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Luong Hung Cuong – K21

Project management for engineers

Chapter 1: Introduction
(Project characteristics, Project introduction and project manager)

1. Project concept Is

a process consisting of related tasks and tasks performed by a group (group) to achieve set
goals within constraints of time, resources and budget.

1.1. Characteristics of the

project - Have clear goals (with specific results).

- Has a certain time limit (a series of temporary activities).

- Use limited resources (human resources, budget, materials).

- Uniqueness and uniqueness.

- There is the participation of many people/groups of people in specialized fields

different subjects

For example: Doing a big assignment is also a project (small project) because it satisfies the above factors.

1.2. Phases of a project

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- The starting phase needs to be SLOW because at this time everything is still an idea that has not yet
taken place in reality, but only through meetings and on paper, so it is necessary to evaluate very carefully to avoid
risks, if If you rush, you have to pay the price.

- The implementation phase needs to be FAST because to shorten the project's progress, it needs to be
done quickly.

- The closing phase needs to be SLOW because when finished, we still have to wait for appraisal, handover,
paperwork from the customer. Depending on both sides, the speed is slow.

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1.3. Difference between System, Program, Project and Task.

- Program: is a long-term plan including many projects.

- Project: is a process consisting of related activities and tasks to achieve goals within
time and budget constraints.
- Mission: is a short-term effort of a few weeks or months carried out by a certain
organization, and this organization can combine with other tasks to
project implementation.

1.4. Difference between Project and Functional Department.

- Departments: exist for a long time without a certain deadline; known work; annual
budget ceiling; just a few skills and principles are needed; relatively stable nature .
- Project: clear operating cycle; has a certain time limit ; may end suddenly; There are
time and cost constraints; many principle skills in each stage; ratio
Cost types change continuously; dynamic nature .

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1.5. Regular activities and project activities

- Regular activities and project activities overlap => One activity can change the other.

- Budgeting processes and seemingly similar human skills (verbal reporting skills; conflict resolution;
motivation; accounting;...) can blur the differences between the two fields.

=> Recognize the differences between the two areas to understand the challenges for project
managers because project problems require distinct management principles.

1.6. Project types and cycles

*Types of projects

- Contract projects - Training and management projects

- Research and development projects - Large maintenance project

- Community welfare/development aid project
- Building projects

- Information system project

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2. Project management

- Is a process of Planning (What needs to be done, strategic direction, forming tools

to achieve goals) => Organizing (How is the work done?) => Leadership (Motivating ,
guidance, conflict resolution) => Check tasks and resources (Monitor, compare, correct
errors) to complete set goals (that is, achieve technical and financial results and time).

- The criteria for evaluating a project are: Achievements; Limited time; Cost (Allowable
Budget) to achieve the Goal.

- A project is considered successful if it uses resources effectively

(achieve goal) | effective (achieving goals with the smallest, most optimal resources),
completed within the specified time, within the allowed cost and achieving the desired results.

=> Project management is a combination of art, science and logical thinking.

Example of a failed project: Cat Linh - Ha Dong railway project started in 2011 and was
completed in 2015 => Late in the prescribed time.
- Obstacles in project management:
+ Project complexity + Risks in the project
+ Special requirements of customers + Changing technology
+ Restructuring the organization + Fixed plans and prices

3. Introduction to the project manager

- Is a person with broad knowledge: finance, marketing, organization.

- Role: see your position in the general context of the project, the impacts and contributions
of external parties and stakeholders participating in the project; resolve conflicts that arise;
cope with risks in the project management process.

- Responsibility: balancing the relationship between Cost, Time, Quality.

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- The project manager's position is to live in a world of contradictions: projects

competition for resources; Conflicts between members; the customer wants to change the request;
The parent organization wants to reduce costs.

=> A good manager will have to resolve many of these conflicts.

- Project manager skills: - Qualities of a project manager:

+ Time management & scheduling + Honest and upright

+ Technical, leadership + Decision making ability

+ Make a budget + Understanding human issues

+ Marketing & signing contracts with customers + Flexible and versatile properties
row; negotiate; transmit.

