QP - Enlish - X - Iii PB

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केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, अहमदाबाद संभाग


प्रथम प्री-बोर्ड परीक्षा 2023-24


CLASS: X TIME: 3 Hours

General Instructions:
Read the instructions very carefully and follow them :

(i) This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are

(ii) The question paper contains THREE sections –
Section – A : Reading Skills 20 Marks
Section – B : Grammar and Creative Writing Skills 20 Marks
Section – C : Literature 40 Marks
(iii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each Part.

Section A – Reading Skills 20

1 Read the passage given below:

1 ) Climate change is considered to be one of the most serious threats to

sustainable development, with adverse impacts on the environment, human
health, food security, economic activity, natural resources, and physical
infrastructure. The global climate varies naturally. According to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the effects of climate
change have already been observed, and scientific findings indicate that
precautionary and prompt action is necessary.

2 ) Vulnerability to climate change is not just a function of geography or

dependence on natural resources; it also has social, economic, and political
dimensions which influence how climate change affects different groups. Poor
people rarely have insurance to cover loss of property due to natural calamities
like droughts, floods, super cyclones etc. Poor communities are already
struggling to cope with the existing challenges of poverty and climate variability
and climate change could push many beyond their ability to cope or even
survive. It is vital that these communities are helped to adapt to the changing
dynamics of nature.

3 ) Adaptation is the process through which societies make themselves better

able to cope with an uncertain future. Adapting to climate change entails taking
the right measures to reduce the negative effects of climate change (or exploit
the positive ones) by making the appropriate adjustments and changes. These
ranges from technological options such as increased sea defences or flood-proof

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houses on stilts, to behavioural change at the individual level, such as reducing
water use in times of drought.

4 ) Other strategies include early warning systems for extreme events; better
water management; improved risk management; various insurance options; and
biodiversity conservation. Because of the speed at which climate change is
happening due to global temperature rise, it is urgent that the vulnerability of
developing countries to climate change be reduced, their capacity to adapt be
increased, and national adaptation plans be implemented. Adapting to climate
change will entail adjustments and changes at every level, from community to
national and international.

5 ) Communities must build their resilience, including adopting appropriate

technologies while making the most of traditional knowledge and diversifying
their livelihoods to cope with current and future climate stress. Local coping
strategies and knowledge need to be used in synergy with government and local
interventions. The need for adaptation interventions depends on national
circumstances. There is a large body of knowledge and experience within local
communities on how to cope with climatic variability and extreme weather
events. Local communities have always aimed to adapt to variations in their
climate. To do so, they have prepared based on their resources and their
knowledge accumulated through experience of past weather patterns. This
includes times when they have also been forced to react to and recover from
extreme events such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes.

6 ) Local coping strategies are an important element of planning for adaptation.

Climate change is leading communities to experience climatic extremes more
frequently, as well as new climate conditions and extremes. Traditional
knowledge can help to provide efficient, appropriate, and time-tested ways of
advising and enabling adaptation to climate change in communities who are
feeling the effects of climate change due to global warming.

▪ Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given

below :

i Which among the following is not a factor in the vulnerability of poor people to 1
climate change?
a) Their dependence on natural resources
b) Geographical characteristics
c) Lack of financial resources
d) Scarcity of traditional knowledge
ii Adaptation as a process enables societies to cope with: 1

a) An uncertain future
b) Adjustments and changes
c) Negative and positive impacts of climate change
d) All the above
iii To address the challenge of climate change, developing countries urgently 1

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a) Imposition of climate change tax
b) Implementation of national adaptation policy at their level
c) Adoption of short-term plans
d) Adoption of technological solutions

iv The traditional knowledge should be used through: 1

a) Its dissemination
b) Improvement in national circumstances
c) Synergy between government and local interventions
d) Modern technology

v The main focus of the passage is on: 1

a) Combining traditional knowledge with appropriate technology

b) Co-ordination between regional and national efforts
c) Adaptation to climate change
d) Social dimensions of climate change

vi Which statement is not true, according to the passage? 1

a) Climate change favourably impacts the environment, human health, food

security, economic activity, natural resources, and physical infrastructure.

b) It is essential that poor communities are helped to adjust to the changing

dynamics of nature.

c) Adapting to climate change will entail adjustments and changes at every

level, from community to national and international.

d) By adopting appropriate technologies while making the most of traditional

knowledge and diversifying their livelihoods, communities can cope with

vii What has helped the local communities to adapt to the variations in their 2
vii What care should be taken by the developing countries in respect of climate 2

2 Read the passage given below: 10

1 ) The North-East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of

people and races, an ethnic tapestry of many hues and shades. Yet, these states
are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the country. The new generations
of travellers who are ‘money rich and time poor’ are increasingly looking for
unique experiences --a phenomenon being called the emergence of the
‘experience economy’. For this new and growing breed of tourists, the North-
East with its variety and uniqueness holds immense attraction.

