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Section : Quantitative Ability DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option. (Question No. : 251 ‘A and B started a business by investing Rs, 2400 and Rs. 3600 respectively. A the end of 4! month from the start of the business, C joined with Rs. After 8 months from the start of the business 8 withdrew Rs. 600. FC's share is Rs, 8000 inthe ‘annual profit of Rs, 22,500, what was the amount that C invested inthe business? ‘AVRs.7200 B)Rs.5800 C}Rs4000 ¥b)Rs.4800 &) Rs. $800 Explanation:- A's investment = 2400 »12 B's ievesrment = 3600%8 + 3000%4 = 40800 Ceinvestment =x « 8 = Bx 8800 A:B:C = 28800: 40800 : 8x = 3600: 5100:x Given :x/ (700%) x 22500 = 6000 Solving we get x(C investment) = 4800 DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option Question No. : 152 Thete ae 4 consecutive odd numbers, xq, x x3 and xq and three consecutive even numbers ys, y2 and yj, The average of the ‘odd numbers is 6 less than the average of the even numbers. If the sum of the three even numbers is 16 less than the sum of the four odd numbers, what i the average of x x2,%3 and xa? A)30 B35 C38 -)32 YEN34 Explanation:- Let the odd numbers be 2x+1, 2043, 2065 & 2x+7 Their sum = &x+16 and average = 2x+4 Let the even numbers bey, y+2 By+4 Their sum = 3y-6 and averoge = y+2 Given B46 - Byo6) = 16 => Bx~3y = 6.0 oD = (Ded) = 6 => y~ 2x = B.lld Solving (0 ip x= 15 => the respective odd numbers are = 31, 33, 36,37 ‘Average = (33 + 35)/2 = 34 DIRECTIONS forthe question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option Question No, : 153 A,B,C, Eand F live on different floors in the same building having sx floors numbered one to sx (the ground floors numbered 1, the floor above it number 2 and so.on and the topmost floor is numbered 6) ‘lives on an even umbered floor, There ate two floors between the floors on which D and F live. Fives om a floor above D's floor. D does not live on floor number 2. 8 does not live on an add numbered Foor. C does not live on any of the floors below Fs floor. E does not lie on a floor immediately above or immediatly below the floor on which B lives. Z@LLEGEiun DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the fllowing question and mark the bes posible option. Question No. : 154 A.B,C.D, Eand F live on different flors in the same building having sx floors numbered one to sx (the ground floors numbered 1, the floor above it number 2 and s0.on and the topmost floor is numbered 6). ‘lives on an even numbered flor. There are two floors between the floors on which D and F lve. F lives on a floor above D's floor. D does not live on floor number 2. B does not live on an odd numbered floor. C does nat live on any of the floors below F's floor. E does not lie ona flor immediatly above or immediatly below the floor on which B lives. (On which ofthe following floors does B lve? Yayo B)4% O2™ D)st Cannot be determined xplanation: The correct arder fom sitio Tis BC F EA D DIRECTIONS forthe question: Solve the following question and mark the bes posible option. Question No. : 155 Jina five letter English word (which may or may not be a meaningful English word), there are two letters between L and P.S is not placed immediately next to L. There i only one letter between S and A. Sis towards the ight of AS isnot placed immediately next to E Which ofthe following is corect with respect o the word thus formed? 1) Eis at one ofthe extreme ends of the word 8) Pis not placed immediately next to A ©) There are two letters between A and E in the word thus formed YD) P is placed second to the right of 5) None is correct Explanation: The word so formed is LEAPS. DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option. (Question No. : 156 Ina five letter English word (which may or may not be a meaningful English word), there are two letters between L and P. Sis not paced immediately next to L, There is only one letter between S and A, Sis towards the right of AS isnot placed immediately net to Which of the following words willbe formed based on the given conditions? ‘AVSPAEL B)PEALS YC) LEAPS D) SEPAL _E) LAPSE Explanation: The word so formed is LEAPS. Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the fllowing question and mark the bes posible option. (Question No. :257 ‘Sb people-K, LM, N, © and Plive on six itferent floors ofa building not nacessaly in the same order. The lower most floor fof the building is rumbered 1 the one above thet is numbered 2 and soon til the top most floor is numbered 6. Lives on an even numbered floor. lives immediately below Xs floor and immediately above M's floor. P lives immediately above N's floor. lives on an even numbered floor. O does not lve on floor number 4 Four of the folowing five are alke ina certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which ofthe following does not belong to that group? A)MN B)OL C)KM O}LP ¥E)PK explanation: From the given information, we get the following arrangement: person floor ° 6 K 5 L 4 M 3 e 2 N 1 mall the given groups, there i only one person living in between their floors except PK, which has 2 people. Hence option 5 DIRECTIONS forthe question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option Question No. : 158 ‘ix people- KL, M, N, © and Plive on sc tferent floors ofa building not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor (ofthe building is numbered 1, the ane above hat is numbered 2 and soon til the top most flor is numbered 6. Lives on an even numbered floor. lives immediately below ks floor and immediately above M's Foor. P lives immediately above N's floor. P lives on an even numbered floor. O does not lve on floor number 4. \Who amongst the folowing lives on flor number 2? AK BP OL dM HO Explanation: From the given information, we get the following arrangement. Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Analyse the groph/s given below and answer the question thot follows Question No. : 159 10 a 2 70 a ise o reels a a What is the difference between average numbered male and female teachers inthe given schools? Aj10 B20 G5 D25 VEjIs 40430440470 Average number of male teachers Average mimber of femal tesbers = explanation: Required diference = 60-45 = 15 DIRECTIONS for the question: Anolysé the graphs given below and answer the question thot follows Question No. : 160 Profit earned by three companies over the years (Rs in crores) ‘Approximately, whats the average profit earned by company B over the given years? |A)RS.107 Crores. 8) RS.132 crores C)RE.124 crores YB) RS 117 cores F) Rs. 97 crores Explanation: ‘Average profit earned by company B over the given years {1301101204140 10541339 56) tty cee Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Analyse the groph/s given below and answer the question thot follows (Question No. : 161 Percentage Distribution of Domestic Produce at Factor Cost and at Constant Prices with bate year 1970-7 (Gsras) Been) es19) (uses) (478) S728) years quo. in ores) samary secondary stertiny \What was the contribution (in billion rupees) ofthe primary sector to the N.OP. in 1980-817 A)1437 8)1736 C1897 ¥b)2371 £3905 Explanation: Contribution (n billion rupees) ofthe primary sector to the NDP. in 2980-81 = 50/100 x 47,419 = Rs. 2371 billion The correct answer is option 4, Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: Analyse the groph/s given below and answer the question thot follows Question No. : 162 Percentage Distribution of Domestic Produce at Factor Cost and at Constant Prices with bate year 1970-7 (Gsras) Been) es19) (uses) (478) S728) years quo. in ores) samary secondary stertiny Jin which year di the contribution of the tertiary sector register the mavimum percentage increase with respect to previous data given? ‘A)1950-51 6) 1960-61) 1970-710) 1980-81 £) 1985-86 explanation: Approximate percentage increase in the contribution of the tertiary sector with respect to previous data given for efferent intervals oftime is as follows For 1960-61, Percentage ieee = 610% 100 Fort97071 Peceatae incense =" sox = 91958 For 1975.6, Percentage increase = = 0% 100= 14286 For 198051, Pecemage ices 2212 10= 166% For 1985.86, Pacenage incense Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: Mark the best option: Question No, : 163, Wich among 2°, 3,44, 6 and 12° isthe gest? O82 28 ee Oat =6°) 5.4 (0) 60 8 fo 00) 12? 295,93 inargent DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the bes posible option Question No. : 164 ‘The number of emplayses in Obelic Menhir Co. is a prime number and is lss than 300. The ratio ofthe umber of employees who are graduates and above to that of employees who are not can possibly be A)101:88 8)87:100 )110:111 0}85:98 YE) 97:84 Explanation: The totais ofall the ratios ore 189,187, 22, 183 and 182. The only prime number out of these numbers is 181 DIRECTIONS forthe question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option Question No. : 165 \When you reverse the digits ofthe number 13, the number increases by 18. How many other two-digit numbers