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Chapter 3


This chapter covers the analysis and interpretation of organized data in

the form of figural, tabular, and textual forms. All of the data are carefully
evaluated and interpreted with the aim of reaching the main objectives of the

Level of Parental Involvement (PI) in terms of

Parental Control

In terms of parental control, Table 2a shows the extent of parental

participation. Six of the nine assertions received a high mean score,

indicating that these items suit most homework needs, while the three

remaining statements received a moderate rating. The item "my parents

value my completion of homework" received the highest mean score of 4.01,

followed by "my parents think education is the only way to get ahead," which

received a mean score of 3.86, and "my parents punish me (e.g., take away

my TV privileges) if I receive bad grades," which received the lowest mean

score of 2.73.

Table 2a

Level of Parental Involvement (PI) in terms of Parental Control

Items SD Mean Descriptive

1. My parents value my
completion of homework. 1.03 4.01 High
2. My parents know if I 1.01 3.85 High
completed all my tasks.
3. My parents will not let me 1.17 3.05 Moderate
watch TV, or play with my
friends until I have finished
4. My parents scold and punish 1.28 2.81 Moderate
me if I don’t do all my
5. My parents are strict when it 1.33 3.48 High
comes to school.
6. My parents check to see if I 1.06 3.47 High
have homework.
7. My parents punish me (e.g., 1.44 2.73 Moderate
take away my TV privileges) if
I receive bad grades.
8. My parents seemed 1.30 3.39 Moderate
disappointed when I received
bad grades.
9. My parents think education is 1.14 3.86 High
the only way to get ahead.
Category Mean 0.85 3.41 High

All of these ratings added up to a mean of 3.41, which indicates that

parental engagement in terms of parental control meets homework needs in

almost every case. Furthermore, the SD value of 0.85 in the category mean

indicates that the measures of variability indices on parental engagement in

terms of parental control are minimal and closely related. This indicates that

the majority of the data is clustered around the mean.

In general, the results show that parents place a high importance on

homework completion. Parents, on the other hand, must provide more strict

discipline in order for students to improve their grades.

Level of Parental Involvement (PI) in terms of

Parental Support

In terms of parental support, Table 2b shows the extent of parental

involvement. One item statement in the parental support dimension of

parental participation had a very high mean score, while eight other

statements received a high mean score, indicating that each item fulfills the

parents' emphasis on their children's homework in the majority of cases. In

addition, two items were moderated, focusing on the student-parent

interaction. The item "I believe my parents' encouragement helps me stay

focused on my education." earned the highest mean score of 4.24, while the

item "my parents do not notice when I received good grades." received the

lowest mean score of 2.99.

All of these scores added up to a mean of 3.71, which is considered

high, indicating that the level of parental engagement dimensions in terms of

parental assistance generally matches homework needs. Furthermore, the

SD of 0.85 in the category mean indicates that the measure of variability

indices on the parental participation dimensions in terms of parental support

is also quite minimal, indicating that the majority of the data are clustered

near the mean. This implies that parents were constantly there to aid their

children with schoolwork.

Table 2b

Level of Parental Involvement (PI) in terms of Parental Support

Items SD Mean Descriptive

1. My parents help me with
homework if I ask for 1.17 3.65 High
2. My parents ask me if I have 1.28 3.42 High
questions or need help with
my homework.
3. My parents' explanations are 1.23 3.52 High
very useful when I have
4. My parents help me develop 1.10 3.66 High
good study habits.
5. My parents encourage me to 0.98 4.11 High
get good grades.
6. My parents attend parent- 1.15 3.74 High
teacher conferences.
7. My parents participate in my 1.15 3.33 Moderate
class as volunteers.
8. My parents do not notice when 1.30 2.99 Moderate
I received good grades.
9. My parents seem to be proud 1.11 4.05 High
of me when I received good
grades in school.
10. I believe my parents’ 1.05 4.24 Very High
encouragement helps me stay
focused on my education.
11. I knew that if I ever needed 1.14 4.12 High
help with school, my parents
were there for me.
Category Mean 0.85 3.71 High

The findings suggest that parental participation assisted pupils to

remain focused on their studies. Furthermore, parents who advocate

parental participation regard good grades as their top objective for their

children. This is a clear indication that parental involvement is carefully

designed to aid children with their assignments, but there is still room for

parental support to fully reach the specified goals.