- Choosing a project manager: +

Requirements: ensuring the required skills; have commitment to project goals; Willing to work
on unstable schedules with conflicting constraints.

+ General instructions: know from general to specialized; the mind knows how to synthesize
analysis; someone who makes things easy (willing to cooperate) > supervisor.

=> Varies depending on the scale of the project.

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- Sources & process of selecting project managers:

+ From other projects
+ Direct production manager
+ Functional manager
+ Functional experts
+ The selection should be presented frankly to the candidates without bias.

- Factors affecting the success of a project: + Agreement

on project goals
+ A project plan to communicate schedules and responsibilities, and measure product
+ What is a good project? Someone is responsible and presents the work; Detailed
estimates of human resources, finance, and necessary equipment; can use it as a tool
warning: project late, budget overrun.
+ Project management techniques are mainly communication techniques.

+ Control project scope.

+ “Managing stakeholders' expectations”
+ The art of project management: "political" skills, personal relationships, using intuition
to delegate work...

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Chapter 2: Company strategy and project selection

(Project formation, evaluation and comparison of project selection, risk analysis)

1. Project formation stages

Phase 1: Concept, idea and project definition (What needs does the project meet? Does it
fit the company's strategic expertise or not?)

Phase 2: Pre-feasibility study - The first

attempt to evaluate the project's prospects.

- It is necessary to maintain the same quality of information for all project variables.

- Need to use available secondary information.

- Biased information is better than the average value.

- To determine the assessment of financial, economic, social feasibility, sources of risk... we

will analyze:

Market analysis: research basic demand sources, market price quality

Technical analysis: research on input and price requirements for investment and operation:
technology & project lifespan; quantity and type of inputs needed for investment and operations;
Necessary labor by type and time.

Analyze resource management: allocate time and human resources according to the type
appropriate to the project; salary levels for necessary labor skills;…

Financial analysis: Summary of financial and technical variables from the first three analyses;
establish the project's cash flow profile; Identify key variables for economic analysis and social

Economic analysis: consider the project from the perspective of the entire country as an entity
accounting (focuses on analyzing more factors than financial analysis, what benefits does it
bring to society?).

Social analysis (Distribution analysis): identify and quantify the “non-economic impacts of
the project”; income effects for different types of groups; The impact of basic needs on specific

Analyze basic needs

Phase 3: Feasibility study

- Strengthen basic research

- Define additional variables

- Details of risk mitigation measures

Stage 4: Detailed design

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Stage 5: Project implementation

2. Evaluate and compare project options

- Discounted cash flow method (not tested).
- Traditional method.

- Multi-objective decision making method.

!!! Multi-objective problem (exam)

- The problem is measured using different dimensions.
- At the same time, satisfy many goals at the highest level possible.

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The polarized model is a model where we will put three options on three axes and we will
know which option is the DOMINANT option (an option that is WORSE than another option IN

For example: Given the extreme model as shown above with 4 criteria: Fast, Many, Good,
Cheap, we can say that plan B is the DOMINANT plan because it loses to plan A in EVERY
ASPECT => We The only thing left to do is compare options A and C.

=> The polarization model only helps us eliminate the dominant option, but does not help us
Find out which solution is the most optimal.

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There are three options A, B and C based on 4 criteria: Fast, Many, Good, Cheap.
We will give a scale of 1 => 3 (lowest to highest) for each criterion. Based on the picture,
we see that option A is given the highest score (10 points), so we will choose option A.

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- "Constant efficiency" method (curve F): determine the plan for the LOWEST COST that
satisfies the stated benefit level.

- "Constant cost" method (K curve): determine the option to obtain higher value per unit
of cost

- In the above problem we see there are two axes (the vertical axis is Efficiency and the
horizontal axis is Cost). The problem offers 7 options from A1 - A7 as shown (don't need to pay
attention to the two yellow lines K and F).

- We will eliminate dominant options including:

+ Option A2: we see that this option is eliminated by A3 because it has the same cost but is
less effective.

