area is consistently preserved specimens) mesenchyme and lym-
phatic canals fill the most anterior snout
parts and may facilitate an intimate sucker–
substrate contact (Gradwell, ‘73). A different
Fig. 8. Litoria nannotis (KU 224681, stage 26/27). constructional design of the rostral region
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the rostral region can be found in Ascaphus truei; the cornua
in dorsal (a), ventral (b), and frontal (c) views. Note the
anteriorly broadened cornu trabeculae, the large adros-
are short, not expanded significantly, and
tral cartilage, and the robust cartilago meckeli of this bent ventrally (Pusey, ‘43).
suctorial larva. The reconstruction was done because The configurations of the cartilagines la-
details of the jaws could not be described precisely in biales superiores (partes alares and cor-
cleared and stained preparations. The configuration of
the cartilago labialis superior is shared with L. rheocola
pores) of Litoria caerulea, L. xanthomera,
and Nyctimystes dayi and is unique and the most com- and L. genimaculata (Fig. 4b–c) resemble
plex in shape within the Anura. The pars corporis forms those of other hylid species that have pond-
a broad plate. Its lateral part extends substantially type larvae (de Sá, ‘88; Fabrezi and Lavilla,
posteriorly, medial to the pars alaris. The keratinized
jaw sheath (not shown) is supported by the pars corporis
‘92; Haas, ‘96a). The cartilago labialis supe-
plate. There is a clear gap between pars corporis and rior consists of two lateral wings (partes
pars alaris in L. nannotis and L. rheocola. This gap has alares) that proximally touch or are conflu-
almost disappeared in N. dayi owing to more extensive ent with two slender, medial bars (partes
fusion of the parts. ad, adrostral; cc, cavum cranii; cli,
cartilago labialis inferior; cls, cartilago labialis superior;
corpores). The latter are fused distally in the
cm, cartilago meckeli; ct, cornu trabeculae; fol, foramen species of Litoria. This structural pattern
olfactorium; pa, pars alaris of cartilago labialis superior; has also been described in dendrobatid spe-
pao, processus antorbitalis; pc, pars corporis of cartilago cies (Haas, ‘95), Rhinoderma (Lavilla, ‘87),
labialis superior; pm, processus muscularis; pq, palato-
quadrate; pra, processus retroarticularis; ps, parasphe-
telmatobiine leptodactylids (Fabrezi and
noid; pta, planum trabeculare anticum; pv, processus Lavilla, ‘93), and bufonids (Sedra, ‘50; Haas,
ventralis; sn, septum nasi. ‘96a). Because the configuration of the carti-
Figure 9

lago labialis superior found in nonsuctorial eli has a complex shape and is transversely
species of Litoria is widespread in hylid frogs oriented (Figs. 8, 9). In suctorial pelodrya-
outside the Pelodryadinae, it can be as- dines the cartilages of the lower jaw are
sumed that this feature is plesiomorphic in massive, robust structures. Nyctimystes dayi
the Australian species studied. The modifica- differs from the other pelodryadine species
tion of the upper jaw cartilages in suctorial in that its cartilago meckeli forms a distinct
larval L. nannotis, L. rheocola, and N. dayi, processus accessorius (Fig. 3) that seems to
however, is strikingly different from that of prevent lateral movements of the adrostral
the other species of Litoria examined (Figs. cartilage during jaw opening and closing.
8b–c, 9), and might be derived from the Some derived neotropical hylid taxa de-
plesiomorphic condition. In all three species, velop the anterior braincase walls and the
the partes corpores are broadly fused and septum nasi late in their larval life or just at
form a transverse plate that curves back- metamorphosis (Haas, ‘96a ). This was also
ward laterally. This lateral part of the pars found in the rhacophorid Boophis sp., but
corporis is approximately parallel to the pars not in the Australian hylid taxa studied. In
alaris (Fig. 8b). A deep gap between the pars all stages examined, and independent of size,
alaris and the pars corporis plate is retained a well-developed septum nasi and well-
in L. nannotis and L. rheocola and the ele- developed lateral walls of the braincase (car-
ments are only connected by an anterior and tilago orbitalis) are present in pelodryadine
a posterior confluence (Fig. 9a). In N. dayi, larvae. The cartilaginous roof of the brain-
the elements are broadly fused; thus, the case is composed of the tectum synoticum,
gap is reduced to a ventral sulcus. In all taenia tecti transversalis, and taenia tecti
three suctorial species, the keratinized jaw medialis in larval stages close to metamor-
sheath is solely supported by the pars cor- phosis. At least in L. caerulea, the fenestrae
parietales between the taeniae disappear
The lower jaw of the suctorial tadpoles
before metamorphosis, and a closed roof (tec-
examined does not deviate in structure from
tum parietale) is formed anterior to, and
that of other neobatrachian species (Sedra,
‘50; de Jongh, ‘68; Sokol, ‘81; de Sá, ‘88; confluent with, the tectum synoticum. We
Haas, ‘95; Haas, ‘96a,b). The cartilago meck- could not examine metamorphic stages of
the other Australian species and hence do
not know if a tectum parietale forms later in
ontogeny. The tectum parietale was de-
Fig. 9. Litoria nannotis (KU 224681, stage 26/27). scribed for a variety species of the hylid
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the rostral region. subgroups Hylinae and Hemiphractinae
a: Camera view (virtual 50 mm lens) of the isolated jaw (Haas, ‘96a). The presence of the tectum
cartilages. Three-dimensional scale bar, paramedial
plane with rostral and dorsal orientation arrows. It is
parietale presumably is plesiomorphic in the
the most complex jaw apparatus known for tadpoles. Hylidae. It is present in Hyla armata. Exten-
The view shows the two fusions (thick arrows) between sive tectal chondrifications and closed roofs
the pars alaris and pars corporis (also found in L. rheo- also were reported for representatives of the
cola, but completely fused along that line in Nyctimystes
dayi). b,c: Lateral views of the complete reconstruction.
‘‘Leptodactylidae’’ (Reinbach, ‘39; Wild, ‘97).
An inverse kinematics model, involving five joints (b, The parietal tectal cartilages are partly ab-
lines and circles), was applied to the reconstructed geom- sent or vestigial in Heleophryne spp. and
etry of the jaw cartilages to simulate the jaw-opening Boophis sp.
mechanism. The abduction of the jaws is driven by the
outward rotation of the cartilago meckeli (b, right ar- The palatoquadrates of the pelodryadine
row). The adrostral cartilage is attached to both the species consistently lack a commissura
cartilago meckeli and the pars alaris (cartilago labialis quadrato-orbitalis. This commissura was
superior) by ligaments (not visible). The proximal adros- described for species of the genus Bufo (Bu-
tral follows the cartilago meckeli rotation and acts as a
pushing-rod on the upper jaw, which is opened indi- fonidae), Caudiverbera (‘‘Leptodactylidae’’),
rectly, i.e., without an abductor muscle inserting on it. Gastrotheca (Hylidae), Leptodactylus (‘‘Lep-
There are no mechanical conflicts in this model; how- todactylidae’’), Pleurodema (‘‘Leptodactyli-
ever, the exact extent of upper jaw abduction in living dae’’), and Pelodytes (Pelodytidae) (Rein-
animals is not yet known. ad, adrostral; cim, commis-
sura intramandibularis; cli, cartilago labialis inferior; bach, ‘39; Barry, ‘56; Sokol, ‘81; Haas, ‘96a).
cm, cartilago meckeli; ct, cornu trabeculae; fa, facies The functional significance of having a com-
articularis; fol, foramen olfactorium; pa, pars alaris of missura quadrato-orbitalis instead of a liga-
cartilago labialis superior; pc, pars corporis of cartilago mentum tectum is unclear.
labialis superior; plt, processus lateralis trabeculae; pm,
processus muscularis; pra, processus retroarticularis; One of the most characteristic features of
sn, septum nasi. the palatoquadrate in suctorial tadpoles is