increase by 18 when thelr cgi are reversed? AS YE O7 D8 B10 Egil pce ts xan ters piace iy Nipee- res) ‘3 Cases Otner tan (13, 91) are (24,42, (25,58), (46,64 (57, 70), (68,86) (79,97) ate posse DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the bes posible option Question No. : 16 ‘A bag contains 4 red balls, 6 biue balls and 8 pink balls. One bal is drawn at random and replace with 3 pink balls. A second ball was drawn without replacement. What isthe probability that the fst ball drawn was either red or blue in colour and the Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Study the table/s given below and answer the question tht follows (Question No. :167 | ov ‘ ia i Note: All the given companies istriouted the published books among its respective distributors during both the given months Jn May, Company & published 100 books more than Company Bf the number of books not distributed by Company B among its dsttbutors in May was 50% of the number of books not distributed by Company A among is distributors in the same "month, what was the number of books published by Company B in May? YA) 300) 400) S00) 600. £)700 Explanation:- Let'b’ be the number of books Published by company B. 8'a' be the eumber of books Published by company A Therefore, a= b+100 ‘Number of books not distributed by Company 8 among its distributors in May =20% of b ‘Number of books not distributed by Campany A among its distributors in May= 30% of = 30% of +100) According to question, 20% of b= 50% 30% of +200) Solving this 300, ‘Number of books Published by compony B= 300 Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: Study the table/s given below and answer the question that follows Question No. : 168 ay Tne Name of the Percentage of Percentage of publishing published Number of published Number of company Poets datibutos books aburbutors vnutes triad A 10% 6 3% 6 8 os » os 2 ¢ 5% 3 75% » 8 7% ‘ 7% 2 [oe 6 6 ws n Note: All the given companies istriouted the published books among its respective distributors during both the given months Number of books published by Company Cin May and June was equal I the average number of books received for each letibutor of Company C in May and June was 168, what was the rumber of books published by Company Cin June? Yh) 38408) 3480 4380 0) 4830} None of these Explanations- Let N’ be numberof published by company Cin May Therefore, Number of books published by Campany Cin If the average numberof books recived for each distributor of Company C in May and June was 168, ‘Avge Total number of books received foreach dstrbutor of Company Cin May and June/ Total numberof cstributor of company Cin May nd June Total number of books received for each distributor of Company Cin May and June= 168%32= $472 65% of NY 75%60f N= 5376 140% of N= 5376 N=3840. Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Study the table/s given below and answer the question tht follows (Question No. : 169 May ane Name of the Percentage of Percentage of publishing published Number of published Number of company Pooks dstrbutors books dstibutors iseruted siserbuted | a 70% 6 5% ra 8 20% 0 a 2 c 6% B 75% 8 | 7% 8 a B le 0% 6 0% u Note: All the given companies istriouted the published books among its respective distributors during both the given months Number of books received by each distributor of Company'D in May and that by each distributor of Company Ein the same month was equal Number of books published by Compary Ein May was what percent of number of books published! by Company D in the same month? iy 60 8)65 €)55. D) Cannot be determined €) 40 Let‘0' be the published books by company D. and’ be the published books by E.According tothe question, Tol D _ of E 8 6 Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: Study the table/s given below and answer the question that follows (Question No. :170 ay Tne Name of the Percentage of Percentage of publishing published Number of published Number of company Poets datibutos books aburbutors vnutes triad A 10% 6 3% 6 8 os » os 2 ¢ 5% 3 75% » 8 7% ‘ 7% 2 [oe 6 6 ws n Note: All the given companies istriouted the published books among its respective distributors during both the given months In June, the diference between number of books cstributed by Company B and that by Company D was 864. number of books published by Company Bin June was V3" ofthe number ofthe books published by Company D Company D in the same month, what was the number of books published by Company Bin June? ‘8)2000 8900 c)1500 p}1800 ¥&} 1200 Explanation:- Let’D'be the published books by company D. and '8 be the published books by B.According tothe question, 52% of D- 84% of B= 864 Given that, B= 1/3 0 D=38 => De B64/.72= 1200 DIRECTIONS forthe question: Study the tble/s given below and answer the question that follows. Question No, : 171 May June Name of the percentage of Percentage of publishing published Number of published Number of ‘company books distributors. books distributors distributed distributed A 70% 18 85% 16 B 30% 0 8% 2 c 65% B 15% Fr] . 