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Designed Monomers and Polymers

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Highly efficient FeCl3 doped Mg(OEt)2/TiCl4-based

Ziegler–Natta catalysts for ethylene polymerization
a a a b
Reza Bazvand , Naeimeh Bahri-Laleh , Mehdi Nekoomanesh & Hossein Abedini
Polymerization Engineering Department, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI),
P.O. Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran
Process, Modeling and Control Department, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, P.O.
Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran
Published online: 11 Jun 2015.

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To cite this article: Reza Bazvand, Naeimeh Bahri-Laleh, Mehdi Nekoomanesh & Hossein Abedini (2015): Highly efficient
FeCl3 doped Mg(OEt)2/TiCl4-based Ziegler–Natta catalysts for ethylene polymerization, Designed Monomers and Polymers,
DOI: 10.1080/15685551.2015.1041089

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Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2015

Highly efficient FeCl3 doped Mg(OEt)2/TiCl4-based Ziegler–Natta catalysts for ethylene

Reza Bazvanda, Naeimeh Bahri-Laleha*, Mehdi Nekoomanesha* and Hossein Abedinib
Polymerization Engineering Department, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), P.O. Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran;
Process, Modeling and Control Department, Iran Polymer & Petrochemical Institute, P.O. Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran
(Received 31 January 2015; accepted 12 April 2015)

Seven Mg(OEt)2/FeCl3/SiCl4/TiCl4 type procatalysts supported on Mg(OEt)2/FeCl3 mixtures were prepared in order to
unravel effect of Fe doping on the catalytic performance in ethylene polymerization. In polymerization experiments, the
catalyst based on a support containing an optimum doping amount of 10 wt.% of FeCl3, i.e. C-F10-Si, exhibited an
activity 2.4 times greater than that shown by the reference catalyst, C-M. The MW and bulk density of the produced
polymers were increased, while the wax amount decreased using doped catalysts. In the next step, the copolymerization
of ethylene with 1-hexene was carried out using C-M as reference and C-Fe10-Si as the most efficient procatalysts. In
copolymerization experiments, C-Fe10-Si exhibited much higher activity and comonomer incorporation in comparison
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

with reference catalyst. Finally, to shed light on possible interaction of TiCl4 with doped and undoped catalysts, as well
as their efficiency in ethylene polymerization, molecular simulation was performed. Energy results revealed that the
doping does not alter significantly the capability of the Ti to insert ethylene monomer.
Keywords: doping; Ziegler–Natta; polyethylene; DFT calculations; metal halide

1. Introduction tive way to improve their catalytic performance in α-ole-

The use of supports to improve the activity of Ziegler– fin polymerization. The mostly used doping agents were
Natta (ZN) catalysts has been reported since the early based on different metal halides such as MnCl2,[2]
60s.[1–3] Discovery of active MgC12 as an effective ZnCl2,[3] NaCl,[4] AlCl3 [5,6,19], and the mixture of
support for the fixation of titanium tetrachloride opened metal halide with metalloids like ZnCl2–SiCl4 sys-
a new period in the field of ZN catalysts, both from the tem.[7,8] These agents not only can have notable effect
industrial and the scientific viewpoints. Because the use on catalyst activity but also have the ability to change
of MgC12 as a support drastically enhanced the catalyst catalyst efficiency toward higher α-olefins in LLDPE
activity, a great deal of attention has been focused on the production as well as stereo-regularity of final polymer
development of various effective supports, such as inor- in propylene polymerization. Furthermore, it was
ganic compounds.[4,5] reported that by doping the MgCl2 support with another
Nowadays, as two kinds of major industrial materials metal halide that would go into the crystal lattice and
of the carrier, MgCl2·nROH and magnesium ethoxide, cause disorder in it, a disturbance in the setup of active
Mg(OEt)2, are widely known.[6,7] Although, Mg(OEt)2 sites is created which leads into the variety in the nature
has a morphological subject regarding roundness and of the active sites and a corresponding variety of chain
particle size distribution as compared with MgCl2·nROH, lengths in the produced polyolefin material.[20,21]
the catalyst made by Mg(OEt)2 shows a higher activ- In the present work, we focused on the modification
ity.[8,9] of Mg(OEt)2/TiCl4 type ZN catalyst using FeCl3 as sup-
Industrial catalysts precursors containing magnesium port doping agent and SiCl4 as catalyst modifier in order
compounds such as MgCl2 or Mg(OEt)2 in conjunction to expand our knowledge on this important class of ole-
with TiCl3 or TiCl4 showed great performance in olefin fin polymerization catalysts. To this end, we have pre-
polymerization; however, still there are lots of modifica- pared seven types of catalysts, using SiCl4 in a constant
tions of ZN catalysts varying in the way of preparation content and FeCl3 with different amounts. Then, we
of the support [10–14] and differences in the active investigated their efficiency toward catalytic activity in
component compound structure and the presence of vari- ethylene polymerization and ethylene/1-hexene copoly-
ous modifying additives.[15–18] Lately, investigations merization as well as some properties of the polymers
have shown that doping a suitable amount of Lewis obtained thereof. In some cases, to shed light into the
acids in MgCl2 or Mg(OEt)2 supports would be an effec- possible interaction of FeCl3 doped supports with TiCl4

