JFK Inaugural Speech Thesis

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Crafting a thesis, particularly on a topic as significant and nuanced as JFK's Inaugural Speech, is no

small feat. It demands rigorous research, critical analysis, and eloquent articulation to encapsulate the
essence of such a pivotal moment in history. Delving into the depths of JFK's rhetoric, dissecting its
impact on the political landscape of the time, and exploring its enduring legacy requires dedication
and expertise.

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President Kennedy makes a minimum effort of carry throughing Son. To connect to emotions he
says, “To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of
faithful friends. But Kennedy had many more audiences in mind than those who happened to be in
Washington that day. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days; nor in the life of this
Administration; nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. United there is little we cannot do in
a host of cooperative ventures. With this, the group of spectators can acknowledge President
Kennedy’s call to obligation which at that point, continues to acknowledge his discourse as being
very viable. For clarity, this is an inaugural speech upon his election. To those old allies whose
cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little
we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Kennedy was the first, and to this date, the only
Catholic inaugurated as commander-in-chief. Kennedy aims for his speech to be used as a call to
duty to unite all of his listeners. First and foremost, I am going to tell you a brief history about John
F. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other
generation. By his speech being short because of the weather, that also helps establish ethos because
it shows that he cared about the audience. He felt that it was a new era in American history and he
was the leading the way on a new movement towards a better America. JFK begins his speech by
immediately speaking to the American people as a whole. Instead, it was almost exclusively centered
on foreign policy. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us
here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. Short word
combinations such as human rights are allowed when it makes sense to do so. Pathos appealed to
Americans' loyalty and compassion, emphasizing unity in facing common challenges. For man holds
in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. The
graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. Kocin and Louis W.
And the glow from that fire can truly light the world. Users of these materials are advised to
determine the copyright status of any document from which they wish to publish. With potential for
both promise and terror, the 60s were a volatile time in American History. One critique is that the last
sentence in the second to last paragraph is a fragment. He is telling the audience that what he said
was not all that can be done, and that they were just examples of what should be done to reach that
goal. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around
the globe the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the
hand of God. With a decent soul our lone sure reward, with history the last judge of our deeds, let us
go forward to lead the land we adore, asking His approval and His assistance, yet realizing that here
on earth God’s work should genuinely be our own’ (1961).
The cold war had been escalating since the mid-1940s, and the U. By referencing the common
cultures, borders, and goals we share with countries throughout the world, he continues to develop
his theme of unification. The use of rhetorical devices, logos pathos and ethos and lastly, his delivery
helped solidify his speech to persuade the American nation to accept him as their new leader. JFK’s
speech is so important and has been reiterated in classroom environments. Against a backdrop of
deep snow and sunshine, more than twenty thousand people huddled in 20-degree temperatures on
the east front of the Capitol to witness the event. We shall not always expect to find them supporting
our view. Kennedy achieves his purpose by incorporating effective rhetorical strategies such as,
anaphora, asyndeton, and metaphors. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and
archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. Kennedy again makes use of
antithesis to contrast peace with destruction, deliberately associating the beneficial aspects of peace
with global cooperation and the darkness of destruction with disunion, stressing his core purpose of
unity. By saying this he is connecting America and its resources to better the nations that most need
it. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. He states that his inauguration
should be a beginning of renewal and change, and goes on to connect Americans together. By
delivering a logic, emotionally appealing and credible speech in a determined and confident manner,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy obtained the approval of seventy five percent of Americans. He called on
the American people to work with their allies and to seek out common ground with those who might
be seen as enemies. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the
ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce. The Cold War was an overwhelming issue at
the time of his election and throughout his presidency. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for
which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man
come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. As a people, we are committed
to the promotion of human rights and peace as well, and by showing his commitment to these ideals,
he is able to prove his credibility through a shared set of ethics with the audience. He first exposes
the problem and then provides a solution for it that, evidently, requires the participation of the
citizens. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and
West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind. White House Staff Files of Harris Wofford
(JFKWHSFHW). I do not shrink from this responsibility I welcome it. Divided there is little we can
do for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. Kennedy, the 35th president
of the United States, was only 43 years old when he took office, making him the youngest person
ever to be elected to the presidency. It incorporates the audience into his speech, which makes the
listener feel as if they can also make a great impact on the world. Also, the speech was very
successful in connecting the people of different backgrounds in the world which puts great emphasis
on his call to action. Lastly, in order to build his ethos, Kennedy promises the world that he will do
everything possible in order to maximize and guarantee freedom for every nation. The public is
convinced that the new President will serve their best interest to avoid further damage because of the
mass destructive war weapon. Although, the strength is mostly accomplished by the use of ethos,
logos and pathos that are made up of the rhetorical techniques. Kennedy believed that the American
people had a duty to contribute to the greater good and to work together to overcome the challenges
facing the country.
Kennedy asked me to study those words again, in preparing to help him write his inaugural address.
The use of rhetorical devices, logos pathos and ethos and lastly, his delivery helped solidify his
speech to persuade the American nation to accept him as their new leader. He tells his “fellow
Americans” to “ask not what your country can do for you” but do what they can for their country