Fig. 10. Boophis sp. KU 224700. a: Chondrocranium, inferior are broad and flat in cross section, and the
dorsal view. b: Ventral view. c: Hyobranchial skeleton, branchial basket is small and shallow with laterally
dorsal view. Drawn from a cleared and stained speci- oriented ceratobranchialia. These features together with
men. Spicula II and III did not stain with Alcian blue in evidences from musculature, pharynx, and gut suggest
this preparation, but could be seen and drawn with that Boophis sp. might be a macrophagous larvae, spe-
adequate background. Spiculum I is absent. Boophis sp. cialized in feeding on water insects. The combination of
is a rather typical suctorial tadpole in its greatly ex- suctorial habits and insectivory has not been reported
panded rostral region. However, the cartilagines meck- before. See Figures 3 and 5 for abbreviations.
eli are rather moderate in size, the cartilagines labialis

the broad commissura quadratocranialis an- and six species of Gastrotheca (de Sá, ‘88;
terior (Figs. 3, 10)(van der Westhuizen, ‘61: Haas, ‘96a,b). The absence of the processus
figs. 6, 7). The extension of the commissura was suggested to be the plesiomorphic condi-
reduces the size of the fenestra subocularis tion among hylids (Haas, ‘96a). Ascaphus
which is much smaller than that of pond- truei, Heleophryne purcelli, H. natalensis,
type larvae. The suctorial tadpoles of and all species in this study have a larval
Heleophryne and Ascaphus truei differ from processus oticus. In Litoria nannotis (Fig.
the other suctorial tadpoles in this study in 11) and Nyctimystes dayi there is an addi-
having a low processus muscularis quadrati. tional connection of the palatoquadrate with
The presence of a larval processus oticus the otic capsule: the larval processus basa-
was reported for some representatives of the lis. It is a fusion of the palatoquadrate with
Hylinae and Phyllomedusinae (Fabrezi and the floor of the otic capsule, medial and
Lavilla, ‘92; Haas, ‘96a; de Sá and Hines, ventral to the larval otic process (Fig. 11).
‘97); however, it is absent in Anotheca spi- The processus oticus and processus basalis
nosa, Flectonotus goeldii, Hyla lanciformis, enclose the vena capitis lateralis. A larval

Fig. 11. Litoria nannotis (KU 224681, stage 26/27, capsule by collagen fiber-rich connective tissue (lot).
section 28/5/3) and L. rheocola (KU 224690, stage 41, Larval processus basales have only been reported for
section 16/2/5). Cross section through the otic capsule stream-dwelling, suctorial tadpoles. Note the anterior
showing the posterior connections of the palatoquadrate insertion of the epaxial musculature (em). csl, canalis
with the otic capsule. In L. nannotis, the palatoquadrate semicircularis lateralis; em, epaxial musculature; fac,
has two synchondroses: the larval processus oticus (pot) foramen acusticum; fp, frontoparietale; lot, ligamentum
and the larval processus basalis (pbas). Both connec- oticum; mlmps, m. levator mandibulae posterior superfi-
tions enclose a canal for the vena capitis lateralis. The cialis; nc, notochord; pb, planum basale; pbas, processus
ramus hyomandibularis (VII) does not run through that basalis; pot, processus oticus; pq, palatoquadrate; ps,
canal. In L. rheocola a larval processus oticus is present, parasphenoid; th, thymus; ts, tectum synoticum; utr,
and the palatoquadrate connects to the floor of the otic utriculus; vcl, vena capitis lateralis.