*Corresponding authors. Email: (N. Bahri-Laleh); (M. Nekoomanesh)

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

2 R. Bazvand et al.

and also their efficiency in ethylene polymerization, DFT Catalyst M-Fn. The Mg(OEt)2/FeCl3 mixed
simulation has been performed. support and 80 mL of toluene treated with molecular
sieve were successively added into a reactor. The other
steps were the same as those for preparing catalyst M.
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials Catalyst M-Fn–Si. The Mg(OEt)2/FeCl3 mixed
Polymerization grade ethylene with high purity was support and 80 mL of toluene were successively added
obtained from Arak Petrochemical Co. (Arak, Iran) and into a reactor. After stirring for 30 min at 50 °C, 0.2 mL
was purified by passing through columns of activated SiCl4 was added to the solution and stirred for 1 h. The
BX and 4 Å molecular sieves. Mg(OEt)2, THF, FeCl3, other steps were the same as those for preparing catalyst
SiCl4, potassium hydroxide, and titanium tetrachloride M-Fn.
(99%) were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger-
many). Toluene and n-hexane were supplied by Bandar
2.3. Polymerization of ethylene and copolymerization
Imam Petrochemical Co. (Mahshahr, Iran), distilled over
of ethylene/1-hexene
calcium hydride, and stored over 13X and 4 Å type acti-
vated molecular sieves and sodium wire. Triethylalu- Ethylene slurry polymerization was performed in a 1-L
minum (TEA) and 1-hexene of 93% purity were Buchi stainless steel reactor equipped with a mechanical
purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. (Munich, Ger- stirrer (Buchi bmd 300, Switzerland). Before each poly-
many). Nitrogen gas of 99.99% purity was supplied from merization experiment, reactor was purged with nitrogen
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

Roham Co. (Tehran, Iran), then purified and dried by gas at 100 °C for 1.5 h to eliminate moisture and oxy-
passage through KOH, activated silica gel and 4 Å gen. After running out of all moisture and air by nitro-
molecular sieve columns. gen, 500 mL of hexane was added. After 5 min, a
required amount of TEAL (Al/Ti = 180) and 5 mg of
catalyst were added using syringes. The reactor was
2.2. Preparation of catalysts heated up to 80–85 °C, and then ethylene was fed to
2.2.1. Support maintain a reactor pressure of 5 bar for 1 h. After the
polymerization, reaction was terminated by venting the
The Mg(OEt)2/FeCl3 supports were prepared by mixing
reactor. The resulting polymer was filtered off and dried
a blend of powdered Mg(OEt)2 and FeCl3 (total weight
in oven at 70 °C for 12 h.
of the support was 10.0 g) in 80 mL of THF under rapid
The copolymerization reactions were carried out in
stirring for 8 h under strictly inert atmosphere at 63 °C.
the same condition of ethylene polymerization, with this
After standing for 1 h, the supernatant liquid was
difference that 1-hexene comonomers was injected to the
removed at room temperature by settling, and the pre-
reactor after loading of catalyst.
pared support was dried under N2 atmosphere at
P = atmospheric pressure and T = 60 °C within 3 h.
2.4. Characterization
2.2.2. Catalyst Crystal structure of the supports was determined by
X-ray diffraction (XRD) on a Siemens D-5000 X-ray
After support synthesis, preparation of the catalysts was
diffractometer (USA) operating at 40 kV and 25 mA with
accomplished according to a procedure at Ref. [22].
a copper target (λ = 1.54 Å) and at a scanning rate of
3° min−1. The morphologies of the catalysts and EDX Catalyst M. Two grams of magnesium ethoxide
maps were observed by scanning electron microscopy
and 80 mL toluene were sequentially added into a reac-
(SEM model S-3000 N, Hitachi, Japan) after coating
tor. After stirring for 30 min at 50 °C at which the mix-
with a gold sputter coating machine (model E-1010,
ture formed a homogeneous solution, the temperature
Hitachi, Japan). The specific surface area of the catalysts
was raised to 80 °C. Then, 4 mL TiCl4 was added to the
was determined by nitrogen physisorption method. The
solution at 80 °C. After 2 h, the liquid phase was
single-point specific surface area of the catalysts was per-
removed, and the solid residue was washed twice with
formed on Micrometrics Chemisorb 2750 (USA) at
100 mL of toluene. Then, a mixture of toluene (100 mL)
77 K. Prior to the measurement, the catalyst sample was
and TiCl4 (4 mL) was added. The temperature was raised
added into a tube under N2 atmosphere. For determina-
to 120 °C, and the mixture was stirred for another 2 h.
tion of Ti content, after sample digestion in H2SO4, Ti
The product was washed twice with 100 mL toluene and
was oxidized with H2O2 and analyzed by UV–visible
4 times with n-hexane to remove unreacted TiCl4. The
spectrophotometer (λ = 410 nm) in a Shimadzu spec-
final catalyst was dried at 70 °C, under a flow of N2
trophotometer model 6800, USA.
atmosphere in 1 h.
Designed Monomers and Polymers 3

