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The importance of exercising in our lives

By Borz Cezar
Dragos Herepean
Why is exercising so important for people?

• Firs tly, w e w ould like you to kn ow th at exerc ising offers

nu m erous benefits th at w e are goin g to ac kn ow ledge
togeth er.

• Physic al Benefits:
- Weight Management: Exer c ise helps bur n c alo r ies and build
musc le, contr ibuting to weight lo ss and maintenance.
- Impr o ved Car dio vasc ular Health: Car dio exer c ises lik e r unning
or c yc ling str engthen the hear t and impr o ve blo od cir culation.

• Mental Benefits: -
S tr ess Reduc tio n: Exer c ise r eleases endo r phins, whic h help
r educ e str ess and impr o ve o ver all mo o d. -
Impr o ved Mood: Regular exer c ise has been sho wn to alleviate
sympto ms of depr essio n and anxiety.
• Weight Management

• Improved Cardiovascular

• Increased Strength and Endurance

Different types of
1 . S tren gth training: Ho w do es it help
us? S tr ength tr aining, also kno wn as
r esistanc e tr aining or weightlifting, is a type o f
exer c ise that fo c uses o n building musc le
str ength and impr oving o ver all fitness.

Her e ar e some benefits o ffer ed by

weightlifting: --
-Inc r eased bone density ( the amo unt o f bo ne
tissue in a c er tain vo lume o f bo ne

-Enhanc ed metabolism ( the r ate at whic h yo ur

bo dy bur ns c alo r ies to gener ate ener gy )

-Inc r eased muscle mass

2. Cardiovascular

What is C ardiovascular Training?

Card iov ascular training , also known as

aerob ic exercise, is any activ ity that
increases y our heart rate and
improv es the efficiency of y our
card iov ascular sy stem.
The importance of

Regular cardio vascular training is

essential fo r maintaining a healthy
lifestyle and reducing the risk o f
cardio vascular diseases. They can
help red uce sy mp toms of anxiety and
depression, imp rov e mood , b oost self-
esteem, and ev en p romote b etter
sleep .
Do you exercise on a daily basis?

yes not

• Heart Disease
• Obesity
• Diabetes

"Exercise is the key not only to

p hy sical health b ut to p eace of mind .
When y ou're fit, y ou feel more
energ etic, p ositiv e, and cap ab le of
tackling life's challeng es. It's not just
ab out working out; it's ab out working
on y ourself."

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