BME213L (1695) LongQuiz Pontero

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Klyn Marion D.

BME213L (1695)
1. Define and give examples of the following.

 Series Connection Resistors – Is when resistors are daisy chained together in a single line
or connection. Since all the current is flowing through the first resistor has no other way
to go so it must also pass through the second resistor and the third and so on.
Examples: Voltage Divider Network, Thermistor, and LDR (Light dependent resistor).

 Parallel Connection Resistors – Resistors are considered to be parallel when both

terminals are respectively connected to each terminal of the other resistor or resistors. In
a parallel resistor network the current can take more than one path as there are multiple
paths for the current.
Examples: Electrical wiring to the power points in every household, DC power supply in
automobile industry, the computer hardwire.

 Series-Parallel Connection Resistors - Wherever there is a single resistor through which

all current flows, that resistor is linked in series. If the total current is divided between
two or more resistors with the same voltage, the resistors are connected in parallel.

Examples: Power slot switch boards, tube lights, fans

2. What is the purpose of Wye-Delta / Delta - Wye Transformation?

 When you're simplifying a resistor network, you can get stuck. Some resistor networks
cannot be simplified using the standard series and parallel configurations. Often, the
Delta Y delta, minus, start text, Y, end text transformation, or 'Delta-Wye' transformation
can be used to handle this situation. Delta and Wye are derived from the shape of the
schematics, which resemble letters. The transformation allows you to swap three
resistors in a Delta delta configuration for three resistors in a text YY start text, Y, end text
configuration, and vice versa.
3. Derive the formula for Wye-Delta / Delta - Wye Transformation. (You may refer to the
book I have attached in my postings)

Delta-Wye Wye-Delta

 R1=Rb.Rc/Ra+Rb+Rc * Rab=RaRb+RbRc+RcRa/Ra
 R2= Ra.Rc/Ra+Rb+Rc * Rbc= RaRb+RaRc+RcRa/Rc
 R3= Ra.Rb/Ra+Rb+Rc * Rca= RaRb+RaRc+RcRa/Rb

4. Differentiate Voltage and Current Divider Rule. And give examples for each rule.

A parallel circuit acts as a current divider as the current divides in all the branches in a parallel
circuit, and the voltage remains the same across them. The current division rule determines the
current across the circuit impedance. While the voltage division rule can be understood by
considering a series circuit in a series circuit, voltage is divided, whereas the current remains
the same.


(Current Divider Rule)

 Resistor-Inductor Current Divider

 Resistor-Capacitor Current Divider

(Voltage Divider Rule)

 Capacitive Voltage Dividers

 Resistive Voltage Divider

5. Define nodes, branches, loops, path, KCL, and KVL.

 Nodes- Any section of a circuit that connects two circuit elements Because connections
in circuit diagrams are ideal wires with zero resistance, a node consists of the entire
section of wire between elements, not just a single point.
 Branches - A branch represents a single element such as a voltage source or a resistor.
 Loops - A circuit loop is any closed path along a circuit that does not pass through the
same node more than once. The polarity of a voltage across an element changes the sign
of the voltage in a loop's sum. This circuit element's loop analysis is performed in a
clockwise direction.
 Path - A path is a sequence of vertices with the property that each vertex in the sequence
is adjacent to the vertex next to it. A path that does not repeat vertices is called a simple
path. A circuit is path that begins and ends at the same vertex. A circuit that doesn't repeat
vertices is called a cycle.
 KCL - Kirchhoff’s Current Law, often shortened to KCL, states that “The algebraic sum of
all currents entering and exiting a node must equal zero. “This law is used to describe how
a charge enters and leaves a wire junction point or node on a wire.
 KVL - Gustav Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law is the second of his fundamental laws we can use for
circuit analysis. His voltage law states that for a closed loop series path the algebraic sum
of all the voltages around any closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero. This is because a
circuit loop is a closed conducting path so no energy is lost.

6. What are the various dependent sources?

 Voltage Controlled Voltage Source(VCVS)

 Current Controlled Voltage Source(CCVS)
 Voltage Controlled Current Source(VCCS)
 Current Controlled Current Source(CCCS)

7. What Kirchhoff’s Law governs Mesh Current Analysis?

 Mesh analysis (or the mesh current method) is a method that is used to solve planar
circuits for the currents (and indirectly the voltages) at any place in the electrical circuit.
The Mesh Current Method is based on Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL).

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