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Tutorial: Rating Scale for Classroom Speech (TSLB2082)

By Mohd Khairul Fahmi bin Hassan

Did the speech contain content meaningful to the topic?

1 – The content shows no signs of correlation.
2 – Only a few points of the content are related.
3 – The content is moderately related.
4 – The content is majorly related.
5 – All content obviously and clearly related.

Was the delivery smooth and unhesitating?

1 – Delivery very hesitant, a lot of pauses or groping for words
2 – Hesitating delivery, some pauses here and there
3 – Fine delivery but hesitating at certain times
4 – Satisfactory delivery
5 – Delivery smooth, no pauses or groping for words

Did the speaker use correct grammar?

1 – Cannot produce basic sentences
2 – Numerous errors except in memorized expression
3 – Frequent errors which may lead to misunderstanding
4 – Very occasional minor errors
5 – No errors

Did the speaker look at his audience?

1 – Never make any attempts to look at audience
2 – Shows some occasional glimpses towards audience
3 – Sometimes looked at audience
4 – Consistently looked at audience with very minimal attempts to looked at somewhere else
5 – Looked continually at audience

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