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Post Graduate
Certificate in Education
Level 7 Certificate in Higher Education
Distinctive Features of the course

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) will be

a source of continuing professional development for
early career academic and professional staff at Higher
Education Institution or: experienced members of staff
who wish to update their practice and align with current
thinking in academia.

The course will also provide a route for candidates who

practice in either higher or professional education
environments and who wish to gain a valid and
recognised qualification in higher and professional
education practices.

In addition to the above, the programme will offer a

suitable pathway to Higher Education Academy - (UK)
recognition at either Associate or Fellow level (subject to
accreditation), proving a recognised qualification that is
allied to professional status with the national body for
higher education practitioners.
Educational Aims of the course
This course is designed for staff working in Higher or Professional Education.
Do you know? It is intended to sustain and develop the practical working needs of staff within
with PG Certificate in Education course, you will: an inclusive and varied student-focused learning and teaching environment.
The PG Cert will enable participants to develop their classroom practice,
including e-learning, within a framework of current andragogical theory.
It will also provide an opportunity for participants to develop skills in
Enhance your skills and Engage with successful Enable yourself to understand
curriculum design, curriculum revision, teaching methodologies, assessment
understanding in digital and online learning and resolve the challenges in
teaching, learning and and develop your skills in teaching and assessment in methods and educational research.
assessment as a teacher. this area through direct the modern era of learning
hands-on experience. and development.

Objectives Entry requirements
The LRN Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate in Candidates must be operating within a
Education is designed to enable suitable teaching setting. Whilst LRN will The assessment for this qualification consists of
candidates – with sufficient be open to the type of educational externally set and externally marked
teaching/lecturing experience – the institution in which candidates operate, it assignments, which are set and marked by
opportunity to demonstrate their ability will be mindful of scope of teaching role, LRN, and
across a broad range of advanced access to teaching/learning opportunities externally set portfolio
pedagogical approaches to learning. and ability to meet the cognitive demand on which requirements are set by LRN, reviewed
of learning outcomes and assessment by centre staff, and which is externally
criteria (stated below). moderated by LRN. LRN will provide advice and
Mode of delivery Candidates must be qualified to graduate guidance as to how centres may wish to
level, ideally education related discipline, approach the internal review process.
This qualification has been constructed to although LRN will consider education
be delivered within centres which operate experience in place of an education Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
in-centre delivery, online or a related graduate qualification.
combination. Units have been The LRN Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate in
constructed to be delivered via a Education guided learning hours (GLH) are
synchronous or asynchronous model, 600. Please note the hours stated are
depending on the needs of the cohorts. Teaching practice indicative.

For the duration of the qualification,

candidates are expected to have access Grading
to a teaching environment, from which The LRN Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate in
evidence can be gleaned. This will include Education will be graded as fail or pass.
a teaching log which documents their
Teaching practice preparation, planning, delivery and
evaluation of teaching exercises.
The LRN Level 7 Postgraduate Certificate in Expected teaching hours will be in the
Education has been designed to reflect region of 40 to 60. This will be considered
the wide variation in candidates' origins, on a case-by-case basis. However,
levels of education and career aims. candidates who are unable to meet the
Progression opportunities may take a minimum threshold (40 hours of teaching
variety of paths. It may be appropriate for practice) are unlikely to be deemed
the candidate to progress to: suitable for this qualification.
Similar level 7 qualification in Education.
Study at a doctorate level.
Access to teaching/lecturing or
educational consultancy practice.
Unit 1
Philosophy of education and Learning outcomes
theories of learning and teaching

Understand the historical,
Aim of the unit philosophical and cultural context
The purpose of this unit is to enable learners to demonstrate an understanding within of education
inclusive and varied teaching and learning environments. Learners will apply their Examine the history and purpose of education.
knowledge and understanding in effectively evaluating and reflecting on future practice. Analyse the aim and values of education.
Evaluate the culture, social and economic values
of education.
Analyse the concept of educational philosophy in
relation to curriculum development.

Understand key concepts, values
and beliefs related to education
and educational practice
Assess the benefits of applying sound education
theory in professional practice.
Analyse critical educational concepts and values
across educational settings.
Distinguish between education and educational

Understand key theories of education
and learning and how these are
realised in practical pedagogy
Evaluate higher education theory and the impact
on learning and development.
Justify the inclusion of education theory in
educational settings.
Analyse reasons for implementing change and
effective teaching pedagogy.
Assess andragogical theory and its impact on
learning and development.
Unit 2
Delivering effective teaching and Learning outcomes
learning and understanding
educational assessment

Understand how educational
theory aligns with teaching
Aim of the unit
The purpose of this unit is to enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of
Assess the linkages between educational theory
learning theories and practical teaching pedagogy. Learners will develop a range of
and teaching delivery.
resources, based on learner needs, to support teaching and development across
Analyse the benefits of inclusive learning in
educational settings.
relation to effective curriculum design.
Recommend ways in which educational theory
can be embedded in classroom pedagogy.
Evaluate how learner needs influence curriculum
design, teaching and delivery styles.

Understand the relationship
between teaching, learning
and assessment
Analyse the benefits to effective planning in
teaching and learning.
Evaluate the interdependencies between
teaching, learning, achievement and attainment.
Assess a range of factors which influence learner

Be able to demonstrate a practical
application of effective teaching
Evaluate own teaching style and delivery approach in
order to formulate an effective teaching plan.
Analyse own practice in order to enhance teaching
and learning delivery.
Adapt own teaching approach based on a realisation
of continuing professional development.
Unit 3
Contemporary teaching in higher Learning Outcomes
and professional education

Understand the purpose of
Aim of the unit
teaching pedagogy and teaching
The purpose of this unit is to enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of core andragogy.
issues, strategies and techniques in teaching in higher and professional education.
Differentiate between teaching pedagogy and
Learners will explore the purpose, meaning and inter-relationships between teaching
teaching andragogy.
pedagogy and andragogy, relevant to their educational setting. Finally, learners will
Analyse the importance of enhancing pedagogy
know how to vary their teaching styles in order to enable learning, advancement and
and andragogy into teaching practice.
Evaluate the development of a learning system
which incorporates appropriate methodologies.

 Understand current educational

theories of teaching and learning

Analyse the relationship between educational

leadership and improvement in teaching and
Evaluate teaching strategies in order to promote
leadership development in educational settings.
Assess the purpose of adopting a reflexive and
effective approach to current teaching practice.

Be able to demonstrate a practical
application of contemporary teaching
in higher and professional education.
Evaluate own approach to teaching methodology,
learning and assessment.
Synthesise a range of educational theory into own
contemporary teaching style and approach.
Adapt own teaching in order to enhance effective
planning, design and instruction.
Apply an informed approach in reflecting own style and
structure in teaching practice.
UK Office: Pakistan Office :
11 Selsd on Wa y, L o n d o n , E1 4 9 GL 205, Korang Road, I- 1 0/3, Is lamabad
+44 (0)20 3 74 3 1 808 + 92 (0)51 8314 4 82 /InternationalCentreOfExcellence +92 309 0965692

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