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1) Choose the correct answer from a. b.

c or d:
1. What a delicious meal we had yesterday! The synonym of '’delicious'' is ……….. .
a) nasty b) tasty c) musty d) fusty
2. She didn't ………….. committing the murder and behaved as a mad woman.
a) impress b) express c) confess d) adapt
3. Your violent ………… wasn't accepted. You must apologue.
a) reaction b) option c) interjection d) collection
4. He was set free because there was no ………….. against him.
a) cattle b) glue c) evidence d) technique
5. Belonging to one person, rather than to other people or to people in general means ………. .
a) formal b) personal c) social d) industrial
6. Hany doesn't eat any meat, but he eats only vegetables and fruits; he is a/an ………….. .
a) politician b) musician c) historian d) vegetarian
7. Nader spent the weekend at home, but he ………… it at his grandparents.
a) could spend b) could have spent c) could be spending d) able to spend
8. I suggest that you …………. join that club. It is not expensive but great.
a) must b) should c) mustn't d) needn't
9. If they had my mobile phone number, they ………….. me regularly.
a) would call b) would have called c) could be called d) will call
10. Next October, my father ………….. 67 years old.
a) is being b) can be c) will be d) would be
11. Layan is …………. cooperative than her brother.
a) more b) most c) least d) many
12. Missing that wonderful chance means that she is …………. .
a) honourable b) selfish c) cute d) foolish
13. Miss Heba,how are you? I haven't seen you ………….. ages.
a) since b) by c) for d) at
14. Rasha, don't be noisy and focus ………… your exam.
a) with b) on c) at d) by
15. Our roof is in a bad condition. It is supposed ………….. .
a) fixed b) be fixed c) to be fixing d) to be fixed
2) Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer:
Over the past forty years, computers and the internet have become more and more important
to us. In fact, depending on computer, technology continues to grow every day. We seem to
use computers for almost everything these days in shopping, driving our car or, communicating
with relatives and colleagues.
This explosion in computer technology has resulted in a rush to install computers in every
classroom and to wire every school to the internet. In the USA, between 1984,and 1997 alone,
the number of computers in secondary schools increased to more than 8 million. Both
educators and students alike have been forced to keep up with this new wave of technology.
Teachers have found that even though they themselves are still trying to learn the most basic
of computer skills, they are expected to teach students about computer knowhow.

2 ‫ تيرم أول‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (ثانية ثانوي‬

Now, we can see that Egypt has provided the secondary school students with tablets to
develop the educational process. Few people would question the role that tablets could play in
education. Some educationalists declare that if the students are given the opportunity to use
them properly, they will get better grades. Tablets make the classroom a better place to teach
concepts and ideas that students need to become brighter and more successful adults. They
enable students to keep up with the progress In modern technology around the world.
Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
16. The second paragraph deals with ………….. .
a) The importance of computers b) The use of computers at schools
c) The number of computers is increasing d) The misuse of computers nowadays
17. At the beginning, teachers were expected to teach students how to use computers
although teachers ………….. .
a) knew to use computer b) were delighted to use them
c) were still learning how to use computers d) knew all the basics of computer skills
18. The underlined word "depending" means …………… .
a) relying b) relating c) making d) having
19. The underlined word “them" refers to
a) teachers b) computers c) classrooms d) tablets
20. According to the passage, we use computers very often in our daily life for ………….. .
a) shopping b) communication c) driving d) all of them
21. The explosion in computer technology led to ………… .
a) the limit use of computer b) the increase in computer price
c) the decrease in using computers d) a rush to install computers everywhere
22. The opposite of the underlined word “wire" is to
a) connect b) disconnect c) appear d) disappear
23. Using computer was ………… at first for teachers and students.
a) obligatory b) optional c) accepted d) easy
24. A. Choose the correct Arabic translation from a. b. c or d:
Good personal hygiene is important for both health and social reasons. It entails keeping your
hands, head and body clean.
.‫ فهي تستلزم الحفاظ علي يديك و رأسك و جسمك‬,‫ النظافة الشخصية الجيدة مهمة ألسباب اجتماعية و شخصية‬.A
.‫ فهي تستلزم الحفاظ علي يديك و رأسك و أرجلك نظيفة‬,‫ النظافة الشخصية الجيدة ضرورية ألسباب صحية و اجتماعية‬.B
.‫ فهي تستلزم الحفاظ علي يديك و رأسك و جسمك‬,‫ النظافة الشخصية الجيدة مهمة ألسباب صحية و اجتماعية‬.C
.‫ فهي تستلزم الحفاظ علي يديك و رأسك و جسمك‬,‫ النظافة الشخصية الجيدة ليست هامة ألسباب صحية و اجتماعية‬.D
B) Choose the correct English translation from a. b. c or d:
‫ فقد تجد نفسك أفضل مما‬,‫ لذلك ال تفقد األمل و حاول مرات و مرات‬,‫ فهي متغيرة و سريعة طوال الوقت‬,‫ال تبقي الحياة كما هي‬
a) Life doesn't stay the same. It is fast and unchangeable all the time. So. don’t lose hope. Try
times and times. You may find yourself in a better place than you hoped to have.
b) Life doesn't stay the same. It Is fast and changeable all the time. So, don't lose hope. Try
times and times. You may find yourself in a better place than you hoped to have.
c) Life doesn't stay the same. It is fast and changeable all the time. So, don't lose hope. Try
times and times. You may find yourself in a bitter place than you hoped to have.
‫ تيرم أول‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (ثانية ثانوي‬ 3
d) Life doesn't stay the same. It is fast and changeable all the time. So, don't lose hope. Try
times and times. You may find yourself in a better palace than you hoped to have.
D) The play “King Lear:" Answer the following questions:
1. If you were Cordelia, how would you react to the King’s question?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. What do you think of Kent's attitude towards the King?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Edmund is a symbol of evil in the play. Do you agree? Why / Why not?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Write an essay of about (180) words on the following topic:
Reclaiming desert is a solution for many problems in Egypt.

‫كل اللي نفسك فيه هع اسباير ثانيت ثانوي ترم ثاى‬

‫دقت في الوحتوي بذوى حشو‬
A4 ‫طباعت فاخرة هقاس‬
‫سعر علي أد اإليذ‬
‫ جنيه فقط‬84 ‫ جنيه و بعذ الخصن‬105 ‫فقط‬

4 ‫ تيرم أول‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (ثانية ثانوي‬

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