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Undergraduate Honors Program of Nano Science and Engineering (DPN) 1209: Biochemistry 1 Fall 2020 Final exam Instructions: * You will have the entire class to complete this exam (1 hour 50 minutes) + Only answer in the space provided. Only the answers in the provided space will be graded, + For short answer questions, please be concise. Write legibly. Any illegible writing will result in points taken off. + Questions are on both sides of the exam, Make sure you answer them all Academic integrity: Integrity of scholarship is essential for an academic community. The University expects that both faculty and students \will honor this principle and in so doing protect the validity of University intellectual work, All academic work must be completed by the individual student whom the work is assigned to, without unauthorized help. Name: Aaswen Key Student ID: (2.5 points each) True or False (please indicate your answer above the line for each question). 1. __F/__ Heme isa planar molecule in Hemoglobin regardless of Tor R state 2. _“T__myogiobin is a monomeric protein and therefore has no quaternary structure 3. _F/___enzymes catalyzing irreversible reactions ae generally faster than enzymes catalyzing reversible reactions Chymotrypsin’s Km for phenylalanine is larger than that for alanine A good substrate analogue is a better enzyme inhibitor than a transition state analogue difference of kcat and kuncat cannot exceed 10° due to diffusion limit Inhibitor of mixed inhibition binds at the active site of its target enzyme hom 8 The proximal histidine in myoglobin and hemoglobin is used to stabilize O2, therefore increasing selectivity 9. _F kate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction increases asi increases stabilization of ts substrate 10,_F___b-egtucose and t-glucose are epimers that differ in only 1 chiral carbon which isthe carbon furthest away from carbonyl carbon. 11, __F_ cyceratdenyde-3-phosphate, a3-carbon sugar phosphate, is used in the synthesis of hemicellulose, a carbohydrate fiber used for plant structural support. 12, __K__ sugaranomers caninterconvert without bond breaking and reforming, while diastereomers cannot {3 points each) Multiple Choice (please indicate your answer above the line for each question) > ___ Which of the following is true regarding the effectors of hemoglobin-oxygen binding? . an increase in blood pH will cause hemoglobin to bind more tightly to oxygen b. increased CO; from increased muscle activity will result in an increase in the R state of hemoglobin increased C1 will cause the formation of a salt bridge between two Lys residues, one on ana. subunit, the other on a subunit d._ the binding site of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG) contains several Asp and Glu residues which are repelled by the similar charge, pushing the two [} subunits away from each ather ©. alllof the above B Which of the following cofactor is frequently associated with ATP binding and stabilization? Fee Heme Me™ Mni* cu ‘An enzyme catalyzes a reaction with Vmax of 100 pmol/min at a given enzyme concentration with Km of 10 mM for its substrate, Which of the following initial rate most likely matches a reaction catalyzed by this enzyme at the same enzyme concentration with substrate concentration of 10 mM? 10 umol/min 50 mol/min 100 jmol/min '500 jsmol/min 1000 umol/min Myoglobin without a heme inside is best described as which of the following? Apoprotein Holoprotein Apoenzyme Holoenzyme Allof the above are equally good descriptions A tn cxvopetri intibaion, apparent Vex is described iy __while apparent Km is described by Ac ‘Vmax; akm Vmax; Km/a a/Vmax; a/Km Vax/a; Km/a. Vax/a; akm Which of the following allosteric effectors LEAST likely to have additive effect in stabilizing T-state hemoglobin CO; and lactic acid CO; and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-8PG) COp and Myo Inositol 1,3,4,5,6 pentaphasphate (IPP) Lactic acid and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG) All of the above are equally non-additive Which of the following BEST describes the oxyanion stabilization by chymotrypsin? General acid-base catalysis Covalent catalysis Electrostatic catalysis Proximity and orientation None of the above s _D_ Catalytic triad is @ general characteristic of proteases. Which amino acid below is used as the ‘nucleophile in chymotrypsin catalysis? a. b. 4. e. 10. _D a b. J e ieee prude) Aspartic acid (Asp 102) Glycine (Gly 193) Histidine (His 7) Serine (Ser 195) None of the above In a Lineweaver-Burke plot (double reciprocal plot), what does the y-intercept represent? Kew Vix UKs Wn Ku/Vnoe All glycosaminoglycans contain which of the following? a sulfate ester a B(1->4) glycosidic bond a carboxylate an amine group that is either acetylated or sulfated all of the above Which of the following is not a reducing sugar? Maltose (Gle a(1->4) Gc} Trehalose (Glc a(1-> 1) Gle) Cellobiose (Gle B(1->4) Gle) Lactose (Gal B(1>4) Gle) Gentiobiose (Gc B(1-6) Gl) Fructose is a six-carbon ketose. The carbony! carbon of fructose is located at which position? Short Answers 1. (5 points) As hemoglobin travels to peripheral tissues, how does hemoglobin transfer O2to myoglobin? Why can hemoglobin transfer oxygen to myoglobin if the role for both proteins is to bind O;? Illustrate your explanation with a figure or graph, Myeglvoin Becouse hamegletern binds O2 wearer tvoo Myojobm, especially ak - penphera\ Tissue Po ¥ ou Peripheral Wssve ven 2. (5 points) Draw an oxygen binding curve to illustrate what you think would happen to a myoglobin that has 2 mutation in its distal histidine. Make sure to also draw a curve for the non-mutated myoglobin Normal mygglviom 1)GIcB linkage. Structure for f-D-Glucose is shown below (4 points) Briefly describe how a glycosidic bond forms between two monosaccharides inside the cell (that is, how are disaccharides and polysaccharides synthesized?) Sugers ata ATP L CIP for activation . (4 points) Structural polysaccharides found in vertebrate animals such as chondroitin sulfates, keratan sulfates, and hyaluronic acids are mostly composed of what kind of saccharide monomers? Provide a potential reason for why these structural polysaccharides are typically negatively charged, 42 Lammene sugars. 42, 2 wagodie charges attract woder & Tepulsron rntcoctr oo pavents aggregator of He gljcosamin® gly com , Feovichny mone stretehalbe property _ nor) Tio poihewint 19; A actnw jertip Vo sikopan 2 reo yl) anne le Nt be pert pate es Malate nye

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