The molecular masses and their distributions were 2.5. Computational details
determined through high temperature gel permeation To model the mixed support structure, we considered
chromatography (Waters GPCV 150+, USA), using three model systems: Mg3–Ti4, Mg2Fe–Ti4, and Fe3–
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene as the eluent at 140 °C. Ti4, see Figure 1, for labels. These systems mainly differ
The wax amount (the content of soluble part of the for the numbers of Fe atoms involved in the support
produced polymers) was determined through soxhlet structure. In particular, Mg3–Ti4 system can be consid-
extraction for 24 h with hexane solvent. The DSC tests ered as a good representative model to study TiCl4
were performed on a DSC Q 1000 of TA (USA), with adsorption on the (110)-MgCl2 lateral cut. Because of
samples of about 5 mg sealed in aluminum pans, under the higher acidity of the 110-lateral cut, the absorption
nitrogen atmosphere in a temperature range between 30 of TiCl4 into this face is more probable than that in 104-
and 180 °C, at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Melting tem- lateral cut, and therefore, there is growing evidence that
perature (Tm) and degree of crystallinity (Xc) were the real active Ti species could have a similar environ-
reported from the first heating scan. The degree of crys- ment.[1,24,25] DFT calculations were performed with
tallinity was calculated via the total enthalpy method, the Gaussian 09 package [26] using the BP86 level of
according to the following equation: theory.[27] In all cases, the electronic configuration of
the molecular systems was described with the standard
DHm split valence basis set with a polarization function of
Xc ¼ Ahlrichs and coworkers for H, C, Mg, and Cl (SVP key-
word in Gaussian 09).[28] For Ti and Fe, we used the
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where Xc is the degree of crystallinity, ΔHm is the speci- small-core, quasi-relativistic Stuttgart/Dresden effective
fic enthalpy of melting, and DHmþ is the specific melting core potential, with an associated valence basis set (SDD
enthalpy for 100% crystalline PE. We used a DHmþ value keywords in Gaussian 09).[29] To study the effect of
of 288 J/g.[22] computational level on the obtained data, some test cal-
Comonomer content was measured according to culations in Table 4 were performed with the HGGA
Montell test method, MTM 15984E. This method is PBEh1PBE functional [30] using triple- ζ valence TZVP
based on a standard test method, ASTM D 2238 – 68, basis set.[28]
for absorbance of polyethylene due to methyl groups at In case of Mg3–Ti(IV), the singlet, and for Mg3–Ti
1378 cm−1.[23] The sensitivity of the method is approxi- (III) and Mg9–Ti(III) species, the doublet electronic
mately 0.2 wt.% for 1-hexene content. states were used. Differently, for Mg2Fe–Ti(III), Mg8Fe–

Figure 1. Model precatalysts used in molecular simulation studies: (a) Mg3–Ti4, (b) Mg2Fe–Ti4, and (c) Fe3–Ti4.
4 R. Bazvand et al.

