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MIDTERM FOOD FOR THE BRAINS: Examples of polynomials having the same

WEEK/MODULE- 3 • x2-xy+2y2 Homogeneous of 2nd degree
• x4y+3y5 Homogeneous of 5th degree
EXAMPLE: Find the general solution of the differential equation, y dx
+ (2x + 3y) dy = 0.
A differential equation of the form f(x,y) dy = g(x,y) dx is said to
be homogeneous differential equation if the degree of f(x,y) and g(x, Solution:
y) is same.

You must have learned to solve the differential equations in

previous sections. To solve a homogeneous differential equation
following steps are followed:

❖ Standard Form: M(x,y) dx + N(x,y) dy = 0, if M and N are

homogeneous of the same degree n.

❖ General Solution: Substitute y = vx or x= vy and the

resulting D.E. is reduced to a variable separable D.E.

Step 1- If M is simpler use: x = vy; dx = vdy + ydv

If N is simpler use: y = vx; dy = vdx + xdv
EXAMPLE: Find the solution of the differential equation, xy dx + (x2 +
Substitute in the given differential equation.
y2) dy = 0.
Step 2 – Differentiating. Now substitute the value of x and y in the Solution:
given differential equation.

Step 3 – Separating the variables

Step 4 – Integrating both side of equation

Step 5 – After integration we replace v = y/x

Note: It is not important using y = vx or x = vy, since both ways will

give the same answer. However, it is sometimes easier to substitute
for the variable whose differential has simpler coefficient.

1 MATH 121 | D I F F E R E N T I A L E Q U A T I O N

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