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Second Year

Quiz on Unit 7 p. 1
Name: ………………..……………… Group: ……………………..
Tel: ……………………………..…… code: ………………….……
Choose the correct answer:
1- Look! Someone …………… your car.
a) is stealing b) steals c) steal d) are stealing
2- I can’t meet you tomorrow as I …………. my grandmother.
a) visiting b) will visit c) visit d) am visiting
3- The car ………..…. at the moment.
a) is mending b) mends c) mend d) is being mended
4- The cake ………… delicious.
a) taste b) is tasting c) tastes d) tasting
5- The sun ……….. in the east.
a) rise b) rises c) is rising d) rose
6- He ………. get up early.
a) doesn’t b) don’t c) isn’t d) wasn’t
7- The streets ………….. every day.
a) clean b) are cleaned c) cleaned d) cleans
8- He ……………. a fantastic car.
a) is having b) has c) have d) was having
9- I ………… a dream to be a doctor someday.
a) am having b) has c) have d) had
Choose the correct translation:
.‫ان االحالم تتحقق بالعمل الجاد و الصبر‬
a) Dreams can be realized with hard work and patient.
b) Dreams can be realized with hard work and patience.
c) Dreams can’t be realized with hard work and patience.
d) Dreams can achieve with hard work and patience.

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