Summary on the Level of Parental Involvement (PI)

The overview of parental involvement is represented in Table 2c. The

parental support indication had the highest mean of 3.71, while the parental

control indicator had the lowest mean of 3.69. The descriptive equivalent for

all of the indicators is high. All of these scores added up to a 3.69 overall

mean score, which indicates that parental involvement meets homework

needs in the majority of cases.

Table 2c

Summary on the Level of Parental Involvement (PI)

Indicators SD Mean Equivalent
Parental Control 0.85 3.41 High
Parental Support 0.85 3.71 High
Overall 0.82 3.69 High

Table 2c also shows the results of the examination of the measure of

dispersion on parental engagement. With an aggregate standard deviation of

0.82, the measures of variability indices on the parental engagement

dimensions are reasonably small and close to each other. This indicates that

the majority of the data is clustered near the mean. This shows that students

are consistent in their responses to the many dimensions of parental

involvement. The data implies that parental involvement is effective in

meeting their learning needs, particularly during a pandemic, because they

can quickly obtain support.

Level of Students’ Homework Behavior (SHB) in terms of

Homework Effort

Table 3a presents the level of students’ homework behavior in terms of

homework effort. Among the five item statements, the item “In general, my

work is too easy for me” got the lowest mean score of 3.16 described as

moderate which indicates that students’ homework behavior is evident. The rest of

the items obtained a mean score described as high which means students’

homework behavior is much evident.

Table 3a

Level of Students’ Homework Behavior in terms of Homework Effort

Items SD Mean
1. In general, my work is too
easy for me. 0.92 3.16 Moderate
2. I think homework periods for
each subject are too long. 0.94 3.44 High

3. When I do my homework at
my desk, I do better when 1.16 3.49 High
someone works with me.
4. I would do better in
answering my homework if 1.06 3.53 High
I receive more rewards.
5. In general, I find my work
interesting. 0.83 3.73 High

Category Mean 0.70 3.47 High

Overall, the mean ratings on students’ homework behavior in terms

of homework effort resulted to a category mean of 3.47 which is describes as

high. This result means that the effort of students on homework is much

evident. Additionally, the category mean of SD has a value of 0.70 which

indicates that the measures of variability index on students’ homework

behavior in terms of homework effort is closer to each other. This represents

that almost all the data are gathered near the mean.

Generally, the shown data results indicate that the effort of the

homework for students have adapted to their homework quality and they are

also motivated by having a reward and support system. However, there is a

need for parents to guide their students in their homework in order to get it

done and also to understand it thoroughly.

Level of Students’ Homework Behavior (SHB) in terms of

Homework Value

Table 3b shows the level of students’ homework behavior (SHB) in

terms of homework value. As shown in the table, the item “It is important to

have a quiet place to do homework” got the highest mean of 4.48 with a
descriptive equivalent of very high which indicates that homework value is

very much evident. Then we have the item “My homework is just busywork

and is not related to what I am learning in school” with the lowest mean score

of 3.32 with descriptive equivalent of moderate indicating that the students’

homework behavior is evident.

Table 3b

Level of Students’ Homework Behavior in terms of Homework Value

Items SD Mean Equivalent

1. It is important to have a quiet place 0.87 4.48 Very High

to do homework.
2. I have enough time to do all of my 1.13
3.47 High
3. Doing homework helps me learn 0.93
4.01 High
more in school.
4. My homework assignments are 0.90
3.72 High
5. My homework is just busywork and
is not related to what I am learning 1.12 3.32 Moderate
in school.
Category Mean High
0.69 3.80

The category mean on students’ homework behavior in terms of

homework value is 3.80 with the descriptive equivalent of high which means

that the student is much evident. Moreover, the SD value of 0.69

corresponding to the category mean that indicates the measures of variability

index is relatively small, hence most of the data are clustered near the mean.

The result shows that the homework value of students is essential in

the process of learning, homework practice, and completing a task

successfully. Notably, students perceive their homework as an important

learning activity to make time and support for their future.

Summary of the Level of Students’ Homework Behavior

Summary on the level of students’ homework behavior is presented in

Table 3c. Among the two indicators, homework value got the highest mean

of 3.80, followed by homework effort with a mean of 3.47. All of the

indicators have a descriptive equivalent of high. All these ratings resulted in

an overall mean score of 3.63 described as high, which means that the level

of students’ homework behavior (SHB) in the new normal set-up of education

suits their need.

