Savindra Lesson Plan For Teaching Listening - Final

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Lesson Plan: Teaching Listening Using an Action Song

Grade : Grade 4
Duration: 40 minutes
- Students will develop their listening skills through the pre-listening, while-listening, and
post-listening stages using an action song.
- Students will be able to follow and understand the lyrics of the song while engaging in
physical actions.

Teaching Materials
- Action song with clear lyrics and catchy tune (e.g., "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes")
- Audio recording of the song
- Whiteboard and markers
- Printed lyrics of the song

Teaching and Learning Procedure:

1. Pre-Listening (10 minutes):

- Begin by engaging students in a brief discussion about their favourite songs and how they
enjoy listening to music.
- Introduce the action song chosen for the lesson and explain that they will be listening to
it while performing actions.
- Display the printed lyrics of the song on the board
- Review any vocabulary or phrases in the lyrics that might be unfamiliar to the students.
- Practice pronunciation and comprehension of the lyrics by reading them aloud as a class.

2. While-Listening (20 minutes):

- Play the audio recording of the song.
- Encourage students to listen actively while performing the corresponding actions (e.g.,
touching their head, shoulders, knees, and toes).
- Monitor students' participation and comprehension, providing assistance as needed.
- Play the song few times to ensure students have enough opportunity to listen and engage
with the lyrics and actions.

3. Post-Listening (15 minutes):

- Conduct a brief discussion to check students' understanding of the song's lyrics and
- Ask comprehension questions related to the song, such as:
- What body parts did we touch during the song?
- What did the song talk about?
-Provide a worksheet with fill-in-the-blank questions related to the song's lyrics. For
"Head, ______, Knees, and Toes"
"Eyes, _______, and Mouth and Nose"
"_______, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"
"Knees, and Toes"
-Include multiple-choice questions to the worksheets based on the song's content.
For example:
-What comes after "Head" in the song lyrics?
A) Elbows
B) Shoulders
C) Ankles
What body parts are mentioned in the second line of the song?
A) Ears, Hands, and Neck
B) Eyes, Ears, and Mouth
C) Eyes, Nose, and Mouth
- Encourage students to work individually or in pairs to complete the worksheet or
answer the questions.
- Review the answers as a class and provide feedback on any incorrect responses
- Reinforce key vocabulary and phrases from the song.

*Informal assessment through observation during the while-listening stage to gauge
students' participation and comprehension.
*Listening comprehension questions during the post-listening stage.
*Evaluation of completed worksheets or answers to multiple-choice questions for
understanding and accuracy.

J.Savindra Thesarani

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