Booklet &amp Notebook Answers

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Name Smokejumpers

Author’s Purpose
• The author’s purpose is the reason the author has for writing.
• An author may write to persuade, to inform, to entertain, or to express ideas or feelings.

Directions Read the following passage.

T o learn more about people who

respond in emergencies, please read
the following passage.
Depending on the size or location of an
accident, the state police or fire marshals
may also respond. For major disasters,
The police and fire departments have such as flooding or plane crashes, the
teams of professionals who are trained to federal government gets involved. Its
respond to emergencies. These local teams teams include the National Transportation
are often the first to arrive at the scene of Safety Board, the Federal Emergency
an accident, a crisis, or a crime. Management Agency, and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.

Directions Answer the questions below.

1. For what purpose did the author write this passage?

to inform
2. How do you know?
The author tells you that if you read the passage,
you will learn about the people who respond in emergencies.
3. What information does the author provide you with?
information about
which departments and agencies respond to emergencies
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4. Why did the author not use “I” in the passage?
The author is not writing
about himself or his feelings and experiences.
5. What words might the author have used to express his or her opinion?

Possible answer: “I think”

Home Activity Your child analyzed the author’s purpose in a nonfiction passage. With your child, read aloud
an article or a cartoon in a newspaper or magazine. Discuss the author’s purpose.

316 Comprehension

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Name Smokejumpers

Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches each definition. Write the
word on the line.
Check the Words
1. devotion, loyalty dedication You Know

2. air moving due to wind concentrating

changing pressure dedication
3. focusing mental attention concentrating method
4. device shaped like parachute steer
an umbrella underbrush
5. control the direction of steer wind

Directions Choose words from the box that best replace the
underlined words. Write the words on the lines.

_ ________________ 6. The firefighters knew that the bushes and small trees would
provide fuel to the fire that was already out of control.

_ ________________ 7. The skydiver was thankful that the class knew the way to
release the parachute with the push of one button.

_ ________________ 8. Physical fitness is necessary to the work of fighting fires.

Write a Friendly Letter

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Pretend that you are spending the summer fighting wildfires in Montana. On a separate
sheet of paper, write a letter to your family describing the dangers of the work. Include
words from the vocabulary list and details about fighting wildfires, training, and
equipment. Use as many vocabulary words as you can.

Letters should include words from the vocabulary list and

details about fighting wildfires, training, and equipment.
Home Activity Your child identified and used vocabulary words from the story Smokejumpers: Life Fighting
Fires. With your child, write a short newspaper article about an imagined local firefighter who has been
awarded a medal for bravery. Use as many vocabulary words as you can.

318 Vocabulary

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Adjectives and Articles

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. An adjective usually comes
before the word it describes, but it can also follow the noun or pronoun. Many adjec-
tives answer the question What kind? They describe color, shape, size, sound, taste,
touch, or smell. Other adjectives answer the question How many? or Which one?
What Kind? A new fire was reported yesterday. It is huge.
How Many? There were three forest fires last month.
Which One? That fire was a big one.
A, an, and the are special adjectives called articles. A and an are used only with
singular nouns. Use a before words that begin with a consonant sound. Use an
before words that begin with a vowel sound or a silent h. The is used with both
singular and plural nouns.
A fire started in an area nearby. The fire raged, and the trees burned.
• Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns.
Proper Nouns Japan, Mexico
Proper Adjectives Japanese, Mexican
• Sometimes you can combine two sentences with adjectives.
The plane took off. The plane was full. The full plane took off.

Directions Underline each adjective and circle each article.

1. Fighting fires is a difficult job.
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2. A smokejumper uses the right equipment.

3. An orange jumpsuit can be seen easily.

Directions Decide what kind of question each underlined adjective answers. Write
What kind? How many? or Which one?
4. The men saw the smoky air. What kind?
5. Five firefighters battled the blaze. How many?
6. This fire was not too large. Which one?
Home Activity Your child learned about adjectives and articles. Ask your child to show you how adjectives
answer the questions What kind? How many? and Which one?