7% e 52% 3 E 90% 6 88% u Note: All the given companies dstlouted the published books among its respective distributors during both the given months Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: Study the table/s given below and answer the question that follows (Question No. :172 ay Tne Name of the Percentage of Percentage of publishing published Number of published Number of company Poets datibutos books aburbutors vnutes triad A 10% 6 3% 6 8 os » os 2 ¢ 5% 3 75% » 8 7% ‘ 7% 2 [oe 6 6 ws n Note: All the given companies istriouted the published books among its respective distributors during both the given months Number of books received by each distributor of company € in June (Considering everyone gets equal number of books >was what percent less than the numberof books not distributed by the same company among its cstibutors in the same month? AN2013% BIZ G362R% YO)3I1B% H3920% Let’ be the published books by company. te toni yea rte tonne SEE ete "Number of books not cstributed by the same company among its distributors inthe June months 123% off. Required Percentages 2-8 OFE 19924 100% 33h 12% of E 2 3 Explanation: DIRECTIONS forthe question: Mark the best option Question No, :173, nen wnat sme vane ot SE ra Explanation: bfe= b/excidxdjen 2x 1/2x3 =3 of =dndencff =12x3xI/4= 38 Obeidef = a/d x ble x if = 1/3x3 x 3/8 = 3/8 Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Mork the best option. Question No. 2175 The ages of Sil a Tanisha are inthe ratio of 1:7 respectively. Ate years the aa of ter ages willbe 15: 11. Whats the US + 88 = 157 + 120; replacing S by 127 /7, we get. DAT/7 +88 = 157 + 120; 1-148, S=22yr Difference = 8 yrs So option . DIRECTIONS for the question: Mork the best option Question No, : 176 The profit ezmed after sling an atl for Rs998/is the same aslssincued after sling the article fr Rs 64/~ What ithe cost price of te aide? AVRSSTA/- B)RGB2W/- C)RESBOY- Y) REBEL. gy None ofthese Explanation: SP = Re. 998 Pe 998-CPaun Also in second case, SP. = 864 Rs. Le CPB64 on 2) Given | Equating 1 ond 2 2CP, = 1962 cp = 93 Rs. DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option. (Question No. :177 [A person has a chemical of Rs. 25 por lie. n what ratio should water be mixed with that chemical so that after sling the mibcure at Rs. 20/ltre he may get a profit of 25%? AV13:16 B)12:15 ¥O)9:16 D)19:22 E) None of these “Ts canbe solved sina ataaton Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: Answer on the basi ofthe information given below: Question No. 2178 ‘Arun, Barun and Kiranmala start from the same place and travel inthe same direction at speeds of 30,40 and 60 km per hour respectively. Barun stars two houts ater Arun. I Barun and Kanal overtake Arun atthe same instant, how many hours after ‘Arun did Kiranmala start? Aa #35 YO4 DAS —S Explanation: ‘tnt cover 60 mn 2 1s So Barun wat take = 6 eto meet Soin6+2=8hs, Aun wouls have exvered 50*8= 2404 8s. So Kanata ake 22 4s to overtake Aun, ence Kiramala woud start ter 8 rv afer Ar, DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question ond mark the best posible option (Question No. :179 ‘A movie was screened for 3 days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday The respective ratio between the numberof spectators on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was 235 and the pice charged for thee days was in the respective rato 2:3: 4 the difference between the amount eared on Tuesday and Wednesday was R. BECO, what was the feta amount eared in ll three days? |A)RS. 24800 B)RS.27500 YO)Rs.26400 0} Rs.22,870 fF) Rs. 25,200 Explanation:- Ratio of spectators = 2:3:5 Ratio of price charged = 2:3°4 Given The difference hetween the amount earned an Tuesday and Wednesday = 20% - 9x = #800 => x = 200 Therefore, ttel amount ecrned = 800 (x + 9x + 200) = 26400 DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the fllowing question and mark the best posible option Question No, : 180, ‘The creumference ofa circle Is 10% more than the perimeter