Table 3c

Summary on the Level of Students’ Homework Behavior

Indicators SD Mean Equivalent

Homework Effort 0.70 3.47 High

Homework Value 0.69 3.80 High
Overall Mean 0.60 3.63 High

Additionally, Table 3c displays the analysis of the measure of

dispersion on the level of Students’ Homework Behavior. Results reveal that

the measures of variability indices on the students’ homework behavior are

relatively small and close to each other, with an overall standard deviation of

0.60. This means that majority of the data are clustered closer to the

mean. This indicates that students’ perspective is constant, as reflected by

their response towards the students’ homework behavior. The findings

suggest that students’ homework behaviors have helped the students

overcome their homework difficulties in the new normal set-up.

Relationship Between Parental Involvement and

Homework Behavior of Students
Table 4

Presented in table 5 is the computed data between parental

involvement (PI) and homework behavior of students.

Results revealed with r – value of 0.692 signifies positive low

correlation between two variables. Since the p-value of 0.001 is less than

0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that

there is a significant relationship between parental involvement and

homework behavior of students in the new normal set-up.

Significance on the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Students’

Homework Behavior
Variables Mean r- value r p-value Decision @
α =.05

Involvement 3.69
0.692 0.479 0.001 Rejected
Students’ 3.63

This also means that as parental involvement (IV) increases the

students’ homework behavior (DV) increases or vice versa. Furthermore,

research shows that when students' perspective of their parents' involvement

increases/decreases, so does their behavior in homework

increases/decreases as well. This implies that the more involved parents are

in their children's education, the better their children's homework results.

The coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.479. This implies that the

correlation between parental participation and student homework behavior is

48%. The remaining 52% are the other factors not included in the study.
Regression Analysis on the Parental Involvement
Dimensions and Homework Behavior of
Students in the New Normal Set-up

The data on Table 5 reveals the regression analysis showing the

significance of parental involvement and homework behavior of student in the

new normal set-up.

The combined influence of students' parental support and level of

parental control as predictors of students' homework behavior is significant at

0.468, having the probability value of 0.001 which is less than the 0.05 level

of significance. This indicates that the combined influence of students'

parental support and level of parental control is significant. Thus, it is

possible to state that the level of parental control of students in the new

normal set-up has a major impact on the amount of parental involvement,

which in turn has a large effect on the behavior of students in regards to their


Table 5

Regression Analysis on the Parental Involvement Dimensions and

Homework Behavior of Students in the New Normal Set-up

Unstandardize Standardize
Independen Decision
d Coefficient d Coefficient t-Stat p-value
t Variables @ α=0.05
β SE Beta

(Constant) 1.687 0.217

Parental 0.267 0.066 0.378 4.041 0.001 Rejected

Parental 0.280 0.066 0.397 4.240 0.001 Rejected
Dependent Variable: Students’ Homework Adjusted R Squared: 0.468
F-ratio: 42.359 p-value: 0.001
It might also be said that parental control has greater influence parental

support as predictor of homework behavior of students considering that the

Beta coefficient of 0.028 and t-stat of 4.240 are greater than the Beta

coefficient of 0.27 and t-stat 4.041 of parental support.

The parameter a = 1,687 represents the y intercept, which is the point

on the y-axis through which the equation's line passes. The values of

parameter b in the table suggest that students' homework behavior increases

by 0.267 each unit of parental support and by 0.288 per unit of parental


The Adjusted R Square = 0.468 illustrates the correlation between the

two variables and the students' homework behavior in the new normal, hence

validating the linear regression of both independent variables. This suggests

parental support and parental control account for 46.8% of the variance in

students' homework habits. The remaining 53.2% is due to random variance.

These are other elements not included in this study that may have influenced

the homework activity of students.

This would imply that various factors have a significant impact on

students' homework behaviors. In the new norm, the homework behavior of

students is influenced by parental support and parental control.

The results imply that parents are encouraged to have a support to

their children to provide meaningful students’ homework behavior. Parental

control is also encouraged to support and increased students’ success, and

hence acquire development in their learning. To make these undertakings

possible to student, parents may counsel and have mutual responsibility with

their children to make them both aware and involved in developing parental
control in order to address the needs of the students. Additionally, different

stakeholders, such as teachers and significant others who are involved in the

education of the students, may come up with a consolidated agreement in

order to provide for these needs of students, and as a result, students will be

well adjusted and, as an outcome, their homework behavior will improve.

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