 Conventions Adjectives and Articles 319

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Name Smokejumpers

Multisyllabic Words
Antonyms Write a list word that has the opposite Spelling Words
or almost the opposite meaning. reaction
1. pleasant disagreeable
1. ________________ prerecorded
2. joyfully unhappily
2. ________________
3. inattentively watchfully
3. ________________ disobedient
4. unfairness sportmanship
4. ________________
5. certain questionable
5. ________________ unbreakable
6. unexceptionally incredibly
6. ________________ declaration
Synonyms Write the list word that has the same or almost misdialed
the same meaning. undefined
7. statement declaration
7. ________________
8. called the wrong number misdialed
8. ________________ gleefully
9. career’s end retirement
9. ________________
10. relocation displacement
10. ________________ questionable
Definitions Replace the underlined words with list words that midshipman
mean the same thing.
11. You can call a number to listen to a taped message that prerecorded
11. ______________
tells the movie schedule.
12. The food committee served cookies and lemonade. refreshment
12. ______________

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13. We sang the silly song cheerfully. gleefully
13. ______________
14. The naval cadet mopped the deck. midshipman
14. ______________
15. The figures in the painting are blurry and vague. undefined
15. ______________
16. My response to eating tomatoes is hives and puffy eyes. reaction
16. ______________
17. I mistakenly gave credit to the wrong person. incorrectly
17. ______________
18. Fortunately, the glass I dropped is indestructible! unbreakable
18. ______________
19. I returned the shoes, and I’m waiting for my refund check. 19. ______________
20. Our naughty dog failed at puppy training school! disobedient
20. ______________

Home Activity Your child wrote multisyllabic words. Have your child spell the list words syllable by

320 Spelling Multisyllabic Words

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Name Smokejumpers

Multisyllabic Words
Proofread an Anecdote Read Amy’s story. Circle six misspelled Spelling Words
words. Write the words correctly. Circle a punctuation mistake and
write the sentence correctly. prerecorded
An Awful Day incredibly
My cousin was coming for a visit? I decided to
order a pizza. I misdiled the number and got a refreshment
precorded message from an insurance company. unbreakable
Then I dialed incorectly again! Finally, I placed my declaration
order. When my cousin saw the pizza, she made retirement
a startling declaration. She said she never eats misdialed
pizza because she gets an allergic raction from undefined
tomatoes. We had an incredably awful dinner. unhappily
Im going to go back to bed!
1. ______________ prerecorded 3. _______________
2. ______________ incorrectly repayment
4. ______________ incredibly
5. ______________ I’m
6. _______________ questionable
My cousin was coming for a visit.
7. ____________________________________________
________ midshipman

Proofread Words Circle the letter of the word that is spelled Frequently
correctly. Write the word. Misspelled
8. My cat waited ____ as I prepared her meal. I
A. wachfully B. watchfily C. watchfully
© by Savvas Learning Company LLC.., 4

9. Olympic athletes are expected to practice good ____. off
A. sportsmanship B. sportsmenship C. sportmanship
10. Adding ice cubes causes ____ of the liquid in the glass. watchfully
8. ________________
A. displacment B. displacement C. displacemant sportsmanship
9. ________________
11. A villain’s motives are always ____. displacement
10. ________________
A. questonable B. questinible C. questionable
11. ________________
12. His ____ behavior is usually punished.
A. disobedient B. disobediant C. disobedint
12. ________________

Home Activity Your child identified misspelled multisyllabic words. Have your child draw vertical lines
to divide the list words into syllables.

 Spelling Multisyllabic Words 325

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Name Smokejumpers

Adjectives and Articles

Directions Read the passage. Then read each question. Circle the letter of the
correct answer.

(1) An wildfire was far from the road. (2) Seven smokejumpers flew to the area.
(3) The saw black smoke. (4) Some beautiful trees were burning. (5) Firefighters
made many jumps into these area. (6) They wore white jumpsuits and carried useful
equipment. (7) They pumped water on the fire.

1 What change, if any, should be made in 4 What change, if any, should be made in
sentence 1? sentence 4?
A Change An to These. A Change been Some to That.
B Change An to That. B Change Some to This
C Change An to Terrible. C Change the Some to They.
D Make no change. D Make no change.

2 What change, if any, should be made in 5 What change, if any, should be made in
sentence 2? sentence 5?
A Change the to there. A Change these to this.
B Change the to these. B Change these to those.
C Change the to those. C Change these to there.
D Make no change. D Make no change.

3 What change, if any, should be made in

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sentence 3?
A Change The to That.
B Change The to This.
C Change The to They.
D Make no change.

Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on adjectives and articles. Have your child write a list
of five adjectives and the words a, an, and the. Say each word on the list and ask your child to compose a
paragraph using an adjective and an article in each sentence.

326 Conventions Adjectives and Articles

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Name Lost City

Compare and Contrast

• To compare and contrast means to tell how two or more things are alike and different.
• Clue words such as like and as can show similarities. Clue words such as however and
instead can show differences.

Directions Read the following passage. Then complete the diagram below.