processus basalis was described for Asca- The most striking feature of Nyctimystes
phus truei and Heleophryne larvae (Pusey, dayi musculature is the extreme posterior
‘43; Ramaswami, ‘44: ⫽pseudobasal process; shift of the m. levator mandibulae anterior,
van Eeden, ‘51; van der Westhuizen, ‘61; a feature shared with Boophis sp. in our
Reiss, ‘97). In both taxa, the ramus hyoman- sample. In N. dayi, fibers of this muscle
dibularis (VII) and vena capitis lateralis run extend beyond the planum basale and reach
laterad, dorsal to the process. The nerves of the ventral side of the first vertebra.
L. nannotis and N. dayi, in contrast, extend All pelodryadine species have a m. levator
anterior and ventral to the larval processus mandibulae anterior lateralis, a thin muscle
oticus. The topological relationships of nerve, (few fibers of small diameter) that is easily
otic capsule, and palatoquadrate are similar overlooked, both in serial sections and
in L. rheocola (Fig. 11), Hyla armata, and manual dissections (Fig. 6). It occurs in Pelo-
Boophis sp.; however, in these species the
bates fuscus (Luther, ‘14; ⫽ adductor man-
connection of the palatoquadrate to the otic
dibulae posterior lateralis), various hylids
capsule is by dense collagen fibers only. Al-
though not all suctorial species have a proces- (Haas, ‘96a), and presumably in Discoglos-
sus basalis, the information available indi- sus pictus (Pusey, ‘43; contradicting evi-
cates that the occurrence of a larval dence in Schlosser and Roth, ‘95). Its phylo-
processus basalis is restricted to larvae with genetic and functional significance is
suctorial habits. unknown. Likewise, this applies to the
We found few differences between sucto- m. levator mandibulae externus. This flat
rial and pond-type pelodryadine tadpoles in muscle consists of only a few loose fibers
the mandibular arch musculature (nervus that have a fan-shaped origin from the inner
trigeminus innervated). Each species exam- side of the anterior margin of the processus
ined has the same sets of muscles, that differ muscularis. (Fig. 6). The ramus mandibu-
only in proportional size and shifts in the laris (V) crosses the m. levator mandibulae
areas of origin. In suctorial species, for ex- externus dorsally in Litoria nannotis and
ample, the m. levator mandibulae posterior L. rheocola, but ventrally in L. caerulea,
superficialis has an expanded origin along L. xanthomera, and L. genimaculata. The
the processus ascendens and some fibers nerve crosses both the m. levator mandibu-
originate from the side wall of the braincase. lae externus and subexternus ventrally in

Fig. 12. Measurements taken from the hyobranchial most lateral point (internal) of branchial basket; 6, most
skeleton. Both body sides were measured for each ani- posterior point of gill slit I; 7, most posterior point of gill
mal. CH ⫹ HB is equivalent with the buccal floor area of slit II; 8, most posterior point of gill slit III; 9, base of
tadpoles. CH, ceratohyal area; HB, area of hypobran- spiculum IV; 10, most posterior point of planum hypo-
chial elements; BB, branchial basket area; ␣ orientation branchiale junction; 11, most posterior point of basibran-
of ceratohyal (1,17) to median plane; ␤, orientation of chiale; 12, lateral point of basibranchiale/planum hypo-
second gill slit (7,15) to median plane; 1, anterior margin branchiale junction; 13, tip of processus posterior; 14,
of pars reuniens; 2, tip of processus anterior; 3, tip of base of spiculum III; 15, base of spiculum II; 16, base of
processus anterolateralis; 4, condylus of ceratohyal; 5, spiculum I; 17, lateral tip of processus lateralis.

N. dayi and Boophis sp. The m. levator man- ‘96a). The nerve is dorsal to the m. levator
dibulae externus is crossed by the ramus mandibulae externus in Hyla armata,
mandibularis ventrally in Bufo japonica H. arborea, H. cinerea, Scinax rubra, Phyllo-
(Takisawa et al., ‘52) and B. bufo (Haas, bates bicolor, and Leptodactylus pentadac-

TABLE 2. Measurements taken from the hyobranchial apparatus1

Relative Relative Relative Branchial
ceratohyal hypobranchial branch. basket Ceratohyal basket
Lever arm area CH/(CH ⫹ area HB/(CH ⫹ area BB/(CH ⫹ orientation orientation
Species ratio AB/AC HB ⫹ BB) (%) HB ⫹ BB) (%) HB ⫹ BB) (%) (␣) (␤)
Litoria caerulea 33 0.36 24.1 14.4 61.8 74.7 32.9
Litoria genimaculata 39 0.37 27.8 17.0 55.8 77.8 34.9
Litoria. xanthomera 37 0.32 23.7 15.5 61.0 70.7 32.1
Litoria. nannotis 252 0.37 34.3 18.2 48.5 72.1 35.1
Litoria. rheocola 372 0.38 28.0 19.0 53.2 74.5 38.6
Nyctimystes dayi 302 0.30 38.0 19.8 42.4 62.1 36.5
Ascaphus truei 392 0.30 — — 58.8 67.7 45.2
Boophis sp. 252 0.36 39.0 21.7 40.4 64.1 50.8
Heleophryne natalensis2 0.50 — — — — —
1Each specimen was measured after reorientation on three pictures. Both body sides were measured. Thus, numbers in the table are
mean values of six measurements per individual. For definition of measurements, see Figure 12. Relative ceratohyal and hypobran-
chial area were not determined for Ascaphus truei because the required landmarks are not applicable for Ascaphus truei. Only lever
arm ratio was available for Heleophryne natalensis from the literature (Wassersug and Hoff, ’79). Hyla armata could not be measured
because of the poor quality of the cleared-and-stained specimen. The numbers following species names indicate Gosner stages.
2Suctorial larvae.