+ Option A5: we see that this option is eliminated by A4 because A5 has higher costs but
lower efficiency.

+ Option A7: we see that this option is eliminated by A6 because A7 has higher costs but
lower efficiency.

=> We will draw an Efficient Boundary passing through the non-dominant alternatives (red
line). Alternatives below this line will be rejected (options A2, A5, A7).

- If we assume that the Constant Cost boundary is line K , which option should we choose
(not to mention line F)?

=> We will choose the best option that has a lower cost than path K and has the
highest efficiency, eliminating options that have a higher cost than path K. (Choose A3)
(Type A4, A6)

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- If people say the Constant Efficiency boundary line is line F , which option should
we choose?

=> We will choose the best solution that satisfies more efficiency than path F but
The cost is still the lowest (Still choose A3 , be careful of this mistake).

- To solve the problem using this method, we will have 4 steps as

follows: + Step 1: Change Zij to bij (dimensionless).

+ Step 2: Define weight for each goal.

+ Step 3: Calculate CUi for each option i.

+ Step 4: Choose the option with the BIGGEST CUi.

- We will have 2 problems Max and Min:

+ For the Max problem:

+ For Min problem:

Exercise: Rank projects according to the common benefit method

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Target Weight A1 B1 C1 D1
Max Z1 0.3 100 70 65
Min Z2 0.4 25 25 ten
Max Z3 0.3 20 40 0 0 100 30


- In the first goal requires Max Z1:

+ Max value corresponding to target Z1: 100

+ Min value corresponding to target Z1: 0 -

We will transfer the numbers 100; 70; 0; 65 according to the formula for the Max problem above
becomes dimensionless.
100 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 0 (min value)
+ In "cell 100" we change as follows: = 1
100 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

70 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 0 (min value)

+ In "cell 70" we change as follows: = 0.7
100 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

0 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 0 (min value)

+ In "cell 0" we change as follows: = 0
100 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

65 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 0 (min value)

+ In "cell 65" we change as follows: = 0.65
100 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

- In the second goal, Min Z2 is required:

+ Max value corresponding to target Z2: 25

+ Min value corresponding to target Z2: 0 -

We will transfer the numbers 25; 25; 0; 10 according to the formula for the Min problem above to be
25 (max value) ÿ 25 (number at the position under consideration)
+ In "cell 25" we change as follows: = 0
25 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

25 (max value) ÿ 25 (number at the position under consideration)

+ In "cell 25" we change as follows: = 0
25 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

25 (max value) ÿ 0 (number at the position under consideration)

+ In "cell 0" we change as follows: = 1
25 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

25 (max value) ÿ 10 (number at the position under consideration)

+ In "cell 10" we change as follows: = 0.6
25 (max value) ÿ 0 (min value)

- In the third goal requires Max Z3:

+ Max value corresponding to target Z3: 100

+ Min value corresponding to target Z3: 20

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- We will transfer the numbers 20; 40; 100; 30 according to the formula for the Max problem above to be

20 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 20 (min value)

+ In "cell 20" we change as follows: = 0
100 (max value) ÿ 20 (min value)

40 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 20 (min value)

+ In "cell 40" we change as follows: = 0.25
100 (max value) ÿ 20 (min value)

100 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 20 (min value)

+ In "cell 100" we change as follows: = 1
100 (max value) ÿ 20 (min value)

30 (number at the position under consideration) ÿ 20 (min value)

+ In "cell 30" we change as follows: = 0.125
100 (max value) ÿ 20 (min value)

- Then our table will become:

Target Weight A1 B1 C1 D1
Max Z1 0.3 0.7 0 0.65
Min Z2 0.4 1 0.6
Max Z3 0.3 00 0 0.25 11 0.125

- Calculate the BIGGEST CUi:

+ In option A1 we take: 1.0.3 + 0.0.4 + 0.0.3 = 0.3

+ In option B1 we take: + 0.0.4 + = 0.285

+ In option C1 we take: 0.0.3 + 1.0.4 + 1.0.3 = 0.7

+ In option D1 we take: + + = 0.4725

=> Option C1 has the LARGEST CUi. Choose this option

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Idea of the method: We have

many options, and here we have 2 objective functions corresponding to 2 axes: The
horizontal axis corresponds to the objective function Z1 and the vertical axis will have the
objective function Z2 . The goal of a multi-objective problem is to choose the solution that has both
Max Z1 and Max Z2.