T he ancient Greek and Roman cultures

seem very similar on the surface.
For instance, in both cultures, the people
Greece was a series of small city-
states. Rome, on the other hand, was a
huge empire, ruled by an emperor. Greek
lived in areas with warm climates and buildings and Roman buildings were both
wore similar clothing. Both societies also grand, but Rome’s were built using more
produced great poets and artists. However, advanced methods.
they do have some major differences.

Possible answers given.

Greek and Roman Cultures
Similarities Differences

1. People lived in warm climates. 3. Rome was a huge empire.

2. They both produced great 4. Rome had more advanced

poets and artists. building methods.
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5. What did you visualize when you read the passage?

I pictured Greeks and Romans wearing long white robes.

Home Activity Your child read a short passage and used a graphic organizer to compare and contrast
two cultures. Have your child compare and contrast two people you both know well. Ask your child to be
specific in naming their similarities and differences.

 Comprehension 327

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Name Lost City

Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches each definition. Write the
word on the line.

������������������� 1. a violent, rushing stream Check the Words
of water You Know
������������������� 2. magnificent; splendid curiosity
������������������� 3. formed into flat, level land glorious
with steep sides
������������������� 4. what is left after a building terraced
has fallen to pieces thickets
������������������� 5. an eager desire to know torrent
or learn

Directions Choose the word from the box that best completes each sentence. Write the
word on the line shown to the left.

������������������� 6. The ___ walls of the cave were cool to the touch.
������������������� 7. The carvings were covered by overgrown ____ of berry
������������������� 8. The ___ hill was planted with crops.
������������������� 9. The archaeologists were thrilled to discover the ___ of
an ancient city.
������������������� 10. The ___ sunshine made the lake sparkle.
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Write a Description
Pretend you are an archaeologist who has just discovered some ancient ruins. Write a
description about what you have found. Use as many vocabulary words as you can.
Descriptions should include words from the vocabulary list and
details concerning ancient ruins.
Home Activity Your child identified and used vocabulary words from Lost City: The Discovery of Machu
Picchu. With your child, make up a story about an ancient civilization. Use the vocabulary words from the

 Vocabulary 329

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Lost City

An adverb is a word that tells how, when, or where something happens. Adverbs
tell about verbs. An adverb can appear before or after a verb. Many adverbs
that tell how something is done end in -ly.
How Bingham gazed thoughtfully. He repeatedly asked about ruins.
When Slowly he saw the city’s outline. Travelers seldom stopped there.
Where The mule train stopped nearby. The sun shone overhead.

Directions Write the adverb in each sentence.

1. He waited anxiously at the canteen. anxiously
2. Suddenly, they were in the jungle. suddenly
3. They traveled down the slippery bank. down
4. The river raged below. below
5. Finally, they reached the top of the mountain. finally
Directions Write how if the underlined adverb tells how an action happens. Write
when if it tells when an action happens. Write where if it tells where an action happens.
6. Above them was a snow-covered mountaintop. where
7. The boy cheerfully urged them forward. how
8. He looked closer. how
9. Bingham left the guide behind. where
10. It looked as though it had been cleared recently. when
11. There was more jungle beyond where they stood. where
12. Wearily, he walked through the jungle. how
13. Immediately, he took a picture of the boy. when © Pearson Education, Inc., 4

14. They gently pushed the vines out of the way.  how
15. Bingham honestly thought he had found Vilcapampa. how

Home Activity Your child learned about adverbs. Encourage your child to tell you about his or her day
using adverbs telling how, when, or where things happened. Ask your child to identify the adverbs he or
she used.

330 Conventions Adverbs

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Name Lost City

Words with Double Consonants

Spelling Words
tomorrow borrow different rabbit matter
written bottle ridden odd bubble
offer suffer slippers grasshopper worry
current lettuce saddle shudder hobby

Word Groups Write the list word that best completes each word group.
1. yesterday, today, ___ tomorrow
1. _______________
2. raccoon, rat, ___ rabbit
2. _______________
3. shake, tremble, ___ shudder
3. _______________
4. leafy, salad, ___ lettuce
4. _______________
5. can, container, ___ bottle
5. _______________
6. give, present, ___ offer
6. _______________
7. horse, stirrups, ___ saddle
7. _______________
8. etched, typed, ___ written
8. _______________
9. ladybug, butterfly, ___ grasshopper
9. _______________
10. shoes, sandals, ___ slippers
10. _______________

Missing Words Complete each sentence by writing a list word.