ofa quae. I the diference between the area of the circle and that ofthe square is 216 cm?, how much does the diagonal ofthe square measure? fn cm) AND B14 Yor D)28 B20 Explanation: 2ar = 11 (4a) 2x 227 x12 4ha=> r= 7/00 Lot radius of circle be’ and side ofthe sqaure be a. Given: Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: The question below consist of a question and two statements oumbered | and I given below it You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufcient to answer the question. Read both the statements ‘ond mark (Question No. : 181 ‘A rectangular garden is surrounded by a path of uniform width of 2 What i the breadth ofthe rectangular garden? L Ifthe length ofthe garden is reduced by 2m, it wil become a square garden, IL Ifthe length of the garden is reduced by 2m, the area ofthe path will become 1/4 times of ts original area. (External boundary of the path remains constant) 10 ithe data in statement alone i scent o answer the question 8) ifthe cote in statement alone is suficient to answer the question: “ifthe dt n both he statements together are needed 0) ether statement (alone osaterent i) alone sutices o answer the question B)ifeven by combining both the statement the answer can ne be found Explanation:- Let the original length be {+2 and breadth be b: From |: 92-2 = b => l= b => oreo of the garden = 2 From I After reducing lenght by 2m => lenght wll be | Total area including the path = (4) x (+4) Are of path = (\-4)x(b+4) =) = 1/46) ‘By combining both the statements, we get: he length and breadth, Therefore it can be solved by using both the statements. DIRECTIONS for the question: The question below consist ofa question and two statements numbered I and i! given below i You have to decide whether the data provided inthe statements are sufcient to answer the question. Read both the statements ‘ond mark Question No, : 182 ‘There are litres of pure milk in each ofthe Jars A and 8, What i the value of x? 1. Ram took out 32 lites of milk from jar A and replaced it with equal quantity of water. He again took out 22 tres of new formed mixture of milk and water from same jar and replaced with equal quantity of water. As 2 result respective ratio of milk ‘and water in Jar A became 16:9. 1 Ram tock out 20% of milk from jar 8 andl alded 72 lites of water. Asa esult percentage of water inthe mixture becomes 35%, A) ifthe data in statement () alone is sufficient to answer the question; 8) if the data in statement (i) alone Is sufficient to answer the question; (Of the data in both the statements together are needed: if ether statement () alone or statement (i) alone suffices to answer the question: 5) if even by combining both the statements the answer can not be found: Therefore the data in either statement (0 clone or statement (i) alone is sufcient to answer the question. Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: The question below consist of a question and two statements oumbered | and I given below it You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufcient to answer the question. Read both the statements ‘ond mark (Question No. : 183, \What isthe speed ofthe boat instill water? (in kmph) 1. The boat takes total time of 4 hours to travel 14 km upstream and 35 km downstream together. I. The boat takes total time of hours to travel 29km upstream and 24 km downstream together. A) if the data in statement () alone is sufficient to answe the question; 8) ifthe data in statement (i alone is sufficient to answer the question; YG) ifthe data in both the statements together are needed D) iether statement () alone or statement (i) alone suffices to answer the question; 5 if even ay combining both the statements the answer can not be found: xplanation:- Let the speed ofthe boot be 6" and speed the speed ofthe stream be From |: 14 f8-5) + 35/B+5) = 4 From I: 29/8-S) + 24/849) = 5 Using both the statements, we con find the value of speed ofthe boat in til water: Therefore, both the statements are required. DIRECTIONS for the question: The question below consist of a question and two statements aumbered | and I given below it You have ta decide whether the data provided in the statements are sfcient to answer the question, Read both the statements and mark Question No, : 184 ‘An article was sold after giving discount on the marked price. What was the discount percentage given? 