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Church Planter Assessment Report – SAMPLE #3

Candidate’s Name: Andy Candidate Assessment Date: 12/25/15

Wife’s Name: Ann Candidate

Lead Assessor’s Name: James T. Kirk

Assessment Team Members:

Assessment Status: Qualified Lead Assessor; Trained
Last Name First Name Assistant, Trainee or Observer
Riker William Qualified Lead Assessor
Troi Deanna Trained Assistant

Report written by (must be a qualified lead assessor): Jim Kirk

Date of verbal follow-up to written report:

The following candidate descriptions, ratings and comments reflect the judgment of the
assessors. The category descriptions are common to all candidates in a broad
spectrum of cultures based on research done by Dr. Charles Ridley and others, and
serve as the criteria for predicting success as a lead church planter. Through a process
of research, reflection and biblical study, the EFCA National Church Planting Team has
developed the categories.

Please understand the Category Rating Scores are not a comparison with the general
population, but compare people with people who consider themselves potential church
planters and usually have completed a self-assessment process that has led to the
behavioral interview.

The following written report should be viewed as a tool in discerning one’s potential for
success as a leader of a church planting team.

A. Clear Sense of God’s Call
Category Description: Both husband and wife share a clear and compelling
sense of God’s calling to church planting. That calling is supported and
established by fruitfulness in specific areas of ministry and the confirmation of
other people in their church or ministry context.
Candidate Description: Andy and Ann share a sense of a general call to
ministry but seem to have some concerns about a church planting ministry.
This general sense of calling will need to grow to the point of conviction
(saying, “God has called me to do this!”). This general sense of calling will
not sustain them through difficult times. Andy has shown some evidence of
fruitfulness in his current ministry, and there have been a few people who
have suggested that church planting is a possibility for him.

Category Rating: 6
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© EFCA, Stephen D. Elliott, 2003-rev. Aug. 2006
A. Strong Marriage and Spousal Support
Category Description: Both husband and wife work together as a team with
agreed upon roles in life and ministry. They have a healthy marriage
relationship with a well-managed family (1st Timothy 3:4-5).
Candidate Description: Andy and Ann have a very strong and healthy
marriage. They are proactive in their spiritual disciplines together and pray
together regularly. They work well together in ministry settings. Ann seems
to be very supportive of her husband.

Category Rating: 9

B. Godly Character
Category Description: The candidate is demonstrating godliness and
integrity in his personal, married and public life. The qualifications for biblical
eldership and servant-leadership are evident and he is growing in
Christlikeness. (1st Timothy 3, Titus 1, Acts 6) His devotional life is a vital
factor in his growth.
Candidate Description: Andy seems to rate high in the biblical
characteristics for an elder with only a few exceptions. One concern is his
recent struggle with pornography, of which he is open with his struggle and
has seen victory in that area through accountability and counseling. He is
strong in the area of spiritual disciplines.

Category Rating: 7

Category Description: The candidate “fits” within the EFCA family and a Free
Church planting context as determined by his gift-mix, background and
agreement with the EFCA doctrine, distinctives and vision of planting, growing
and reproducing churches. He also has the ability to minister effectively and live
within the core group and community context where he will be placed.
Candidate Description: Andy’s DISC & MBTI test scores indicate that he has a
high potential to be a good church planter. He has served at a local EFCA
church and will be a good fit with the EFCA. He doesn’t have a target area,
therefore we cannot comment on if he would be a good fit there.

Category Rating: 7

1. Visionary Leadership Skills
Category Description: The candidate has a clear and compelling picture of
what the new church will look like in the future and the broad brushstrokes of
what it will take to get there. He is able to share repeatedly this vision in such

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a way that others follow his leadership and help make it happen no matter
what the cost.
Candidate Description: Andy has some ideas about what he wants the new
church to look like in the future, but could not articulate a clear and compelling
vision for the new church. He only had general ideas of what the church
would look like. He has not identified ministry core values and has not begun
to share this church planting vision with others. Andy needs time for this
vision to develop within him, so that the vision will become crystal clear and
white hot in his heart before he can gather people to join him in this vision.

Category Rating: 4

2. Starting-Gathering Skills
Category Description: The candidate has an entrepreneurial, risk-taking
spirit and has a history of starting new ministries, groups, or businesses from
scratch using only faith, vision and limited resources. He is able to recruit a
diverse group of other people to join with him in accomplishing his vision.
Candidate Description: Andy is a self-starter and seems to be comfortable
in taking some measured risks. He has shown some potential in starting
groups and ministries with some degree of success, but his recent ministry
track record has not been marked by him starting a number of new ministries
or faith ventures.

Category Rating: 5

3. Communication Skills
Category Description: The candidate has a proven track record of
communicating the Word of God in a relevant and compelling way through his
preaching, teaching and counseling with the result that spiritual fruit and
growth are evident. He understands his community context and the
unchurched there and is able to communicate to them in their “language” and
Candidate Description: Andy has had some preaching experience in an
established church. He does not have much experience preaching and
connecting with the unchurched. He admits that no one has responded to the
Gospel through his preaching but this could be due to his ministry context.