Ti(III), and Fe3–Ti(III) species, the quartet, and for Fe3– Table 1. Primary composition of prepared supports.
Ti(IV), the nonet electronic states were favored, since Fe
Sample Mg(OEt)2 (wt.%) FeCl3 (wt.%)
usually is in high spin mode and the spins of various Fe
atoms in cluster mode are coupled in different ways. S-M 100 0
Characterization of the located stationary points as S-F5 95 5
S-F10 90 10
minima or transition state (TS) was performed by fre-
S-F15 85 15
quency calculations. Total energies and optimized
geometries are provided in Supplemental data.

mixed support showed the same XRD pattern with it in

3. Results and discussion M; however, it was found that the introduction of FeCl3
3.1. Support and catalyst preparation results caused crystalline structural disorder of Mg(OEt)2,
To obtain Mg(OEt)2/FeCl3 mixed supports, Mg(OEt)2 attributing to the reduction of the intensity of XRD pat-
together with different amounts of FeCl3 (see Table 1) terns at 2θ ≈ 11.2, 13.1, and 29.1. It can be deduced
were dispersed in THF, and then, the supports extracted from XRD patterns that FeCl3 was dissolved in Mg
from the solution by settling and drying under N2 atmo- (OEt)2 and a new FeCl3/Mg(OEt)2 solid solution was
sphere. formed.[31,32] Such a behavior might be ascribed to the
In order to determine in what extent the ability of a structures in which magnesium was partially replaced by
support to activate a particular catalyst depends on its Fe+2 and not Fe+3, since their ionic radii are very similar
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

crystal structure, primitive Mg(OEt)2, FeCl3, and one of (Mg2+ = 0.88 Å, Fe+2 = 0.84 Å, and Fe+3 = 0.74 Å).
the modified support samples, i.e. S-F5, were character- Final catalysts were prepared by reacting support
ized by XRD analysis (see Figure 2). Primitive Mg samples with TiCl4. To this end, two types of catalysts
(OEt)2 showed sharp peaks centered at 2θ ≈ 11.2, 13.1, were prepared: (1) The catalysts were synthesized from
27.5, 29.1, and 30.6 (Figure 2). Three peaks at the simple reaction of S-M, S-F5, S-F10, and S-F15
2θ ≈ 11.2, 13.1, and 29.1 were associated with the crys- supports with TiCl4, denoted as C-M, C-F5, C-F10, and
tal structure of Mg(OEt)2, and two large peaks at C-F15, respectively. (2) Another type of catalysts was
2θ = 27.5 and 30.6° were due to polyethylene film, prepared from the reaction of S-F5, S-F10, and S-F15 sup-
which was used to protect the catalyst from exposure to port samples with TiCl4 in the presence of secondary
the atmosphere. After modification of Mg(OEt)2 with Lewis acid, SiCl4, and named as C-F5-Si, C-F10-Si, and
FeCl3 to prepare M-Fe5, all FeCl3 peaks disappeared and C-F15-Si, respectively. Surface area of the catalyst

Figure 2. XRD patterns of Mg(OEt)2, FeCl3, and M-Fe5 support samples.

Designed Monomers and Polymers 5

samples was obtained by BET method and listed in catalysts, doped and undoped with Lewis acids, showed
Table 2. Results showed a significant decrease in the sur- almost spherical morphology which resemble a normal
face area of the catalysts by the addition of FeCl3, in catalyst material with mean diameter of about 60 μm.
which surface area was decreased from 467.04 m2/g for The surface composition of the obtained catalysts
C-M to 380.24, 312.28, 270.18, 415.62, 280.07, and was obtained by EDX analysis and listed in Table 2. It
228.14 m2/g for C-F5, C-F10, C-F15, C-F5-Si, C-F10-Si, was suggested before that, during treatment with SiCl4
and C-F15-Si, respectively. and TiCl4, Mg(OEt)2 is mainly converted to MgCl2.[33]
Images of the catalyst morphologies generating from So, besides Ti, Si, and Fe amounts, we decided to calcu-
SEM for the synthesized catalysts were shown in late Cl content in the catalyst surfaces, as well. Accord-
Figure 3(a)–(g). It could be observed that all the ing to the information in Table 2, catalysts containing

Table 2. Analysis of the prepared catalysts.