11. Please don’t ____ about the spilled milk. worry
11. ___________
12. May I ____ your extra raincoat? borrow
12. ___________
13. My cat was behaving in a rather ____ manner. odd
13. ___________
14. Do you have the ____ issue of this magazine? current
14. ___________
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15. Every person is ____ in his or her own way. different

15. ___________
16. Building model cars is my grandfather’s new ____. hobby
16. ___________
17. My father continues to ____ with the flu. suffer
17. ___________
18. Now we can get down to the heart of the ____. matter
18. ___________
19. I have never ____ such a tall horse. ridden
19. ___________
20. My friends like to see who can blow the biggest ____. bubble
20. ___________

Home Activity Your child wrote words with double consonants. Have your child explain how double
consonants stand for one sound.

 Spelling Words with Double Consonants 331

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Name Lost City

Words with Double Consonants

Proofread a Speech Circle six misspelled words in the speech. Spelling Words
Write the words correctly. Write the sentence with a verb in the
incorrect tense correctly. borrow
Welcome, Friends of the Zoo! I’d like to thank all rabbit
of you who kindly ofer your time to our local zoo. written
Tomorow is Family Education Day at the zoo. An bottle
expert will talk about the cicada, grasshoper, and odd
beetle. Children can learn what makes them diferent. bubble

You can also feed letuce to a rabit in the petting zoo. offer
Again, I want to thanks you all for your support. slippers
1. _______________ Tomorrow
2. _______________ current
3. _______________ different
4. _______________ lettuce
5. _______________ rabbit
6. _______________ shudder
Again, I want to thank you all for your
7. ________________________________________________ hobby

Proofread Words Circle the list word in each sentence that is
spelled correctly. again
8. What is the matter mater with Andy’s parakeet? were © Pearson Education, Inc., 4
9. Have you ever ridden riden in a hot air balloon?

10. At night, I like to wear my comfortable slipers slippers.

11. Please take an extra bottle botle of water.

12. My sister is letting me borrow borow her grey sweater.

Home Activity Your child identified misspelled words with double consonants. Spell the first syllable of
a list word and have your child spell the rest of the word.

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Name Lost City

Directions Read the passage. Then read each question. Circle the letter of the
correct answer.

The Seekers
(1) Bingham careful started across the narrow, rickety bridge. (2) Bingham
thought hard about the ruined lost city he hoped to find. (3) The travelers trod wary
to a remote canyon. (4) Final, they broke through into the glaring sunlight. (5) The
people whispered quietly that there were wonderful ruins on the mountain.

1 What change, if any, should be made in 4 What change, if any, should be made in
sentence 1? sentence 4?
A Change narrow to narrowly. A Change Final to Finally.
B Change careful to caring. B Change Final to Finale.
C Change careful to carefully. C Change glaring to glareful.
D Make no change. D Make no change.

2. What change, if any, should be made in 5 What change, if any, should be made in
sentence 2? sentence 5?
A Change hoped to hopeful. A Change quietly to quiet.
B Change ruined to ruins. B Change wonderful to wonderfully.
C Change hard to hardly. C Change quietly to quite.
D Make no change. D Make no change.

3 What change, if any, should be made in

sentence 3?
A Change wary to careful.
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B Change wary to warily.

C Change wary to warly.
D Make no change.

Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on adverbs. Have your child look through a newspaper
or magazine article. Ask him or her to highlight the adverbs and say whether they tell how, when, or where
something happened.

 Conventions Adverbs 337

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Name Cliff Hanger

Literary Elements: Character, Plot,

and Theme
• Characters are the people and animals in a story.
• The plot is the sequence of events in a story.
• A story’s theme is the most important idea.

Directions Read the following story. Use the graphic organizer to identify the
characters, plot, and theme of the story and answer the questions below.

W hen her cat Whiskers did not

show up for breakfast, Jasmine
was worried.
She opened the cellar door. There was
Whiskers, asleep on the stairs.
“Yesterday, Whiskers was very curious
“Whiskers is always here for food!” she about the cellar,” Jasmine explained.
cried to her mom. “What if she’s lost?” Her mom smiled and said, “See what
“Calm down, Jasmine,” said her mom. happens when you calm down and think
“It’s easier to solve a problem when about a problem?”
you’re calm.”
So, Jasmine sat and thought. Then
it came to her. Whiskers might be in
the cellar.

Characters Plot Theme

1. Whiskers, Jasmine, 2. Whiskers is missing. 3. It is easier to solve a
Mom Mom tells Jasmine to problem when you are
calm down. Jasmine finds calm.
the cat in the cellar.
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4. How did Jasmine figure out where Whiskers was hiding?

When she calmed down, she remembered that Whiskers was

interested in the cellar.
5. Is the story’s narrator first person or third person?

third person

Home Activity Your child learned about a story’s characters, plot, and theme. Discuss a problem your child
recently solved as if it were a story. Ask your child to tell you the characters, plot, and theme.

