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Financial Markets and Institutions

Instructor: Tegar Satya Putra, SE., M.Sc

General Description of the Task

Do an analysis of the state currency that is assigned to your group. The analysis should cover:

1. The history of the state and the currency.

2. A brief analysis of the economic condition of the country. In this part, highlight more about the
country economic condition in 2017-2021.
3. The graphical representation of the currency movement from 2017-2021 and why the graph is
shaped like that. Each group should provide the overall trend of the currency movement. The
analysis should also cover at least five periods when the currency experienced bullish moments
and bearish moments. In each time periods analysis, the group must determine whether the cause
was come from within the country economic condition or it was caused by external factors. The
graphical representation should represent the indirect quote of the country’s currency toward
US Dollar. The indirect quote shows how much the US dollar is needed to buy one unit domestic

Remember that this an analysis, so you should refer to several references and provide the list
of references at the end of your paper, please minimize the use of your common sense.
Note: The third point is the main point of the analysis.

Data Source

The groups can download the data of currency movement from The time
period of the analysis is from 2012 until 2019.

Deck Format

The written report should be written in accordance with the academic writing standard and should be on
deck/PPT form The choice of font and font size is up to the group. The format should provide information
about your group number and members. Besides those requirements, I encourage the group to design
the paper as creative as possible. References or bibliography should be included also at the end of the
paper. The format in writing the reference must follow the APA rule.


The group must present the paper at the designated time. The presentation should be well prepared. The
group must design and stage the presentation as creative as possible. At the time of your presentation,
you can play any role-playing or scenario to make the presentation distinctive.

Cheers. I do hope that you can live up my expectation :D.

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