The orange curve is the set of alternatives that are not excluded.

The inner orange space (Trivial Solution Region) is the set of eliminated alternatives .

Point Q is the ideal solution that has both Max Z1 and Max Z2. Point Q will have
coordinates as (Z1Q; Z2Q).

People will calculate the distance on the orange curve to point Q (this distance is called
L1) so that it is SHORTEST. The solution with the SHORTEST distance from it to the ideal
solution is the MOST OPTIMAL solution.

Apply the formulas to calculate the distance of the solution to the ideal solution:

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+ ZjQ: Coordinates of the optimal point

+ Zij: Coordinates of the point under consideration

+ ÿj: Weight

+ Zj max ; Zj min: Max and Min value of each option

Exercise: Carry out ranking of projects according to the compromise planning method

Target Weight A5 B5 C5 D5
Max Z1 0.4 100 70 65
Min Z2 0.6 25 25 00 ten

- Step 1: We will find the coordinates of the ideal solution Q

+ Here, in option Z1, where the requirement is Max, we will choose: 100.

+ Here, in option Z2, where the requirement is Min, we will choose: 0.

=> So the ideal solution Q will have coordinates: Q (100;0)

- Step 2: Find other ingredients

+ Zj max ; Zj min in the Max Z1 option is: 100 (largest number in row 1), 0 (smallest number in row

+ Zj max ; Zj min in Min Z2 option is: 25 (largest number in row 2), 0 (smallest number in row

+ ÿj at the Max Z1 option is: 0.4

+ ÿj in the Min Z2 option is: 0.6

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- Step 3: Calculate distance according to the given formulas

+ In this article we see people giving weights => Apply formula number 3.

+ In option A5, we have:

(o degree ÿà 1) ÿ (d to d e )| . , ( ÿ (max ÿà 1) ÿà 1)
(| | ÿ (min ÿà 1) | )
(o degree ÿa 2) ÿ (to dd e )| . ( ÿ, | ÿà 2)
ÿ +(| (max ÿà 2) ÿ (min ÿà 2) | )
= 0.6 => The distance from option A5 to point Q is 0.6.

+ In option B5, we have:

( o tho ÿà 1) ÿ (d to d é )| . , ( ÿ (max ÿà 1) ÿ (min ÿà 1) | ÿà 1)

(| | )
(o degree ÿa 2) ÿ (to dd e )| . ( ÿ, | ÿà 2)
ÿ+(| (max ÿà 2) ÿ (min ÿà 2) | )
= 0.61188 => The distance from option B5 to point Q is 0.61188.
+ Similar to options C5 and D5, we obtain the following results:

- Step 4: Conclusion
Based on the distance calculated from the above 4 options, we can see the distance
of option D5 until point Q is the shortest => Choose option D5.

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This method will help us choose a set of non-dominant options

(Kernel set) but does not help us choose the best option.

Solution +

We will start with the solution that has NO arrows pointing at it: number 2 + Number 2 points at

number 1, proving that number 1 is ESSENTIAL: eliminate number 1 !! Note

that the number 1 pointing to the number 4 does not mean that the number 2 is better than the number

+ Once we eliminate number 1, we will delete all the arrows of number 1 (leading to numbers 4
and 5 not being pointed at by any arrows).

+ Number 4 points to numbers 3,6,7: eliminate numbers 3,6,7

+ Number 5 points to number 8,3: eliminate number 8,3

=> The set of non-dominant options is 2,4,5.

3. Risk analysis

Types of risks: -

Systematic risks => Affect

all activities of economic sectors and projects.