Elemental analysis (wt.%)a

Sample Support structure Surface area (m2/g) Cl Mg Fe Si Ti (wt.%)
C-M S-M 467.04 56.4 10.3 0 0 7.78
C-F5 S-F5 380.24 63.3 9.7 0.8 0 6.40
C-F10 S-F10 312.38 63.4 9.2 1.2 0 4.69
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C-F15 S-F15 270.18 63.4 9.0 2.0 0 3.81

C-F5-Si S-F5 415.62 65.9 9.2 1.1 0.7 5.98
C-F10-Si S-F10 280.07 66.2 8.6 1.6 1.2 4.41
C-F15-Si S-F15 228.14 66.1 7.9 2.3 1.0 3.12
Obtained from EDX analysis.

Figure 3. SEM images of catalysts (a) C-M, (b) C-F5, (c) C-F10, (d) C-F15, (e) C-F5-Si, (f) C-F10-Si, and (g) C-F15-Si.
6 R. Bazvand et al.

FeCl3–SiCl4 mixture showed the highest amount of sur-

M-F -S
face Cl atom.
It was also observed that the amount of Si in C-F10- 400
Si was higher than that of it in C-F5-Si and C-F15-Si,

Activity (Kg PE / g Ti.h)

even though their amounts were added equally in the
M-F5- S
catalyst preparation step. Furthermore, there was a differ-
ence in the Fe content between primitive amount, which
was used in support preparation step, and the amount in
the catalyst systems. Fe decrease observed was probably 200 M M M

due to the presence in the support as iron alkyl deriva-

tives which were removed in the course of the catalyst
synthesis.[31] To see the distribution of Fe on the cata-
lyst surfaces, EDX mapping of catalysts was considered. M-F15

In all catalyst maps, a nearly homogeneous distribution 0

of Fe on catalyst surface was observed. The EDX map- Catalyst
ping of M-Fe5-Si was shown in Figure 4 as a representa-
tive picture.
Figure 5. Activity of synthesized catalysts in slurry phase
UV–visible technique was used to achieve titanium ethylene polymerization.
content of the catalysts (Table 2). Results showed a
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

decrease in the Ti content of the samples by applying

FeCl3 modifier. Indeed, lowest Ti content was obtained 3.2. Ethylene polymerization results
for the catalyst containing a mixture of SiCl4 and highest The performance of the catalysts was evaluated in slurry
amount of FeCl3, i.e. C-F15-Si. It is interesting to note phase polymerization of ethylene using TEA as cocata-
that the addition of SiCl4–FeCl3 mixture might reduce lyst. Activity results were demonstrated in Figure 5 and
free-vacancies of Mg(OEt)2 crystallization and lead to Table 3. As can be seen, the doped catalysts showed an
less Ti insertion, which was in agreement with the results increase in the activity on increasing FeCl3 content up to
of Phiwkliang et al. [34]. 0.8 and 1.6 wt.% (expressed as ferrous wt.%) in M-Fe
and M-Fe–Si type catalysts, respectively. By going to
higher doping concentrations, a drastic drop in the activ-
ity was observed. This finding was in line with other
researchers results which were published before.[35–37]
Furthermore, it was observed that the activity
increase in the presence of FeCl3–SiCl4 mixture was
higher than it in the presence of FeCl3 alone. It is possi-
ble that besides halogen-donating ability of SiCl4 which
acts as promoter in ethylene polymerization, the syner-
gistic effect of double metal halide and metalloid com-
pounds generated more active sites, which were suitable
for ethylene polymerization.

Table 3. The activity of different catalysts in ethylene poly-


Sample Activity (kg Poly/g Ti.h) Increase in activity (%)b

C-M 190 –
C-F5 228 20
C-F10 195 3
C-F15 35 −82
C-F5-Si 300 58
C-F10-Si 450 137
C-F15-Si 41 −78
Ethylene polymerization conditions: Wt. of cat: 5 mg, Al/Ti = 180,
n-hexane: 500 mL, ethylene pressure: 5 bar, T = 83 °C.
Figure 4. EDX mapping of M-Fe5-Si. Fe atoms were shown b
(Activity of each catalyst − Activity of catalyst M)/Activity of catalyst
in red and Mg in green colors. M × 100.
Designed Monomers and Polymers 7

Table 4. Characterization of polyethylenes produced via different catalyst systems.