338 Comprehension

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Name Cliff Hanger

Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches the word or words.
Write the word on the line.
Check the Words
_________________ 1. path from top to bottom
You Know

_________________ 2. made a long and hard journey coil
_________________ 3. empty space foresaw
_________________ 4. loops wound into a spiral shape
_________________ 5. expected something to happen

Directions Circle the word that has the same or nearly the
same meaning as the first word in each group.

6. ridge tunnel crest bottom

7. rappel descend hike rope
8. descent end boot drop
9. shaft light rod curve
10. foresaw warned predicted worried

Write a Broadcast Report

Pretend you are a broadcast reporter who is delivering information about a young girl’s
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daring climb up a dangerous mountain to save her sister. On a separate sheet of paper,
write a broadcast report about the event. Use as many vocabulary words as you can.

Broadcast reports should include words from the vocabulary list

and details about a mountain rescue.

Home Activity Your child identified and used vocabulary words from the story Cliff Hanger. With your child,
read an article about mountain climbing or rappelling. Help your child identify the meanings of unfamiliar
words in the article.

340 Vocabulary

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Cliff Hanger

Comparative and Superlative

Adjectives and Adverbs
A comparative adjective compares two people, places, things, or groups. Add -er
to most short adjectives to make the comparative form. Use more or less with longer
adjectives. A comparative adverb compares two actions. Add -er to many adverbs
to make them comparative. Use more or less with most adverbs that end in -ly.
Comparative Adjectives This trail is shorter but more difficult than that one.
Comparative Adverbs Grit climbed faster and less clumsily than Axel.
A superlative adjective compares three or more people, places, things, or groups.
Add -est to most short adjectives to make the superlative form. Use most or least
with longer adjectives. A superlative adverb compares three or more actions.
Add -est to many adverbs to make them superlative. Use most or least with most
adverbs that end in -ly.
Superlative Adjectives It was the steepest and most neglected trail I’ve seen.
Superlative Adverbs The wind blew hardest and most powerfully.

Directions Change the underlined adjective or adverb to its comparative form if

the sentence is followed by (C). Change it to the superlative form if the sentence is
followed by (S).
1. I had the tiny cabin. (S) tiniest
2. The weather is bad than last week. (C) worse
3. His gear was the messy of all the climbers. (S) messiest
4. Trucks move slowly on wet roads than on dry roads. (C) more slowly
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5. This mountain is steep than that one. (C) steeper

6. Steering is easy over there. (C) easier
7. His is the fast truck of all. (S) fastest

Home Activity Your child learned about comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. Ask your child
to give you examples of how he or she feels about something or does something. Have your child identify
the comparative and superlative adjectives or adverbs he or she uses.

 Conventions Adjectives and Adverbs 341

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Name Cliff Hanger

Greek Word Parts

Word Groups Write the list word that best fits into each group. Spelling Words

1. topic sentence, supporting sentences, ___ 1. ______________ telephone
2. life story, nonfiction, ___ biography
2. ______________ telescope
3. bacteria, lens, ___ microscope
3. ______________ photograph
4. film, camera, ___ photograph
4. ______________ diameter
5. oven, rapid, ___ microwave
5. ______________ barometer
6. voice, record, ___ microphone
6. ______________ headphones
7. instrument, woodwind, ___ saxophone
7. ______________ microphone
8. signature, celebrity, ___ autograph
8. ______________ autograph
9. universe, lens, ___ telescope
9. ______________
10. weather, air pressure, ___ barometer
10. ______________ perimeter
Missing Word Write the list word that best completes symphony
each sentence. periscope
11. A ____ is shaped like a cone.
12. A ____ is a tiny processor inside a computer.
13. A ____ allows sailors in a submarine to see above water. megaphone
11. ______________

14. Measure across the center of a circle to find its ____. microchip
12. ______________

15. Morse code, a series of dots and dashes, was sent by ____. periscope
13. ______________

16. A full ____ orchestra has strings, woodwinds, brass, and diameter
14. ______________ © Pearson Education, Inc., 4

percussion sections. telegraph

15. ______________
17. Wear ____ when you don’t want to disturb others in the room. 16. ______________
18. To find the ____, measure the sides of a shape and add headphones
17. ______________
them together. perimeter
18. ______________
19. Beginning readers learn to use ____ to sound out new words. 19. ______________
20. Alexander Graham Bell invented the ____. telephone
20. ______________

Home Activity Your child wrote words with Greek word parts. Ask your child to use the meanings of
the Greek word parts to help define the words.