1. The profit earned ater giving the discount is 20%, Had the percentage of discount been doubled the seller would have incurred a loss of 43, I Marked price of the article is 60% above the cost price of the article 1 the datan statement alone i sficient to anewer the question By fhe cata in staterent (lone suit to anewer the question "Zitat nb th sateen together are needed O) ether statement (alone or sateen) alone sufices to answer he questo Bi even by combining bot the sateen te answer can not be ound Explanation:- Lot CP => MP = 160 &1SP = 120 => Discount = 40 1D % = (40/2160) x 100 = 25% 00 Therefore by combining the data in both the statements, we could find the discount percentage Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: The question below consist of a question and two statements oumbered | and I given below it You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufcient to answer the question. Read both the statements ‘ond mark Question No.: 185 Inan election onl two candidates (A & 8) contested, 25% ofthe registered voters did not cast thelr votes and 250 votes cast were declared invalid, What isthe numberof registered voters? |. Number of votes received by & i 1850 TA get 1150 votes more than B. Number of votes received by As equal to 45% of the numberof registered voters 10 ithe data in statement alone i scent o anawer the question 8) ifthe cote in statement alone is suficient to answer the question: “ifthe dt n both he statements together are needed 0) ether statement (alone osaterent (i) alone suices o answer the question if even by combining both the statements the answer can te found Explanation:- From 1: Votes received by B = 1550 From Il: Votes received by A = 1550 + 1150 = 2700 2700 = 045 (Registered votes) => Registered votes = 6000 Therefore, the data in bath the statements together are needed. DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option. Question No. : 186 In river A, the distance travelled by a boat downstream in time Is 50% more than the distance travelled by the same boat ‘upstream in the same time. In rer 8, the same boat travels a distance of 11km upstream in 30 minutes. If the speed ofthe river current in river B is 2krvh, what the speed ofthe stream in river A? The speed of the boat instil water is same in both the fivers) ‘A)2kmn/h 8) akm/h 4.5 km/h 1) 5.2 km/h ¥E} None of these Explanation:- Let downstream distance = Dd, Upstream distance = Du, Speed af stream = S & Speed of boat River B: 1118-2) = 30/60 => B = 24k/h River A: Dd = 1.50 15Du 2448) = Du (24S) Solving we get §= 48k/h Z@LLEGEn RECTION or he gems: Sly he er tn arly wore gi gnon eects na str (z}m(ie0 Proves Quantity Ex Quantity ey 1 Quantity} = Quant Quantity? < Quant C) Quantity > Quantity YO} Quantity» Quantity ©) Quantity s Quantity (F}s(a-0 124403 = 0 we3x009 = 0 aber} + 1643) DIRECTIONS for the question: Study the given information carefully to answer the given question, Question No. : 188 Mis an integer selected at random from the set 713, 24, 27, 33.19 & 21) Quantity E Probability thatthe average of 11, 8 and Mis of feast 15, Quantity 173M 8) Quantity] < Quantity It 8) Quantity = Quantity or the relationship cannot be established from the information that given ©) Quantity s Quantity HB) Quantity > Quantity I) Quantity = Quantity Explanation: Quantity 1:(11+8+M) /3 2 15 194M 2 45 => M226 Therefore, M can be 27 or 33, Quantity 1/8 ‘Ast 1/3rd of the given values, wil be always less than Quantity | Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS for the question: The question consist of two quantities, one in Column A and the other in Column 8 Mark answer Question No. : 189 ‘Sum of first 5 terms ofan arithmetic progression (AP) is 65. The respective rato of the 8 and 151 terms 4:7. 1.4 term ofthe AP. 116 ay Quantity 1 < Quantity 8) Quantity = Quantity I or the relationship cannot be established from the information that given (Quantity I < Quantity D) Quantity = Quantity 1 &) Quantity > Quantity I Explanation:- Let AP series is a+d, +24, a+24, 04d ‘Sum of fist 5 terms of an arithmetic progression (AP) is 65. 