2 ) A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the foreign
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tourist arrival in the North-East increased from 37,380 persons in 2005 to
118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of tourist (both domestic and foreign)
in the North-East was as high as 26.44% during 2005-06. A high and positive
growth of 12.53% was registered in foreign tourist visits to North-East States of
India during 2012 from 2011, which further rose to register a growth of 27.93%
during 2013 from 2012. Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a
growth of 39.77% during 2014 from 2013, according to data provided from the
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

3 ) The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to

concentrate on some key areas like enhancement of tourist facilities, tourism
financing, focus on community involvement and others for the formulation of a
sustainable tourism strategy in the North-East States of India.

▪ Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given

below :

i Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1. 1

▪ The rate of tourism in the North-East of India puzzles tourism officials.

ii Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks. 1

▪ From paragraph A, we can infer that the ………………. and ………………… of the
North-Eastern states aid attracting the ‘money rich and time poor’ tourists.

1. distinctiveness 2. Conventionality 3. diversity 4. uniformity 5. modernity

a) 1 & 3 b) 2 & 4 c) 2 & 5 d) 1 & 4

iii Select the correct option to complete the following sentence: 1

▪ Travellers advocating the ‘experience economy’ seek a holiday package


a) grand facilities, expensive hotels and excellent services to pamper them.

b) a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.
c) places and cities to buy things from and opportunities spend money.
d) cost-effective services, affordable accommodation and many days of

iv Complete the given analogy correctly with a word/phrase from paragraph 1: 1

aroma: cooking:: : painting : ……………..

v Select the chart that appropriately represents the trend of foreign tourist travels
in the North-East, from 2011-2014, as per paragraph B.

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a) Option 1. B) Option 2 c) Option 3 d) Option 4

vi Substitute the word ‘witnessed’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the
following, sentence from paragraph 2:

▪ Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of...

vii Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option.

▪ The study of tourist travel statistics in the North-East, from 2005 to 2014
showed …………. results.

a) expected b) encouraging c) inconsistent. d)questionable

viii List any 2 examples of ‘tourist facilities’ as referred to, in Paragraph 3.

ix List one reason why the researchers recommend that the formulation of a
tourism strategy in the North-Eastern States of India be sustainable.

x Replace the underlined word with the word/phrase that convey the similar

▪ The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to

concentrate on some key areas.

a) guidance b) direction c) suggestion d) caution

Section B - Grammar and Creative Writing Skills 20

3 Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions :
i Fill in the blanks: 1

The modern student understands the importance (i)……. physical exercise. He

spends one to two hours in open air (ii) ……. he takes part in different activities.
However, care should (iii) ……. not to overstrain (iv) ……….body.

a) i) to ii) of iii) on iv) in

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b) i) of ii) where iii) be taken iv) the
c). i) there ii) here iii) where iv) be taken
d) i) the

ii Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following report : 1

▪ The inspector _________ the group sitting behind the shed and took them
by surprise.

a) walked up b) walked away c) walked into d) walked up on

iii Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line from a fashion 1
▪ The advertisement read, ‘……… we dress your day? Make you special. Pick
the perfect look.’

a) Must b) Can c) Will d) Ought to

iv Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option : 1

▪ The students _________ to participate in the workshop and submit a

report at the end of the day to the English teacher.

a) were ask b) had been asked c) will have asked d) were asked

v Identify the error in the statement given below and supply the correction.
Use the given format for your response.

▪ Dolphins and killer whales has learned elaborate routine to entertain

aquarium audiences.

Error Correction

vi Fill in the blank: 1

▪ Everyday, even when it rains heavily, Riha ……… for walking.

a) will go b) goes c) is going d) has gone

vii Report the given sentence: 1

▪ He said, “Sun rises in the East.”

viii Fill in the blanks: 1

▪ Much later in life, I ……………… that though we ………… much from books,
there is a lot to learn from our surroundings.

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a) have realized ; learn. b) realized ; are learning
c) realized; learn d) realized ; had learned

ix Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan by the 1
Old Age Home in their advertisement.

▪ …………. We Afford to Neglect our Elderly? Think Again !

a) may b) can c) ought to d) should

x 1
Select the option to fill in the blanks for the given time line, from an article in the
Food and Health Magazine.

▪ Advertising through print media and social media is also found………….. in

a higher demand-led growth of Food Processing Industry in India.

a) resulted b) to be resulted c) resulting d) to have resulted

xi Fill in the blank: 1

▪ Students ……… play an effective role in removing the curse of illiteracy.

a) can b) shall c) dare to d) used to

xii Identify the error in the statement given below and supply the correction. 1
Use the given format for your response.