tylus, but penetrates the m. levator mandibu- Suctorial and pond-type larvae clearly dif-
lae subexternus in species of Gastrotheca, fer in the anterior insertion of the m. rectus
Anotheca, Agalychnis, and Phyllomedusa abdominis. In pond-type tadpoles, this
(Haas, ‘96a). The muscle is absent in six muscle is restricted to the wall of the pleuro-
species of Gastrotheca (Haas, ‘96a) but is peritoneal cavity, and usually terminates an-
known for representatives of various neoba- teriorly at the origin of the m. rectus cervicis
trachian groups: species of Hyla, Scinax, (Schulze, 1892; Gradwell, ‘72a; Sokol, ‘75:
Phyllobates, Leptodactylus, and Bufo (Luther, fig. 5; Carr and Altig, ‘92). The m. rectus
‘14 ⫽adductor mandibulae externus dorsa- abdominis of suctorial pelodryadine species
lis; Takisawa et al., ‘52; Haas, ‘96a). A corre- (and also Boophis sp. and Hyla armata) ex-
lation of ecology and presence/absence of tends anteriorly, beyond and ventral to the
this muscle is not evident from the available origin of the m. rectus cervicis; it underlies
data. part of the branchial basket and inserts in a
The structures of the hyobranchial skel- sheath of collagen-rich tissue.
eton and musculature (Fig. 7) of the species To demonstrate the shape differences be-
examined conform with the general findings tween suctorial and pond-type larvae we
for taxa of the clade Neobatrachia ⫹ Peloba- compared Nyctimystes dayi with Litoria xan-
toidea (Schulze, 1892; de Jongh, ‘68; Star- thomera using the Thin Plate Spline tech-
rett, ‘73; Haas, ‘97). The commissura proxi- nique (Bookstein, ‘91). The comparison is
malis I is missing, but the commissura based on the same 17 landmarks that were
proximalis II is retained in some of the spe- used for area measurement (Fig. 12) and 12
cies. The basihyale is present in some spe- landmarks of the chondrocranium (Fig. 13).
cies, but missing in others. There is interspe- Landmark coordinates of L. xanthomera
cific variation in the proximal connections of were targeted on N. dayi geometry, and vice
ceratobranchiale II and III in pelodryadine versa. The meshes over the chondrocrania
frogs. The m. constrictor branchialis I is indicate that shape differences between the
missing and the m. subarcualis rectus I is two species are restricted to anterior, preor-
composed of three main bundles of fibers. A bital parts of the skulls. The orbital and
musculoskeletal topology that is obviously postorbital regions of the neurocranium are
correlated with the mode of life is not evi- of similar shape and show only subtle differ-
dent. ences. The meshes over the hyobranchial
In the neobatrachian species examined, skeleton visualize the relatively small bran-
there is little variation in the spatial arrange- chial basket area, large ceratohyal area, and
ment of the hyobranchial muscles inner- more inclined ceratohyal position in the suc-
vated by cranial nerves VII, IX, X, and XII torial N. dayi compared with the pond-type
(Fig. 7). Their topology does not deviate sub- L. xanthomera.
stantially from the general neobatrachian It is evident that the neobatrachian sucto-
pattern. The m. subarcualis rectus II–IV rial tadpoles that we examined share vari-
inserts anteriorly on ceratobranchiale I in ous features, irrespective of the taxonomic
some species and on ceratobranchiale II in group they represent (Tab. 3). These charac-
others. The site of anterior insertion varies ters seem to have evolved independently
intraspecifically in Litoria genimaculata and multiple times in the Neobatrachia, in our
L. xanthomera, suggesting that it is not a sample at least four times (i.e., Boophis,
phylogenetically or functionally informative Heleophryne, Hyla armata, and Litoria/
character within the pelodryadine sample Nyctimystes). We conclude that these fea-
examined. The m. diaphragmatobranchialis tures are causally linked to highly special-
originates from a more medial position in ized suctorial habits. They include (Table 3):
most suctorial larvae than in pond-type lar- 1. The cornua trabeculae are very wide an-
vae. It crosses the origin of the m. rectus teriorly and fused along most of their
cervicis in Litoria nannotis, L. rheocola, length in some taxa.
N. dayi, and Boophis sp. (Fig. 7). Although 2. The lower jaws are robust.
the neobatrachian species studied share 3. The components the cartilago labialis su-
similar hyobranchial muscle arrangements, perior are robust and partially or fully
there are marked, phylogenetically informa- fused.
tive differences in their pattern compared 4. The maximum width of the skull (with-
with that of Ascaphus truei detailed in Pu- out branchial basket) is at the jaw articu-
sey (‘43) and Haas (‘97). lation.

Fig. 13. Thin-plate-spline shape comparison of Lito- hyobranchial apparatus in the suctorial N. dayi can be
ria xanthomera (pond-type) and Nyctimystes dayi (sucto- derived fom the shape in L. xanthomera largely by
rial). To demonstrate correspondence between calcu- compression of the branchial basket and a backward
lated mesh and structures, the video images of the rotation of the lateral ceratohyal processus. 1, medial
objects were digitally processed (cleaned, reduced in posterior margin of tectum synoticum; 2, posterior mar-
contrast, resized) and positioned below meshes. Neuro- gin of septum nasi; 3, medial, distal angle of cornu
cranium above, hypobranchial skeleton below; both in trabeculae; 4, lateral, distal angle of cornu trabeculae; 5,
dorsal views. Note that the structures branching off lateral angle of pars articularis quadrati; 6, medial
along the ceratobranchialia in N. dayi are largely soft angle of pars articularis quadrati; 7, processus ethmoida-
tissue and not cartilaginous structures (see Fig. 5). The lis; 8, apex of processus muscularis; 9, anteriormost
landmark-based meshes visualize that the brain cavity, point of fenestra subocularis; 10, most anterior point of
orbital and otic region of the skulls are quite similar in cupula anterior (capsula auditiva); 11, processus oticus;
shape in suctorial and pond-type larvae, while the ros- 12, most posterior point of cupula posterior (capsula
tral regions are strikingly different. The shape of the auditiva).

5. The palatoquadrate is robust and strongly sp, H. armata); some taxa exhibit a re-
attached to the neurocranium by broad duced processus ascendens (absent in
commissura quadratocranialis anterior, Heleophryne, thin in Boophis sp.).
larval processus oticus, processus ascen- 6. The palatoquadrate bears a processus
dens, and larval processus basalis (liga- ventralis at the anterolateral base of the
mentum oticum in L. rheocola, Boophis processus muscularis.
TABLE 3. Shared features of neobatrachian suctorial larvae1
Suctorial neobatrachians Ascaphus truei
Cornua trabeculae extremely wide anteriorly, some- Cornua not significantly expanded, short, bent ven-
times fused along most of their length trally
Robust lower jaws Very large cartilago meckeli, but small and slender car-
tilago labialis inferior
Robust but movable upper jaw with fused components; Medial part of upper jaw (pars corporis) fused to cornu
species differ in the extent of fusion. trabeculae, lateral wings (partes alaris) not fused to
medial part
Greatest width of skull at the level of jaw articulation Greatest width of skull at the level of jaw articulation
Robust palatoquadrate, strongly attached to neurocra- Robust palatoquadrate, strongly attached to neurocra-
nium by a broad commissura quadratocranialis ante- nium by a broad commissura quadratocranialis ante-
rior, processus oticus, processus ascendens (vestigial rior, processus oticus, processus ascendens, and pro-
or absent in some species), and processus basalis cessus basalis; (jaw articulation more posterior than
(present in some species); (jaw articulation anterior in neobatrachians, at level of optic nerve)
to eye)
Processus ventralis quadrati present Absent
Far anterior insertion of m. rectus abdominis (connec- Far anterior insertion of m. rectus abdominis (tendon
tive tissue sheath attached to palatoquadrate and to cartilago meckeli)
oral sucker)
Insertion of epaxial musculature extended anteriorly Insertion of epaxial musculature extended anteriorly
m. diaphragmatobranchialis and m. rectus cervicis Origins of these muscles clearly separate
cross at their origins
Origin of the m. levator mandibulae anterior shifted m. levator mandibulae anterior absent
Small branchial basket and large ceratohyal area Small branchial basket and large ceratohyal area
1The characters listed evolved convergently several times in neobatrachian species with suctorial tadpoles and correlate with this
specific mode of life. Ascaphus truei, however, differs in some of these features, likely reflecting the long separate history of the two
groups (Fig. 1). For a more general comparison of Ascaphus with neobatrachian larvae, see Pusey (’43) and Haas (’97).