Sample Mw Mn Mw/Mn Xc (%) Tm (°C) Bulk density (g/mL) Wax amount (%)
C-M 377,000 48,900 7.7 66.9 141.2 0.24 0.88
C-F5 501,000 58,700 8.5 62.9 139.8 0.30 0.58
C-F10 488,000 56,100 8.7 65.4 141.2 0.33 0.33
C-F15 455,000 51,200 8.9 66.1 142.0 0.27 0.49
C-F5-Si 475,000 57,800 8.2 62.4 141.0 0.30 0.33
C-F10-Si 452,000 48,200 9.4 69.1 140.0 0.31 0.34
C-F15-Si 448,000 50,100 8.9 63.0 140.0 0.30 0.26

After successive polymerization tests, the obtained 3.3. Ethylene/1-hexene copolymerization results
polyethylenes were characterized by DSC analysis. DSC In the next section of this study, we selected C-F10-Si
curves for all polyethylene samples showed a single peak and C-M as the most active and reference procatalysts,
indicating no appreciable molecular reorganization dur- respectively, and tested even in ethylene/1-hexene
ing heat treatment. Figure 6 shows the representative copolymerization experiments in order to assess their
DSC diagram of samples prepared with C-M and C-F10- ability in the higher α-olefin insertion. The copolymeriza-
Si catalysts. Also, Table 4 shows the influence of various tion results were reported in Table 5. In line with the
catalytic systems on the Tm and crystallinity (Xc) of the homopolymerization results, in the ethylene/1-hexene
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

obtained polymers. Results indicated that Tm values of copolymerization, the doped catalyst showed much
all polyethylenes synthesized from doped catalysts were higher activity of 577 vs. 185 kg Poly/g Ti∙h in reference
similar to it in the unmodified catalyst while that Xc catalyst, probably due to the same reasons introduced in
changed slightly from 66.9% in the unmodified catalyst the ethylene homopolymerization section.
to a range of 62.4–69.1% in doped catalysts. Furthermore, it was found that, when M-F10-Si is
In addition, the Mn and Mw average molecular used as catalyst, the activity of ethylene/1-hexene
weights of the synthesized polyethylenes were measured copolymerization increased to 577 kg copoly/g Ti∙h com-
by the GPC method. The produced analytical results pared with that of ethylene homopolymerization, i.e.
were listed in Table 4. The presence of the Lewis acid in 450 kg poly/g Ti∙h. The ‘‘comonomer effect’’ is a curi-
catalyst showed a trend to give a slight increase in the ous phenomenon in which the rate of ethylene polymer-
molecular weight of polyethylenes. This was similar to ization is significantly enhanced by the addition of a
the results of Pinyocheep et al. [38] and Phiwkliang small amount of α-olefin comonomer, while decreases as
et al. [34], who found that the molecular weight of PE the comonomer content in monomer feed increases from
increases by increasing the amounts of Ti(III) species. an optimum amount.[39,40]
Finally, bulk density of the polymers was measured On the other hand, the presence of comonomer low-
by a standard 8.1-mL cylindrical vessel and shown in ered the activity of catalyst C-M slightly, from 190 to
Table 4. Results revealed that by adding FeCl3 in the 185 kg Poly/g Ti∙h, suggesting that the insertion of ethy-
support structure, bulk density of the polymers increased, lene was interrupted in this catalyst due to high mole
significantly. percent of 1-hexene in monomer feed.[39,41]
The copolymers obtained were characterized and the
results listed in Table 6, which collects melting point,
percentage of crystalline polymer Xc, and comonomer
content. The results showed that the copolymer synthe-
sized with C-M under the same condition, contains a
lower amount of 1-hexene than that with doped catalyst.
This result confirms that the ability of the catalyst to
incorporate bulky comonomer can be improved by dop-
ing of MgCl2(ethoxide type) support with FeCl3 due to

Table 5. Performance of C-M and C-F10-Si catalysts in ethy-

lene/1-hexene copolymerization.

Sample Activity (kg Poly/g Ti∙h) Increase in activity (%)

C-M 185 –
Figure 6. DSC diagram of polymers from catalysts C-M and C-F10-Si 577 211
8 R. Bazvand et al.

Table 6. Characterization of ethylene\1-hexene copolymers produced via different catalyst systems.