- Non-systematic risk => Affects

some economic sectors and some types of projects.

Risk analysis:

- Sensitivity analysis

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+ Analyze the "sensitivity" of the results when there is a change in the value of one/several input

+ Helps answer the question “What… If…”

+ Disadvantages: •

Only considers each variable • Does

not present the probability of occurrence of the variable and the probability of occurrence of the outcome

- Analyze the situation

+ Consider simultaneously the influence of several variables on project results

+ Some situations are often analyzed

• Best case scenario • Most

likely situation • Worst case scenario

+ Disadvantages:

• The possibility of the best/worst values of the variables occurring simultaneously is

very devoted

• Do not present the probability of occurrence of variables and the probability of occurrence of variables

- Risk analysis using simulation

+ Simple problem: Analytical method

+ Complex math problem

• Monte Carlo simulation method • Determine the

risk variable, establish the variable's distribution • Determine the
simulation model • Perform the simulation

=> Randomly select the value for the input variable to calculate the result •

Analyze the results

=> Expected value, standard deviation, probability...

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Chapter 3: Project organization and issues in project management

1. Organizational structure

2. Project team

3. Leadership

4. Problem solving method

5. Conflict management

1. Organizational structure

Concept: -

An organization is a group of people arranged in a certain order to be able to

work together to achieve organizational goals .

- Organizational structure is a model set out to coordinate activities among people in an


Types of organizational structures:

- Organizational structure has 3 forms: Functional form; Project type; Matrix form.

- Division of departments by function, product, customer, territory, too


- The goal is to improve efficiency and decentralize authority: authority; responsibility;


Specifically, types of organizational structures:

- Functional organizational structure: data sharing, resource sharing, less complexity, 1 type
of technology.

For example: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Advantage Disadvantages:
- Little attention to customer requirements.
- Stable long-term career development
for employee.
- Difficulty synthesizing multi-functional tasks.
- Anticipate activities
in the future to allocate resources.
- Tend to make decisions according to the most
- Suitable for large types of production
tea. advantageous functional groups.
- There is no centralized project power, so there
- Effective use of common experiences and
is no one responsible for the project
overall judgment.
- Efficient use of production factors.

- Project-type organizational structure: A manager is responsible for managing a group/team

consisting of core members selected from other functional departments

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each other on a full-time basis. Functional managers have no formal involvement. Needs
quick response, many types of technology, complexity, small resources, little stability.

Example: Construction companies

Advantage Defect
- Ineffective use of resources
- There is strict control due to the power of
- There are few opportunities for technical exchange between
the project
- Quick project contact time
- Less career stability for participating
- Encourage balance of Achievement,
Time, Cost
- Difficulty in balancing work at the
- Have good relationships with other unit
beginning and ending stages
- Not preparing for future jobs.
- Pay attention to customer requirements

- Matrix project organizational structure: Is a combination of project organizational structure

functional projects and projects.

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Advantage Defect
- Use resources effectively - Power struggles
- Good project synthesis - Increasing conflicts
- Improved information flow - - Reaction time is slow
Responds to rapid adaptation - Difficulty in monitoring and control
- Maintain good work discipline - Manage rising costs
- Motivation and commitment improve - Experiencing a lot of stress

=> The authority of the project manager is HIGHEST when organizing the project by
Project, the lowest is by Function.

GROUP DISCUSSION: Choose the appropriate structure for the following cases, state the reasons
for your

choice: (?) The organization has many projects that must share the same database.

=> Organizational structure According to Function or Matrix but oriented according to Function.

(?) The project has a high level of complexity .

=> Project or Matrix organizational structure but Project-oriented.

(?) The fixed costs of projects within the organization are required to be reduced.
(?) Resources used in projects are common resources.
(?) The project duration is long.
=> Organizational structure By

Project (?) The project uses many different types of technology and the work content in
each area is enough for at least 1 full-time employee.
(?) In the organization, projects are not regularly implemented.
(?) Projects with high levels of instability.
=> Project or Matrix organizational structure but Project-oriented.