7. A modified m. rectus abdominis insertion same muscles are found in all six species,
allows the muscle to act on the palato- and differences are few and subtle. The mus-
quadrate and posterior base of oral disk. culoskeletal hyobranchial topology is largely
8. The epaxial musculature extends to the congruent with the pattern found in other
anterior parts of the otic capsule. neobatrachian taxa, irrespective of life hab-
9. The branchial basket area is relatively its. This pattern is widespread and probably
small, and the ceratohyal area relatively plesiomorphic within the Neobatrachia.
large. Variations found in the course of the ramus
10. The m. diaphragmatobranchialis and mandibularis (V), and absence/presence of
m. rectus cervicis cross at their origins the mm. levator mandibulae externus and
(not crossing but very close to each other lateralis seem independent of life-style, and
in H. armata). might be phylogenetically informative. For
11. The origin of the m. levator mandibulae
example, the course of the nerve in Litoria
anterior extends far posteriorly on the
nannotis and L. rheocola might be a derived
planum basale and/or floor of the otic
capsule (most extremely in Nyctimystes feature of the nannotis-species group.
dayi and Boophis sp.). Ascaphus truei shares some features (4–9)
It is evident that most of these characters with neobatrachian suctorial larvae, but dif-
involve positional shifts or changes in propor- fers significantly in others (Table 3), e.g., the
tions, rather than structural novelties. Con- cornua trabeculae are short and not ex-
dition 7 can be identified as a novel func- panded distally, the cartilago labialis infe-
tional feature, but even this feature is a rior is thin, the upper jaw is probably not
result of modification in suctorial larvae of a abducted during feeding, and the hyobran-
muscle well-known in pond-type tadpoles. chial skeleton and musculature have differ-
Aside from the characters just listed and ent topologies and compositions (Pusey, ‘43;
despite their distinct life habits, strikingly Haas, ‘97). Similar life habits but alterna-
different body shapes, and modified oral disk tive constructional designs of cranial struc-
function, suctorial and pond-type pelodrya- tures suggest that a long separate history of
dine tadpoles have remarkably similar man- Ascaphus truei and neobatrachians might
dibular and hyobranchial musculature. The account for these differences.

Functional Morphology and some rheophilous, adherent-type tad-

Gradwell (‘71, ‘73) and Taylor and Altig poles of the genus Litoria, a respiratory wa-
(‘95) discussed the functional morphology of ter current entering through the nostrils is
oral suction and oral disk kinematics in maintained during sucker engagement (Al-
rheophilous suctorial tadpoles. Gradwell (‘71) tig and Brodie, ‘72; Gradwell, ‘71, ‘75) and
cited older literature on various aspects of allows gill breathing in attached animals.
the biology of stream-living tadpoles. A large adrostral cartilage is developed in
Gradwell (‘75) studied suction and gill suctorial pelodryadine species. Nyctimystes
breathing in rheophilous adherent tadpoles dayi differs from Litoria nannotis and
including some species of Litoria. In sucto- L. rheocola in that the adrostral cartilage is
rial tadpoles, the oral disk is used to adhere flexibly and synchondrotically connected to
almost permanently to the substrate (rocks) the pars alaris, whereas it is connected by
in fast-flowing streams. The larvae move ligaments in L. nannotis and L. rheocola.
over the substrate by extension and retrac- The adrostral cartilage has been described
tions cycles (‘‘hitching’’ action) of the oral in a number of neobatrachian species
disk and the jaws while maintaining contact (Schulze 1892; Sokol, ‘81, Haas, ‘95, ‘96a),
to the substrate. Feeding and locomotor but no hypothesis about its function has
movements probably involve the same pat- been proposed in the literature.On the basis
tern of disk extension (Taylor and Altig, ‘95). of its connections to the cartilago meckeli
The action of the jaws scrapes organic mate- and cartilago labialis superior, and the geom-
rial off the rock surface seemingly without etry of the jaws, the following functional
detachment of the disk from the substrate. scenario is proposed.
How exactly the food suspension thus cre- In anuran larvae, the upper jaw is opened
ated in the disk–substrate cavity is subse- indirectly (de Jongh, ‘68:fig. 15; Gradwell,
quently flushed into the pharynx remains ‘72b:fig. 2). As the cartilago meckeli rotates
unclear. It has been suggested that reduced to depress the lower jaw, the posterior tip of
suction pressure during feeding probably al- the cartilago labialis superior is pulled down
lows rhythmic water exchange between the by the ligamentum mandibulosuprarostrale.
disk–substrate and internal oral cavity syn- There is no abductor muscle inserting di-
chronous with buccal pump action (Gradwell, rectly on the cartilago labialis superior. This
‘71). Loosening of the disk–substrate seal mechanism could only work efficiently if the
during a short phase of the feeding cycle posterior tip of the cartilago labialis supe-
might allow oral inflow and transport of the rior were located near or above of the proces-
food suspension to the pharynx (Gradwell, sus dorsomedialis (cartilago meckeli) in the
‘75). resting position (adduction) of the jaws (Figs.
Gradwell (‘71, ‘75) measured negative pres- 4c, 6). In suctorial pelodryadines, the geom-
sures in living larvae attached to the sub- etry of the jaws is such that the processus
strate by their oral disks. We observed that dorsomedialis of the cartilago meckeli lies
deeply anaesthetized and relaxed Litoria far dorsal to the posterior tip of the cartilago
nannotis and Nyctimystes dayi still stick to labialis superior (pars alaris) (Fig. 9b). The
the substrate and resist removal. Detached, ligamentum mandibulosuprarostrale con-
anaesthetized tadpoles will immediately ad- nects to the adrostral and pulls the adrostral
here to a fingertip that is pressed against with the cartilago meckeli during lower jaw
their sucker. This finding suggests that once abduction. The adrostral cartilage acts as a
attachment to the substrate has been estab- pushing rod that transmits the force to the
lished by negative pressure generated in the pars alaris and rotates the pars alaris out-
buccal pump (Gradwell, ‘71), it can largely ward. The pars alaris and adrostral carti-
be maintained passively by the physical lage are coupled by ligaments. Another liga-
properties (seal, elasticity, recoil) of the disk ment connects the ventral side of the end of
itself without muscular action. An oral valve the cornu trabeculae with the dorsal margin
seals off the disk–substrate cavity from the of the cartilago labialis superior (pars cor-
internal oral cavity and seems to be essen- poris), thereby possibly preventing overex-
tial for maintaining sucker engagement tension of the upper jaw when it is abducted.
(Gradwell, ‘71). The flat body and wedge According to this functional scenario a five-
shaped snout may help to press the animal joint model was applied to the three-dimen-
onto the substrate in the strong currents sionally reconstructed geometry of a Litoria
that these animals prefer. In Ascaphus truei nannotis larva. The inverse kinematics func-