Sample Xc (%) Tm1 (°C) Tm2 (°C) Tc (°C) Comonomer content (%)
C-M 53 138.2 131.6 115.5 2.81
C-F10-Si 44 134.0 128.7 112.8 5.35

higher Lewis acidity of FeCl3. This reduces electron den- was observed that during interaction with TiCl4 and
sity on the active center, which is beneficial to the SiCl4, it is converted to MgCl2 due to Cl-donating ability
coordination of more electron-donating-olefin on active of these compounds.[15,43] To study the Ti–Mg and Ti–
center and lead to higher incorporation efficiency.[42] Fe interactions, we considered three model systems:
The DSC analysis was considered at both the first Mg3–Ti4, Mg2Fe–Ti4, and Fe3–Ti4, see Figure 1 for
and second heating of the copolymer samples which labels. These systems mainly differ for the numbers of
denoted as 1 and 2 subscripts in the Tm and Xc results, Fe atoms involved in FeCl3/MgCl2 mixed supports.
respectively. As can be seen in Table 6, Tm and Xc were These models were selected according to our XRD and
strongly affected by 1-hexene concentration in the EDX data, and the data in Refs. [31] and [32] which
copolymer chain so that Tm and Xc of the copolymer suggested that in MCln (M is metal) doped catalysts, a
produced by C-M catalysts were much higher than them MCln/MgCl2 solution is formed. DFT studies predicted a
by C-F10-Si catalyst. clear binding for all systems, with an EBind of −15.1,
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

−9.5, and −4.6 kcal mol−1 for systems Mg3–Ti4,

Mg2Fe–Ti4, and Fe3–Ti4, respectively.
3.4. DFT simulation In the next section, to compare better the ability of
In the last part of our manuscript, in order to fulfill the MgCl2/TiCl4 and MgCl2/FeCl2/TiCl4 catalytic systems in
lack of a clear characterization data, we employed DFT ethylene insertion, DFT studies were employed. In order
simulations to assess main interaction occurring in to model ethylene polymerization using different Fe-
MgCl2- and MgCl2/FeCl3-supported ZN catalytic sys- doped ZN catalysts, three different small-sized model
tems. We chose MgCl2, instead of Mg(OEt)2, since it active centers, i.e. Mg3–Ti3–C2H5, Mg2Fe–Ti3–C2H5,

5 0.4
+ CH2CH2 -3.1

Energy (kcal/mol)

-15 -10.8

-25 Fe3-Ti3 -27.3
-30 PR

Figure 7. Relative energy profiles for ethylene polymerization using Mg3–Ti3–C2H5, Mg2Fe–Ti3–C2H5, and Fe3–Ti3–C2H5 model
catalysts with BP86/SVP level of calculation.
Designed Monomers and Polymers 9
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Figure 8. Medium-sized model catalysts used in molecular simulation, (a) Mg9–Ti3–CH3, (b) Mg8Fe–Ti3–CH3, and (c) Mg8Fe–

Table 7. TS energy barriers for the insertion of ethylene into with the Ti active center was barrier less and led to 10.8,
different model catalysts with BP86/SVP and PBEh1PBE/ 9.1, and 7.4 kcal mol−1 energy gains, for catalysts Mg3–
TZVP level of calculation. Ti3–C2H5, Mg2Fe–Ti3–C2H5, and Fe3–Ti3–C2H5,
BP86/SVP PBEh1PBE/TZVP respectively. Then, it passed through a four-member ring
structure, which turned out to be the TS. A barrier of
Mg9–Ti3–CH3 6.8 6.1 7.7, 6.8, and 7.8 kcal mol−1 had to be overcome in order
Mg8Fe–Ti3–CH3-1 5.8 5.1
Mg8Fe–Ti3–CH3-2 6.8 6.1 to insert the entering monomer into the Ti–C bond in the
catalysts Mg3–Ti3–C2H5, Mg2Fe–Ti3–C2H5, and Fe3–
Ti3–C2H5, respectively. The final products were charac-
terized and found to be nearly isoenergetic in all cases.
and Fe3–Ti3–C2H5 were utilized. Energy diagrams for These results indicated that by partially doping of MgCl2
ethylene insertion using different model catalysts were with Fe, although the coordination energy was increased,
shown in Figure 7. The complexation of the monomer insertion of ethylene required rather smaller activation
10 R. Bazvand et al.

