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Machine Learning – (UNIT 1 PART -1)


Mrs. Jyoti Agarwal

1. What is Machine Learning –

Machine learning (ML) is the subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on building systems that
learn—or improve performance—based on the data they consume. Machine learning and AI are often
discussed together, and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they do not mean the same
thing. An important distinction is that although all machine learning is AI, not all AI is machine learning.
Machine learning (ML) is a discipline of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows machines to automatically
learn from data and past experiences to identify patterns and make predictions with minimal human

Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that teaches computers to think in a similar
way to how humans do: Learning and improving upon past experiences. It works by exploring data
and identifying patterns and involves minimal human intervention.
Application of Machine Learning-

1. Traffic Alerts (Maps)-

Now, Google Maps is probably an application we use whenever we go out and require
assistance with directions and traffic.

Well, it’s a combination of People currently using the service, Historic Data of that route
collected over time, and a few tricks acquired from other companies. Everyone using maps is
providing their location, average speed, and the route in which they are traveling which in turn
helps Google collect massive Data about the traffic, which makes them predict the upcoming
traffic and adjust your route according to it.

2. Social Media (Facebook)-

One of the most common applications of Machine Learning is Automatic Friend Tagging
Suggestions on Facebook or any other social media platform. Facebook uses face detection and Image
recognition to automatically find the face of the person which matches its Database and hence suggests
we tag that person based on Deep Face.
3. Transportation and Commuting (Uber)

If you have used an app to book a cab, you are already using Machine Learning to an extent. It provides
a personalized application that is unique to you. Automatically detects your location and provides
options to either go home or the office or any other frequent place based on your History and Patterns.

4. Products Recommendations

Suppose you check an item on Amazon, but you do not buy it then and there. But the next day, you’re
watching videos on YouTube and suddenly you see an ad for the same item. You switch to Facebook,
there also you see the same ad. So how does this happen? It is just because of machine learning.

5. Virtual Personal Assistants

As the name suggests, Virtual Personal Assistants assist in finding useful information, when asked via
text or voice. A few of the major applications of Machine Learning here are:

• Speech Recognition
• Speech to Text Conversion
• Natural Language Processing
• Text to Speech Conversion

6. Self-Driving Cars

Well, here is one of the coolest applications of Machine Learning. It’s here and people are already using
it. Machine Learning plays a very important role in Self Driving Cars and I’m sure you guys might have
heard about Tesla. The leader in this business and their current Artificial Intelligence is driven by
hardware manufacturer NVIDIA, which is based on Unsupervised Learning Algorithm.

7. Dynamic Pricing

Setting the right price for a good or service is an old problem in economic theory. There are a vast
amount of pricing strategies that depend on the objective sought. Be it a movie ticket, a plane ticket, or
cab fare, everything is dynamically priced. In recent years, artificial intelligence has enabled pricing
solutions to track buying trends and determine more competitive product prices.

8. Google Translate

Remember the time when you traveled to a new place and you found it difficult to communicate with
the locals or find local spots where everything was written in a different language?

Well, those days are gone now. Google’s GNMT(Google Neural Machine Translation) is a Neural
Machine Learning that works on thousands of languages and dictionaries and uses Natural Language
Processing to provide the most accurate translation of any sentence or word. Since the tone of the
words also matters, it uses other techniques like POS Tagging, NER (Named Entity Recognition), and
Chunking. It is one of the best and most used Applications of Machine Learning.

Online Video Streaming -recommendation of movie or video as per choice of subscriber

algorithm constantly gathers massive amounts of data about users’ activities like:

• When you pause, rewind, or fast forward

• What day you watch content (TV Shows on Weekdays and Movies on Weekends)
• The Date and Time you watch
• When you pause and leave content (and if you ever come back)
• The ratings Given (about 4 million per day), Searches (about 3 million per day)
• Browsing and Scrolling Behaviour.

Advantages –

1. Natural language processing (NLP) allows machine learning algorithms to process language-based
inputs from humans, such as text-based messaging through an organization's website. With NLP,
these algorithms can detect the tone of a message and its topic to better understand what consumers
want. An example is the chatbots that many organizations use to respond to consumer queries through
their websites.

2. Recognising images-
Machine learning algorithms can learn to recognize images and then classify them into different
categories. This means that they can recognize certain objects in an image and even recognize a face.
In some cases, the algorithm might even be able to differentiate one person's face from another to
identify people.

3. Data mining-

Data mining refers to assessing data and finding patterns in it. This usually involves very large
datasets containing raw data, which means data that has not undergone processing. This requires
considerable processing power to allow the algorithm to identify trends in huge quantities of data, but
it can help identify useful patterns. Data mining can identify public sentiments, identify spam emails,
assess credit risk, and detect fraud attempts.

4. Autonomous vehicles

Machine learning can allow an autonomous vehicle to learn how to safely navigate in the real world.
It allows them to identify real-world objects accurately and react to them accordingly, meaning they
can avoid collisions or disruptions for other vehicles or pedestrians. The various sensors and cameras
in an autonomous vehicle can provide information to the computer, using machine learning
algorithms to process this information and make navigational decisions. Some key examples of this
technology are self-driving cars and autonomous drones.