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2. Project team -

A project team is everyone working together to achieve a common goal.

- The goal is to achieve synergy, that is, to achieve a “global optimum” that is greater than
the “sum of local optimums”.

- Activities in a project group: + Information

group: collect & collate information => Proposal.

+ Production group: creates products and services.

+ Management team: organize, manage people & resources.

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- Elements to build an effective team

+ Skills of team members

=> Right person, right job

+ Organizational structure

=> Organize groups to complete tasks +

Management style

=> Choose the right type of leadership.

+ Effective communication is a key element of effective team building.

3. Leadership
Science of leadership: -
Origin of power =>
Power and Authority
- Leadership theory: explains the reasons for successful
leadership + Classical: Success comes
from birth + Behavioral: Success comes from learning the

+ Tinh hu behavior of successful people Pipe: Success comes

from understanding appropriate situations

Leadership and sources of power - Leadership is the ability to motivate, coerce, motivate, guide a
others complete a specific task to achieve organizational goals

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- Origin of power + Formal

power + Power due to

reward + Power due to coercion


+ Professional power +

Admirable power (prestige)

+ Reality: power of information, persuasion, connection...

- Leadership theory +

Classical leadership theory + Behavioral

leadership theory + Situational

leadership theory

- According to level of interest (people or work): 5 styles

- According to the use of power

+ According to the level of democracy: 3 styles

• Authoritarian
• Collaborative
• Liberal +

According to the level of decentralization (V.Vroom): 5 styles (Individual - Consultative

- Collective)

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- AI and AII style leadership is Centralized leadership : authoritarian and

autocratic (ie I am the manager so I make the decisions)

+ AI: I don't need anyone's opinion, I make my own decisions.

+ AII: I can ask, consult information from a certain source, then the person who
decides is still me.

- CI and CII leadership are consultative leadership

+ CI: I consult independently, I meet with each department head a little to consult,
but I do not organize a general meeting for everyone but only consult to make a decision

+ C2: I will organize a general meeting to let everyone give their opinions
But the decision maker is still me.

- GII style leadership is a Decentralized leadership style : I am not the decision

maker, I will organize a general meeting with everyone to discuss and make decisions

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4. Problem solving method

The KEPNER-TREGOE approach to problem solving

- Four basic ways of
thinking + What's going on? – Approach and clarify
+ What happened? – Cause and effect + How
should we act? - Select
+ What is ahead?
- Three stages
+ Stage 1: Analyze the problem

+ Stage 2: Decision analysis

+ Stage 3: Analyze potential problems

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- Criteria for a high quality decision:

+ Multi-target

+ Multiple

solutions + Search for information to evaluate solutions (both positive and negative information)

+ Planning – Monitoring – Implementing with contingency plans.

- Common mistakes: + Trying to

solve the problem before analyzing it thoroughly

+ The analysis is too general, the solution is not feasible

+ There is no plan for implementing the solution

+ Lack of commitment

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5. Conflict management

5.1 Concepts

- Conflict is the behavior of an individual, group or organization that prevents or

limits (at least temporarily) another individual, group or organization from achieving a desired

- Types of conflict:

+ Personal: between one person and another.

+ Group: between 2 or more groups/

organizations. + Coming from within: between people or groups in the same

organization. + Coming from outside: conflict between 1 person (or 1 group or more
people) and 1 other person (or 1 group or more people from outside the project).

5.2 Viewpoints on conflict

Viewpoint 1: -

Conflict is the result of mistakes in management

- Conflict often causes disastrous results: +

Reduces efficiency and productivity

+ Create factions within the unit

+ Causes instability and reduces enthusiasm

+ Conflicts can be avoided and eliminating all conflicts is a basic task of management

Viewpoint 2:

- Positive conflicts

+ Stimulates ideas, creativity and interest

+ Causes potential problems to surface and be resolved

+ Forcing people to clarify their stance and seek new methods

+ Create conditions for people to challenge their abilities

- Negative conflicts

+ Efficiency and productivity decline

+ Sectarianism

+ Unnecessary instability

thirty first
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5.3 Causes of conflict

- Exchange of information (goals, standards, impacts).

