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In these times, marked by haste and immediacy, it is very

important to have all documents updated, organized and in order. It is the
only way for companies to avoid the loss of clients and information that
document disorder can bring. The company manager has a great job
ahead of him, as he is primarily responsible for achieving the objectives in
each of the areas into which the company is divided, maximizing the
company's profitability for partners, achieving the greatest possible profit
and Maintain and increase the level of motivation of the staff in charge.

A current problem that the company manager encounters

The accounts of a company are of utmost importance because

they allow us to record all the income and expenses carried out in it. In
this way, what is sought is the control of the distribution of resources to
avoid losses and improve operation. Having accounting information
available is very important so that the company can face any type of debt
and follow an order. The company manager must ensure the effectiveness
of daily operations, lead and coordinate strategic planning. But many
times, in companies there is extensive financial, communication,
informational disorganization, etc., which prevents us from obtaining
correct and timely information.

The manager in improving business productivity

Improving business productivity in a company is a constant and very

important objective. For this reason, in the middle of a digital universe
dominated by big data and Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT), more and more companies are joining in the implementation of a
document management and organization system that help to be clear
about the acountts and all the actions carried out in the company. Document
management makes the transition from paper to the digital world possible.
From chaos to order and organization. From investing time and money in
papers, filing cabinets, facing possible penalties for loss of data, etc., to cost
savings and control of these.

The company manager can increase productivity thanks to's document managent that allow companies to
improve work processes.

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