5. Better advertising and marketing-

Machine learning algorithms can predict which consumers are the most likely to buy a product. This
is the process of customer segmentation, and having reliable information on buyer behavior can make
marketing and advertising campaigns much more effective. For instance, an algorithm might process
large amounts of consumer data to determine which individuals are the most likely to purchase if they
receive a prompt in the form of advertising. This allows the company to send advertising specifically
to those who are the most likely to respond favorably to it and make a purchase.

7. Speech recognition-

Speech recognition is similar to natural language processing but focuses solely on verbal
communication from humans. Machine learning can help speech recognition applications to better
interpret voice-based inputs from consumers and others. One iteration of this is in virtual assistants in
smartphones that can understand requests and other voice-based inputs from users and complete tasks
based on these inputs. This can also be useful for dictation software, allowing people to take notes
without typing or writing. Voice chat applications can also benefit from this.

8. Detecting fraud-

Fraud detection is an important task for many organizations, especially businesses like banks that
issue credit cards. Machine learning algorithms can analyse behaviour and spending patterns to
identify potential instances of fraud, such as credit card theft and insurance fraud. The same analytical
processes and pattern detection can also be useful for identifying scam messages and other security

9. More accurate predictions-

Making accurate predictions and forecasts is a key concern for many businesses and policymakers.
These can be predictions about the stock market, the economy, and consumer preferences. Using
historical data, machine learning algorithms can learn to identify trends and patterns to evaluate
possible outcomes. Using this as its reference framework, the algorithm can repeat the process with
current data to make predictions. Its ability to learn and process new data as it arrives means it can
learn from mistakes and improve its accuracy over time.

10. Medical diagnoses-

In the healthcare industry, machine learning can be useful for identifying patients who are at risk of
certain conditions. Based on anonymous patient data from health care system records, machine
learning algorithms can analyse patterns and combinations of lifestyle factors, histories, and
symptoms to assess how likely someone is to be at risk of a particular condition. A key benefit of this
is that it can potentially save time and alert medical professionals to at-risk patients sooner, possibly
reducing the severity of the intervention necessary to treat the individual.

Disadvantages of Machine Learning

Nothing is perfect in the world. Machine Learning has some serious limitations, which are bigger than human

• Data acquisition
• Interpretability
• High error chances
• Privacy concern
• Algorithm selection
• Computationally intensive
• Data dependency
• Ethical concerns
• Overfitting

Types of Machine Learning-

1. Supervised machine learning

This type of ML involves supervision, where machines are trained on labeled datasets and enabled to

predict outputs based on the provided training. The labeled dataset specifies that some input and output

parameters are already mapped. Hence, the machine is trained with the input and corresponding output.

A device is made to predict the outcome using the test dataset in subsequent phases.

For example, consider an input dataset of parrot and crow images. Initially, the machine is trained to

understand the pictures, including the parrot and crow’s color, eyes, shape, and size. Post-training, an

input picture of a parrot is provided, and the machine is expected to identify the object and predict the

output. The trained machine checks for the various features of the object, such as color, eyes, shape,

etc., in the input picture, to make a final prediction. This is the process of object identification in

supervised machine learning.

The primary objective of the supervised learning technique is to map the input variable (a) with the

output variable (b). Supervised machine learning is further classified into two broad categories:

• Classification: These refer to algorithms that address classification problems where

the output variable is categorical; for example, yes or no, true or false, male or female,
etc. Real-world applications of this category are evident in spam detection and email


Some known classification algorithms include the Random Forest Algorithm, Decision Tree Algorithm,

Logistic Regression Algorithm, and Support Vector Machine Algorithm.

• Regression: Regression algorithms handle regression problems where input and

output variables have a linear relationship. These are known to predict continuous output

variables. Examples include weather prediction, market trend analysis, etc.

Popular regression algorithms include the Simple Linear Regression Algorithm, Multivariate Regression

Algorithm, Decision Tree Algorithm, and Lasso Regression.

2. Unsupervised machine learning-

Unsupervised learning refers to a learning technique that’s devoid of supervision. Here, the machine

is trained using an unlabeled dataset and is enabled to predict the output without any supervision. An

unsupervised learning algorithm aims to group the unsorted dataset based on the input’s similarities,

differences, and patterns.

For example, consider an input dataset of images of a fruit-filled container. Here, the images are not

known to the machine learning model. When we input the dataset into the ML model, the task of the

model is to identify the pattern of objects, such as color, shape, or differences seen in the input

images, and categorize them. Upon categorization, the machine then predicts the output as it gets

tested with a test dataset.

Unsupervised machine learning is further classified into two types:

• Clustering: The clustering technique refers to grouping objects into clusters based on

parameters such as similarities or differences between objects. For example, grouping

customers by the products they purchase.

Some known clustering algorithms include the K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Mean-Shift Algorithm,

DBSCAN Algorithm, Principal Component Analysis, and Independent Component Analysis.