tions of the Alias Studio software facilitate In both species, the processus oticus and the
computer simulation of the hypothesized basal connection (ligamentum oticum in Bo-
pushing-rod function of the adrostral carti- ophis, processus basalis in Heleophryne)
lage during jaw opening on the computer seem to be replace the processus ascendens
(Fig. 9b–c). The simulation may differ from in its mechanic function.
real movements in the degree of rotation of The processus ventralis (van der Westhui-
the upper jaw, but demonstrates that there zen, ‘61) is a common feature of the palato-
are no mechanical conflicts in the functional quadrate in the suctorial tadpoles studied. It
scenario. is located laterally, at the anterior base of
Larvae of the genus Heleophryne have a the processus muscularis (Fig. 3). The pro-
large adrostral cartilage in the same posi- cess is connected ventrally to a collagen fiber-
tion as L. nannotis, but no information is rich sheet of connective tissue into which the
available about its connections to neighbor- m. rectus abdominis inserts posteriorly. Al-
ing elements. The geometry of the rostral though not measured directly, it is likely
skull in Heleophryne spp. (van der Westhui- that forces of the m. rectus abdominis act on
zen, ‘61:fig. 8), however, suggest that a simi- this process. This topology suggests that the
lar opening mechanism has evolved conver- m. rectus abdominis can pull the body to-
gently in these species. Heleophryne spp. ward the substrate once the oral sucker has
have an additional, submeckelian cartilage been attached to the ground. A similar func-
of unknown function in the jaw apparatus. tion was suggested originally by Gradwell
In Ascaphus, a ligamentum mandibulosupra- (‘73) for Ascaphus truei, in which the
rostrale and adrostral are absent and the m. rectus abdominis attaches via a long ten-
cartilago labialis superior is broadly fused to don to the cartilago meckeli. The epaxial
the cornua trabeculae (Pusey, ‘43; van Ee- musculature reaches more anteriorly in suc-
den, ‘51; Reiss, ‘97). The anatomical features torial larvae than in pond-type larvae. It
suggest that larvae of Ascaphus do not ab- probably acts antagonistically to the m. rec-
duct their upper jaws in connection with tus abdominis and extends the head. Thus,
rotation of the lower jaw (Gradwell, ‘71). In the epaxial musculature might assist the
Hyla armata, there might be yet another detachment of the oral sucker. Abdominal
opening mechanism; the processus dorsome- and epaxial musculature are surprisingly
dialis of the cartilago meckeli is laterally similar in the fossorial, nonsuctorial micro-
expanded and lies posterior and dorsal to hylid Otophryne robusta. Wassersug and Py-
the posterior tip of the cartilago labialis su- burn (‘87) suggested that in this species far
perior. Inferred from its position this process anteriorly reaching abdominal and epaxial
might push down the tip of and rotate the musculature are used to extend and bend
cartilago labialis superior by direct contact the head during burrowing into sand. This
during lower jaw abduction. could also be a second function of these
In anurans, a larval processus basalis has muscles in suctorial larvae, as we observed
so far only been described in stream-dwell- burrowing abilities in some suctorial pelo-
ing larvae. The processus basalis may addi- dryadine larvae (Richards, ’92).
tionally stabilize the palatoquadrate and The origin of the m. orbitohyoideus of suc-
may be part of the force transmission chain torial tadpoles extends onto the processus
from the anterior adhesive organ to the ventralis quadrati. Its fibers form a broad
trunk. When the animal uses its oral disk to fan extending over an angle of up to 90°
cling to rocks in the current, some force will (Litoria nannotis), at least twice the angle
be transmitted to the postcranial parts of that anterior and posterior fibers form in
the body via the mandibular musculature pond-type larvae, and reminiscent of a pin-
and the palatoquadrate. This functional in- nate muscle. Wassersug and Hoff (‘79) and
terpretation raises the question as to Satel and Wassersug (‘81) described param-
whether the larval processus basalis of Asca- eters (muscle diameter, muscle length, cera-
phus is plesiomorphic for anurans and ho- tohyal geometry) of the buccal pump struc-
mologous to the processus basalis of sala- tures in relation to the ecology of tadpoles.
manders (Reiss, ‘97), or a de novo larval According to their geometric analysis, the
(caenogenic) character correlated with fan-shaped m. orbitohyoideus in combina-
stream-dwelling habits. In Heleophryne (van tion with a moderate to long ceratohyal lever
der Westhuizen, ‘61), the processus ascen- arm (Table 2) in suctorial larvae provides
dens is missing and in Boophis sp. it is thin. great muscular force and high mechanical

