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Save life!

Do you think it is important to know first aid actions? I think every college should have at least
once in the entire course some type of talk about first aid. That's because we never know what can
ever happen to us, or our family, so it's important to know what to do in that moment.

Last week in biology class and PE, we had the chance to learn about first aid. Firstly, in PE class,
the teacher showed us what to do if someone faints. The first thing we should do is to slowly shake
their hands, then if there isn't any answer, we should lightly pinch them on their wrist. If there is
still no answer, we must perform CPR. This action This action is not done correctly by everyone.
First, we must have our arms stretched out, put one hand on top of the other, and perform the action
with movements from up to down, pressing strongly on that person's chest.

Finally, the last talk was in biology class, the man who came was a nurse from a health center. The
talk was about what we should carry in our emergency kits. He told us we should have an
emergency kit in our house, it is necessary. And if we don't, just buy the materials, and keep them in
a safe place. Also, we should consider the date of expiry, to change the materials whenever we need

One thing I was really surprised about was that putting alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to treat a
wound, was just a myth. To cure a wound or a scorch we should clean it with water and soap.

If you have never had this type of talk, you can also go through the internet to learn new things
about it, I recommend it, because we never know what things can happen in our life.

In conclusion, it was an amazing experience, I have not just learned new things but also had fun.

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