342 Spelling Greek Word Parts

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Name Cliff Hanger

Greek Word Parts

Proofread an Assignment Sam quickly copied his teacher’s Spelling Words
assignment. Circle six misspelled words and one word with a
capitalization error. Write the words correctly. biography
Class Assignment: Write a six-paragraph biografy photograph
of one of these famous people. microwave
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telaphone diameter
Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony composer microscope
Anton van Leeuwenhoek, inventor of the microscope headphones
Galileo and the telesope
Charlie “Bird” Parker, great saxaphone player
Jack Kilby, inventor of the microchip telegraph
Percy Spencer, inventor of the micrawave oven
Simon Lake, periscope inventor phonics
Teddy Roosevelt, President and frend of nature symphony
Evangelista Torricelli, inventor of the barometer periscope

1. _______________ telephone
2. _______________
3. _______________ telescope
4. _______________ Misspelled
5. _______________ microwave
6. _______________
7. _______________ then
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Proofread Words Circle the list word that is spelled correctly.

8. microphone microfone 9. phonics phonicks

10. peremeter perimeter 11. magaphone megaphone
12. autograff autograph 13. telegraph teligraph
14. diameter diamiter 15. perescope periscope

Home Activity Your child identified misspelled words with Greek word parts. Have your child find and
circle two letters that stand for the sound of f in the list words.

 Spelling Greek Word Parts 347

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Name Cliff Hanger

Comparative and Superlative

Adjectives and Adverbs
Directions Read the passage. Then read each question. Circle the letter of the
correct answer.

Climbing Cathedral Rock

(1) We took the most long route to the top of Cathedral Rock. (2) Climbing the
rock should have been easyer than it was. (3) Luckily, today’s weather was much weller
than yesterday’s. (4) The weather had been stormy all week, but Monday was the most
stormy. (5) I thought the most difficult part of the climb was the part near Monkey
Ridge. (6) Getting back down in one piece would be my greater achievement of all.

1 What change, if any, should be made in 4 What change, if any, should be made in
sentence 1? sentence 4?
A Change most long to longer. A Change been stormy to been stormier.
B Change most long to longest. B Change most stormy to stormiest.
C Change top to topper. C Change most stormy to most
D Make no change. stormiest.
D Make no change.

2 What change, if any, should be made in

sentence 2? 5 What change, if any, should be made in
A Change Climbing to climb. sentence 6?
B Change it to climbing. A Change greater to greatly.
C Change easyer to easier. B Change greater to great.
D Make no change. C Change greater to greatest.
D Make no change.

3 What change, if any, should be made in © Pearson Education, Inc., 4

sentence 3?
A Change weather to whether.
B Change today’s to todays.
C Change weller to better.
D Make no change.

Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs.
Have your child write a list of five adjectives and five adverbs. Say each word on the list and ask your child
to compose a sentence using the word in its comparative or superlative form.

348 Conventions Adjectives and Adverbs

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American Diploma Stream

ELA Booklet for the 3rd Semester
2021- 2022

Name: ____________
Class: _____________

4 – ELA– & Have
Sem 2 –Fun
Booklet Page 1
A- Choose the word or words that mean the same as the underlined word:

1- There is a powerful wind outside.

a. rainstorm b. earthquake c. air in motion d. smell
2- Are you wearing a parachute?
a. wheel used to steer d. cloth canopy used to fall slowly
b. large backpack with rockets b. military uniform
3- I was concentrating during the class.
a. paying close attention b. daydreaming
c. writing notes d. talking to my friends
4- Fred searched in the underbrush.
a. pine forest b. large, sandy desert
c. a narrow valley d. thick forest shrubs
5- Hard work is essential to good grades.
a. optional b. necessary c. painful d. hostile
6- Barbara did her job with dedication.
a. devotion b. good humor c. anger d. carelessness
7- What is the method for completing the project?
a. reward b. plan c. reason d. equipment
8- Molly takes ballet lessons.
a. type of piano b. type of acting
c. type of dance d. type of fencing
9- The story was to be continued in next month’s issue.
a. picked up again b. criticized
c. dramatized d. begun
10- That alcohol is to be used for medicinal purposes only.
a. removing color from hair b. clothes-washing
c. furniture refinishing d. healing
11- We stopped at a café.
a. grocery store b. restaurant
c. nightclub d. pizza parlor
B-Spelling: “Multi-syllabic words”

-Multi-syllabic words include all words with three to five syllables.