0+ osdvar2dva+ad ‘50420465 a+24213..i The respective ato of the 8” and 15! tom is 4:7 {th tem = 0474 15th term= 14d “7 (+74 a+14d) therefore, seres wil be 7,10, 13, 1619, DIRECTIONS for the question: Study the given information carefully to answer the given question. Question No. : 190 ab <0 Quantity Ee—b Quanity a7 A) Quantity 1 < Quantity 8) Quantity = Quantity I or the relationship cannot be established from the information that given © Quantity < Quantity YB) Quantity > Quantity) Quantity = Quantity Explanation: ab < 0 => one values +ve and others -ve Quantity 1: 1-4 Quantity I 1/-1 Therefore whatever the values, Quantity | wil always be greater than Quantity Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: In te following question two equations numbered | and! are given. Solve and mark your answer Question No, : 191 is the centre ofthe circle and length of LM is 6 cm. (igure into the scale) RS Quantity The area ofthe dice Quantity 26 mem? ay Quantity 1 < Quantity 5) Quantity = Quantity forthe relationship cannot be established from the information that Zgven © Quantity = Quanty lO} Quantty> Quantiy 1 & Quantiy = Quantity Explanation:- Reotionship conn be established from the information that | given as LQ and QM are not given to be perpendicular. 0, we can't find the radius DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best posible option. Question No. : 192 122 men can complete a projec in 8 days. For the first two days, all 12 men reported for work but an te third and fourth days 2 ‘men didnot report fr work If inthe following days, all 10 men reported for wor, in total how many days the whole project was completed? Bh B7% VOSS DB HA Explanation:- Total men days= 9menx days= 96men days ATQ, ‘12 men wokred for 2 dayss 24 men days ‘and 10 men wokred for 2 days more= 102= 20 men days "Now, 96-24-20 52 mendays are lef to be done by 10 remianing men in S2/10= § 1/5 days Hence, total number of days will bea 5 1/5 42 +2u 9 1/Sdoys DIRECTIONS forthe question: n the following series, one ofthe terms given is wrong. Find that term and mark that as your Question No, : 193 13 6 8 135 29 75228 A)7S B29 C)135 YD6 EB Explanation: 13.6 8 135 29 75228 Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: n the folowing series, one ofthe terms given is wrong. Find that term and mark that as your Question No. : 194 163 145 182 125 201 108 2 Yiy106 8/201 Q145 D125 H182 Explanations This is the case of dual series. series are given belon: Astseries'163 182 201 22 In this, -19,-1.9.. pattern is follows. @ 2ndseries: 145 125 106 Inths, 2 -2,-26 follows therefore 125-2610. hence, 106 i the wrong number in th series. DIRECTIONS for the question: n the following serie, one ofthe terms given is wrong. Find that term and mark that os your Question No, : 195 43-45 55 85 153. 290 505 ANSS B45 C)153 O)8S ¥E)290 Explanation 43 45 55 8 153 290 505 45-43-2 55-45-10 85-55-30 153-85-68 200-158-137 505-200-215 24228 Pe 646-222 hence, 6th term(290) is wrang it shouldbe 283, DIRECTIONS forthe question: n the following series, one ofthe terms given is wrong. Find that term and mark that as your Question No, : 196 65821 80 415 2364 Yayais 88 O80 DA |S Explanation:- The logic applied here is °1-4,°2-2,'3- 3.and soon When 80 is multiplied by 5 ond then 5 is subtracted, it should be 395, given is 415, whichis wrong ond hence isthe answer. DIRECTIONS forthe question: n the folowing series, one ofthe terms given is wrong. Find thot term and mark that as your conswer. Question No. : 197 326 164 a4 44 46 16 9 Z@LLEGEn DIRECTIONS forthe question: n the folowing series, one ofthe terms given is wrong. Find that term and mark that as your Question No. : 198 3512 38 154 782 4634 Yiy7@2 B12 Q5 Diss A938 Explanation:- The logic applied here ie*t + 2,°2 +2,%9+2,%4 » Zandsoon In this cose 154 * 5 = 770 + 2 = 772, But given here i 782, which is wrong ond hence is the answer DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the fllowing question and mark the bes possible option Question No, : 199 Ten years hence, the respective ratio between Simms age and Nits age wil be 7 : 9. Two years ago, the respective ratio. between Sime’ age and Nits age was 1: 3.1 Abhay is 4 years older to Simmi, what i Abhay’ present age? (in years) Vay8 84 C16 D)20 B12 Explanation:- Let ther ages 10 yeors hence be 7x and 9x Now the question stats 2 years ago, that means 12 years before the time te fist ages are mentioned. Then the equation would be (x -12)/9« - 12) = 1/3 Solving this you get the value of x as 2. This means the ages after 10 years are 14 and 18. The present ges are thus 4 and 8 years. Abhey is 4 years older then Sirami thus Bay's age would be 4 + 4 = 8 years. DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the fllowing question and mark the best posible option. Question No. :200 ‘The sum of two numbers is 36, What is their maximum possible product? Yay 324 8)320 240 0)180 175 Explanation:- The product is maximum, when the number is divided into two equal parts. Thus 18 * 18 = 324 Fist option i the Z@LLEGEn

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