• Association: Association learning refers to identifying typical relations between the

variables of a large dataset. It determines the dependency of various data items and

maps associated variables. Typical applications include web usage mining and market

data analysis.

Popular algorithms obeying association rules include the Apriori Algorithm, Eclat Algorithm, and FP-

Growth Algorithm.

3. Semi-supervised learning

Semi-supervised learning comprises characteristics of both supervised and unsupervised machine

learning. It uses a combination of labeled and unlabeled datasets to train its algorithms. Using both

types of datasets, semi-supervised learning overcomes the drawbacks of the options mentioned


Consider an example of a college student. A student learning a concept under a teacher’s supervision

in college is termed supervised learning. In unsupervised learning, a student self-learns the same

concept at home without a teacher’s guidance. Meanwhile, a student revising the concept after

learning under the direction of a teacher in college is a semi-supervised form of learning.

4. Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is a feedback-based process. Here, the AI component automatically takes

stock of its surroundings by the hit & trial method, takes action, learns from experiences, and

improves performance. The component is rewarded for each good action and penalized for every

wrong move. Thus, the reinforcement learning component aims to maximize the rewards by

performing good actions.

Unlike supervised learning, reinforcement learning lacks labeled data, and the agents learn via

experiences only. Consider video games. Here, the game specifies the environment, and each move

of the reinforcement agent defines its state. The agent is entitled to receive feedback via punishment
and rewards, thereby affecting the overall game score. The ultimate goal of the agent is to achieve a

high score.

Reinforcement learning is applied across different fields such as game theory, information theory, and

multi-agent systems. Reinforcement learning is further divided into two types of methods or


• Positive reinforcement learning: This refers to adding a reinforcing stimulus after a

specific behavior of the agent, which makes it more likely that the behavior may occur

again in the future, e.g., adding a reward after a behavior.

• Negative reinforcement learning: Negative reinforcement learning refers to

strengthening a specific behavior that avoids a negative outcome.

Difference between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning-

Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning

Supervised learning algorithms are trained using Unsupervised learning algorithms are trained
labeled data. using unlabeled data.

The supervised learning model takes direct The unsupervised learning model does not
feedback to check if it is predicting the correct take any feedback.
output or not.

The supervised learning model predicts the output. The unsupervised learning model finds the
hidden patterns in data.

In supervised learning, input data is provided to the In unsupervised learning, only input data is
model along with the output. provided to the model.

The goal of supervised learning is to train the The goal of unsupervised learning is to find
model so that it can predict the output when it is hidden patterns and useful insights from the
given new data. unknown dataset.

Supervised learning needs supervision to train the Unsupervised learning does not need any
model. supervision to train the model.

Supervised learning can be categorized Unsupervised Learning can be classified

into Classification and Regression problems. in Clustering and association problems.
Supervised learning can be used for those cases Unsupervised learning can be used for those
where we know the input as well as corresponding cases where we have only input data and no
outputs. corresponding output data.

A supervised learning model produces an accurate Unsupervised learning models may give less
result. accurate results as compared to supervised

Supervised learning is not close to true Artificial Unsupervised learning is closer to true
intelligence as in this, we first train the model for Artificial Intelligence as it learns similarly as
each data, and then only it can predict the correct a child learns daily routine things by his
output. experiences.

It includes various algorithms such as Linear It includes various algorithms such as

Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Clustering, KNN, and Apriori algorithm.
Machine, Multi-class Classification, Decision tree,
Bayesian Logic, etc.

Difference Between Classification and Clustering –

Classification Clustering

Classification is a supervised learning approach where a Clustering is an unsupervised

specific label is provided to the machine to classify new learning approach where
observations. Here the machine needs proper testing and grouping is done on a similar
training for the label verification. basis.

Supervised learning approach. Unsupervised learning approach.

It uses a training dataset. It does not use a training dataset.

It uses algorithms to categorize the new data as per the It uses statistical concepts in
observations of the training set. which the data set is divided into
subsets with the same features.

In classification, there are labels for training data. In clustering, there are no labels
for training data.

Its objective is to find which class a new object belongs to form Its objective is to group a set of
the set of predefined classes. objects to find whether there is
any relationship between them.

It is more complex as compared to clustering. It is less complex as compared to

Difference between Regression and Classification –

Regression Algorithm Classification Algorithm

In Regression, the output variable must In Classification, the output variable must be a discrete
be continuous or real value. value.

The task of the regression algorithm is to The task of the classification algorithm is to map the
map the input value (x) with the input value(x) with the discrete output variable(y).
continuous output variable(y).

Regression Algorithms are used with Classification Algorithms are used with discrete data.
continuous data.

In Regression, we try to find the best-fit In Classification, we try to find the decision boundary,
line, which can predict the output more which can divide the dataset into different classes.

Regression algorithms can be used to Classification Algorithms can be used to solve

solve regression problems such as classification problems such as Identification of spam
Weather Prediction, House price emails, Speech Recognition, Identification of cancer
prediction, etc. cells, etc.

The regression Algorithm can be further The Classification algorithms can be divided into
divided into Linear and Non-linear Binary Classifier and Multi-class Classifiers.

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