CE 14L Experiment 9 Lab Report

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Laboratory Experiment #9 | Group 2

Alibio, Elot, Macahia, Maglinao


I. Tools and Equipment Used (MACAHIA)

- Portland Cement - Tamping Rod - Trowel
- Fine Aggregate - Cylinder Mold - Steel Meter Stick
- Coarse Aggregate - Rubber Mallet - Slump Cone
- Measuring devices - Shovel - Mixing Pan

II. Experiment Objectives (MACAHIA)

➢ To create and design a concrete cylinder using the established class ratio of concrete mix.
➢ To determine the workability and consistency of the laboratory-prepared concrete mix,
conduct slump tests and ensure it meets the specified criteria.

III. Methodology (MAGLINAO)

1. Put on PPE, or personal protective equipment, such as a mask, gloves, and lab
2. Gather all the materials needed and measure the cylinder’s dimensions, such as
height and diameter or radius using a steel meter stick.
3. Collect cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate using the steel container and
water to comply with the 1:1.5:1.5 class ratio respectively.
4. Mix the cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate thoroughly and slowly add
water into the mixture to make it homogeneous.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, if the concrete mixture is insufficient for the 3 cylinder
6. Place a slump cone on a flat surface and then slightly wet it.
7. Place a sample from the concrete mix into a slump cone and rod the concrete
inside by 25 times using the tamping rod.
8. Add another layer of concrete to the existing one until it fills the mold. (Ensure to
rod it 25 times)
9. Remove the mold and measure the slump if it's within 6mm.
10. After passing the slump test, grease the curves and sides of the cylinder mold.
11. Pour a layer of concrete into the mold.
12. Repeat step 11 for the other cylinder mold and flatten the concrete mixture using a
13. Place cylinder mold in adequate placement and remove the specimens from the
molds 24 hrs after casting.
14. Soak the concrete cylinder into the curing area for 28 days.
15. Record and interpret all necessary data.

IV. Raw Data, Computation, and Results (ELOT)

Table 1: Raw Data of Molds and Containers

Radius (cm) Height (cm) Volume (cm3) Total Volume (cm3)

Cylinder Mold
7.60 30 5443.75 17 964.38

Rectangular Length (cm) Width (cm) Height (cm) Volume (cm3)

22.80 15.40 5.30 1860.94

Volume (V)
VC = π𝑟2ℎ
VT = V (1.10)(3) note: assuming a 10% shrinkage factor
VR = lwh
VC = volume of cylinder
VT = total volume of cylinder
VR = volume of rectangular container

h = height
r = radius
l = length
w = width

VC = π(7.60)2(30) = 5443.75 cm3

VT = (5443.75)(1.10)(3) = 17 964.38 cm3
VR = (22.80 cm)(15.40 cm)(5.30 cm) = 1860.94 cm3

Measurements for Concrete Mix

Class Ratio = 1:1.5:1.5
Proportion of Cement per cubic meter part (PC) = 40 kg / 0.028 m3
WC = (1/4)(VT)(PC) (1 m/100 cm)3
VFA = (1.5/4)(VT)
VCA = (1.5/4)(VT)
# of container/s per volume = VFA or VCA / VR
Batch 1

Cement (WC):
WC = ((1/4)(17 964.38 cm3) (40 kg/0.028 m3))(1 m/100 cm)3 = 6.42 kg

Fine Aggregate (VFA):

VFA = ((1.5/4)(17 964.38 cm3) = 6736.64 cm3
# of container per volume = 6736.64 cm3 / 1860.94 cm3 = 3.62 ≅ 4 containers

Coarse Aggregate (VCA):

VCA = (1.5/4)(17 964.38 cm3) = 6736.64 cm3
# of container per volume = 6736.64 cm3 / 1860.94 cm3 = 3.62 ≅ 4 containers

Batch 2

Total Shrinkage Factor (SF) = ((VNeed / VT) + 0.10) 100%

VNew Total = VNeed (1.25)
VNeed = π(7.60)2(15) = 2721.88 cm3
SF = ((2721.88 cm3 / 17 964.38 cm3) + 0.10) 100% = 25%
VNew Total = (2721.88 cm3) (1.25) = 3402.35 cm3

Cement (WC):
WC = ((1/4)(3402.35 cm3) (40 kg/0.028 m3))(1 m/100 cm)3 = 1.22 kg

Fine Aggregate (VFA):

VFA = ((1.5/4)(3402.35 cm3) = 1275.88 cm3
# of container per volume = 1275.88 cm3 / 1860.94 cm3 = 0.69 ≅ 1 container

Coarse Aggregate (VCA):

VCA = (1.5/4)(3402.35 cm3) = 1275.88 cm3
# of container per volume = 1275.88 cm3 / 1860.94 cm3 = 0.69 ≅ 1 container

Table 2: Computed Measurements for Concrete Mix

Batch Cement (kg) Fine Aggregate (container) Coarse Aggregate (container)

1 6.42 4 4

2 1.22 1 1

V. Results Analysis and Discussion (ELOT)

This experiment covers the steps involved in designing and making laboratory test
specimens of concrete, particularly on cylindrical samples. The mold used in this experiment is
15 cm (6 inches) wide, thereby requiring rodding consolidation, comprising a total of three layers
of concrete mix, with each layer subjected to 25 rod strokes. Based on the class ratio and
accounting for a 10% shrinkage factor, it was estimated that the first batch of concrete would
require 6.42 kg of cement, as well as four containers of fine and coarse aggregates, calibrated
using a smaller reference container found in the laboratory. The slump test yielded a consistency
of 2.5 in, which falls within the acceptable range of 2-4 inches according to DPWH's blue book.
Despite using the entire concrete mix, only about 83% of the containers were filled, leaving the
last container with a height of 15 cm. This resulted in calculating the remaining volume required
to fill the container, obtaining a volume of 2721.88 cm3. Further calculations revealed a 25%
shrinkage factor for the concrete mix, and the total volume required to fill the remaining
container was 3402.35 cm3. Additionally, measurements indicated that the second batch of
concrete mix required 1.22 kg of cement and only one container of fine and coarse aggregates.
Unfortunately, the final results of our concrete samples revealed some erroneous details such as
slight unevenness of the top surface and small air pockets indicating a honeycombing effect,
which could be caused by a lack of rodding and tapping with a rubber mallet or improper
rodding. The experiment concluded after 24 hours of drying, initiating a 28-day curing process
for the concrete cylinder samples.

VI. Conclusion (ALIBIO)

This experiment aimed to design and create a concrete cylinder using a specified class
ratio, and evaluate the workability and consistency of the concrete mix through slump tests and
ensure compliance with established criteria. A cylinder design was achieved based on the agreed
class ratio, which is 1:1.5:1.5. The concrete mix achieved a slump consistency of 2.5 inches,
falling within the acceptable range of 2-4 inches of ASTM C143’s range for appropriate
consistency. This proves the laboratory-prepared concrete mix’s workability and consistency.
However, incomplete filling of the mold (83% filled) and slight unevenness on the top surface
suggest potential issues with consolidation techniques (rodding and tapping). Small air pockets
observed in the concrete indicate potential honeycombing, which could be attributed to
insufficient rodding. To prevent or reduce honeycombing and air pockets, it is suggested to
follow ASTM C31 standards for proper mixing procedures, which includes the right water
content and mixing time. A higher water-cement ratio increases the risk of segregation and
bleeding, leading to honeycombing. Hence, it is advisable to aim for the lowest water-cement
ratio possible while maintaining workability as specified in ASTM C192.

VII. Reference Standard (ALIBIO)

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