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As I walk through the corridors beside the four cornered classrooms, a hazy weather was casted over
the scene, dampening my mood while I carry my burden inside the abyss I carry behind my back. Then,
the droplets of rain painted my entire body, like a vast plain fitted on a singular canvas, as I carry my
endless burden and continue my pilgrimage through life. Like how painting is a process of art, each
stroke is a step I take and a decision I make. Now, this time, I cast myself under a weather once again,
under the blazing inferno of the sky, continuously walking amidst the humid breeze as I turn myself
around on a different path. I am a student.


My mom is a resilient one. She grew up in a female dominated family, and so she learned how to
empower the women around her. My grandparents instilled in her the essence of being a strong woman
, and she has portrayed that trait to both me and my brother, as she triumphs over the grievances of the
world and shields us like how a mother would, all on her own. She graduated at MSU Marawi with a
degree in agricultural engineering. She is currently an agricultural technologist at the Barobo
Department of Agriculture office, all while being a full-time mom. She is an admirable person, and my


In this generation, we are all familiar with the word “procrastination.” According to Google, “it is the
habit of unnecessarily delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable,
and easier activities instead.” This is a common coping mechanism of todays generation as they start to
feel overwhelmed with the bombardment of school requirements.


After residency, doctors continue on a path to choose their respective specializations. Common
specializations are Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Cardiology. Family Medicine is a
medical specialty where its doctors are called a primary care physician who treats patients of all ages,
while Internal medicine for those 18 above. Both focuses on the general welfare of patients but with a
difference of the age of the patient that the doctor tends to. Pediatrics on the other hand deals with
infants and children’s health care below 18 years old, while Cardiology deals with complications
concerning the heart, the most romanticized organ of the body.
Comparison and Contrast

Dogs and Cats are both common pets in today’s generation. They are excellent companions and can be
someone’s best friend who can be there with you when you’re down. Although, cats tend to be
independent and sneaks out from time to time, they do not like to be caged and trapped inside the
house, while Dogs will great you with a wagging tail waiting for dinner to be served, as they are quite
dependent on their owners. A self-sufficient sneaky animal and a dependent ball of fur who both play
different roles in the lives of many.

Cause – Effect

I live far away from school, and I am quite aware of it. Despite that, I still woke up late because I kept
snoozing my alarm. As a result, I forgot my lunch bag in the middle of my little rush hour as I struggle to
keep up with time, afraid of Ma’am Havana’s daily “kasaba”. However, I was still late, and missed the
attendance checking so I was labeled absent for the day, even though I really wasn’t. In view of what
happened, I will try to sleep earlier than I do to make up with my needed time in the morning.

Problem – Solution

Procrastination is quite a prevalent problem, so one should reflect on the many tasks they could’ve done
instead of procrastinating. Students these days, when feeling overwhelmed tend to have their fight-
flight response to overwhelming demands, and majority now chooses the latter. They tend to like
pushing academic requirements and instead continue to play games or read romance novels, and that is
not an ideal behavior. As students who are the future professionals of the country, it is a habit that
should die down as we age. One solution would be opting for healthier alternatives in dealing with stress
like exercising and instill time management in order to rid themselves of the word procrastination.


Smoking is a health hazard, not only to yourself but to those around you. Despite the fact that it offers
some kind of feeling of pleasure for those who do it regularly, it is also an undeniable fact that it can
cause 2nd hand smoking which triggers an even worse health complication on the lungs. Due to this, it is
extremely vital to know where and when to smoke, or better not do it at all. Granted that the tobacco
industry provides job opportunities and is supporting the economy, but as a result, it has caused for
hundreds of thousands of deaths yearly throughout the country, quite a concerning statistic. Thus, let us
all be mindful of smoking, and as much as possible, avoid it altogether.

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