▪ Madhubani Painting is one in the many traditional Indian art forms.

Error Correction

4 Attempt any one from A and B given below : 5

(A) You are Soham/ Riya, Office in charge of Eklavya International School,
Mysore. Write a letter to the Manager, Pioneer Traders & Co., Kolkata, placing an
order of stationery articles for your school.


(B) You are Rita/Ranjit. You want to bring to light the parking problem faced by
the people in residential colonies, specially with reference to the increased
numbers of cars parked in your locality. Write a letter to the editor of the ‘The
Daily Express’ drawing attention to this problem and suggest measures for the

5 Attempt any one from A and B given below : 5

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(A) The table below gives in percentage the number of office goers who used
different modes of transport to go to work in the years 2019 and 2020 as well as
their projected figures for the year 2021. Study the data carefully and then
summarize it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons and
draw conclusions wherever appropriate.


(B) The Readers Club of a school recently conducted a survey to study the habits
of reading among students. The pie chart given below shows the compiled
results in percentage. Write and analytical paragraph in 100-120 words by
summarize, comparing and drawing conclusions based on the charts.

Section C - Literature 40
6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 5
Attempt any one from A and B given below :

A He discovered the joys of being bowled over, tramped on and squashed every
few minutes. He became an accepted member of the gang, an unlikely, silky
little object among the shaggy crew, fighting like a tiger for his share at
mealtimes and hunting rats in the old hen house at night. He had never had
such a time in his life. All the while, Mrs. Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the
background, ringing a dozen times a day for the latest bulletins.

i Read the following statements, each of which describes the gist of the given 1
extract. Select the option that captures the essence of the extract correctly.

Statement I - It highlights the kind of comforts and luxuries that Tricki was

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used to at home.
Statement II-It brings out a contrast between Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey's state
of being.
Statement III- It reflects that Tricki was happier at the surgery and loved being
with other dogs.
Statement IV-It shows Tricki's journey with his peers at the surgery, and
documents his recovery

a) Statements I and II b) Statements III and IV

c) Statements I and III d) Statements II and IV

ii In the above extract, the narrator describes that “Trick had never had such a 1
time in his life. All the while, Mrs. Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the

▪ Given below are different types of pet parenting styles described in

Country Living, an e-magazine. Choose the option that best reflects the
kind of pet owner Mrs. Pumphrey was.

a) Traffic Light pet owners have a healthy balance of rules and freedom and
give clear and consistent signals for yes and no
b) Entranced pet owners have the best intentions, but as soon as their pet l
locks eyes with them and gives their command, they are at their pet's beck
and call.
c) The Goose pet owners go all-out in protecting their pet. They often limit
their time away from their pets, especially puppies
d) The Baggage Handler pet owners love being close to their pets and going
on adventures together. They are always mindful of the pet's comfort and

a) Option (a) b) Option (b) c) Option (c) d) Option (d)

iii Pick the option that reveals Tricki's characteristics in the context of fighting like a 1
tiger for his share at mealtimes and hunting rats in the old hen house at night.

(1) selfish (2) happy. (3) greedy (4) calm (5) sturdy (6) cruel

a) 2,4 and 5 b) only 2 c) 1and 5 d) 3, 4 and 6

iv Why does the narrator describe Tricki being "tramped on and squashed" as joys? 2
B Everything was going well — it was an easy flight. Paris was about 150
kilometers behind me when I saw the clouds. Storm clouds. They were huge.
They looked like black mountains standing in front of me across the sky. I knew
I could not fly up and over them, and I did not have enough fuel to fly around
them to the north or south. “I ought to go back to Paris,” I thought, but I
wanted to get home. I wanted that breakfast. ‘I’ll take the risk,’ I thought and
flew that old Dakota straight into the storm.

i How would you describe the “risk” the narrator took? 1

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a) calculated b) impetuous c) unavoidable d) navigable

ii Read the statements given below and then select the option that best describes 1
the given statements.

Statement I – The narrator’s desire to reach home and see his family made
him complacent.
Statement II – The narrator was unaware of the threat that the adversarial
storm clouds presented.
Statement III – The narrator’s decision making was quick but irresponsible as
well as dangerous.

a) Statement I is False, Statement II is True, Statement III cannot be inferred

b) Statement I and III are True, Statement II cannot be inferred.
c) Statement I cannot be inferred, Statement II is False, Statement III is True.
d) Statement I and II are False, Statement III is True

iii Select the correct option to fill in the blanks below: 1

risk: risky :: _____ : _____

a) danger: dangerously b) hazard: hazardous

c) peril: imperiled d) caution: precaution

iv In what way might the reference to the Dakota as “old” be relevant? 2

7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 5
Attempt any one from A and B given below :

A (I am an orphan, roaming the street.

