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Rewrite the sentences

1. They believe that she has been kidnapped since dawn.

 She

2. I’m not sure but maybe he fought against them yesterday.

 He

3. It’s likely that she is preparing dinner in the kitchen.

 She

4. They say that he will come back soon.

 He

5. Perhaps he is making some cakes.

 Some cakes

6. He definitely left her alone.

 He

7. It was ill-advised of him to shout at her.

 He

8. It was his fault not to stop at the red light.

 He

9. It is certain that she didn’t want to pay the bill.

 She

10. They believe that he set up the organization.

 The
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Over 8,300 plant species and 7,200 animal species around the globe are threatened with

(1) __________ (extinct), and many thousands more become extinct each year before

(2)__________ (biology) can identify them. The primary causes of species extinction or (3)

__________(endanger) are habitat (4) __________ (destroy), commercial (5) __________(exploit)

(such as plant collecting, hunting, and trade in animal parts), damage caused by nonnative

plants and animals introduced into an area, and (6) __________(pollute). Of these causes, direct

habitat destruction threatens the greatest number of species. Since the 1600s, the rate of

extinction has accelerated (7) __________(rapid) because of human population (8) __________

(grow) and human resource (9) _________(consume). Many biologists believe that we are in

the middle of the greatest mass extinction episode since the (10) __________(appear) of the

dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. Firstborns often have _________friends, as do very bright kids, (imagine)

2. In her new book, Gulp, she tackles the human _________system, from the mouth on down,


3. He said it is _________to solve the problem and I agree with him: I can’t find a solution,


4. One problem is the _________sometimes focus too tightly on minor points where they

disagree with the writer, (review)

5. A gang of three had stolen a JCB from a building site and had driven it to
the shop_________. (notice)

6. The year studying in the US gives students personal_________ of American culture,


7. She was no longer able to_________ between the imagination and reality, (distinct)

8. I found the whole story bizarre, not to say_________. (believe)

9. Young people have an entirely different form of dress to express their_________ . (person)

10. As the trapeze artist performed one daring act after another, the audience

watched in_________.(amaze)

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. Williams' __________ in her semifinal will be Ekaterina Makarova of Russia, (oppose)

2. Ann blocked a player from getting to the ball and was __________for obstruction, (penalty)

3. Except for being ejected from a game, pass__________ is the worst penalty in football,


4. No player, except the__________, may strike the ball with his/ her fist, (goal)

5. After his__________, Sanchez was replaced by Jeanmar Gomez, (eject)

6. Synchronized Swimming helps to develop __________ skills, (aqua)

7. He has been an active__________ in numerous sports and activities all his life (participate)

8. As long as we kept playing good__________ we knew we had a chance to

win the game, (defend)

9. Cut the cake in half __________and spread jam on one half, (horizon)
10. The__________ of the game is 90 minutes including a short interval, (long)

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