(Kennedy). He accomplished much while in office, both domestically and abroad, but his potential
as president was cut short due to his assassination on November 22, 1963. In the long history of the
world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of
maximum danger. While it is a big responsibility, he acknowledges that we can do this and if each
American citizen helps the country in their own way, we will be able to make a difference. I do not
believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. To our
sisters republics of south of the border, we offer a special pledge to convert our good words into
good deeds, in a new alliance for progress, to assist free men and free government in the casting off
chains of poverty. Kennedy gave a ceremonial speech, his inaugural address, on January 20th, 1961,
marking one of the most historic speeches in time. Despite the fact that this is a colossal duty to the
individuals of the United States, he makes the affirmation this is conceivable if every native
advances the push to have any kind of effect. This pledge of calm persuasiveness exemplifies his
stasis of remaining strong and unified amongst the division of tyranny. Much of Kennedy's inaugural
address focused on the theme of nuclear war. The message that Americans and their freedoms will
be protected under his leadership rings loud and clear, as does the warning to potential enemies of
the American way of life. He refers to allies whom we share “cultural and spiritual origins”, our
sister countries, and the United Nations, and makes a pledge to the many different societies of the
world (Kennedy). That moment in civil rights history is just one of many moments inspired by
Kennedy's memorable speech. Pathos appealed to Americans' loyalty and compassion, emphasizing
unity in facing common challenges. With a decent soul our lone sure reward, with history the last
judge of our deeds, let us go forward to lead the land we adore, asking His approval and His
assistance, yet realizing that here on earth God’s work should genuinely be our own’ (1961).
Kennedy wanted a better America for all who live here no matter who that person was. Kennedy:
Can we forge against these enemies, a grand and global alliance north and south, east and west that
can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind. But Kennedy had many more audiences in mind than
those who happened to be in Washington that day. He states that his inauguration should be a
beginning of renewal and change, and goes on to connect Americans together. Kennedy, the
youngest man ever elected to the presidency, used the occasion of his inaugural to set a new tone for
his administration and to inspire a sense of national purpose and unity. In order to achieve his explicit
purpose, he established and maintained a positive ethos and appealed to pathos through imagery.
Aside from the similarities in backgrounds, Americans share a set of core values as well. But we
shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom and to remember that, in the
past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside. First and
foremost, I am going to tell you a brief history about John F. Lincoln built an argument within his
speech with a goal set in mind: To establish a common ground or compromise between the North
and the South. By changing the tempo of the speech, creating a rhythm, and unique sentence
structure, he creates a feeling of nationalism for all of his listeners and readers. He served for 2 years
and on the day of his inauguration, he gave an inaugural speech in Washington D.C. In this speech,
he used many rhetorical strategies to get his point, a peaceful setting through all nations, across. For
instance, he made the reference to partners whom we share comparable qualities and social
beginnings, our sister nations, just as the United Nations, from which he makes a promise to a wide
range of social orders far and wide that we will guarantee that all humankind will be given
equivalent human rights.
Kennedy makes it clear that he intends to do anything and everything in his power for peace and
liberty. His entire discourse bodes well and streams well together from point to point. Let all our
neighbours know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the
Americas. His source of inspiration depends on the three expository interests, ethos, emotion and
logos. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths,
and encourage the arts and commerce. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead
of its terrors. He also uses repetition of “to those” in an address to the other nations that America is
willing to help. Kennedy's inaugural address was a powerful and inspiring speech that called on
Americans to come together and work towards a brighter future. The speech achieves these goals and
more through effective rhetorical devices such as ethical appeals, metaphor, and juxtaposition. This
speech reassured the voters that they made the and informed a country that they were going to see
some changes. In his speech, Kennedy used different strategies to appeal to a wider audience; he
used artistic expressions like ethos, logos, and pathos, to grab the full audience attention. By
appealing to the emotions of those listening from abroad, Kennedy can make them more open to
work with him in pursuit of universal improvement. To build my argument, I will first discuss the
context in which the speech was given and then proceed to explain how the rhetoric works for
Kennedy. By doing this, the idea is created in the audience that any country that refuses the offer is
extremely despicable. In his inaugural address, Kennedy addressed a wide range of issues facing the
nation, including the Cold War, civil rights, and economic challenges. Thompson holds degrees from
Wellesley and Georgetown in psychology, political science and international relations. The speaker
would be classified as the narrator, which in. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global
alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind. The
entire speech is structured in a logical way that flows from point to point, and makes sense overall.
However, they had invested a little hope in their newly elected President, wishing that he would
drive them off this mess. Kennedy delivered a speech to the citizens and peoples of both America
and the world. Despite the fact that this is a colossal duty to the individuals of the United States, he
makes the affirmation this is conceivable if every native advances the push to have any kind of
effect. On the other hand, Kennedy makes it clear that division would make it impossible to confront
powerful opposition. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the
loyalty of faithful friends. A Speech of Passion and a New Beginning of Peace: John F.. This shows
his willingness to fight for what he wants for the country: liberty, peace, unity. We shall not always
expect to find them supporting our view. An anaphora was used to create logic in the development of
the speech. Having this equivalent foundation, President Kennedy carries more to the unification of
the residents of the United States. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe
alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered
by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness
or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed,
and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Kennedy, the 35th president of
the United States, was only 43 years old when he took office, making him the youngest person ever
to be elected to the presidency.

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