advantage. There is limited excursion of the Evolution of suctorial larvae

buccal floor, but high negative pressures can in the Pelodryadinae
be generated in the buccal cavity. If the Pelodryadinae is monophyletic
Our sample for hyobranchial measure- (Tyler, ‘71; Tyler and Davies, ‘78; Hutchin-
ments was small (Table 2). Wassersug and son and Maxson, ‘87), alternative hypoth-
Hoff (‘79) studied a much larger sample of eses can be advanced to explain the evolu-
tadpoles of diverse ecologies and discovered, tion of suctorial tadpoles in the Litoria
for example, no correlation of lever arm ratio nannotis group and Nyctimystes. The first
with intraspecific or interspecific size differ- assumes that the suctorial tadpoles evolved
ences. Although their study revealed gen- in both groups independently and that their
eral correlations of lever arm ratio and lar- similarities, therefore, are convergent. Tyler
val ecology, both their values and ours for (‘82), without further elaboration, suggested
suctorial tadpoles range from 0.29 to 0.50. that the Australian Litoria nannotis group
This indicates that a suctorial lifestyle can acquired suctorial adaptations indepen-
be realized with a broad range of ceratohyal dently from the New Guinean pelodryadine
geometries. Within the pelodryadine sam- species. This scenario was supported by
ple, the relative branchial basket area is Hutchinson and Maxson (‘87), who indicated
smaller, the relative hypobranchial area that the Litoria nannotis group is most
closely related to Australian stream-dwell-
larger, the relative ceratohyal area larger,
ing frogs in the Litoria citropa group, which
and the ceratohyal angle (␣) smaller in suc- do not have suctorial larvae, whereas New
torial larvae than in pond-type larvae (Ta- Guinean suctorial Litoria and Nyctimystes
ble 2). These differences are consistent in might be derived from ancestors of the Aus-
the sample, but the absolute differences be- tralian Litoria freycineti assemblage (nonsuc-
tween the two groups are small. Among the torial larvae). The foregoing morphological
suctorial pelodryadine larvae, Nyctimystes comparisons between pelodryadines and the
dayi has the most extreme area values, but distantly related neobatrachian taxa Bo-
Boophis sp. has an even smaller branchial ophis sp., Hyla armata, and Heleophryne
basket area, and larger ceratohyal and hypo- spp. demonstrate that suctorial life habits
branchial areas. Furthermore, Boophis sp. correlate with certain larval cranial features
has the most laterad orientation of the cera- across several neobatrachian groups. This
tobranchialia. We found complete ephemero- might cast doubts on the utility of these
pteran larvae in the gut of Boophis sp., no- larval characters in the resolution of histori-
ticed longitudinal plicae in the anterior gut cal relationships of the nannotis group and
region, and observed vestigial filter epithe- Nyctimystes. It would be in accord with the
lia. These observations, the unusual geom- current taxonomic arrangement, which
etry of the hyobranchial skeleton, and the places the species in question in two genera
wide, anteriorly flat cartilago meckeli sug- distinguished by characters of adults (e.g.,
gest that Boophis sp. is a suctorial macropha- pupil shape, palpebrum, ornamentation)
gous larvae specialized in feeding on water (Tyler and Davies, ‘78, ‘79; Cogger, ‘92).
insects. The unusually well-developed In the second hypothesis, the nannotis
m. tympanopharyngeus in this species is species group would be more closely related
able to constrict the esophageal funnel and to Nyctimystes dayi than to the other species
might help to swallow large food items. groups of Litoria represented in our study. It
would follow that the suctorial tadpole was
Noble (‘29) pointed out the phenomenon
already present in the most recent common
that functional lungs are present in some ancestor of both.
but vestigial in other suctorial larvae. This The suctorial pelodryadine species exam-
is in accord with our observations. Lungs ined share many features that distinguish
seem to become functional only during meta- them from pond-type pelodryadine larvae
morphosis in pelodryadine species with suc- (Table 3). Although most of these characters
torial larvae. While the advantage of de- are homoplastic within the Neobatrachia,
layed lung development seems evident in a they probably are valid unique, shared-
fast-flowing habitat (reduced buoyancy), it derived characters within the Pelodryadi-
is not clear why stream-dwelling larvae of nae. If one eliminates all characters that are
some species (Boophis sp., Hyla armata) still homoplastic within the Neobatrachia from
have lungs. discussion, i.e., all those also present in Asca-

