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Honestly, I am concerned about two things about the ethical issues in

psychology. First is confidentiality, confidentiality is important for everyone, not

just for the research participants. All of us do not want our personal
information to be leaked to others. When you conduct a research, and interview
a respondent, you must blur their face, so that they can stay anonymous,
unless you have the permit to show the respondent's face. This also applies
when you survey a respondent, their answers must not be shown to others. The
primary purpose of confidentiality is to ensure that the respondents will be
protected from any harm. If the information of vulnerable populations like
minors and employees is leaked, they may face negative consequences (Kaiser,
2009). Secondly is debriefing, debriefing is important so the respondents or the
participants in your research know what consequences they may face.
Debriefing also explains what they need to do, and the procedures that they will
undergo. Without debriefing, the participants would not know the
consequences that they will face. When the participants are debriefed, they
can properly think about whether they would like to participate or not.

Kaiser, K. (2009). Protecting respondent confidentiality in qualitative research. Qualitative Health

Research, 19(11), 1632–1641.

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