I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)
i The tone of the given lines is 1

a) analytical b) despairing c) peaceful d) nervous

ii Read the statements A and B given below, and choose the option that correctly 1
evaluates these statements.

Statement A – The figure ‘I’ imagines a less than realistic view of being an
Statement B – The figure ‘I’ does not like the speaker.

a) A is true, B is false, according to the extract

b) A is true, B cannot be clearly inferred from the extract.
c) A cannot be clearly inferred from the extract, B is false.
d) A is true and can be inferred from the poem, B is true too.

iii The golden silence is contrasted with the __. 1

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a) chaos of the street. b) constant instructions received.
c) sweetness of freedom. d) hushed, bare feet.

iv The rhyme scheme ‘aaa’ in the above extract is followed in all other stanzas of 1
the poem that are written in parenthesis, i.e. (). Why? Read the reasons given
below, and choose the option that lists the most accurate reasoning:

(i) It shows the simplicity of the child’s thoughts.

(ii) It reflects the harmony and rhythm of the child’s inner world.
(iii) It mirrors a child’s expression.
(iv) It highlights the poet’s aesthetic sensibility.

a) (i) and (iv) b) (i) and (ii) c) (ii) and (iii) d) (iii) and (iv)

v Pick the option that lists the usage of the word ‘pattern’, as in the extract above. 1

a) That is a lovely pattern for wallpaper.

b) He decided to wear a patterned shirt to the party.
c) Poetry is a form of pattern making.
d) She patterned her hair after her favourite celebrity.

B “Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.
But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm”

i Which option lists the quotes that support the ideas in the extract?

1) Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.

2) If you’re brave enough to start, you’re strong enough to finish.
3) Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t
let fear stop you.
4) You get in life what you have the courage to ask for
5) Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is strong.

a) 1 and 5 b) 2, 3 and 4 c) 2 and 3 d) 1,3 and 5

ii Select the option that fits with the reaction of the characters in the context of 1
the extract.

Ink: terrified : : Blink : i) ______

Pirate: ii) _____:: Custard: undaunted

a) i) shocked ii) displeased b) i) petrified ii) wondered

c) i) upset ii) dazed d) i) petrified ii) shocked

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iii Pick the option that does not display a simile from the extract. 1

a) Clashed his tail like irons… b) at the pirate like a robin at a worm.
c) Custard, snorting like an engine… d) trickled down to the bottom…

iv The extract mentions ‘irons’ in dungeons. According to this extract, ‘irons’ is a 1

reference to
a) iron racks for scared books
b) iron cases housing treasures
c) iron chains holding the prisoners captive
d) iron coffins for burying the royal dead

v ‘He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.’ Why has this comparison been 1
used here?
a) Custard attacked the pirate after careful observation.
b) Custard attacked the pirate without delay.
c) Custard attacked the pirate valorously.
d) Custard attacked the pirate stealthily.

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each: 12

i) Nelson Mandela says that his country’s greatest wealth is its people and
not the purest diamonds. Justify his statement.

ii) Do you agree with Anne Frank when she says that teachers are the most
unpredictable creatures on earth? Rationalise.

iii) How did Valli plan her bus ride? What did she find out about the bus, and
how did she save up the fare?

iv) Why did the poet not offer the boy money to buy another ball?

v) The advice given by elders is crucial to young lives. Explain in the context
of the poem “For Anne Gregory”.

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each: 6

i) Do you think that the names ‘think tank’ and ‘noodle’ replicate the attributes
of the two characters? Justify your answer with reference to the chapter “the
book that saved the earth”.

ii) Scientists contribute to make the world a better place. Griffin is an antithesis
to this statement. Justify.

iii) What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is?
Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words : 6

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(A) Everyone believed that the Custard was a coward; but when an opportunity
came he showed exemplary courage. Based on y our reading of the poem, write
a paragraph on the topic: ‘Courage is a Mind, not of Muscle’.


(B) Sermon at Benares could just as well be considered another glimpse of

India. If it were part of the story ‘Glimpses of India’, what ideas, values and/ or
experiences would it highlight? How would you present this historical part of

11 Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words : 6

(A) Describe the sequence of events that took place after Hari Singh stole the
money. Evaluate Hari Singh as a thief and as a human being.


(B) Imagine you are Bholi and you have been invited by a girl’s secondary school
in another village to address a group of students about being independent,
fearless and breaking stereotypes. Write a speech representing your ideas and

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