-Some multi-syllabic patterns:

Multi-syllabic words can also made up by adding affixes to word bases.


predict believe fortune art

predictable believable fortunate artist
unpredictable unbelievable fortunately artistic
unpredictably unbelievably unfortunately artistically
1-Write a list word with the opposite meaning:
unhappily or joylessly
1- Joyfully _____________
2- certain _____________

3- inattentively _____________

2-Choose the correctly spelled words:

4- a. displacement b. displacment c. sesplacement

5- a. unquestionible b. unquestonable c. unquestionable
6- a. disobedient b. disobediant c. disobedient

C-Conventions: Adjectives & articles

A-Adjectives are words that describe a nouns or a pronoun.

-To recognize adjectives, you have to understand that they answer some
questions as:
-How many?
The four children lived happily.
-What kind? (Color, size, shape, sound, taste, touch or smell)
This is a wonderful home.
-Which one?
This room is where we have our lessons.
Example: -The four children lived on a big ship.
-Proper adjectives: are those adjectives which are formed from proper
Proper nouns: Mexico America England Japan
Proper adjectives: Mexican American English Japanese

Underline the adjective in each sentence

What are articles?

(a- an – the)
A- and write its type:
1- The happy children loved the stormy weather.

2- Encyclopedia Brown is a smart boy.

3- I got a new version of the game.

4- The chief police was baffled.

5- The three students worked together on the project.

6- The Mexican tourist admired his tour in Jeddah.

B- Choose the correct answer:
1- ___________ was the best match I’ve ever seen!
a. An b. That c. These
2- It was a _______________ journey.
a. Wonderful b. wonderfully c. wonder
3- I told her _____ long story.
a. an b. a c. these
4- ________ stories are narrated in a nice way.
a. This b. That c. These

5- The American visitor had to go to the embassy.

The proper adjective in this sentence is ___________.
a. American b. visitor c. embassy
6- My dad works as _____ engineer.
a. an b. a c. The
7- Earth revolves around _____ sun.
a. an b. a c. The
8- He seems _______ today. Maybe he’s late.
a. quick b. quickly c. quickest

D-Reading comprehension:
Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Remembering Firefighting Heroes

Smokejumpers are firefighters who parachute into remote areas and use the
parachute to steer themselves near deadly fires.
The U.S. Forest Service began using smokejumpers in 1940. They have become
an essential part of protecting our country’s national forests.

On August 5, 1949, a wildfire raged at Mann Gulch in Montana. A bolt of lightning

had probably set fire to some underbrush near the Missouri River. At the same
time, the wind picked up, feeding the fire even more.

Smokejumpers began by concentrating their efforts in an area behind the fire.

The foreman, Wagner Dodge, led his men to a lower part of the gulch.
Smokejumpers faced the conflict with fierceness and dedication, but it still

Dodge realized that his method wasn’t working. The fire was getting worse, so he
ordered his men to run up the slope of the gulch to escape. At about the same
time, the wind began blowing in the same direction, essentially chasing the
firefighters up the hill. Fifteen men lost their lives.

In 1999, a dedication ceremony was held on the fiftieth anniversary of the fire.
Smokejumpers landed in Mann Gulch to remember the sacrifice of those who
had died.

1-How are smokejumpers different from the ordinary firefighters?

They use parachutes to get to areas with wild fires.
2-How might have the fire at Mann Gulch started?
The lightning bolts started the fire, maybe.
3-What has increased the fierceness of the fire at the Gulch?
a. The dedication of the smokejumpers
b. The wind
c. The water
4- What is the meaning of the underlined word “dedication”?
a. honesty b. devotion c. loyalty
1- Choose the word or words that mean the same as the underlined word:
1- That land has been terraced.

a. divided b. reserved c. leveled d. developed

2- The bells made a glorious sound.

a. rhythmic b. depressing
c. surprising d. magnificent

3- Did you see any ruins?

a. jungles b. mountains
c. universities d. remains

4- The granite feels cool.

a. wood b. rock
c. dirt d. water

5- Your curiosity can get you into trouble.

b. search for antiques
c. desire to know
d. need for attention
e. lack of knowledge

6- Helena’s words came out in a torrent.

a. swift flow b. stern manner
c. shout d. squeal

7- The foxes hide in the thickets.

a. pastures b. caves
c. flowers d. shrubs

8- Dad told us a wondrous bedtime story.

a. full of wonder b. lacking wonder
c. appearing to have wonder d. having a little wonder

“Words with double consonants”

1- Choose the word with the correct spelling:

1- difirrent different different

2- lettece lettuce lettace

3- hoby hobie hobby

4- tomorrow tommorrow tommorow

5- slippers slippirs sleppers

2- Choose the correct word to fill in the space:

1- I am satisfied with my ---------------------- performance.

a. tomorrow b. bottle c. current

2- Please take an extra ------------------ of water.

