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The pollution and damage to the environment is an actual problem. It is a really serious
problem because it affects to all the planet and if it affects the planet, it affects us. It can cause
a lot of damage. However, we can solve It if we change our habits and actions. Here we have
three types of pollution and how we can solve them.

The most air polluter is one of our most popular means of transport which is the car. It is so
polluter because it releases polluting gases that affect our atmosphere and contribute with
climate change. Instead to use our classic cars we should use the electric car, it has the same
function like a typical car but it doesn’t pollute for the reason that it works with electric

The water pollution is a really serious problem because we can't live without water owing to it
is a really important element in our life and in the animals and plants life. To solve this
problem, we should avoid throw the garbage in the seas, rivers, etc.

We can fight against soil pollution trying to not throw the garbage on the floor or avoiding the
use of chemicals substances to the crops. Soil is important for us because there grow our food
and all the plants that are essential for our life since they give us oxygen grow there.

In conclusion I can say that pollution is a really serious problem but it only depend us to stop it
and reduce it changing our bad habits and raising awareness among other people due to
reduce the pollution not only depend of two or three people, everybody should help us to
fight it and give more years of life to the next generations.

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