Category Rating: 5

4. Evangelistic Skills
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Category Description: The candidate relates well to the unchurched and
unsaved and regularly does the work of an evangelist.
Candidate Description: Andy has shown some attempts at evangelism, but
evangelism is not a burning passion in his heart. He spends most of his time
with those in the church. He has shared the Gospel effectively in the past,
but only to those who were brought to him by others to hear the Gospel. He
has not been personally involved in actively sharing Christ with those with
whom he has personal relationships.

Category Rating: 5

5. Discipling Skills
Category Description: The candidate has the ability to help develop
Christian maturity in individual believers by creating relational environments
that nurture spiritual growth.
Candidate Description: Andy has some experience in discipling others. He
has some experience in using different discipleship tools and curriculum. He
is skilled in leading small groups and has helped many grow in their faith and
get connected with the church.

Category Rating: 6

6. Equipping Skills
Category Description: The candidate demonstrates the ability to help others
discover, develop and use their spiritual gifts in suitable ministries.
Candidate Description: Andy has helped others discover their spiritual gifts
and get involved in ministry. He has trained several people for ministry in a
local church setting. He has a track record of helping others to discover their
spiritual gifts but lacks experience in systematically deploying them in ministry
according to their gifts.

Category Rating: 6

7. Team Building Skills

Category Description: The candidate is a servant-leader who is able to
identify, recruit and build a leadership team of people made up of others who
complement his gift-mix and role preference, and who are (1) in agreement
with his vision and (2) help form the strategic direction for the ministry.
(A team gives leadership to on-going ministry development in contrast to (1) a task force that
organizes to carry out a short-term project or (2) a paid or volunteer staff that works for the
leader. True team members help each other build strategies that will carry out their
commonly-held vision.)
Candidate Description: Andy has some experience in building, teaching or
working with teams. He has obvious leadership skills that have been applied
in recruiting and mobilizing a group of people for ministry. He seems to have
a good understanding of his personal role preference on a team.
Category Rating: 6
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8. Group and Leader Multiplication Skills
Category Description: The candidate has the ability to unite diverse people
into groups that accomplish a common vision and which multiply. He is able
to multiply leaders and groups so that more can be accomplished. As a result
of his multiplying skills he can lead a new church to grow beyond the 100 and
200 barriers.
Candidate Description: Andy’s track record is weak in this area, but this may
be due to his ministry context. He has trained and deployed leaders, but they
have not, in turn, developed the next generation. He has not successfully led
a group or ministry through a multiplication process. He has never been
involved in a church-planting church.

Category Rating: 3

9. Knowledge of Church Planting

Category Description: The candidate possesses and applies a growing
knowledge of church planting, church health and church growth. He
demonstrates an observable and practical commitment to the vision of
“growing healthy churches that plant healthy churches.”
Candidate Description: Andy has read some books on church planting, but
these works were not up to date. He is familiar with some church health and
church planting principles but has limited or no experience in applying them.
He does not have experience in being a part of a healthy, growing, outward-
focused church.

Category Rating: 4

10. Emotional Intelligence

Category Description: The candidate is able to easily adjust to the
challenging and rapidly changing environment of a growing new church. He
is flexible and adaptable and has demonstrated the ability to persevere and
bounce back quickly from even the most difficult circumstances while
pressing on because of a Spirit-guided inner call or motivation.
Candidate Description: Andy has been tested in some difficult ministry
situations, and with time has shown that he can bounce back. He is flexible
and can easily adjust to change. He seems to have an average energy level
with fluctuating emotions depending on the circumstances.

Category Rating: 6

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Overall Ratings: Call: 6

Character: 8

Chemistry: 7

Competencies: 5

Strengths related to church planting:

 Andy’s DISC & MBTI tests show high potential to be a good church planter.
 Andy has a very supportive wife, and a good, strong and healthy marriage.
 He has exhibited godly character, indicated by strong spiritual disciplines, good Bible
study habits, and a strong support system with accountability partners.

Weaknesses related to church planting:

 Andy could not passionately articulate a clear sense of calling from God to
specifically plant a church.
 He does not have a clear and compelling vision burning inside of him for what the
church plant could and should look like.
 He has not shown a strong track record in the areas of starting/gathering,
evangelism, and multiplication.
 He has not shown initiative in researching, studying, and reading resources about
church planting.
 He does not have experience leading in a healthy, growing, outward-focused church.

Church Planting Recommendations: We cannot recommend Andy to pursue starting

a new church plant at this time. We do recommend:
 that Andy take some time to gain more experience and develop his ministry skills.
Andy seems to have some potential to be a good church planter, but we question his
readiness to plant a church at this time due to his lack of experience in ministry
settings that are similar to church planting. He has experience working in an
unhealthy, inward-focused church that is mainly concerned for the needs of the
insiders. That experience will not translate well to a church planting situation geared
to reach the lost.
 that he seek to gain more experience leading within a healthy, growing, outward-
focused church. We believe that in such a setting, we would be able to clearly see
his passion, gifts, and strengths in action, and that he would be able to have time for
this vision to develop within him. We are not saying that Andy will never be a good
church planter. But rather it is an issue of timing and experience. He needs time for
God to clarify his calling and develop this vision within him. He needs a good
ministry context to be able to develop the ministry skills necessary to start a healthy
new church. It is our hope that after some time leading in a different ministry context
and gaining valuable experience, that we can endorse Andy without reservations.

Approval as a church planter does not guarantee placement. Other applications and approvals may be
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