a. tomorrow b. bottle c. current

3- My sister is letting me -------------------- her grey sweater.

a. borrow b. borow c. borroow

4- Have you ever ----------------- in a hot air balloon?

a. ride b. riden c. ridden

5- What is the ------------- with Andy these days?

a. mater b. matter c. matterr

C-Conventions: “Adverbs”

1-Circle the adverb in each of the following sentences:

1- Winds can wear away very slowly. (___________)

2- Peter neatly wrote a shopping list. (___________)

3- The astronaut easily fixed the problem. (___________)

4- The girls went upstairs to get their coats. (___________)

5- Jackie went home early. (___________)

6- He fought bravely till the end. (___________)

2-Write the type of each adverb in the following sentences:

Choose if it tells about place “where”, time “when” or manner “how”
1- The river raged below. (where)

2- My dad has been to London recently. (when)

3- She gently patted he puppy. (how)

4- Ronaldo incredibly jumped and scored. (how)

5- We hurried back home and left Miranda behind. (where)

D-Reading comprehension:

Find the word or words with the same meaning as the underlined word. Click the circle
next to the answer.

1- The hikers trekked across the snow.

a. traveled slowly b. rappelled
c. ran wildly d. slipped

2-The small village lay just beyond the ridge.

a. narrow chain of hills b. mountain peak
c. plateau d. skyscraper

3-Hand me that coil of rope.

a. long piece b. very short piece
c. circular-shaped piece d. lasso

4- Where the old building had been was now a void.

a. new structure b. grove of trees
c. empty space d. large tent

5-Jorge foresaw trouble.

a. knew beforehand b. started or caused
c. avoided d. worried about

6- he mountain climbers were ready for their descent.

a. climb up b. picnic
c. hike d. climb down

7- The shaft led to the roof.

a. tall, narrow window
b. stairs or a long ladder
c. long, narrow hole
d. door or gate

“Greek word parts”

1- Choose the word with the correct spelling:

1- micrechip microship microchip

2- fotograph photograph photograf

3- hoby hobie hobby

4- headphones hedphones headfones

5- symphony symfony semphony

2- Choose the correct word to fill in the space:

1- Alexander Graham Bill invented the ................

a. telephone b. paragraph c. photograph

2- Writing a a hard task.

a. biografy b. biography c. bigraphy

3- What is the ................. of that circle?

a. barometer b. periscope c. diameter


“Comparative & superlative”

Adjectives and adverbs

1-Circle the correct answer in each of the following sentences:

1- Nada is ____________ than Amira.

a.t all b. taller c. tallest

2- That storm was the _____________ of all time.

a.s trong b. stronger c. strongest

3- Aldo and Elias are _________ than what I expected.

a.s mart b. smarter c. smartest

4- The weather today is ___________ than yesterday.
a.b ad b. worst c. worse
5- This mountain is ___________ than that one.
a.s teep b. steeper c. steepest
6- This is the ___________ room.
a. tiniest b. tinier c. tinest
7- Sophie climbed less __________ this time.
a. clumsily b. clumsy c. clumsier

D-Reading comprehension:
Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Remembering Firefighting Heroes

Axel washed his tin cup at the hand pump outside the Teton Mountains
Climbing School hut and looked up. A storm cloud darkened Death
Canyon. Lightning flashed. Axel was glad he wasn’t rock climbing now.


Two mountain climbers ran down the trail. “Your dog followed us up
the mountain,” one of the women said. “We had to leave him at the
top of Cathedral Wall.”
“You left Grits?” Axel was upset.

“That storm’s bad,” she said looking over her shoulder. “We had to get out
of there.” Axel’s father, Dag, the leader of the school, heard the news. He
closed the registration book and stepped outside.

Lightning exploded. Dag

counted slowly.

“,.. thirty- eight, thirty-nine, forty... .”

“A mile for every five counts,” Dag said. “The storm’s eight miles away.
We've got enough time to get Grits.”

Dag put on his belt, which jangled with climbing nuts and
carabiners, and shouldered his rope and backpack.

Axel looked at his dad. “Thanks,” he said, and put on his own mountain-
climbing gear.

Axel and Dag trekked steadily up the wooded trails, climbed over rock
avalanches, and finally arrived at the bottom of the shaft of rock that is
Cathedral Wall. A lightning bolt split open the black cloud.

“One, two, three ...”

1-How many characters are there in the above passage?
there are 5 characters in total.
2-What is the genre of this selection?
a. historical fiction
b. realistic fiction
c. personal narrative
3-What may have happened later?
Axel managed to save his dog and descend safely.
4-What is the best synonym for the underlined word “shaft”?
a. rod
b. curve
c. light


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