- Values (personal, professional, local, religious).

- Concerns (different belief ideas, concern for results).

- People (personality, emotions, past conflicts).

5.4 Conflict resolutions

- Withdraw - Face to face

- Soothe - Reconcile

- Force - Negotiate

- Compromise and operate

- There are four principles:

(1) Separate the person from the problem

(2) Focus on mutual benefits

(3) Be creative, come up with effective, mutually beneficial options =>

Offer all options (4) Use

objective standards Problem: if there

is no satisfaction => so be it Is there a better option?

- Disagreement settlement mechanisms:

+ Do nothing + Referee

+ Negotiation + Lawsuit

+ Mediation + Violence

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5.5 Conflict situations

Situation 1:

Many years ago, we had a case where an employee had a serious argument
with your boss. One thing led to another and he was forced to resign.

This was an unfortunate situation, and the employee asked to see me, because
he felt that once I knew all the circumstances of the argument I could convince his
boss to consider it. again.

I told him I was willing to listen to him but there was nothing I could do because
my bigger priority was supporting the company's management structure. However
wrong or excessive his boss may have been, that, unfortunately, is now not an issue.
This case certainly had a negative impact on the above employee's boss, but this
boss still kept his job.

=> Don't argue with your boss.

Situation 2:
In the mid-60s Tudela owned a glass company in Caracas, but was a technician
An oil and gas engineer, he always wanted to work in this industry. When through an
associate he learned that in Argentina, people needed to buy butane gas worth 20
million dollars, he went there to see if he could sign a contract. "If the contract is
signed, then I will start worrying about finding gas," he told me. When he -
A glass manufacturer operates alone and has no connections or experience

Machine Translated by Google

Luong Hung Cuong – K21

What happened before with the oil and gas industry - arriving in Argentina, he discovered that he
had two formidable opponents: the British oil company British Petrolium and Shell.

After some exploration, he discovered something else: Argentina has a surplus of beef and is
looking for ways to sell it. Knowing this – we could call it his first opportunity – he became at least
on par with British Petrolium and Shell. He then told the Argentine government, “If you buy me $20
million in gas, I will buy you $20 million in beef.” The Argentine government gave him this
contract on the condition that he buy their beef.

Tudela then flew to Spain, where a large shipyard was about to close because there was no
work. This is a hot and extremely delicate political issue for the Spanish government. He told them,
“If you will buy me $20 million in beef, I will order you to build a $20 million oil tanker.” The
Spaniards were extremely happy and immediately telegraphed Argentina through the Spanish
ambassador there, requesting that $20 million of Mr. Tudela's beef be brought directly to Spain.
Once again he saw the opportunity and seized it.

Mr. Tudela's last stop was Philadelphia, at the Sun Oil company he told them
“If you accept the subscription to the $20 million oil tanker I'm stationed at
Spain, I will buy 20 million dollars of butane gas from you." Sun Oil Company agreed and
Tudela achieved his desire to work in the oil and gas industry. Once again he saw the opportunity
and seized it.

=> Recognizing the situation is a good opportunity to negotiate

Situation 3:

For several years now I have been trying to persuade the general manager of Rolex worldwide
to sponsor the installation of a new electronic spreadsheet and timing system at Wimbledon. He felt
that doing those things was a waste of money and he considered sponsoring it
Making competition stopwatches is the job of cheap watch makers
money in the world like Seiko and Timex.

I knew my only chance of changing his mind was to take him there, and I finally arranged it
during the 1979 Wimbledon season.

As we sat in the Royal box, sipping tea and watching the match unfold, I could see that he
was paying attention to every bit: the old-fashioned elegance of the central tennis court, the pride of
the central court. The excitement of the match, the beauty and charm of this very special place.

When the match ended, he turned to me and slowly said, “This is Rolex.”

=> Conclusion: Need to know the players


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