(nearly 1 kcal mol−1). Further, models have been pro-

posed that explain in a simple way the monomer inser-
tion promotion by Fe doping agent, when located in the
near proximity of a TiCl4 molecule adsorbed on the
MgCl2 surface.
To test whether the energy barrier of the TSs could
depend on the chosen GGA BP86 functional, we local-
ized the TSs with the HGGA PBEh1PBE functional,
since we found earlier that it gives the best performance
in reproducing the main interactions occurring in ZN cat-
alytic systems.[1] The results were tabulated in Table 7.
Also, in this case, ETS of ethylene insertion in Mg8Fe–
Ti3–CH3 model was 1.0 kcal mol−1 lower in energy than
that in Mg9–Ti3–CH3 model. Then, the numbers we
calculated indicate that the difference between the TSs
energies in undoped and doped catalysts is somewhat
independent from the computational approach used.
We also studied the effect of Fe doping on the electron
density of Ti active center, in different model catalysts of
Downloaded by [FU Berlin] at 00:49 08 July 2015

Figure 1. The Mulliken charges on Ti in the active cata-

lysts on moving from Mg3–Ti3–C2H5 to the Mg2Fe–Ti3–
C2H5 and Fe3–Ti3–C2H5 active centers increased from
−0.349 to −0.189 and −0.035, respectively. This increase
in the Mulliken charge could be responsible for the activ-
ity increase in partially doped catalyst, while that in highly
doped catalyst, it seems that other factors rather that
energy, 6.8 vs. 7.7 kcal mol−1. Concluding this section,
charge density on Ti may play main role.
calculations suggest that different catalysts have rather
As the final step, we tried to explore possible role of
similar insertion barriers (within 1 kcal mol−1). This indi-
SiCl4 in activity increase of ZN catalyst. The model cata-
cates that the doping does not alter significantly the
lyst that we selected for the coordination of SiCl4 into
capability of the Ti to insert ethylene monomer.
active catalyst was shown in Figure 9. By attaching
After having explored the effect of doping amount
SiCl4 molecule to our model catalyst, the Mulliken
on the energy profile of ethylene insertion, we have tried
charge on Ti decreased from −0.189 in uncoordinated
to study the effect of MgCl2 cluster size on the monomer
system to the −0.206 in SiCl4 coordinated system. We
insertion barrier. Furthermore, besides cluster size, effect
can conclude from these data that SiCl4 role in activity
of possible doping positions on the TS energy of ethy-
increase of the modified catalysts is not related to its
lene insertion was studied, as well. Here, for the sake of
Lewis acidic property, but can be due to its Cl-donating
brevity, we focused only on the TS energies, while
ability since the homolytic dissociation energy of C–Cl
coordination and insertion steps were not considered. For
bond in chlorocyclohexane, which has been known as
these calculations, we abandoned small (MgCl2)3 model
the most efficient activator,[15] is only 8.2 kcal mol−1
and used a more realistic model containing a cluster with
lower than homolytic dissociation of Si–Cl bond in SiCl4
9 MgCl2 units. Our studied models were shown in
(84.5 vs. 92.7 kcal mol−1). So from this section, we can
Figure 8(a)–(c). Figure 8(a) is a representative model of
conclude that SiCl4 role in the activation of ZN catalysts
undoped catalyst, while Figure 8(b) and (c) differ in the
can be due to its oxidizing ability in reactivating Ti(II)
location of Fe atom, relative to the Ti active center,
center by oxidizing it into Ti(III) and Ti(IV), reintroduc-
among MgCl2 surface. Calculation results with BP86/
ing it into the active cycle. Reactivation of Ti(II) centers
SVP level of theory showed that a barrier of 6.8, 5.8,
by Cl-containing molecules was fully studied in our
and 6.8 kcal mol−1 have to be overcome in order to
previous article [24] and is not more considered here.
insert ethylene monomer into Ti–C bond in the Mg9–
Ti3–CH3, Mg8Fe–Ti3–CH3, and Mg8Fe–Ti3–CH3-2
model catalysts, respectively. From these data, one can 4. Conclusion
conclude that, although changing cluster size affected TS
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absolute values (from 7.7 to 6.8 and from 6.8 to
sized by doping Mg(OEt)2 with different amounts of
5.8 kcal mol−1), ΔETS, i.e. TS energy difference between
FeCl3. Then, final catalysts were prepared by reacting
undoped and doped catalysts, remained unchanged
support samples with TiCl4. In this way, two types of
Designed Monomers and Polymers 11

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