phus truei, Heleophryne, Boophis sp. or Hyla on the limited data presented herein. However,
armata, there remain characters uniting the it is obvious that larval morphological evidence
nannotis species group and Nyctimystes dayi. may not be congruent with current taxonomic
The configuration of the cartilago labialis arrangements.
superior, in which the pars corporis is fused
to a broad plate, the lateral parts of it curv- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ing posteriorly and lying medial to the pars We gratefully acknowledge critical com-
alaris, is unique among all described anuran ments of L. Trueb and L. Olsson on an early
tadpoles. This distinct configuration of the draft of the manuscript. Further helpful criti-
cartilage of the upper jaw occurs in combina- cism and suggestions of two reviewers im-
tion with a novel upper jaw-opening mecha- proved the manuscript in many ways. We
nism involving the adrostral cartilage as a are indebted to R. McDiarmid (Smithsonian
pushing-rod element. All pond-type pelodrya- Institution), N. Meyer, and R. Altig for kindly
dines examined, in contrast, lack an adros- providing specimens and literature. E.
tral cartilage. As inferred from data in the Gretscher contributed her skills in doing
literature, only Heleophryne species might serial sections of specimens. Figure 2 was
have evolved a similar mechanism conver- produced by B. Scott. We thank the National
gently. Although a larval processus basalis Institute of Health and Jeffrey A. Walker for
is present in A. truei and Heleophryne spp, distributing relevant software as freeware.
Litoria nannotis and N. dayi differ from them Research by S.J.R. was conducted under per-
in having the ramus hyomandibularis (VII) mits issued by the Queensland Department
running anterior and ventral to the proces- of Environment, and Queensland DPI For-
sus basalis; pond-type pelodryadines lack estry.
the process. The inclination of the arcus
subocularis in cross section (lateral edge ven- LITERATURE CITED
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Staurois. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 58:291–334. 2:103–112.
Tyler, M.J., and M. Davies (1978) Phylogenetic relation- cleared; KU 224676, stage 37, serial sec-
ships of Australian hyline and Neotropical phyllome- tions; KU 224677, stage 41, serial sections;
dusine frogs of the family Hylidae. Herpetologica 34:
219–224. all specimens from rainforest stream pool,
Tyler, M.J., and M. Davies (1979) Redefinition and evolu- Birthday Creek, Mt. Spec State Forest, 800
tionary origin of the Australopapuan hylid frog genus m, 7 km NW Paluma, Queensland, Australia
Nyctimystes Stejneger. Aust. J. Zool. 27:755–772.
van der Westhuizen, C.M. (1961) The development of the
(146°10’E, 18°59’S).
chondrocranium of Heleophryne purcelli Sclater with spe- Litoria nannotis (Andersson, 1916). KU
cial reference to the palatoquadrate and sound-conduct- 224678, stage 25, cleared; KU 224679, stage
ing apparatus. Acta Zool. (Stockh.) 42:1–72. 25, dissection/cleared; KU 224680, stage 25,
van Eeden, J.A. (1951) The development of the chondro-
cranium of Ascaphus truei with special references to dissection/cleared; KU 224681, stage 26/27,
the relations of the palatoquadrate to the neurocra- serial sections; KU 224682, stage 27, cleared;
nium. Acta Zool., Stockh. 32:41–176. KU 224683, stage 29, cleared; KU 224684,
Viertel, B. (1987) The filter apparatus of Xenopus laevis, stage 39, serial sections; all specimens from
Bombina variegata and Bufo calamita (Amphibia,
Anura). A comparison of different larval types. Zool. riffle in rainforest stream, tributary of Tully
Jb. Anat. 115:425–452. River, 100 m, 50 km by road NW of Tully,
Wassersug, R.J. (1980) Internal oral features of larvae Queensland, Australia (145°38’E, 17o46’S).
from eight anuran families: Functional, systematic, Litoria rheocola Liem, 1974. KU 224685,
evolutionary, and ecological considerations. Misc. Publ.
Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kans. 68:1–146. stage 26, dissection/cleared; KU 224686,
Wassersug, R.J., and W.E. Duellman (1984) Oral struc- stage 27, cleared; KU 224687, stage 28, se-
tures and their development in egg brooding hylid frog rial sections; KU 224688, stage 37, cleared;
embryos and larvae: Evolutionary and ecological impli- KU 224689, stage 39, cleared; KU 224690,
cations. J. Morphol. 182:1–37.
Wassersug, R., and W.R. Heyer (1988) A survey of inter- stage 41, serial sections; all specimens from
nal oral features of leptodactylid larvae. Smithson. riffle in rainforest stream, tributary of Tully
Contrib. Zool. 457:1–99. River, 100 m, 50 mm by road NW of Tully,
Wassersug, R.J., and K. Hoff (1979) A comparative study Queensland, Australia (145°38’E, 17°46’S).
of the buccal pumping mechanism of tadpoles. Biol. J.
Linn. Soc. 12:225–259. Litoria xanthomera Davies, McDonald and
Wassersug, R., and W. F. Pyburn (1987) The biology of Adams, 1986. KU 224691, stage 28, serial
the Pe-ret’ Toad, Otophryne robusta (Microhylidae), sections; KU 224692 stage 28, dissection/
with special consideration of its fossorial larva and cleared; KU 224693, stage 34, cleared; KU
systematic relationships. 91:137–169.
Wassersug, R., and K. Rosenberg (1979) Surface anatomy 224694, stage 37, dissection/cleared; KU
of branchial food traps of tadpoles: A comparative 224695, stage 31, cleared; all specimens from
study. J. Morphol. 159:393–426. pool on rainforest floor, Mt. Spec State For-
Wild, E.R. (1997) Description of the adult skeleton and est, 800 m, 7 km NW of Paluma, Queens-
developmental osteology of the hyperossified horned
frog, Ceratophrys cornuta (Anura: Leptodactylidae). J. land, Australia (146°10’E, 18°59’S).
Morphol. 232:169–206. Nyctimystes dayi (Günther, 1897). KU
224696, stage 25 (32 mm), dissection/cleared;
KU 224697, stage 30, cleared; KU 224698,
Species, specimens (collection numbers), stage 37, cleared; KU 224699, stage 37, se-
stages, kinds of preparation; localities. rial sections; all specimens from riffle in
Litoria caerulea (White, 1790). KU 224662, rainforest stream, tributary of Tully River,
stage 31, dissection/cleared; KU 224663, 100 m, 50 km by road NW of Tully, Queens-
stage 32, dissection/cleared; KU 224664, land, Australia (145°38’E, 17°46’S).
stage 33, cleared; KU 224665, stage 38, Hyla armata Boulenger, 1902. USMN
cleared; KU 224666, stage 39, cleared; KU 346276 (both): #1, stage 26 (54 mm), dissec-
224667, stage 40, serial sections; all speci- tion/cleared; #2, stage 36, serial sections;
mens from captive breeding group of un- Peru, Cuzco, Paucartambo, 68 km (by road)
known geographic origin. NE Puente Union on Rı́o Tachila (⫽ Bosque
Litoria genimaculata (Horst, 1883). KU de las Nubes, Km 150 on Paucartambo-
224668, stage 27, dissection/cleared; KU Atalaya Road), 1,700 m, at base of waterfall.
224669, stage 29, dissection/cleared; KU Boophis sp: KU 224700, stage 25 (49 mm),
224670, stage 28, cleared; KU 224671, stage dissection/cleared; KU 224701, stage 37, se-
31, cleared; KU 224672, stage 36, cleared; rial sections, Madagascar, Fiarnarotsoa,
KU 224673, stage 39, cleared; KU 224674, Ranomafana National Park, 6 km NE of
stage 40, cleared; KU 224675, stage 41, Ranomafana (R. Altig field notes #12103).

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